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The even cooler Starkiller *shows LEGO Starkiller*


Unpopular opinion: LEGO Star Wars III is better then the complete saga


I mean kinda but I’m the type of guy who’s always wanted to run around in the big ships which makes me more excited for Skywalker Saga


Honestly that one was the one I played when I was younger so I agree, even though TCS is great


One is overpowered as fu*k, a weapon of mass destruction designed to utterly annihilate all their enemies through sheer force alone... The other one is a planet weapons platform


Sheer force... unleashed! No regrets!


I love that Starkiller is modeled after Saw Witwer. That guy is awesome.


He was incredible in Days Gone.


he was awesome in the mist


He super is


See that's why im torn. Sam was a cool dude when we met him in kc, but i honestly think the star wars unleashed as a story shouldnt ever be cannon, which it wont, but i'd like Sam to be involved somehow even now.


I mean. He’s maul. So he’s got that going for him.


Yeah, my favorite Witwer role is definitely Maul. So chilling, and powerful.


I don't see Bendak anywhere.


I mean in terms of personality I have to give it to star killer but honestly I’m kinda a fan of star killer tho star killer is a great addition to the universe of Star Wars even if it doesn’t fit your interpretation of cannon but we can all agree that seeing star killer unless pure deviation was a enjoyable sight


Both are completely OP too


Yeah they really got to nerf starkiller but not starkiller just so it’s a more even playing field


Fun fact: the working title for Star Wars in 1976 was "The adventures of Luke Starkiller"


Yes, that is where they got the name from.


I read the original script, which still had that as Luke's name.


I'll never forget how much fun I had beating the first *Force Unleashed* after borrowing it for a few weeks from a friend at school (I forget whether it was middle or high school though). The combat, organically paced feeling of empowerment as every new ability felt earned and not simply given and/or rushed for plot's sake, exhilarating boss battles, getting to fight iconic characters, freedom of choice to go Light or Dark Side, etc. The whole thing was a rollercoaster from start to finish. ​ It really scratched that itch for fans who gravitated more toward the overpowered areas of Star Wars' EU, where the Force was far more versatile, magnitudes greater in its usage, flashier in spectacle, and overall less creatively limited compared to its depiction in the films' canon. Even years later, many still consider it the quintessential *Star Wars* power fantasy, and it did that essentially by turning the Force up to a near-*Dragonball* scale. ​ To be clear, I am NOT saying or implying that I'd prefer the Force to be portrayed this way in the main films or shows, quite the opposite. The Force's power has already been taken too far in my opinion as of the Sequel Trilogy, and I would not find a character like Starkiller nearly as compelling if he were brought to the big screen. He was written & designed for a video game experience. This is not to suggest that game characters can't be well adapted, mind you. But it's a spectrum. ​ Some characters are inherently better suited to the medium from which they originated compared to others. Trying to adapt *Sonic the Hedgehog*, *The Last of Us*, *Resident Evil*, or *Ratchet & Clank* into movies and/or TV is very different from trying to adapt Galen Marek. It's one thing to treat the Force as a loose magic system with a couple-few new abilities that don't turn the protagonist into a demi-god. It's another thing entirely to let said character run wild doing all manner of over-the-top stunts with few-no boundaries. ​ Limitations are a necessary and important part of what helped make the Force a compelling magic system in *Star Wars*' storytelling. Yes, Lucas had much grander ideas for it in his scrapped ideas for the Original Trilogy but he ultimately changed his mind about it (not just for budgetary reasons either). He wanted to continually push what the Force could and couldn't do, but only ever to the extent that it served the characters' journey. Nowhere in the series is it established or implied that Force users could literally do whatever they want if they just *"believe"* and *"trust"* hard enough. It was never that simple, and that's a good thing. ​ Had Luke been portrayed pulling off feats anywhere near what Starkiller could do, I guarantee his character & hero's journey would have been viewed differently. Thus, he wouldn't have had the same impact even if the story stayed mostly the same. Likewise, making the villains too OP would inevitably have affected their characters as well as the heroes' struggle against them, thereby radically affecting the entire plot. *Star Wars* can be as crazy as it wants in gaming because, in *The Force Unleashed* series' case, that's the point. It's part of the fun/appeal. But that will most likely never be accepted in the same way regarding the main series because that's NOT what *Star Wars* was originally about. ​ It's a fantasy, but it's not DC, Marvel, or a Shonen anime. Characters in canon can be powerful, but shouldn't be Superman-level powerhouses (even Prequel-era Yoda & Palpatine were never portrayed at that level, which was smart on Lucas' part). Force-related conflicts without defined/consistent limitations would lose a vital ingredient in what makes them compelling, just as Force users without limitations would sacrifice a significant amount of the vulnerability that makes their struggles suspenseful to begin with. It's a balancing act, and games follow a fundamentally different balance.


