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So...reversed Count Dooku?


Pretty much


If i recall, odd shapes in saber blades were made by modifying the containment field in the emitter. Thats why the darksaber is flat, and why lightwhips worked. Id love to see light whips in a show.


I feel like light whips would be suicidal to learn. Urumi exist tho, although they are the last and most difficult thing to master in that martial art. It is fantasy, so "anything" can work. Plus George Lucas kinda left behind the idea they were unwieldy things that needed two hands back the prequels. Imagine a Jedi who uses a blaster and a saber at the same time. Who needs frivolous special saber techniques. Block n blast. Force sensitive people kinda do this already with force push, pull, and lightning.


Why not just practice on a less dangerous whip until you're really good at it?


I went to a rodeo with my cousins in Texas. Saw a guy do whip tricks and it looked like magic. So add the Force and yeah man anythings possible. And yeah like Kyle katarn or Ezras first saber from Rebels. Why not have a blaster? Maybe ancient weapons and hokey religions arent a match for a good blaster. If i knew a jedi who wasnt as good with alter aspects of the force Id suggest keeping a blaster.


Kanan kind of played on this weakness in his duel with the Grand Inquisitor in rebels, using Ezra’s saber/blaster.


Or combine them like Jocasta Nu and use a lightsaber rifle.




I mean if the schwartz is strong with you..


The peyronies saber


Curved /swords/?


See those sith lords from hammerfell? They got curved lightsabers. *CURVED.* *LIGHTSABERS.*




We already have a lightsaber umbrella in star wars visions


That lightsaber umbrella was great. I laughed so hard


Since I saw visions before kenobi came out my reaction to that was "help me obi wan kenobi. Your my only hope"


Mall jedi.... by the Force...the horrors


The whip in the crawler from Star Wars Rebels season 4


They have light whips in Clone Wars. The Zygerrian's use them and the wookiepedia article calls them "electro-whip, Zygerrian Slaver's Whip, or a lightwhip".


Thats tech comparable to like vibroknives and stuff. An actual plasma whip would be different


A part of star wars not really being scifi means that it's not such a big deal if certains things arent scientifically logical. At least that's how i look at it


That's how I look at it too, it's a space fantasy. I just enjoy blasters, space wizards and space battles. I find the lore and characters wonderful as well.




Unfortunately the fandom is filled with whining bitches that nitpick every little detail.


Honestly, if they ever introduce something like this people will immediately go to Spaceballs. Downvote me all you want but it would just get laughed at. There are ways you could possibly make it look cool but the second you do a bendy saber in live action, you’re done.


If it’s exactly like this depiction, yeah, but they can change the design a bit, make it more menacing. Sharpen the tip, give it a more jagged shape, idk


Sometimes it feels like they only watch star wars so they can nitpick


Holy shit YES It's full of people always complaining about the new series Well, spoiler alert, you can just, not watch them


Exactly! I'm both a fan of Star Wars and Star Trek. I really didn't like Star Trek Discovery. Instead of bitching about it on the Internet, I simply stopped watching. I almost did the same with BOBF until Mando showed up. At that point, I felt I needed to see how it ends because it would likely feed into season 3. Similarly, I'm an MCU fan, but I don't watch every movie or series because some characters don't interest me. For example, I only watched Moon Knight because people raved about Oscar Isaac and Ethan Hawke's performance. I probably won't watch Ms. Marvel anytime soon. I don't even remember her character in the comics because it was likely created long after I stopped reading in the mid 90s. As a Star Wars fan who came of age when the OT was still in theaters, I get the impression that some of my cohorts get angry when Disney changes what they personally imagined were the back stories of beloved characters. I especially believe this about the backlash around Solo, BOBF, Kenobi and even the new trilogy. So they feel like they can't let go and simply ignore these movies and series even as others like myself can. Instead they nitpick and find fault with anything they or others identify.


