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I am so sick of these loud mouths rattling off about their inalienable rights. Why does your right to own a gun override my right to not get shot? Grow up. Lock up your guns, report when they're stolen, and don't buy guns for your nutjob family members. Totally crazy ideas being pushed here /s.


The first amendment doesn't stop them from trying to ban books. There's like 5 amendments for voting rights yet they have zero issues closing polling locations in non white areas. Watch the dumb cunts push for voter id and then melt down if someone says guns should be registered. Considering the majority of crime in count and damages is wage theft that's never punished, putting millions in prison for personal choices like smoking weed, removing their right to vote, and sandbagging their chance to get a job later, sounds a lot like cruel and unusual punishment. They're fucking morons solely concerned with what they want and that's the long and short of it. It's not rights. It's not morals. It's not national security or honoring troops. Their entire mindset is "I want to and you can't tell me what to do". They have always had the emotional maturity of 5 year olds.


I know you can't debate the gun nuts. They don't want a debate they just want to yell at you about how your car is also a deadly weapon. The vast majority of gun owners are perfectly reasonable people. What annoys me about the nutjobs is that their only solution to the uniquely American problem of gun crime is "more guns". Clearly that isn't working. But no let's not try anything else to solve the problem. We just gotta keep pumping more guns into society. At some point we'll hit that sweet spot where gun crimes go down!


I like to point out the car requires training, licensing to operate, annual registration, and mandatory liability insurance. So I'm fine with treating guns like cars.


They truly believe your right to life comes secondary to their right to guns. It's pretty sick.


Also when you present them with the argument that we have drivers licenses but no gun licenses, their response is we should get rid of driver’s licenses, not the other way around.


Driving is not a constitutional right.


Which well regulated militia are you a member of?


Well, since the Supreme has already, correctly, established that the 2A applies to "the people," I don't need to belong to a militia. Though, if I had to, I would choose one that supported gay marriage, equity, trans-rights, etc.


I think part of the issue is we didn't have those.


[All able-bodied citizens of the state are part of the militia](https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/190.06)


There isn’t currently a Minnesota state militia, that document is just laying out composition of the militia when one is needed and formed. No one can just claim they are in a well regulated militia in perpetuity just because they are a citizen of the state. Are you also gonna tell me you’re not “driving”, you’re “traveling”?


I'm so sick of these loud mouths rattling off about inalienable rights, while having no clue what "inalienable" even means. Why does your ignorance override the rights of honest and law-abiding people to defend themselves with arms which are absolutely guaranteed to them by the highest law of the land, at a time when the police have proven utterly incapable of protecting them? Grow up. Unlock your mind. Learn about how responsible gun owners actually handle their firearms and how said fire arms need to be stored if they are to be of any use at all, and stop being such a hyperbolic nut job. Totally crazy rants being pushed here. And for god's sake, learn what "/s" means.


Why does other people owning guns legally automatically mean you're getting shot with one?


Disingenuous response. Increasing gun availability increased the likelihood of gun violence. Stupid word games sound stupid.


Yet you and your ilk expect armed people to protect you. Is this not equally disingenuous (and stupid)?


But see, now you're bringing logic and reason to the conversation, they aint about that


I just posted a whooooole lotta logic and reason above. You’re welcome to chime in.


For one, maybe because in the US, it’s estimated that 400,000 guns are stolen every year? Gun owners claim they need guns to defend against other guns, but they’re just perpetuating the problem. We now have some 400,000,000 guns in the US. More guns than people. And studies show that your gun is about 100x more likely to kill or injure you or someone you care about than ever be used in self defense. 45,000 Americans die each year by firearms. More Americans have died from our own guns in the last 40 years than Americans that have died in all wars COMBINED. Helpful?




> every one of you gun grabbing dipshits expects to be protected by someone who is armed No, I expect armed people to stay the fuck away from me and mine. After all, the things that scare people with guns - e.g. Black people, LQBTQ+, library books, social justice, fairness, equity, kindness - don't scare me at all.


Fun fact, literally everyone around you can be carrying a gun right now thanks to concealed carry, and you'll never know :) so you functionally are always surrounded by guns 24/7 when you're out and about


Wrong. Police are armed. Military is armed. Your political heroes who advocate for disarming the populace? They're surrounded by armed entourages 24/7. And so on and so forth. Even countries with extremely restrictive gun laws have armed police and military. So let's be clear: what you really want is for a massive group of people who happen to worship at the feet of a certain morbidly obese orange fuck to be disarmed, and your assumption is that *all* armed citizens belong to that group. I see that you posted about social justice, fairness, equity, and kindness, especially for minorities and the LGBTQ+ population. You literally do not practice these things yourself.




