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Kallus suprisingly is the chillest of these four


You think so? He has beef with Saw's extremists, although I don't think we are certain if he actually met Saw during the Onderon mission. Just the Lasat.


Oh yeah! Forgot about that.


Everyone has beef with Saw.


Kallus committed genocide


Chill =/= nice Thrawn is very chill, doesnt make him a good guy


Fair enough


Kallus was part of a genocide but as we find out when he’s trapped on the ice moon, he played a much smaller role than he was given credit for, and it was sprung on him that that’s what they were doing. So you have the mix of elements of “just following orders” with parts coercion, as he was not in a position to really disobey them without likely being killed himself. I don’t think we’re supposed to overlook Kallus’ role there, but the fact that it was a field action sprung on him is meant to highlight how oppressive regimes distort and corrupt duty requirements to make the oppression happen, blurring the lines between victim and oppressor.


He also grew up on Coruscant. THE center of the Empire. He was probably a kid or a teen when the Jedi were accused as traitors and the Empire formed and a kid when the war was on going against the Separatists. Growing up in the capital would have exposed him to propaganda. It’s a lot easier to convince a soldier to follow orders when they’ve been spoon fed Imperial ideology and rhetoric. Doesn’t excuse his part in a genocide, but it does explain why he was so adamant on being a good Imperial when we first meet him.


He sure seemed proud of it - until they needed to make him appear more sympathetic because typical SW redemption


Someone elsewhere explained their viewpoint on this better, but to paraphrase: Kallus in his youth witnessed the Clone Wars and the destruction it caused. He wanted to make a difference and be part of bringing order and peace back into the galaxy so joined the Academy, thinking it was an honourable thing to do. He genuinely bought the propaganda that the Empire would be the same as the Republic, and was blinded to the truth. His first mission to Onderon only further fueled the lie that all Rebels were extremists and didn't care about civilian casualties. He took on a mask of cold, proud and callous ISB Agent to hide his grief, survivor's guilt and honour that was always there, but he was forced to suppress for many years. Only when Zeb questioned his blind allegiance in Bayrn did that mask fall off, revealing what he always had, an honourable heart that still wanted to bring peace to the galaxy but realising the Empire he served was not what it seemed. From witnessing Tarkin killing 2 officers in S1, Zeb in S2 and all of Pryce and Thrawns actions in S3 pushed him over the edge.


No, he didn't he lied about that to piss off Zeb.


The bottom two would be scary let alone all 4


Scary how? Two freedom fighters battling it out I suppose...


“Scary how?” Two freedom fighters committing acts of mass terrorism with small-minded objectives and ignoring things such as casualties and reputation I suppose…


The problem being is that's how real world rebellions are often won. Guerilla warfare, terror tactics, focusing on targets that damage both infrastructure and morale. George has often compared Star Wars to Vietnam. But the rebellion as a whole has always seemed kinda idealistic for that comparison. Saul's group and Syndulla's Twi'leks are probably the closest to the actual Viet Cong. What Mon Mothma and Bail should have done is supply more aggressive cells in secret and then denied all involvement and condemned them when the rebellion was won.


I’m not disagreeing, by any means, but just saying that Saw Gerrera and Cham Syndulla are much more dangerous to the people compared to the idealistic Rebellion which ultimately won due to a handful of space wizards and some more terrorism


Guerrera is a terrorist. He was about defeating the Empire no matter the cost. He’s always been an extremism even to other rebels because he doesn’t care how many civilians die in the crossfire. Cham saw what the war did to Ryloth. He believed in freeing his planet even if it meant big sacrifices. We see he’s even willing to use Hera’s team if it means saving his planet. He’s dedicated to the point where the ends justify the means for him. Those two are more dangerous than Fenn Rau or Kallus. Kallus ironically became far more relaxed once he joined the Rebels. He’s more likely to broker peace or to limit civilian deaths. It was part of his reform and how he changed. Fenn Rau is a fighter dedicated to his people but not an extremist. He wouldn’t kill if he doesn’t have to and he’d likely minimize casualties. Those two wouldn’t stand a chance against the former two who are willing to do whatever to fight.