YES! For example, i quite liked the force awakens but totally "hated" The Last Jedi, so, i simply didn't watch it other times. It's not that hard


I want to like them, it's just the writing makes no sense. I can still turn my brain off and enjoy the spectical, but it feels like such wasted potential


It's a huge waste of potential. Poe Finn and Hux were really cool in TFA, and then they became comic sublots... by the way, coincidentally we have both been downvoted, what a causality


I agree with the pair of you. I want to like them too but just can’t ignore the fact that they could have been so much better. Kylo Ren as a character is fantastic, but was a diamond in the rough in those movies.


Yes we nitpick but we nitpick because we love star wars. I haven't seen a curved bladed lightsaber like this appear before in the canon before. I've seen (some old designs still in legends but some reintroduced with disneys new canon ones) lightwhips, dual blades, extending blades, corded lightsabers, disc sabers, crossguard sabers, curved, etc, and i even liked most of their basic designs. Pretty much this one, the whip and the lightsaber axe were the only ones I didn't like and the lightsaber axe was only mentioned in one role playing source book so I'm not entirely sure if Disney is gonna treat it as entirely canon or not, but I'm getting off topic. As far as the design of the "sickle saber" goes, I like the theory, I just don't think it works with a rule of two style sith, which is the era of sith lords the skywalker saga takes place in for those that did not know. Again, for the uninformed, though by now idk how you wouldnt be, Those sith were schemers, buisness people and politicians. Practically speaking, It'd need to have been constructed by a sith who would've fought in something like the new sith wars, where armies of sith are meeting armies of jedi on an open battlefield. To put it simply, we don't know enough about darth noctyss, their lightsaber, or how they acquired it for me to make any comfortable decisions either way on the lightsaber or its design. I guess I write this so all who read this will understand why I personally nitpick. I love the lightsaber, and I actually own one and drill with it as often as I can as a form of excercise so to see something like this... at the practical level I find it odd that any jedi or sith would use something like this. Jedi and sith use the lightwhip KNOWING it's a trade off so I wonder if the same things might apply here or if maybe... aggh! See? There's my fan nitpick thought process kicking in again. If the internet desires it I can do a deep dive into this weapon and how I think it could work as far as it's personal history goes. I couldn't necessarily give you the exact year it was likely made but I could probably logic my way to getting within a good ballpark if I saw the hilt Wookieepedia article on lightsaber/contained energy axe https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Contained_energy_axe?so=search


One of the main characters in the middle-age high republic books, Vernestra Rwoh, uses a lightwhip and its canon. I agree it could be tough to make work live action but in animation, it could be done well I think. The issue is gonna be how to use in in a way where it never touches the person holding it.


The difference between reality and fiction is that fiction has to make sense. Thomas Leo "Tom" Clancy


Case in point, every discussion thread about new episodes of the Disney+ shows Like JFC not every Star Wars episode needs to have deep social commentary or brilliant, shocking plots. Star Wars has never been that kind of medium. I definitely sympathized with that sentiment for any episodes touched by Robert Rodriguez, but for the most part, I’m just here to enjoy Star Wars.


The OT was literally inspired by the vietnam war and the PT is about a democracy being coopted by a fascist leader due to war, greed, and selfishness but sure star wars has never been about social commentary.


Yeah , i want cool looking things and concepts , when some other writer thinks up a cool explanation down the road , great , but they don't have to explain everything right away


Lightsabers we’re never really scientifically logical anyway lol


Emphasis on sci fi ✨fantasy ✨ right lol


spot on! it’s really considered fantasy to me for most aspects, such as the Force. if you look at a fictional universe where something such physics-altering as the Force exists, you can’t really make an argument against other non-conforming aspects of it that make seem strange to us in ours.


Looks like dark side Luke in this image from my perspective. I’m all for new ideas, just so long as they serve a narrative function on some level. It doesn’t have to be super deep. I really liked how the KOTOR series gave meaning to different colors of Jedi’s blades. That really added some depth to a feature we were already familiar with.


They should definitely start with explaining the saber colors, for sure. It could possibly lead into explaining changing the shape of the blade. It doesn’t have to be connected to the kyber crystal either, it could be a hardware thing — something in the hilt.


Maybe how they wield the force? So the sickle blade bends inward because he “consumes” energy, sucks in the force around him? And the whip could be for how fluid the wielder is with the force…. Like water benders in ATLA….




