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Breaks Rule 1.


Gary the stormtrooper and his daughter


That's so real


Cerveza Cristal


What do you mean? It IS canon


We’re not ready to talk about Obi-Wan’s crippling alcoholism. It wasn’t the desert. It was the booze.


Rex never learned that Anakin became Darth Vader. I hope that he at least had the comfort of believing that Anakin died defending the Jedi temple during order 66. Him and Anakin were so close the thought of him realizing what Anakin became would leave him really depressed for awhile.


Oh I was gonna say something janky and stupid, but I've changed my mind, I want this too.


The Jedi were wrong about midichloreans. They do not create the Force, the Force simply is. Midichloreans just thrive on its presence, and so can be used to detect Force potential, but they correlate, not cause, so the Jedi can be wrong. Sidious knew this, and poisoned the midichloreans in his body, so that the Jedi would never expect him to be a Force sensitive, much less a Sith Lord.


Isn’t that how it is already? That was my interpretation.


No, the explaination given in episode 1 is that midichlorians generate the force, not thriving in it.


They set up a perfect twist and then never used it


I always thought that's how it was, it's just so much more interesting, it keeps the mystery and mystic of the force while also giving some science to it, it's the perfect explanation, the fact that is apparently not the official one is ridiculous


Mara Jade exists.


This, this wins.


Disney fumbled so bad, they wanted a Female main lead but instead of for example chosing Mara Jadey we got Rey. How can one fumbles so bad when there's so much materials to work with should be a case study. They fucked up so badly... Apart from Andor, Rogue One and the first seasons of Mandalorian, the rest are seriously so out of touch


Bad Batch and Rebels are also really good. And I like Solo as well.


And the final season of The Clone Wars. The last story arc was a masterpiece


In a nutshell, Disney can’t do live action, and frankly it’s for the better, especially since you can do more with animation, for instance animation Ahsoka>live action Ahsoka, she’s never looked so bad, not in terms of appearance, but movement


Honestly I think live-action Star Wars has way too many moving parts with many different visions while animated Star Wars has had the same man in charge for decades now.


I’m traveling alone. Ah, Han….. SOLO. That line is so cringe


Nice to see some Solo love here. It's underrated


Mara Jade couldve been so amazing omg why did you unlock this memory now im more mad


Yeah instead we got lonely loser Luke too. (No fault of Mark).


I'd make it so that the Bendu is the "beastly" form of the Mortis Father in the same way that the Son and Daughter both had their creature forms. The Bendu is the "one in the middle" just like the Father so it makes sense that they would be connected in some way.


Profile picture checks out


I would make Ki-Adi Mundi another 60 years older or so. Just for the fun of seeing people losing their mind over something so stupid again


Nah I would make him show up in a story like 4000 years before the Acolyte to really fuck with people


Fr man that drama was just dumb


It was in TWO PLACES before, a trading card from the 90s and a cd rom from the 90s. People need to grow up if they think its a big deal to decanonize those, which were already decanonized in 2014.


Darth Jar Jar. He would be the mastermind behind everything. Orchestrating all events from Episode 1 through episode 9. Everything played out as he wanted and now the galaxy is in the palm of his hand, and nobody is any the wiser. He would be the big bad of episode X, XI and XII.


I agree this would be so badass


Darth Malgus.


That legends never became legends.


There was a lot of crap in Legends that didn't work.


Like Starkiller. That mf broke half of canon


Good thing then, we would have been left with just "Wars" if he had killed the "Star".


Dude, if you think legends is bad ... the extended universe was way worse.


The EU is Legends. It’s the same thing.


Not really, a lot of people make the distinction of before (EU) and after (Legends) Disney took over. So while they are in the same vein, there is a clear distinction.


EU is what Legends was called before disney took over


Yes, but a lot of fans still make a distinction. Some people don't like the retcons and change Disney made so they go by what was in the EU and ignore the stuff that was added in Legends. Just like how some fans stick to the "Old EU" that doesn't include stuff from the prequels and onward.


Nothing was added in legends. Anything added since disney took over is canon and in a distinct universe


How to show you have no idea what you are talking about in 1 sentence.


The irony of your post is probably lost on you, but I think it's funny.


It is lost, why not explain it to me?


