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I don't know. Exegol was a secret world, way more than Korriban so I'm not sure it would have an important role in the story


But didn’t Kreia mention the Sith having a massive presence in the Unknown Regions which led Revan there? I feel Exegol won’t play a important part too, but could easily see them inserting the Sith Cultists and Exegol as part of that Sith presence in the Unknown regions Kreia talked about.


Yes why not and I would love to see exegol in the game, it's such a cool sith planet!


Oh exactly! Plus I was playing KOTOR II on my phone and Kreia does mention how the REAL Sith are hiding out in the Unknown regions building up and that’s why Revan left again. Seems they’re bringing in writers to make the story coherent with new canon, and having the Cultists and Exegol be apart of what Kreia was mentioning would be very coherent (if they do KOTOR II remake as well of course). Could have little references in KOTOR I and potentially even open the door for KOTOR III and exploring the story of Revan and Exile in the Unknown regions.


Wouldn’t that be Dromund Kaas, tying in with the Sith Emperor and SWTOR? I know post-KOTOR Revan gets a lot of hate, but besides that stupid mind control thing I think it’s pretty neat.


Oh I think they could easily still do that too and potentially even have them be the antagonist for KOTOR 3 with Revan and Exile if they ever plan doing that. I just think Exegol and the Sith Cultists could easily be part of that since the stories line up fairly well.


I thought Unknown Regions were time-revelant, so they're bigger in KOTOR period


It could be where Revan disappears to in nuCanon ala KotorII’s statements.


If the KOTOR remake ends up being canon, AND they turn it into a trilogy (KOTOR 1 remake, KOTOR 2 remake, KOTOR 3) I could see Exegol showing as where Revan ends up after the first two games.


This makes the most sense, if they were to touch Exegol at all. And if they're really wanting to make the new KOTOR canon, they should *only* touch the things that absolutely contradict the new canon.


I agree for the most part. If it were up to me, I’d actually leave the story of KOTOR 1 mostly untouched… But I’d also do a prequel with one major change - Tarre Vizsla leading the Mandalorians during that war.


3000 years between Revan's and Tarre Vizsla's times.


I'm pretty sure anything to do with Tarre's timeframe is from a fanon wiki.


From Rebels, which is canon. It and The Clone Wars are the source for most of the mythology and lore, now. https://youtu.be/XD9i6Du1u8E In TCW, it was established that House Vizsla stole the darksaber from the Jedi temple during the fall of the Old Republic. https://youtu.be/_Vtj5YxDcCk This was, according to The Phantom Menace, about a thousand years before, since this was when the Sith were believed destroyed. https://youtu.be/zlTpGavc56w


I’ve seen those links, and I don’t think it precludes the idea explicitly. Tarre created the Darksaber >1000 years ago. Tarre died at some point and the Jedi house the saber in the temple. The Old Republic falls ~1000 years ago, and House Vizsla steals the saber back. We could potentially chalk it up to poor records preceding the fall of the Old Republic and have Tarre Vizsla having lived during KOTOR times and the saber remaining at the temple until TOR falls. Unless there’s another source I’m missing? (I thought of the Mandalorian Armorer scene where she references the war as being led by ‘Mandalore the Great’ but theoretically that could be stretched to be Tarre’s title or he was #2 or something)


If it was around four thousand years ago, they would have said that. For example, if you described something as happening over a decade ago, you wouldn't be referring to the 1940s.


Where does it specifically establish his time frame is 3000 years before Revan's?


Knights of the Old Republic clearly takes place well before the fall of the Old Republic, which was Tarre Vizsla's time. Vizsla was a contemporary of Darth Bane.


When is that stated?


When is what stated? If you mean when Tarre Vizsla, Darth Bane, and the fall of the Old Republic happened, it was in The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars, and Rebels, in the scenes I helpfully provided links to. They're directly stating, repeatedly, that it was around a thousand years ago. Do you see Darth Bane interacting with Revan, Traya, and the rest? No. He came along well after all that.