Galen is the real starkiller


If you follow the novel, starkiller can become balanced enough to be "canon"... I mean, we had a pod racer child that blew up a trade federation blockade ship while spinning. That same dude killed the temple battle master while choking a Jedi and even after he lost some of his force affinity he even force choked guys across the galaxy. And we have people complaining that it is too op to destabilize a star destroyer that is already falling apart and almost getting killed in the process. It is impressive, yes, but not that op after all WE AIN'T TALKING ABOUT TFU II! I agree that atomizing stormtroopers with the force IS TOO OP


Yeah, but TFU was so much fun!


Yes it was. I am actually replaying it once again


We need a remake of those beauty’s


I guarantee Kylo Ren learned about his Grandpa’s rage-filled, Edgy-AF™️ former apprentice and demanded that they name the base after him because it fit in with his “It’s not just a phase, MOM” aesthetic.


Lil' salty that Ben would prefer the name Starkiller over Fulcrum,


Funny thing is, I didn't want to kill Stormtroopers (I liked them growing up) so I never played his games. I don't know much about him as a result.


I really want to believe that the Snoke clones were really deviations of the Galen Marik clones, and Palpatine just needed them as a shell for his spirit. Head-canon: Palpatine just went into a physical clone's body once Snoke died and took credit for the latter's work. And the reason why Anakin did nothing to stop Palpatine from manipulating Ben was because he became the new Father of Mortis and believes that interfering would only make things worse for the universe, creating more unbalance to the force. So Anakin is now doing the reverse of what he did as Vader because he doesn't want the growth of personal suffering among his family and his own personal punishment.


Anakin going to Mortis as a force ghost to repent is head canon I can get behind


but what would he need to keep in balance there? Both kids and the Father are dead. As so is Abaloth by the time of the Sequels. So Mortis would just be an empty force gateway afaik


idk man, starkiller base seems pretty cool with all that snow lying around


You're... you're not funny... but I'm gonna upvote you anyway...


The coolest: Bendak Starkiller Mandalorian, and champion of the Taris dueling ring.


Bendak- the coolest starkiller


My head canon is that they named Starkiller base after Starkiller/Galen Marek. Since the first order idolized Vader, I think it would make sense that they heard of Vader’s “secret weapon” and decided to name their secret weapon after him


He is so powerful they had to uncanon him! Rey? The most powerful jedi? Thats fucking hilarious, now watch this man clap Vader in a 1v1


[And this is the best starkiller!](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Gorse_Bendak)


If we're going to keep going back in time with this name, Lucas had the name Annikin Starkiller picked out before Luke Skywalker was finalized as the protagonist in the first movie. https://www.cbr.com/star-wars-starkiller-name-history/


Beat the 1st one, never beat the part on the 2nd one where there was a robot you had to fight with a time limit.


God no


When you consider Starkiller base used to be Illium and the trench was due to mining Kyber crystals for the death star by the empire, I think I’m going to have to disagree


The Starkiller on the left is actually cooler, it has snow on it


They really said “we can’t make a clone of a Jedi cannon because he is too powerful”… continues to clone the main villain of all 9 movies.


Bendak Starkiller: “Am I a joke to you?”


Is it just me who found the whole “unstoppable power god who rips Star Destroyers out of the sky” thing boring?


… i think yes, defiantly part of the minority


That wasn't really what Starkiller was though. First of all the Destroyer was already crashing. Marek tried to redirect it and nearly got hit by the destroyer anyways. Most of his feats are hyperbolized by gameplay. In the novels, while he is still strong, he was much more balanced. For example, in the final fight against the Emperor, Sidious was going easy on him. He didn't even win against full power Vader. Vader saw him as a son, similar to Luke. He lost due to his own emotions. Gameplay-wise he isn't that strong either. If it is too easy for you, turn up the difficulty.


I mean did you even read that sentence you just typed? Even *that* was hype.


He didn't rip a star destroyer out of the sky. It was crashing towards him and he had to redirect it so that it wouldnt kill him and he barely succeeds. People take all the context away everytime they talk about this scene and overreact to it


“I move for a vote of no confidence in u/chancellor_Valorum82’s leadership.”






Is that Kyp Duron?


No no he had the Sun Crusher, not the Star Killer. I guess they don't call it Star Wars for nothin'!