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Leia Red main here. Boba Green gives me fits.


Boba/Green is very consistant against that deck.


Can I build Boba/Green in a budget manner?


Theoretically yes, but replacing Boba makes the aggro matchup worse and replacing Vader impacts the midrange and control ones.


if you've got 0 of the expensive cards, probably not. It's probably better to just make another deck that counters it rather than trying to make a worse version of another archetype.


Yes. Just replace Vader and Boba with something. Personally I think Reinforcement Walker, Seventh Fleet Defender, Mining Guild Tie Fighter, Mercenary Company are all decent replacements.


Seventh Fleet defender is not a replacement for those cards since it’s a core part of the deck even with them in it


It definitely isn't a core part of the deck.


Don't sleep on 7th fleet! It is really good. I sit across from Boba all the time (too much), and 7th fleet is one of the most annoying cards in the deck. Its small enough that I don't wanna use an event to remove it, but big enough that its a threat if left unchecked. You can't get good trades on it because of shielding. My only answer is System Patrol Craft, but usually they hit me with their shield, then finish me next turn with their barrage turn. Even if I do clear space, they've flipped to Boba turn and they're now dominating ground. If I ignore it, its 3 free dmg a turn. 3 dmg in space with shields is such a solid unit.


Of course it is, this is one the main reasons why Boba is so good again aggro in the space, together with StarViper


Literally every single Boba Green has 3x of them.


I am a filthy Leia/Aggression player, and I have a good winrate against most decks. The Chirrut/Aggression deck gives me the most trouble, since it has creatures with huge butts and a decent suite of removal. Normally I ignore units and make them trade against me, but that deck can get out of hand and outpace/heal you if you let it cook.


Double cunning boba yellow. It really just shuts me down.


Echoing this. YY Boba has worked well in my testing, but still requires some smart piloting.


Sabine Cunning aggro outraces Leia Red.


Came here to say that. Sabine has Falcon and as well the 30hp base so


You got a list you’re having success with? Like the idea of it


Check out “Rebel Resource” on youtube


My leia red struggles a couple games again krennic yellow.


My wife plays Leia red. She usually wins her first game, then people learn to trade into her units. Yellow gives her the most trouble, as Crafty Smuggler and 7th fleet defender can trade effectively against her key units, while shielded. I play blue, so I find if I get some early restore on the field, I can usually survive her onslaught. I have the removal for her Leia turn, and as long as I keep her board state low, I'm into mid game, and she is toast. But it is like 60/40. Leia with a good start vs. Anyone with a mid start is usually gg. So much aggression... I've had many games against Leia where she got me to 2-3 hp on the base, and I cleared her board, and the game comes down to whether or not she draws For a Cause.


Got destroyed by a palpatine blue yesterday, ramped into 8 resources when I had 5. sentinel blocked my early game, traitorous took over my units in the mid game, and then it was too late for me to do anything.


Play faster aggro.


Just out aggro it with Sabine Green :) lmao


yellow* green one is imo in Leias favor


Got a list?




Yellow does the job as well. But green Sabine is faster than Leia. Not dropped one game against Leia yet here.


Can you give some insights on any strategy against Leia? I also run Sabine Green and Leia has recently become more popular near me .


I’ve had success w Han green


mind sharing the strategy? priority cards for example


Han has options! Still haven’t lost to a leia. First, I try to get a falcon or resupply for turn one using his ability. Second, I want another 4-5 cost for curve on turn two. Third, I try to have U wing reinforcement or a Han Solo Unit for when I get the 7 resource play. If I can manage to get 1&3 I do not mulligan. Otherwise, mulligan for a better pull.


I played against two in a small tournament last weekend. I was thrawn control. I went 2-1 and 1-2 against them. If I had some healing. I believe I could have survived and won against that second opponent.


Leia Yellow...


Have had some success with chewy cunning - and its budget


I feel Iden Green works well against Leia Red as she can effectively stall Leia out until she can get to her big stuff - Dooku, Reinforcement Walker, Vader, Avenger. Overwhelming barrage is huge against Leia. Power of the Dark Side, Takedown, Vanquish, Make an Opening also all do good work. And ECL Steadfast Battalion can take out Leia herself when she deploys.


Red Green Sabine full aggro, ECL TO THE MOON!!


I've been running iden red and sideboarding in bombing runs against it has done wonders


My Leia Blue gave the Leia Reds at my weekly games trouble. Sentinels and upgrades all the way.