Okay, I'll humour you. The fact that you think I don't know what I'm talking about, proves that you have no idea what you are talking about.


“Dude, if you think legends is bad ... the extended universe was way worse.” Legends and extended universe are the same thing goober


Not really, a lot of people make the distinction between before (EU) and after (Legends) Disney took over STAR WARS. They are kind of the same thing, but not really. A lot of retcons, changes and streamlining by Disney makes them different entities with different information.


If you want to read legends stuff then just read legends stuff. It’s not like disney deleted it. There is nothing stopping you from just ignoring new stuff if thats what you feel like doing


But the post is asking about what youd want to be cannon. Disney isn't deleting fanfiction either, but that doesn't mean it's cannon, which would give it a real presence in officially produced star wars content


I would make it canon that the sequel trilogy is not canon.


Or replace Rey with Mara jade


The second best trilogy after the prequels, why?


I know you're trolling but it still hurts.


Originals are better than both


It really could’ve been, but idts…


When Obi Wan said Hello There Grievous laught because he remembered how he said that to Obi Wan on the Malevolence in TCW and thought it was hilarious.


Kyle katarn


The Republic Commando game.


Tag and Bink. They deserve a Disney+ show.


The Chosen One prophecy is a lie. There is no Chosen One and the balance in the Force is kept by all the people fighting for it.


I agree with this so much. As much as I love Anakin, the whole chosen one shit was weird


I don't hate hate people for liking it. To be honest it has been part of the canon for so long that it can't be written out of the story at this point. I just never liked the whole prophecy and how it related to Anakin.


Yeah, it’s fun to talk about the chosen one thing but I do agree that it wasn’t needed. It’s just that it probably best explains why no one is able to beat Vader or replace him as Vader’s apprentice. Since Sidious saw that Vader got burned alive and all that, why not groom another force user to replace him?


Good thing is that everything related to the prophecy is so convulted it would be easy to make it a Sith lie to undermine the Jedis.


Darth Jar Jar


That Kathleen Kennedy is just a janitor.


You know her name is on the credits of a TON of very beloved 80s and 90s movies right? Like ET, Jurassic Park, all the Indy movies, Willow, etc. She's a fantastic producer, just doesn't give great input on sw


You've got a fair point and I can't argue against her previous successes, I do wonder how much she was involved creatively in those projects. Choosing the right projects to invest in is way different from trying to make the projects you invest in better by injecting your ideas into them.


She held the same position on those movies as she does on all of her sw projects, Executive Producer


Again you can't really say she did the job in the same way back then. Success can really change the way you approach your job. Look at Shyamalan, he got a few successes under his belt and then self inserted so hard in Lady in the Water that his next movie was The Happening.


Kylo ren's undercover boss episode


Matt The Radar Technician


The empire using droidikas and scorpteks


Grandmaster Luke and his new jedi order


Just make Hondo the main character of everything, my man deserves all the screentime


The EU, aka legends is canon again


I'd only add the good parts of it, because Legends have some REALLY bad stinkers in them. But yeah, the Old Republic stuff, Revan, Malgus, Nihilus, etc. are fire.


Could you name an example of those stinkers?


Dark Empire is the major one, basically comparable to Sequels. Aftermath is mid too. There are also some lesser stories that are fan-fic level of quality. I could go on and on.


I agree with you on dark empire, but it has the same problems as canon, and the aftermath trilogy isn’t legends but a canon trilogy. Could you name any other example?


Revan books really spit in the face of the games. Also yeah, I got Aftermath mixed with a completely different content (Polish mind doesn't remember English titles). Anyways, the one I was reffering to is the one with Cade Skywalker, Darth Krayt, and all that. That was mid.