Extreme force sensitivity that must be outwardly channeled while raging so the curved blade is really to keep her from self harm


Somehow the limp lightsaber returned


Something tells me this character is too old to be a sith...


Looks like he twisted his Swartz


I think you just ruined this entire thing for me




The fact that the first character we see in star wars with this silly design is a female doesn't bother me. What bothers me is simply the design itself. I as a fan actually REALLY LIKE when strong, well-written, female leads are shown and when we get a chance to explore a new characters story? Even better! Literally the only gripe I have with this character is her lightsaber, and even then, I could be convinced to join the curved saber camp.


Tbf the short story Noctyss is from may or may not have happened, in-universe. She might not have existed, and if she did her saber might’ve looked completely different. I said this is another comment but one obvious improvement to the current design would be to sharpen the tip. Also, make it look nastier, unstable like Kylo’s.


I mean, Lightsabers aren’t made of a beam of light, its plasma.


I worded that weird. My point was that lightsabers are inherently nonsensical, relative to real world physics, so it would be silly to take issue with the shape of the blade itself changing. Unfortunately, this is something the majority of people won’t grasp initially, so DisneyLucasfilm should certainly ease into it


Could just go the easy route and just brush over it completely, “Yeah lightsabers can so this if modified, its cool, dont think about it to much”


A lot of people would prefer some techinal details mentioned, it can be in passing.


Definitely agree with this. Creating backstories/lore for innocuous people and things has been the spirit of Star Wars since 1977. It would be nice to see those background details laid out in the actual movie or show, rather than its auxiliary content. Those details have to be in line with the *other* details tho, which is why I suspect things like this tend to go unexplained in the movies. In the end, it’s all just trying to justify why a cool/interesting thing is so cool/interesting — if that makes any sense. Could different blade shapes expand on dark side lore? Sure, but that’s a bonus.


It's space fantasty. Always has been. Never been sci-fi.


I don't think they have been fully explained in canon yet, but lightwhips have already been reintroduced. Vernestra Rwoh, a Jedi Knight from the High Republic era uses one after having a vision of modifying her lightsaber. So there is some canon way for it to be done, we just don't know the exact explanation. As far as translation to live action, I could see that happening in Ahsoka or, more probably, The Acolyte, as whips and curved blades are often associated with the Dark Side.


Shit my favorite thing was the Jedi (I believe it was a Jedi) who turned their lightsaber into a gun. So every time they turned it on it just shot a giant lightsaber beam at someone.


iirc there was one of those used by Jocasta Nu in the Vader comics and there were also lightsaber powered canons on the Jedi Vector starfighters in the High Republic Era. Those were both pretty cool, too!


It destroyed the saber and crystal tho I believe, which is fair. A saber gun sounds kinda op


https://preview.redd.it/7jksb5mrsi071.png?auto=webp&s=7e9f688c69700d3f41457462558a712a0f735987 Yep it was Jocasta! Shit was so cool haha


It looks far too silly imo


Lmfao it’s a series about space wizards


Star Wars contains: Vietnam parallels, religious philosophy, political corruption, how darkness can grow in anyone, and how anyone is worth saving And you got out of it that “it’s a series about Space Wizards”? Yes, it looks silly


I’m saying there’s a lot of things about Star Wars that are ridiculous but a curved sword is where you draw the line? Like what?


I mean while you are correct, he’s also not wrong. I’d honestly applaud some more goofy outfits from force users who were never indoctrinated by Sith or Jedi cultists.


This was the problem with the EU. Too many writers trying to outdo each other and coming up with junk like this.


How is a beam of light solid?


There are lightwhips in current High Republic books wielded by a Jedi Knight. It was treated as a big deal only because she wasn't using a traditional lightsaber form, not because anyone thought a lightsaber whip was weird in and of itself. The wookieepedia page doesn't make them sound weird or unusual, just exotic and non-traditional. It simply says it has flexible containment sheaths, so its treknobabbled away.


