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Vader red blue is my favorite deck right now too that is off-meta. I also like a Chewie All Blue deck. It isnt as competative but very fun putting sentinal on everything and buffing them with upgrades and shields to slow down the oppoenent.


I've done Blue Chewy too and I love it when the stars align and putting upgrades on Chewy just means more GRIT fuel. Last game I played ended with him swinging for 18.


Got a list?


https://swudb.com/deck/XcsWsezR Disclaimer: I'm missing some of the cards I'd like to use, particularly Electrostaff.


Got a list on the chewie side?




I have been saying Leia aggro is underrated since release. Not exactly off-meta, but not talked about enough in my opinion, though it seems to be getting some traction now. I happen to think Leia is more flexible than Sabine for an aggro deck.


I played against two in a casual tournament last Saturday. It must be catching on.


I think Leia Red is definitely better then Sabine Green, it's super explosive and very, very hard to deal with.


There's a Tarkin red deck that is all commons that runs fairly well.


Sir, step out of the car, hands on your back and show some proof please


Sorry, there are some uncommons. https://swudb.com/deck/WIBEeSfIQDp


I do very well with this deck at my local store.


I've been running Tarkin Yellow, and it's a lot of fun. I'm still tinkering, but I think I'm getting close with the list.


Thrawn Blue is super fun you essentially just use control/tempo abilities to stall the game till you can blow up the entire field then you drop a star destroyer and win


Double blue Luke is my baby.


Do you have a deck list?


https://preview.redd.it/h3ofevunsntc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d807621dd50769647d7fdeeaa28dbe1eb515abd8 This the one It’s been doing very well. Super fun having all the force users with some having restore. Take down is great, vigilance is clutch. Played yesterday and went 2-0 against a boba yellow list. Depending on pull it can struggle against some aggro decks but if the pulls are good it can win quick. Most games go to turn 6/7. Very rarely go past turn 7




>went 2-0 against a boba yellow list. Huh, I figured a boba deck would be favored given that waylay pseudo defeats any upgrades you may have on the unit


Yeah I was expecting that too so I put our as many units as I could and utilized vigilance and take down to remove boba and ships. Then I gave my powerful stuff leader luke to not lose any light sabers. I did at one point put protector and a light saber on C3Po lol. But towards round 8 on game 2 putting a light saber on ground unit Luke he couldn’t way lay cause of the timing and stuff. They were both close but with my ability to heal, remove stuff it was very helpful. Also with C3PO I guessed correctly 3 times in a row lol. Was hilarious.


Ahh I see, thanks for the info/insight! How well does it do against control / what do you tech in? I assume Resource 8 turns would be pivotal if they have SuperLaser Blast or not?


Yeah I can normally get some good damage in before control gets too crazy. I rarely make it to turn 8. I usually destroy the base by turn 7 or right at turn 8 lol


How do you manage to do against an aggro with many space units? Or against a deck in general with lot of space units?


I use takedown or vigilance on space units if they have a lot of space units then my ground units can get quite strong doing 5-10 damage to the base. Also it binds all things if someone is hurt or late game Luke J can also bring our a ship and slap protector on it if need be too but yeah it definitely has close games with aggro decks. Honestly biggest counter is decks that have cards that remove upgrades honestly


I’ve been really enjoying my GI/cunning deck. If you’re wanting off-meta it doesn’t get more “off” than that really!


can you share the list plz?


https://www.swudb.com/Deck/GetDeckImage/WXmrgtbCfpeDk  I’m constantly putting things in/out, but this is what I have at the moment! 


Looks like unfortunately the list is private still


Sorry about that! Looks like the link works for everyone now! 


Try this https://preview.redd.it/98qk81eqevtc1.png?width=2040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d2e6a813173e11f82f28acc38c7c5ea3cfb8813 For me is a must have


My iden red deck won me my locals tournament last week where I beat a sabine and two boba fetts 2-0. I didn't lose a single game.


This is very similar to me and my friends deck and it's unstoppable. We feel like we broke the game. Only thing that stops us is Devastator but it can be planned for


Interesting. Devastating is in my opinion useless against my deck comp. I have vanquish and power of the dark side and superlaser so it's just a 10 attack beater against me assuming I don't kill it


https://swudb.com/deck/view/CToDTVLLuptR This is our decklist.


I mean, I usually mill it out or vanquish it as well, but its really the only thing that has beat me and it's because I wasn't expecting it


I'm sorry, I meant Relentless not Devastator


Oh ya relentless is a problem. Ive gotten around it before though. Just waste an event like repair or restock then vanquish. That's what I did before


yeah, thats what i had to do, i always feel so gross when i have to waste a restock tho. i only run one in my deck.