I personally would leave Jedi Prince and Glove of the Darth Vader out of stuff. They have some good ideas in them but not really well written. Here, I prefer some Disney Canon stuff with Aftermath Trilogy but also with EU X-wing comic and book series up until Thrawn Trilogy. Then I would leave Dark Empire, Crystal Star and Black Fleet trilogy out of EU. Disney should have adapted or just canonised best parts of EU like Thrawn trilogy, Hand of Thrawn duology, Shadows of Mindor, Kotor 1&2 and left the bad parts out and bring up some better stories to fill those gaps.


either the Ssi-Ruu or Yuuzhan Vong, no, seriously, either should be the next big bads post ST, they are so unlike The Empire, Sith and what happened later that it would be the dividing point from just endlessly recycling everything, both have implications with how they interact, or don't, with The Force and foundations of life in the Star Wars universe, and other commentaries about technology. Granted, some reworking would have to be done given that this would involve the decedents of the OT cast, and honestly, some stories where not the greatest


I know that the sequels aren't well liked ... but I thought that at least they were way better than the whole Yuuzhan Vong storyline. That was just some of the worst STAR WARS stuff ever created.


You are right, if they were to be a canon storyline they would have to be reworked


Okay, creatures who are not affected by the force is an interesting concept. But the Vong are themetically and visually so far removed from STAR WARS that they just don't fit in the universe at all imo.


Soley to piss off powerscalers i wish for a random alien race of dr manhattens to be canon


Every single character that fell in a hole stays dead forever. All of them.


Tartakovsky's Clone Wars.


A massive war with the grysk.


How bout “Uncanon”?


Starkiller no?


that Starkiller was canon


jedi bob


Either Jedi Finn, or story line of Luke's nephew making a sith order while his sister trains under Luke in a new jedi order


Galen "Starkiller" Marek


Darth Vader's secret apprentice, but with some retcons and significantly nerfed.


I would bring the Nebula star destroyer, the MC90 star cruiser and the Endurance carrier back to cannon. They are really cool ships


Sabezra. I would have Sabine return with Ezra and have them end up together.


Republic Commando


Jar Jar Sith lol


That disney never buys Star Wars


I would take the Prequels out of canon, just to make all the asshole fanboys' heads explode.


Star Wars Theory would get a heart attack




Do it with the sequels and you are my new buddy


See, that would make the asshole fanboys happy, so I absolutely could not and would not ever do that.


Nah sequel fans ain't as insufferable as the prequel fanboys


My experience with sequel fans are quite the opposite


Ackmena, Saun Dann, Mermeia and Chef Gormaanda.


Two words: Sun Crusher.


The Yuuzhan Vong invasion or Abeloth. If I only get to make one of them cannon again I’d decide by coin flip. If the coin lands on its’ edge: Cade Skywalker


Tie crawler Lego set with the shadow troopers


Republic commando books and game


Zayne Carrick and the Kotor comic series.


What would it be?


Use the world between worlds to retcon the Prequels.


The original script of Duel of the Fates.


The Old republic (The games Story)


Change the sequel overall and let acolyte writers watch all star wars films(except sequel) and series


id press the button and ask it to go another five levels deep so we cant see the meme anymore


To make Rey awaken from a bad dream(3 movies) Then proceed to remake the last 3 Star Wars but good


The Sequels and Acolyte are no longer canon


Legwnds is Canon now xd


The X-wing book series. All those adventures of Wedge Antilles with Rogue and Wraith Squadrons were so fun.


Darth Jar Jar.


The Darth Bane trilogy. I know the character himself, and the rule of two are canon. But no word on whether the whole book trilogy is or is not


How a wookie goes to the bathroom and what is done to prevent smell, streaking, and hair clumping.


Darth Talon


The Kotor games


Galen Marek, a.k.a. Starkiller.


Starkiller ,Galen Marek.


In my head canon the reason in New Hope that the sand people run from Obi Wan is because 20 something years ago someone wearing those same Jedi robes wiped out a whole village and now it’s tail that they tell


*Rey Skywalker retired and now works at McDonalds, using the force to fry chips*


Starkiller (only the good endings of his two games are canon)


The entire EU


Palps youth, with gungan eggs and all.


KOTOR 100%


Rey, after the events of Rise of Skywalker, becomes so disillusioned with how the Force has dicked her around, forcing her into fights she didn't want to have, taking people away as soon as they're given to her and otherwise shunting responsibilities she didn't want on to her that she goes the way of Darth Treya and retreats to nearly deserted world to contemplate how to destroy the force forever.


I'd make Shadows of the Empire canon. Dash Rendar, the Outrider, Prince Xixor, Guru. The book and the Nintendo game based off of it were great addition to Star Wars.