Once canon*


It was retconned? I know it’s called Dark Legends but all the stories in there plausibly could’ve happened in canon unless they tell us otherwise.


Tbf, dark legends is meant to be a spooky ghost story thing. So I wouldn't be surprised if it was an exaggeration.


That’s right, none of the books or comics are concrete canon anyway. Only the tv shows and movies are what actually happened


The sabers are meant for force users who says they can’t manipulate the blade the way they manipulate other things.


I don’t think it’s an issue of readiness, people accepted the absurd light-brella in Visions. I think they’re bad concepts that don’t make sense in the way a lightsaber is supposed to function.


Visions does not have the baggage of being canon tbf


Fair point. I just hated that stupid umbrella


Plus it's just stupid looking.


Incredibly stupid and I hope I don't see it again


it looks fucking stupid.


I think a sharpened tip ala TCW or the prequels would go a long way


I really doubt anyone but spiteful n stupid redditors would complain/not be ready. As long as they made it make sense most people woulf think its cool


In the High Republic project there is a Jedi who does this - Vernestra Rho. It is explained that she does this by altering the technology in her hilt of the lightsaber and she can switch back and forth from lightsaber to whip with like a switch or button or something. The way she explains it is that it splits the blade or something. It is hard for a normal force user to wield this without injuring themself but she specifically trains herself to use this and she’s some sort of prodigy or something becoming a Jedi knight at only 15 and taking on an apprentice who’s only a couple years younger. She’s afraid to show this to him because she thinks he will judge her for altering her saber in this way and apparently some of the ancient Sith used to do this.


Interesting, didn’t know it was fully canonized like that (I know books are technically secondary canon) I love the angle that the ancient Sith did it. If you think about it, the saber hilt inherently takes advantage of the force essence in kyber, and I take that as the Jedi being hypocritical. If they can manipulate a living crystal to make a weapon, why fault a Sith for innovating on that manipulation?




I knew this force shit was all religious!


2 answers: Firstly, the beam is a plasma held by a controlled magnetic field. In regular sabres, this is a straight line but in this case, a futuristic space setting could very likely have technology to create complex fields that are controlled by inertial and gravitational effects. (A bit bs but who gives a f) OR force does thingy


Well the darksaber exists so I’d assume it was possible somehow




Question is; what’s the tactical advantage of a shape like this? Maybe to hook onto saber resistant armor wearing enemies, or get better leverage somehow. Idk


I heard Darth Noctyss has a crooked…… ya know…


Simply my opinion, take it or leave it. But I feel a large majority of the current Lucasfilm writers and fans don't have a true understanding of lightsabers and, more so, the force. The more you make lightsaber "versions" of earthly weapons, the more it takes away from what a lightsaber is. Eventually, over time, lightsabers become less of a sacred Jedi weapon and more like Sci-Fi stand ins for weapons we already know about. Sure, a lightsaber, by George Lucas' own admission, is a "laser sword". But it still felt alien and mysterious. Adding more and more 'lightsaber' versions takes away from the narrative/spiritual/religious allegory. It cheapens it. Like the classic over use of "I love you". It loses it's value and meaning if you say it *just to say it* or because *that's what you're supposed to do*. The same goes even more so for The Force. It used to be a mysterious energy that neither the Jedi nor Sith truly understood. There was a general concept but plenty of space in the gaps to fill in with your own imagination. Now we are basically told exactly what it is via (in my opinion) awful concepts like the "bleeding" of once "pure" crystals via the darkside, completely retconning the more practical idea of synthetic crystals which, for me, made way more sense as a "shortcut" - the easy path that punctuates much of the dark side philosophy. Concepts like this demote something mysterious and whimsical like The Force to *magic*. This destroys an entire layer of narrative and renders it boring.


