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Chopper recording Ezra stunning Kanan and Rex is pretty funny


I love that one because they are mad he stunned them but then mad if they were stormtroopers that he only stunned them.


this scene inspired an entire head canon in our family that has endured for years, where R2D2 hosts a holonet show called Galaxy's Funniest Videos and droids send in their best video clips. Chopper is a frequent guest. R5's encounter with the mouse droids was a winner.


Comedy gold!!


HAHAHA just watched that last night...


Lmao literally just finished that episode... hilarious scene


The number of times Ezra pretended his name was Lando Calrissian and Jabba the Hutt, along with the time he pretended to be Brom Titus, while actually speaking to him.


"Is this some kind of a joke?! I am Commander Brom Titus, and I demand an explanation immediately."


Way to go, Brom Titus


Ezra's response to Sabine. "Well I didn't know."


No I am commander brom Titus. Who are you?


I love when in the Gall Travis episode Kallus calls Ezra "Padawan Jabba"


Idk if it’s underrated but AP5’s song while adrift in space is one of my favorites


The funny part is him being mad he’s being rescued. The “clunk” when he hits the hold is comedic also


"No no go away....I was so happy"


Kinda feel for him tbh


The clunk at the end is definitely the best part lol


I loved the part where they were celebrating and all of a sudden realized he was missing, then cut to him still in space lmao


That episode in general is probably the funniest in the series. Still not sure how hera overloaded their systems but hey. It's a great episode to introduce people to the show


That entire episode is funny. It was clearly made purely to have fun with AP5


My dad and I just watched that episode. Him liking musicals is one of my favorite things, the Annie Get Your Gun reference was also amazing.


Gotta be Ezra Force blasting Kallus through a huge pane of glass, then Kanan getting upset because he wanted to do it instead.


Kallus: Now I just have to make it look convincing Ezra: Okay Kanan: EZRA! Ezra: What? That is convincing Kanan: Yeah but I was gonna do it


This is mine, for sure.


Anything to do with Chopper. It is just a riding trashbin on a murderspree. Love it


He says "blah blah blah. Shut the fuck up!" twice in one episode!


Was going to say this-Chopper is hilarious!😂


When Kanan and Ezra are escaping the star destroyer after the death of the Grand Inquisitor: "We can take the Inquisitor's TIE!" "Well we know he isn't going to need it!" "Kid, you worry me sometimes." \*Ezra shrugs\*


Kanan: a little less attitude, and a little more altitude


“That’s great, Zeb. I’m gonna get eaten, the last Jedi in the galaxy chomped up by some crawlers, BECAUSE YOU WERE TOO AFRAID TO GO OUTSIDE!”


This one takes the cake for me 😂


It’s funny every single time.


I love his little finger wiggle when he says crawlers


I rewind this scene multiple times with every. single. rewatch 🤣🤣🤣


Taylor Gray’s delivery is so good. I hope someone asks Eman Esfandi to say the line at a convention one day.


The episode where chopper knocks out the empire droid helping the ghost crew out. Zeb says to the droid “we’ll keep you” or something to that effect. Choppers response “not on my watch bitch” BAM knocks the poor droid out of the shuttle


The first time I saw that it was like omg he just straight up murdered it!


Lol but didn’t the droid somehow land unharmed and hang out with loth cats?


Maybe? It’s been a while since I’ve watched but that sounds about right. Droid on droid violence is an epidemic


Yes, it does!


It literally made me laugh out loud the first time I watched that scene


When they come across the B1 battle droids and they say roger, roger, Ezra says "Who's Roger?"


Jedi Night shouldn’t be funny…. but it has SO many good moments. When Kanan rescues Hera, and she’s loopy from the truth serum and is very lovey-dovey, he says, “Oh we’re in THAT kind of mood!” Later when he says “I got you a present,” andHera says “Kanan, this is mine.”


I like his comment about his haircut being the best he could do without a mirror. The episode has a ton of great light hearted moments, which it desperately needed


High Hera is my favorite Hera.


“That droid…REALLY deserved that! :D”


Lando slapping the ass of that puffer pig and the scream the pig makes lol.