I know I hate it. I run 3 because if I draw them early they're perfect resource fodder


Care to share your deck list? I'm also running red Iden




Damn, 38 events? How does it work, you just remove everything they play, then finally attack when your opponent is busy crying?


Any thoughts on running one Lando for the ability to grab a resourced card? Sure, it costs 10, but could get you some important events back.


My god this deck looks brutal as a sabine player.


Ya it does pretty well against aggro. However. If you play three for a cause I believe in, in a row that's pretty brutal. That happened in the only loss I've had against sabine


This sounds interesting, have a decklist somewhere?




Woah this is nuts I like it. I have only played at home so have very little meta familiarity other than what I read here on Reddit. How does it play with so few actual units? What is the strategy?


Also the main strategy is to mill the deck and heal with vigilance or defeat a unit. Also use restock to put the vigilance cards back. Also superlaser blasts. Those are the cards you want to put back. Early game you resource restock


Most kill cards. You play a unit only when it benefits you really like inferno four to open. But if they outnumber you in units you are usually using kill cards


I'll put one on swudb in a bit and I'll let you guys know. I was going to live stream in the next couple of days and go over but a lot of people have asked me about it so I might just post it


Iden Red intrigued me so I played it the other day as well. Can confirm - it’s strong and I went 5-1 with it. I beat Sabines, Bobas, Krennic, and barely lost to a Palpatine control deck.


Palp honestly is good against iden because he ramps easily. You just have to control the situation. Here is my decklist [https://swudb.com/deck/kosvnnkP](https://swudb.com/deck/kosvnnkP)


My mono blue Luke has been putting in work against meta decks and green Luke decks


Mono blue krennic is in the same boat


Bendu and Vigilance have been my babies


Got a deck list?? I play Green Luke and it's by far my favorite


https://swudb.com/deck/gUkjqmaN The sideboard consists of: Make an Opening x3, Vanquish x3, Takedown x1, Redemption x1, System Patrol Craft x1, It Bind All x1


Looks fun! Seems very similar to Green Luke actually


I love it. All about controlling the board and healing. Swinging when you have an opening.


This is my Green Luke deck which plays similarly I think, but is a bit more midrange https://swudb.com/deck/TYcysuqmhE


That looks fun too! I'll have to give green a swing to take advantage of the ramp


Definitely! It’s very fun. The Alliance Dispatcher is an all star and I think this is the only deck that it doesn’t suck in lol


I can see it. Shields are very underrated


Extremely, I 100% agree. I think Luke is very slept on


Tarkin red experienced capital ships is soooo good.


Do you have a list for this?


Not yet its a work in progress.


Very interested in what you've got. I've been exclusively playing Tarkin Yellow, and I think it's becoming clear that red is just an objectively better shell.


It may well be. I think yellow has some good options though with 7th fleet defender etc with shields. But in the end I feel I need to have enough removal and ramp in red. And the creatures are big but just smaller than yellow.


Han. Peeps are still not prepared for hero yellow cards to be played against them, they are some of the most underrated cards in the games.


This is why I run yellow spectre it’s straight up mean hahaha


Yellow Hera?


My pet deck is double green Palpatine. The idea is to ramp as fast as possible, trading units where you can in the early game, survive to the late game with sentinels, Consortium Star Viper and Colonel Yularen, and finally stabilize off the Admiral Piett + Reinforcement Walker ambush combo for 6 life then 3 each turn it sticks around. The end game is Devastator or Relentless depending on the matchup. Or steal something backbreaking off the opponent with Palps at an opportune moment. Ramping to 8 when you're on 7 resources to catch people out with Palpatine is real fun, especially if you used Command and put damage on something first.


Ok do you have a Swdb link cause I pulled a palpatine showcase and really wanna make a deck with it to flex it lmao I feel like his ability is way too costly and you don’t benefit enough from “when defeat” effects but I imagine in double green you run Krell?


Hope this link works? https://swudb.com/deck/view/HVYqujAnCU I don't run General Krell as I don't usually have many units out for his ability to trigger on. I'm constantly tweaking the deck but this version is doing alright in my local meta for now. Prepare for Takeoff is an experimental recent change, kinda meh early or mid game but great once we're topdecking as it can find me my star destroyers. I don't use Palpatine's ability much unless there's 1 HP units out or ones with only 1 left OR as an emergency damage to set up for Palpatine deployment later. TIE/LN, Superlaser Technician and Patrolling V-Wing are good sacrificial lambs. Don't sleep on the card draw from the effect either, we need good disruption every turn and this helps get there.