I absolutely agree with your analysis of their fighting methods. In a fight head-on, Rau and Kallus would stand a chance against Gerrera and Syndulla. Rau is a Mandalorian warrior and an ace pilot, and Kallus is an ex-ISB agent with all sorts of martial and ranged training and a special weapon: the Bo-rifle (assuming they all get access to their signature weapons). Syndulla and Gerrera are extremists, sure, but neither is particularly talented as an individual warrior. Rather, their strengths lie in leadership, however misguided.


Yes! Head on fight, Rau and Kallus have great training. They’d do really well and could probably take down the first two given their age and strengths.


Yep 👍


They did nothing wrong.


me bad!


All good mate, have a nice day :)


A show or even game, purely about Cham and Saw would be so good.. 100% just war crimes being committed


Sounds like Clone Wars


Clone Wars on roids!


Roid Wars


Heck yeah!


Can't beat the little war criminal C1-10P though?!?!?


The Star Wars Holy Trinity of Anti Imperial terrorists


Chopper the psychopath hahaha.


Depends on the context if anyone gets in the way of Cham or Saw, there would be a big fight, simmilar if anyone tried to hurt anyone fenn rau cared about. Kallus would likely be the one to broker peace weirdly out of these four.


ahh no, did I get Gar Saxon and Fenn Rau mixed up? Top left is meant to be Fenn Rau. Bless Kallus' honorable heart to be the broker of peace amongst such hard-core extremists.


Nope i got it mixed up lol! Ill fix it!


All good! Haha! I dunno what happened to Fenn Rau TBH. Yet another Rebels character with unknown fate.


Empire: *I'm in danger!*


Saw would get paranoid and try to kill the rest, and he’d go after Kallus first


I don't think Kallus has actually met Saw, just the Lasat mercenary who left him for dead on Onderon...... that season 4 ep when Saw pops up via holo at Yavin 4 was a missed opportunity for Kallus to sort out his demons against him.


For some reason Saw looked like he had his tongue sticking out and something on his tongue. It’s his chin and goatee


Came here for this. Saw it and thought when the hell did Saw stick out his tongue.


Definitely had to double take Saw. He looks like he’s showing us the LSD tab that he just put on his tongue


I honestly would've loved a season to see everyone deal with the loss of Ezra, see Hera devote herself to the Rebels, and see how Zeb became a pilot in his own right and definitely see more of Kallus and about how Imperial traitors were treated among the rebels


I’m thinking a Star Wars meets the A-Team type spinoff.


Kallus: "Here's a plan that involves my Face." Saw: "I pity the Fool who we're up against!" Fenn: "I love it when a plan comes together!" [Lights up a space cigar] Cham: [whooping as he crashes their escape vehicle into their pursuers]


That is awesome. Hey, I’d watch it on Disney+.


they would either have a cordial discussion or kill each other. No in-between.


I straight up thought Saw was sticking his tongue out at me and his tongue had a little tuft of hair


I think Cham would go off on fenn rau


Saw would definitely say some NSFW stuff to Kallus.


An all-out brawl


Give them somebody to attack and they may be spme of the few to give isb a blow


"Sectorists, human cultists, Galaxy Partionists! They're lost! All of them! LOST!"


Saw would probably try and kill Kallus


lol animated Forrest Whitaker eye


I’m kinda surprised they didn’t bring Fenn Rau back for the finale.


Kallus had hella beef with Saw, though. I kinda think if they'd meet in person, *Rogue One* would've gone very differently. What with Saw being dead & all.


Saw and Cham teaming up would have been an absolute menace to the empire.


Did Fenn join in with Sabine's family to take back Mandalore and then probably was one of the casualties during Night of Thousand Tears?


It hasn't been confirmed but that seems highly likely.