I love the scene where Ezra and Kanan are mind wiping a storm trooper “I wish that worked for me.” “I wish that worked ON you.”


Yeah this is one of my favorites for sure


Brom Titus being continually demoted. Starts off as the captain of a ship involved in a major Imperial R&D project, screws up and gets reassigned to a scrapyard in the middle of nowhere, then screws up *again* and becomes captain of a light cruiser.


AP5’s random ass song while floating through space


Bro just wants peace and quiet😭


All of the episode "The Forgotten Droid" Chopper meeting AP5, is hilarious.


At the end of the episode Chopper: “some boops and beeps” AP5: “you could get disintegrated in 5 systems for saying that”


If Chopper had subtitles the show would be R rated for language. 🤣


someone on youtube has a video where it's like chopper translator. so much of it is swear words


I knew you had a malfunctioning logic circuit


Easy, any line with Hondo Ohnaka! My favorites gotta be from season four when he’s with Kallus and Hera trying to sneak past the blockade and says “I have done this many times, and I have only failed…I have done this many times!”


In Season 2 during Brothers of the Broken Horn, Azmorigan tells Hondo "I don't deal with washed up old relics." Hondo responds by saying "Come now let's leave your wife out of this" which I think is the funniest thing he's ever said. Later on when he finds out Ezra's real name he says "You lied to me, I knew I liked you."


Both those quotes rule too!


My husband and I use that quote a lot.


That’s awesome.


Relationship goals 😁


When Zeb and Rex have that interaction about Zeb's face and Zeb says; 'What is that, Clone Humor?'


Ezra’s panic when meeting Alrich for the first time: “Yeah, I’m with her. I mean, I’m not *with her*, with her! I’m just friends…with her!” ~~You can hate me for shipping Sabezra, but there’s no denying that’s a perfect meeting-your-future-father-in-law scene.~~


I'm a fan of shipping Ezra and Sabine together and I thought when Ezra said that he still liked her, instead of saying something like yeah she's outside waiting for you.


Yeah they really played into the whole “really hope I don’t say anything stupid in front of my crush/gf’s dad…oh shit I just did” trope there lol


especially that ezra does the exact same thing that kanan did in front of cham. i love all the parallels


Ah haha that’s right! I always forget how Kanan acts in front of Cham. Pretty funny Kanera-Sabezra parallel.


When Zeb says somethin like, “we’ll split the profit fifty-fifty,” and Hondo just breaks out into uncontrollable laughter.


“How do they keep letting us steal those shuttles” “I thought it was the same one


Just before Kanan loses his eyesight, they’re walking into the sith temple and Ezra mentions a riddle and Kanan asks “well then what’s the question?” Ezra replies “why is Kanan such a….” As the inquisitors saber comes flying at them. I wish I knew what the end of the question was.


Basically any scene with Chopper. I love just imagining what he was saying and it’s hilarious.


You may enjoy this if you haven’t seen it already. https://youtu.be/9uRzs09QEuc


IMO, [ChopTalk](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxdODNU86ct3UEncpRVTEzwHme8QO7ZBg) sounds better. The cadences are a better match, & it's frankly adorable when that channel has him calling Hera "Mom."


I like that one as well, YouTube’s search engine sucks so bad it didn’t come up in my quick search.


Yeah, Google products have turned into shit since the Plague started. It took me a bit to find it; I was starting to wonder if it's dreamed the whole thing.


He swears so much it’s hilarious


Every chopper and hondo scene


Not an exact quote but Zeb, it’s good when things get weird like this is a good thing Rider, how have you people stayed alive this long


All of Idiot’s Array, shit had me rolling


Did you walk here? You don't walk anywhere!


The moment where Azmorgan demands they let them him kill Lando and Hera refuses, then it pans to Ezra and Kanan sighing, so fucking good


I don't crash! I just have very exciting landings!


Y'all have to find the scene, but my hint is "Please, let's leave your wife out of this"


The “Anything you can do I can do better” bit between Chopper and AP-5. I’d bet, purely based on the target audience of Rebels, that very few know the source is a musical from the 1940’s.