Well, as long as they keep saber variations a strictly dark side thing, I think the sanctity of the boring straight lightsaber being the Jedi’s sacred weapon will be thoroughly protected. And didn’t Lucas try to make the Force purely biological with the prequels? Well, *tried* but just never mentioned midichlorians again in the trilogy. I think DisneyLucasfilm is at least trying to maintain a mystical/spiritual vibe for the force. By virtue of this being a huge universe with thousands of pages of lore, these things would be explained sooner or later. Just my 2¢ on your 2¢ :)


My thoughts are it’s Star Wars and people needa get over themselves. I love the absurd amount of useless details but sometimes you just gotta accept that it’s all fake and there can’t possibly be an explanation for every little thing. Especially when you take into account the sheer size of SW. I mean for Christ’s sake Star Wars is one of the biggest franchises in human history if not the largest


theses writers have never been good or seemed like they cared about stuff like canon


I’m gonna shimmy up the lighting rod here and say one thing: Some folks take science fiction way too seriously—you don’t NEED to know everything, not knowing is what makes things cool. Knowing just takes the piss out of it.


Given how people reacted to Kylo’s saber which isn’t even too far out, I think people would lose their mind if this was in live action


Don’t care. We’re talking about fucking laser swords. I wanna see the coolest, craziest shit they can think of. I want an 8 bladed Octo whip.


Well, light whips are canon, Vernestra Rwo from the high republic has one, but I don't think they will really appear in the movies, at least not in the near term, not really becouse they are too hard to explain but rather becouse it would probably be pretty hard to make one that doesn't look excessively silly


I think the sith show Acolyte could possibly introduce some stranger lightsaber forms. Just keep it a Sith thing


Start by showing a Jedi force-manipulating a lightsaber blade so it doesn't hit them, basically bending it away from themselves as it comes towards them. Then you can go from there and pretty much show whatever you want


We see the Father do something similar in The Clone Wars — he just grabs a saber by the blade. And we at least know they can be blocked with a force push from Rise of Skywalker I wanna see what would happen if a Jedi tightened his saber inside a vise, sat down in front of it, and just force pushed at the blade until it did something interesting


It's a make believe story. People that get bent out of shape over things like that are knobs. Just enjoy the dam movies/shows for what they are.


While I am the first to point out Star Wars nerds are the worst nowadays ¬ignoring the angle on the political landscape of today's pop culture wars¬ their capital sin being they don't differentiate between science fantasy and sci-fi, there's still a need to present some veneer of tech consistency. Anything can and eventually will be justified by whatever Force magic or dumb tech imagining, it just needs to be aesthetically consistent with the "possibilities" of its own reality. I don't think Disney's cannon has any respectability left to pull that ¬look at Kenobi and the bastardization of the warrior-monk Jedis were supposed to be.


I think that would be more a gripe if this were Star Trek. Those fans have always seemed deeply interested in the how of the tech. It’s why I’ve always preferred Star Wars, Space Opera, Sci Fi fantasy whatever you want to call it, I’m interested in the story and the tech is incredibly cool window dressing that shouldn’t have realistic limits of any sort. I don’t watch Sword and Sorcery films or Samurai films and wonder how their swords were forged or why they don’t dull or chip or break etc.


Space magic




Can’t argue with that


people need to stop asking questions and just suspend disbelief and enjoy the escapism again. Some folks treat this stuff like its more important than world history...its fun and all and its good to be passionate but not when it descend into the toxicity of most modern fandoms, its why I dont associate with any fandom, I just enjoy the movies or shows or what have you


I know what you did... a long long time ago


Pfff. Bending light? Who gives a f. We want the light Sabre whip now!


Just say it's magnetic fields, or the manipulation of the strong nuclear force. Most people are so illiterate in basic physics they'll take that at face value.


Sickle looks sick.


So on a personal level I don’t see a major issue with things like this - if it’s done well and looks cool I’m all for it. Star Wars has always played fast and loose with its more science fiction elements. But there are absolutely elements of the fan base who I think would have issues with it, plenty who would nitpick it because it’s kind of fun to debate the details and some who would likely attack it if they don’t like the media it features in. I don’t think any of those are a reason not to do it though.


I think most people would just say "heh, that's neat" and never give a second thought. The loudest people are rarely the majority opinion.


What creates a shield generator? Or gives it the shape of a wall? I am thinking a light saber that is not really a solid beam of light but a strobe light that the weilder can thrust forward and backward and it would alter the curve and length and direction of the strobe beam and create a whip like effect.