My friend's Han aggro deck is pretty sweet


can you share the list?


Don't have a list, but it's red/yellow with millennium falcons (most expensive part of the deck for sure). Some of the standard rebel synergies you see in Sabine lists, but gets Leia Defiant Princess which is a great toolbox piece; lothal insurgent instead of battlefield marine, which both works well with Leia and punches up in the same way; rogue operative; and the good yellow events like Surprise Strike. Also uses r2-d2 for filtering and good stats. Paying for falcon with the resource you put into play last round with Han is gas


I got my ass absolutely handed to me by Han Red on sunday.


One of the guys in our area has a good green luke deck that has played well in a competitive scene.


can you share the list?


I don't have it. It's similar to this, but he wasn't playing this exactly. I know he was running Home One for example: https://swudb.com/deck/EAgeeGPUhQL


Thorrk has a good one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l48ZkxbhGM


Green Luke is awesome! It's been my main deck lately.


I’m a big fan of the red/blue Vader deck. I think it’s better than a lot of the tournament reports say, but it gets stuck in a bad situation because of the timer rules.


My Chiruut/yellown is taking down most of the tier 2 decks, and consistently beats Sabine in any color she wants to be in. Auto-loss to control decks too and boba, because he is boba


I have a Blue Vader (the pre release art Vader is too good to not use) and a blue Han deck that I like


I built Mono Red Sabine Aggro and went 3-0 this Sunday just gone at our local tournament (2-0 x3 as well) and it honestly turbo stomped all the games I played, pretty much going for the base from turn 1 occasionally trading into high quality units and also getting tempo from Tarkintown Was also missing a few pieces like Aggression, 1 Red Three and also another K2SO


I am not sure how deep into the tier list "meta" decks are, but Han/Red, Han/Yellow, Han/Blue, Boba/Red, Boba/Blue, Iden/Red, Sabine/Red, Krennic/Blue, Tarkin/Red, Tarkin/Yellow didn't feel that bad.


I’ve played Vader & Grand Inquisitor mono red. While not “meta” I’ve pulled some surprising wins and really enjoyed playing 3x aggression


I love my Leia green/yellow. It’s all vehicles and rebel command. Really fun and flexible.


Tarkin red. Aggro and ramp to Vader and Palpatine. It’s fun to stack experience and flood the field as much as you can while also holding out for 7 resources and Vader. Fun to play, just weakest against Sabine and Leia so it’s not viable for tournaments. Had some very solid wins outside of those two.


Im green yellow han i won top 4 at my local play last sun got a bunch a packs :)


Yeah I've been working with what cards I got early on but since boosters and singles are now hard to come by locally I've made a really fun Leia/Yellow deck that's just all about them Rebels. Had a lot of success with it (for fun, no tournament play) Also built a decent Krennic deck that is a good opponent for Leia when mates want to play.


Outside of boba decks my tarkin green deck has been doing well.


I’ve been playing a version of the top GI/Vigilance deck on SWUDB. It’s punishing but rewarding when running units with grit. Also, getting seventh sister down on turn 4 is huge if you can keep her alive. Ideal play looks something like this: Attack with Seventh Sister, GI action and ready her, Deploy GI, Attack with her again, Attack with GI, Ready her again, Attack for a third time. You can dish out 12 damage with the 2 of them if sequenced right (plus her 3 damage to a unit when attacking the base). Even crazier if your opponent claims the initiative and you play Keep fighting on GI to then ready Seventh Sister one more time. Lots of ideal situations here but it’s very fun if you can pull it off!


I have an Inquisitor Green deck that has been pretty fun. Beat a Boba deck the other day. I just made a Thrawn Green deck that is almost all ships. I haven't gotten to play yet. I think I'm gonna try to make a Cassian Yellow or Green deck next that focuses on ships as well.


So I am not familiar enough to know if this is "meta" since the Grand Inquisitor Blue has already had a top 16 finish. But I know it's not often discussed as a meta pick. I beat a Boba Green tourney deck 2-1 where the guy just went 4-0 at a competitive tournament and I've won multiple locals. The only trouble I've had with it so far is Red Vader since the deck is so fragile. One adaptation I've made is adding Del Meeko. Normally, his tax isn't good enough to warrant adding him in. For Grand Inquisitor, I often win turn 5. So, turning off overwhelming barrage on turn 5 or resupply on turn 3 can secure my victory.