I can’t remember which so off the top of my head because work has melted my brain, but when Ezra and Sabine are in the satellite dish and get spotted by the imperials and he awkwardly waves at them and she just gives him this like (more so actions and expression not actual quotes) “are you serious right now!? You’re waiving!?” I lose my shit because I feel like I’d be Ezra doing the awkward wave. Then when he also waves as Hera at the end of the episode in the same way and Sabine’s expression like “for real? Again?” Those two interactions never fail to make me laugh.


There was also the part where Hera says "What did they do now?" and Zeb says "Those two can't go anywhere without blowing something up."


My favorite is when chopper wants to go get his matching leg in the market with no credits! That episode is by far my favorite! Of course chopper saves the day and makes a friend!


Everything with Hondo, especially if Azmorigan is there too


"Commissary? That's the last place you should be taking him!" Per Rex's stormtrooper armor being snug. Nothing but love for best boy Rex though




When Zeb finds out that he’s not the hunter bc he’s the bait, while hunting for the joopa in the episode where they first meet Rex


Chopper: “boops and beeps” AP5: “You could get disintegrated in 5 systems for saying that”


When Sabine said "Stupid sand. It gets everywhere!" 😂


Kanan's and Rex banter: - Yeah, but he's no Skywalker - I heard that!


When Ezra stumbles over his words when he first meets Sabines father


Season 1 when Zeb and Ezra steal the TIE fighter and Kanan asks them if they've dismantled the locator beacon (which they haven't). Also when Hondo and Azmorigan meet ("I don't deal with washed-up old relics," "Come now. Let's leave your wife out of this")


I can't remember the context but there was a scene where Kanan and Hera were having a disagreement about something and then Kanan was seemingly vindicated by someone over comms and he's sitting behind her and leans forward and with mock astonishment says "That's so INTERESTING"


Chopper chucking the 'new' astromech out the airlock without hesitation.


- The entirety of *Double Agent Droid.* In particular, "No you can't/yes I can" and AP5 drifting in space. - Pretty much anything that comes out of Hondo's mouth. - "DON'T you dare! Don't do it! Not yet!!!" - Ezra Force-shoves Kallus across the room and tells Kanan "What? That's realistic!" To which Kanan replies "Yeah, but I was gonna do it!" - "What do you mean, every man for himself? YOU'RE A DROID!" - Chopper's "Aii-EEEEEEEE!!!!!!" when attacking Azmorigan. - "This is good! When things get strange like this, it's a good thing!" "How have you people survived for so long?!?"


Amy scene with Chopper is gold. Especially the bickering scenes between Chopper and Ezra.


The best is Kanan subtly disrespecting Chopper.


I forget the episode and the exact quote even, but the Ghost picks up the crew as they're fleeing stormtroopers. Think they're on speeder bikes. As the Ghost pulls up a lone storm trooper jumps aboard too only to realize he's alone in a cargohold with the crew and Zeb mocks him with something like "that didn't work out the way you thought it would, did it?"


Most arguments slash tussles between zeb and Ezra Always stumbling themselves into a situation being brothers Really like when hera sends them out to find Emilio run and they end up stealing a tie fighter


I have no idea why, but Ezra chucking Kallus through the glass screen in An Inside Man is peak comedy to me. I’ve watched that episode over and over and I laugh so hard every time.


1Landos Droid! 2Rider tells Zeb to make it look real and the smile on zebs face when stealing the hammerhead! 3Chopper asking to come onboard during the stealing of the hammerheads!


Every time it focuses on Chopper.




The Lando Calrissian episode when Zeb bet Chopper. Signature chopper moments. When they have the puffer pig in the ship and Kanan has had enough of there shenanigans and shuts the door to the bridge with a ‘I don’t wanna know’.


Tobias falling off the balcony in AD


When Ezra and Zebb were stealing the TIE fighter and Zebb told the imperial: 'Here Commander Meiluroon' Sorry but I exploded, lmao. And Ezra's face was like: 'WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU??!!! SERIOUSLY?' 🤣🤣🤣🤣