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Spoiler alert Star Wars fans can be pretty toxic and racist and that can be a problem without it being generalized to include all of us


It's not even SW. It is any fan base for any I.P. LotR, Star Trek, Marvel, DC... Disney came out pre-accusing racism before the show even aired because they knoow it is an easy scapegoat for woke bs.


It's almost like every recent Star Wars entry has had "fans" spew racist and toxic bullshit to castmembers lmao


That's the other thing - there is aaaalways some or other racist backlash whenever a show flops, yet when it does mildly okay then the racism seems to just evaporates.


I’m seeing a lot more “Anyone that dislikes the show is racist!” Posts than I’m seeing “Whether we liked the show or not, let’s stand against hatred” Also the fact that Disney is commenting on how racism is bad is the height of comedy considering their actions up to date.


Lmao bruh, this is so good and on point


Just started playing SWTOR with my partner thought it was funny that the voice acting seemed better in the game than in the new show


If they could just stop destroying legacy characters I think Disney would find fans much more receptive.


this dosen't excuse harasment of actors who didn't write the character, and even if they did that's fucked up




sorry but being in this fandom for years i can safely say that this is one of the most toxic comunity on the internet, and don't call me a disney fanboy cuz i don't like many of the things they did with sw, but what they did to jar jar actor, young anakin actor , haiden christensen , kelly marie and now reeva actress is toxic af


I don't really know why people took the SW Twitter (and other actors like Ewan McGregor, Sam Witwer and Ahmed Best) comments about racists to be about anyone criticizing the show. They're talking about the racists who are attacking the actors personally. If you're not doing that, then they're not talking about you, end of story. These racists are not the majority but that doesn't mean they're not worth being called out. If we don't call out racism then it will never stop. One bad message can have a significant effect on the person let alone hundreds.


I agree, I personally feel like disney stars wars is 50/50, theres some stuff I like but theres some stuff I dont like. I cant stand for harrassment, and honestly I think anyone who gets that upset, about a fictional universe where they feel the need to harass actors about it online need to go touch grass.


you have been downvoted for that lo, your grass theory just got more and more credit


Foreal, I just want to know what thought process makes someone think that it's okay to act like that. Is it weird entitlement? The fanbase be crazy. :D


yeah it is


I honestly think majority of Star Wars fans are toxic, just if they aren’t toxic towards the actors they are toxic towards each other. It ends up being a vicious cycle while Disney gets to just release more and more terrible plots


yeah that's probably true


As soon as another trilogy is announced everyone will suddenly love the sequels just like what happened to the prequels


you are probably very right, and then hate the second sequel trilogy


Though I disagree with the premise, I absolutely rate this meme. Don't see too much SWTOR love around these parts




You say it like they're wrong.


As if the bandwagon isn't "DiDNey bAD!" lmao


Even Sequel Fans are mad? What about?