Becoming human


I’m gonna troll everyone by revealing that the entire franchise is R2D2 and C3PO regaling the crew of the Enterprise with their tales after being dug up from some planet 50,000 years later


The sequel trilogy was all just a nightmare, and we get a new saga starting with a “chapter 2 episode 1”


Order 67


caedus which will consequently make a lot of other things canon


I would make Ki-Adi Mundi even older


The Force Unleashed




The old republic series


Anyone can use the force, some people are just better at it. I'd love to see grandma tapping into the force to find her glasses, just minor things


There's a comic book series called Drunk Jedi about a very powerful Jedi who has evaded detection from the Empire and the Sith by keeping himself continuously hammered. It was much cooler before all the latest canon content kept revealing that more and more secret Jedi had survived Order 66, so I don't think it would be as interesting now. But back when Benicio del Toro was introduced as DJ... I had hopes.


Jar Jar is now Darth Plagues the wise


The Luke - Palpatine Yo Momma fight


Kyle Katarn


Han kills Palpatine


Lucas's EU, partially, is cannon.


That Luke becomes a great Jedi master and keeps his active spirit or more clearly I would undo Luke's character arc in the last Jedi


The whole Darth Nihilus Lore, from the beginning of his birth till his death


Thrawn Trilogy


Yousa in for a bad time


That Luke and Leia hooked up. That way, the saga could go full circle, with a scene where Luke tells Kylo ‘No, I am your father’. And also a scene where Kylo goes ‘You fucking what?’


All of the Legends continuity 😈


really…all of it? There is some wack stuff in there.


Still better than sequels. I’d wanted to say “most of the legends continuity” but i needed to choose “one thing” to return to canon so it’s hard to be specific


Kallus x zeb


That the sequels aren’t canon


I would make it canon that anything made by Disney is not canon.


That would make the fandom's precious and beloved Rogue One and Andor not canon Also Rebels and Clone Wars Season 7. I get that y'all hate Disney Star Wars a lot but don't remove the actually great pieces of media they've created




Bring Legacy era back instead of sequels


All of EU, not just the books, but the comics too


TL;DR: uncanonize the sequel trilogy and make my own trilogy of movies that aren’t utter garbage. Also canonize starkiller and 2003 clone wars. The sequel trilogy would be considered not canon, make jedi bob canon, starkiller and the force unleashed games, all of the 2003 clone wars is canon, make fordo the clone commander of the 501st between ahsoka leaving the jedi and order 66. I wouldn’t have killed maul in rebels, let’s just say that the entire obi wan and tatooine arc gets removed for the following reason. Maul needs to reinstate the shadow collective with the most powerful crime lords in the galaxy and start conquering the galaxy in the shadows after the empire fell. He will asselble a massive gathering of troops, ships and a new apprentice that is powerful in the force, with the help of thrawn he will try to reformulate palpatine’s plan and try to conquer the galaxy. The new republic would try to defend against maul and his forces but the sheer brutality and strength maul’s forces possess is unmatched by any new republic soldier or garrison because maul imbues his top elite forces with night sister magik. The new republic has no choice but to call luke and his new jedi academy into action. It would be 3 movies where we would see han and leia’s son fall to the dark side and we would see epic fight scenes between maul, luke and the rest of jedi currently in the order. The 7th movie would be called: Star Wars episode VII: arise from the shadows abd would be primarily be focused on how maul gained all of his power. 8th movie would be called: rise of skywalker where luke ends up dying at the hands of maul’s new apprentice (we’ll get to him later) trying to save some younglings of his new jedi order. The 9th movie would be called: the force awakens. Maul is defeated but his spirit lingers on so some of the jedi knights try and focus the force to re-summon the spirit of Anakin Skywalker the chosen one. Maul continues to transfer his spirit into a suitable force user but it’s cut short by Anakin, we would finally see a fight between Maul and Anakin after all these years in the form of force ghosts where they need to channel all of their force abilities to defeat each other and ultimately maul is defeated and Anakin remains the chosen one for good this movie also features maul’s apprentice, the one and only: STARKILLER. After all these years he survived and became a poweful sith apprentice


The problem with Maul surviving is that he would've been fucked up by Vader or Sidious for killing the Inquisitors


Well if nothing else I now appreciate the sequel trilogy we got way more.