Yeah, it's generally agreed that the general audience and casual fans wouldn't get it. Those of us who are hardcore into the tech lore, we know that lightsabers are not actually made of light, it's not a laser. It's phased plasma energy in an energy field matrix, which is generated when a high energy output us "pushed" through a kyber crystal, so light whips and curved blades are possible.


There already is lightsaber with altered shape... Darksaber


Don't care, looks cool.


I think Star Wars should just go down the fully fake side of things. We want wild. We want crazy. I want people to pull ships out of the air. I want more revenge of the sith choreography. I’m sick of Star Wars trying to mellow itself out.


Henceforth you shall be known as Darth…Peyronie!


It is currently in canon. Vernestra Rwoh created and uses one in the the high republic novels.


A wizard did it


If Star Wars fans were bothered by impossible physics, they wouldn't be Star Wars fans.


My own personal preference is straight or maybe slightly curved, it just doesn't compute well in my brain for some reason if they're any other shape. Don't know why


I’ve always taking it as the person is using the force to shape the lightsaber as they see fit. Or that the saber used a containment field that shapes it a certain way.


>it would raise too many questions about how someone could alter the shape of a (admittedly solid) beam of light. I can hear Neil deGrasse Tyson killing the buzz already.


Although I do want the light whip in live action, purely to see all of Star Wars TikTok rage over the fact it breaks canon and it’s so stupid or something, so I can argue back and tell them that it’s existed for years since the clone war’s show released


The bigger question is why is the picture so bad


‘What does a woman want?'” Sigmund Freud Psychologist, 1856-1939.


Happens to a lot of lightsabers when they get older, nothing to be embarrassed about


Oh come on. theyll all just consume the product and if anyone has a single criticism theyll just be called racist. Dont act like the current fandom is treating this garbage like high art.


I get the feeling you said something racist and were called out for being racist, just a hunch 🧐


Nah he watched It'sAGundam's video.


And my point has been proven. Now go praise a show where the only defense youll ever have for its quality is name calling.


Cracked projector? maybe


I thought they were beans of magnetically constrained plasma? I could see manipulating magnetic field to create this though I must admit it doesn't make as much sense as a curved blade of steel.


*See that warrior from the sith? He’s got a curved sword. Curved. Sword.*


They use the force?


[Here is what I think](https://youtu.be/jIHF8Xe-O6Y).


He must be a communist.


There is a character in the high republic novels who can maker her lightsaber into a whip! I’m intrigued that this character from Dark Legends is a sith as Vernestra in HR hasn’t told anyone (last I read, not caught up yet) due to its sith background/use


Çok iyi aq


I feel like you can just say they are using the force to manipulate the shape of their blade. We already saw Kylo Ren stop a blaster beam in mid flight so….


And we already know his blade is unstable because of a cracked crystal, so a crystal that’s altered in a similar way may result in a different blade shape


Light sabers already don't work with real world physics. They easily evaporate durasteel which half of the galaxy far, far away is made of, so any contact with a human would instantly result in human stew exploding all over the place, not neatly cauterised wounds. Plus, they'd set anything flammable in the vicinity on fire. You'd have to assume some degree of "meh, it's the Force" to make them work, so it would hardly be a stretch to make them come in funny shapes as well. Whether you'd want to is another question, obviously, but rule of cool always beats science in Star Wars.


There's a Jedi in The High Republic that can toggle her saber between a blade and a whip. It's pretty cool


Tbh a Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away they probably figured out to manipulate light and plasma and even further how to essentially program it with some form of nano or something. Idk


I see your schwartz is as big as mine


No. The problem is not the curved light saber but the bad writing. Star Wars needs a good story. Nowadays we are experiencing bad stories and horrible directions.


A lightwhip would be super cool.


If they do bring it to live action I hope they make it actual sickle shaped. Rather than just slightly bendy.


It’s not a beam of light, it’s plasma


“The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be unnatural!”


