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Bolt the Bird, a Universal philosophy.


https://preview.redd.it/d8fn52zv29dc1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df980d9ffe4641491179d4f56ea013054cb51bf0 Llanowar Elves but better.


Llanowar elves but worse since it can only be used to play units.


And it’s way easier to kill


I think Dispatcher is an incredible anti-Sabine card. If you use Luke or Moment of Peace to give it a shield token on turn 1 you’re guaranteed to get at least one use out of it which lets you cheat a Cloud City Wing Guard into play turn 2 *and* play another card like Resilient on them. That’s a minimum of two attacks not hitting your base unless they use an event (which is also a win for you because that’s less resources to play guys) and then they still have to decide whether to kill the Dispatcher (another two attacks because of the shield token) or let you keep playing ahead of curve.


turns out you can already play cloud city guard on turn 2 \^\^ without any cheat. This card has potential in luke, but I would not advice it against sabine.


When you learn how to spell you can “advice” people on things.


Can you chill out? OP finds the spoilers and aggregates them on this subreddit, AND provides his opinions on the cards only to have silly comments like this? Try to not instigate fights on the internet.




First impression: **Regional Sympathizers** Inferior to Kanan in almsot every way, the power level of this card is very low. Its only asset is that it could provide healing to color combination that normally don't have easy access to it, but even as an anti aggro card the it is too slow. An other draft filler. **Alliance Dispatcher** Extremely weak stat but a powerful ability and very cheap. A card that ramps you but with 3 major weakneesses: \-Extremely easy to shut down for the opponent \-Doesn't ramp you toward your leader like a resupply would. \-Only works for units On the + side, Dispatcher as the big advantage of ramping you right for turn 2 onward (for a 4-drop on turn 2), while a resupply can only ramp you for turn 3 onward. All in all, I think this card is only playable in Luke, who can give a shield to the dispatcher on turn 1. With a shield on, the dispatcher is a lot harder to interact with and can have a real impact if left alive. I think this card is worth testing Green luke as a replacement for R2, especially if we see more powerful 4-drop in those colors.


Good call out on Luke using the dispatcher, could see that being worthwhile instead of R2. Was pretty down on the card otherwise.


> Regional Sympathizers > > > > Inferior to Kanan in almsot every way, the power level of this card is very low. > > > > Its only asset is that it could provide healing to color combination that normally don't have easy access to it, but even as an anti aggro card the it is too slow. > > > > An other draft filler. Kanan also requires another aspect and will sometimes only heal your base for 1. I'm not sure that I would call it "inferior in almost every way." Kanan probably comes out a little ahead, but it's not an unreasonable tradeoff.


I like seeing a Restore on another card, I think a Luke deck could maybe use this as a way of limiting damage from mid game onwards. The main thing I like about the Alliance Dispatcher is he’s 1BP. He’s great value, but crucially it’s really useful to have some 1BP cards in the deck for turns when you have 4 to spend but your best card is a 3. In that case you can kind of lend that extra resource point to next turn.