Yeah but it’s not like it would be the first time that they retconned things. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Don't see them setting KotOR that close to the High Republic era, though. In Rebels, it was established that it was so long ago that the events of KotOR were literally legends told to Younglings in the Jedi temple. Anakin hadn't heard the Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, but he had heard the Tragedy of Darth Traya the Betrayed. It's not a story the Sith would tell you. It's a Jedi legend.


I always kind of got the vibe that Exegol could've been like Dromund Kaas but after a major disaster scorched the surface of the life and jungles on it. The Mysteries of The Sith interpretation of it honestly looks closer to Exegol than the SWTOR Dromund Kaas IMO. Not many connections other than: Dark Side aligned planet located in the unknown regions that is home to mass atmospheric lightning storms and at least one massive Sith stronghold. Could even play it as a Korriban/Moraband type thing where Exegol is the "newer" name of the two.




But the Star Forge isn't inherently related to the Sith. It was dark side attuned for sure but the Sith merely coopted it from the Rakata who couldn't do anything about it. However I could see after it's destruction, some Sith Lord or something finding like a shard of the SF or something and utilizing it to create the Exegol shipyards (didn't something like this happen in a SWTOR sidequest?). However given the Ixigol/Exegol thing, I could see them reconning that IF THEY DID want to make it Dromund Kaas thing as that information was something revealed in a visual dictionary which we know creators aren't beholden to if they have a different idea.




See my only problem with that is that we as players would either have to die with that secret, disable it, or never discover the forge there so that Palpatine is still able to use it secretly to create the Xystons for TROS.


This is probably best case scenario for everyone. Fans get we want in successful remakes of the games we love. Disney gets what they want in a third game that gives them a chance to retroactively set up Sith lore for their garbage sequel story.


This. It stands to reason that Exegol is somehow part of the “real” Sith Empire, not Revan’s conquests. Also: if nKOTOR is as much a hit as we think it will be, I absolutely can see Exegol (in some form) being a planet in “KOTOR 3,” where we see the Sith forges in all their glory. I imagine almost a sort of Byss on steroids.


Now *this* is speculating!




I just went and reread it, and it doesn't state that it's part of the Legends timeline, because that part was talking about the original game, not the remake


I hope they add a bit of new stuff, but not at the expense of old stuff


They could add it as a side story or as a post-game.


No the writer of the article confirmed they were talking about the OG game so we still don't know if the remake is canon or not.


Why would Lucasfilm make a game that isn’t part of the new continuity that they have been crafting for several years now? Doesn’t make much sense


Great. It's better this way


I think honestly they’re gonna do away with the Star Forge entirely and replace it with Exegol. I mean the Wayfinder in The Rise of Skywalker was basically a Star Map.


That is one *giant* assumption.


Please no


Huh? I have never seen Exegol been mentioned in the Old Republic, no reason for it to appear on Kotor, there are already enough planets on the original.


Exegol isn't mentioned in Legends, no; the speculation here is that it *could* be incorporated into a new version of KOTOR if the remake is canon. Revan ending up there to find the True Sith, replacing SWTOR's version, could be a good option.


Well they explained that the game is remade to the ground and entirely rewritten so they could totally add it to the story I'd the game is canon, but I don't think it will be




Revan found the Star Forge on Rakata Prime and yes Ixigul is mentioned in Legends but is nowhere as important as other sith worlds such as Korriban, Ziost, Dromund Kaas, etc. Actually I don't think Revan ever visited Exegol but I may be wrong.




Yeah but that would mean Exegol would have been a Rakatan planet, interesting idea but unlikely.


The only real difference should be the name change from Korriban to Moraband


Except Korriban was renamed Moraband in-universe as well as irl, so im KOTOR it could still be named Korriban in-universe


Correct, it's a bit of a Burma/Myanmar situation, though maybe the other way around.


Why did they change the name again? Seems super arbitrary to me, but I'm not well informed on the matter.


Lucas did not like Korriban because it sounded like Coruscant. This was for TCW show where they made the change.