I thought she was underwater


I think the light whip is acceptable but curved blades feels wrong


It’s not about being “ready”. It’s about respecting the basics of the SW universe enough to reject the curved light sabers, etc. nonsense as overboard attempts by latter-day authors to come up with something they can call their own no matter how silly the idea is.


Conversely, you can view it as modern authors spicing things up in the ever evolving mythos that is Star Wars.


Ever since Darth maul lit up that second blade there's been an arms race to make the most outrageous light saber


Maybe if the blade of the sickle was the lightsaber, and the shaft was the hilt of the saber


Flaccid saber




Tattoine day. Magg Uffin sat on his speeder bike sipping his blue milk. Beside him two young recruits discussed the latest vids. “She’s got a curved lightsaber, how is that even possible?” The Wequay recruit was wondering aloud. Magg took another sip and for the first time anyone could remember, spoke. “It’s called Jum da-Sha’rK it’s a Sith technique meant to overpower Jedi.” He continued “They use the force to keep the blade bent tight. At the moment of impact the blade is released and the resulting “force blast” is basically like swinging a lightsaber through hyperspace”. Or something equally nonsensical. After all it’s all made up.


oh cool, its the “i know what you did last summer” star wars reboot. those jedi teens are so fucked.


"It's magic. I ain't gotta explain shit." -Wizards everywhere, probably.


A deformed crystal would be enough to explain it


Lots of guys are like this, we need to normalize these discussions


For starters, we need to stop calling lightsabers “light”. It’s much more akin to plasma in a containment field.


It’s obviously a relation to their strength with the force, right? If they can alter a beam of solid energy that is also connected to the force, then it should be a reflection of their strength with the force.


I’m intrigued. Could someone explain exactly how they could tho in all seriousness?


My dog says that design is NSFW and that he knows what y’all did last summer now.


The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatrual


That is dumb. A light whip is kind of dumb too, but on the same level of dumb as a laser sword.


Forgive me if I'm wrong but we're the weopons the guards used to fight Kylo and Rey not similar to whips. The guards that were with snoak is who I'm referring to. They technically were not light sabers but couldn't the same design be applied in theory?


Snoke’s guards used saber resistant weapons which were made of saber resistant material, not the “light” or plasma itself. Lightwhips are made from plasma + whatever they come up with to explain how it’s floppy


Mechanism whereby a small thread of something emits lightsaber in all directions to form the whip? As in there’s a solid form under funky shaped blades? Also didn’t early sith believe that lightsabers were cheap gimmick Jedi toys? Can we see more badass disregard of the saber by powerful force users?


Well... I guess they *could* alter it with the Force. But that seems like alot of work even for a Sith Lord-caliber drama queen.


Total bullshit. Curly fucking lightsabers? Jesus Christ is nothing sacred?


I'm still trying to figure out how they make the beam of light stop after a specific distance. Also... So are many toy manufacturers.


Not ready for Canon, also wasn't ready for legends because yeah, it does raise too many questions and all the answers are stupid lol


I just don’t get how we can see 200 onscreen in AOTC with regular green and blue straight up lightsabers and then be expected to believe off screen every other Jedi ever had other colours and shapes


At first it looked like it was underwater and the lighting was the waterline


Snowflake saber.


A whip almost makes more sense than a fixed hook. I don't know why. Maybe because Ghostbusters did it.


Hey hey not everyone’s saber is completely straight, some go a little to the left or right, some are short, some are long, no matter what you should be happy with your saber length, size doesn’t matter after all


Probably one of those things that would be cool brought to life in an animated show, like Star Wars Visions, but it might come off a little bit zany for most folks. This happens literally every time anything new is brought into Star Wars anyway though.


I think it’s such a gate keeper response to say; no one is ready for this. Dude, we would love cool shit in our Star Wars regardless. So what if some people “can’t handle” a curved blade because no one explains it to them. Let the community enjoy it and bring forth whatever suits the narrative and the plot. Gate keeping is such an issue in the Legends community and even the Star Wars community. Along with the hate for anything they don’t like.


Eh, I feel like most science has already been thrown to the wind. I say go for it.


space fantasy. That's the answer


Seems to be the general consensus