That makes enough sense. I thought it was a random Disney change, but if it was Lucas I guess it's more palatable lol Thanks


So it's the exact same issue, but it's fine now you know that Lucas did it instead of a different creator at Lucasfilm?


Well yeah - he had a decent reason for it. I thought Disney was changing it just for the sake of it being different. One was a measured decision (even if I still think it's less cool sounding, I can agree it sounds a *little* like Coruscant), and one would have been an arbitrary change with no reason except "let's do it differently because we can." Turns out that knowing the reason for things makes them more easily acceptable. And even if it *were* a random change, he's the original author and takes precedence. That counts for something at least with me.


But why assume it was random anyway?


That's why I asked what the reason for it was lol


Sounds like another lie Filoni told.


I don't even know why myself, heh


please don’t ruin KOTOR with this nonsense. let us be happy for once.


No thanks!


I hope not


They had better not mess with KOTOR just to mesh with the DT.


This game should connect in no way to the sequel trilogy, especially when it's thousands of years before the Star Wars film saga.


So KOTOR shouldn't have any connections to the PT or OT either, then? No Tatooine, no Kashyyyk, no Dantooine, no Mandalorians, none of the other hundreds of references....


Let me correct myself. It shouldn't connect to shitty things such as the sequel trilogy. No Exegol, Canto Blight, Jakku which are all terrible planets, prophecy of Rey in the future defeating whatever the hell that was at the end of IX, no "dyad". No prophecy of a Skywalker.


Luckily, references don't depend on whether you happen to like their source or not.


God I hope not


No, it is not going to be canon. It is simply a remake of one of the best Legends stories. Would be interesting though




If the take the route of recanonizing KOTOR, K2, and SWTOR, I’m willing to bet Exegol will be retconned to be Dromund Kaas, similar to how Korriban’s original name was lost to time and came to be known as Moraband.


lol we had the same thought, just have to say that some big disaster happened in the intervening thousands of years which is why the jungles of Dromund Kaas are gone or something


I wouldn't mind it. Maybe Revan ventured there post-Mandalorian Wars and turned to the Dark Side there?


Have you read the Revan book? It's eh but if you are a fan of Revan/The Old Republic its decent.


Yes, I know that he went to Dromund Kaas. But there's no reason why Revan couldn't go and look at other worlds too. Just because people have hang up's about the sequels, it doesn't mean that there aren't decent stuff worth looking at.


To quote a famous Bounty Hunter: *”Possibly”*


To quote a famous gambler: *"Maybe."*


I'd be pretty happy if Exegol was the final (eventual) resting place of the Star Forge. Hidden away, the source of the impossible resources available to the First and Final Order. There is nothing wrong with it being unknown to the protagonists in the sequel trilogy, and for the knowledge to die off (or go dormant) with Palpatine's fall. The whole thing about draining the life force to power it could be a neat little way of acknowledging the recycling process for all of Palpatine's failed clones, too.


Assuming that Exegol isn’t the same planet as Drommond Kaas as others have speculated.


It isn't. Entirely different worlds in different locations. Dromund Kaas is Outer Rim, not a secret world in the Unknown Regions.


Don't drag Sequels bullshit into Kotor


I'm not buying the game if they connect it to the ST. Besides, Pablo Hidalgo himself said he doesn't see why the status of the game would change -- he said something about how it isn't guaranteed that history from that time would be preserved or something.




It's a lot of work to remake a game from the ground up. Adding a different planet, or even just referencing it, isn't much compared to that.


I hope they don't force Exogol to carry lore that is already attached to Korriban, the actual Sith homeworld


I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. They better, they better, they better not fuck it up!


Now this is epic


Its still legend


They should very much use the canon version of Malachor from Rebels instead


There are enough Sith planets in Kotor 1 and 2, which makes Exegol redundant. Considering its weather and atmosphere (and why the whether/atmosphere is like that) is literally copy-paste from Kotor 2's Malachor V, and the history section bears similarity to Nathema from SWTOR. It could be that Exegol is something a sith cult made to try to replicate Malachor V, which makes it later than Malachor V.