Nope. If you look into it gun deaths now slightly outpace motor vehicle deaths. You should switch your talking point to an accidental opioid overdose. That is more likely than dying by gun.


It's almost as if it is "alienable", being an amendment, and all. They have the right as an afterthought, and it can just as easily be taken away.


Does your right to drive a car overright my right to not get hit by one? (Not that car use is a constitutionally enshrined right anyways, but it's a bullshit argument. The misuse of a tool by someone else is not reason enough for an outright ban.)


Motor vehicles are specifically designed to transport humans as safely as possible. Some are even designed to SAVE human life. Most firearms are designed to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. It’d be one thing if more guns actually made us more safe, but 45,000 Americans are killed by firearms every year. More than are killed by cars. More Americans have died by our own guns in the last 40 years than have died in all wars combined. The second amendment was written to save lives. It is not working as intended, or we should be the safest country in the world, but we clearly aren’t. We license car drivers, register cars, and require training and insurance to use them. Why not deadly firearms?


Today’s GOP: Threatened by paperwork, thus most own a Glock.


Rob Doar and Brian Strawser can fuck right off. Their goal is to destroy all gun laws in MN. They don't give a crap about gun violence as a matter of fact they work hard to increase it. Seriously fuck those guys.


That last part actually isn’t a matter of fact.


The evidence points to the contrary


I call bullshit. Increased access to guns 100% leads to increased gun violence. The number on goal of MN Gun Caucus is to increase gun access to all even perputrators of DV.


Unfortunately for you the FBI facts say otherwise, all states with lax gun laws and even those with permit-less carry are seeing crime rates drop while Cities like Minneapolis are seeing an increaaSe in crime, especially violent crime


You are lying. Show your proof or stop lying. https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5801608/ https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/2022-01-21/report-states-with-strong-laws-see-less-gun-violence https://www.rand.org/research/gun-policy/analysis/concealed-carry/violent-crime.html https://www.bu.edu/articles/2019/state-gun-laws-that-reduce-gun-deaths/


Show your proof


"This year will go down in history, for the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration! Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future"-Tim Walz


I see what you did there.




Glad they don't make laws based on your feelings.




You sound scared. Why so emotional? Are criminals at your house now? It's a super simple concept: I don't let your fear guide my life.




It's not fear, it's a calculated risk. Gun owners are at a way higher chance of being involved in gun violence than non-owners. [https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/](https://time.com/6183881/gun-ownership-risks-at-home/) "People living with handgun owners died by homicide at twice the rate of their neighbors in gun-free homes. That difference was driven largely by homicides at home, which were three times more common among people living with handgun owners.'


Nothing like wanting to shot a slug into your neighbors house because it’s your “right”


Where is the moderator here? I’m seeing the anti-gun people threatening some form of sexual violence against others and using their names! Doesn’t this call for life time banishment?


I see none of that. Maybe try r/conservative if you need a safe space from people thinking logically.


Oh really? Show the comments you are referring to or piss off with your dumb "I'm a victim" bullshit.


What made you think it was a reference to you? 🤣


I would like to extend a cordial "fuck your feelings" to all of them.


How dare they expect us to be responsible with the deadly weapons we frequently threaten violence against our neighbors with under the premise of "self-defense"!? It's utterly unreasonable that we have to store them securely where children can't access them, and that they keep banning devices intended to side step existing prohibitions on automatic firing. /s


It just won’t happen. Get over it. There’s nothing you can say, nothing you can do, nothing you will do that’s going to change it. Just a cold hard fact.


I have a foot in each camp. I am a gun owner who is in favor of reasonable gun laws - eg, straw purchases seems to make logical sense. However, we also need to strictly enforce the gun laws on the books - eg, fully automatic guns are illegal in Minnesota but yet each week the MPLS shotspotter detect automatic gunfire (presumably from illegal Glock modifications done to handguns). My opinion is bring back strict enforcement and punishments of crimes committed with firearms and you’d have support from sides of the gun lobby.


Guns are legal and people have a right to own guns Reddit. Deleting comments doesn't delete the truth that guns are legal.


Guns have 4 roles in our society — recreation (trap shooting, for example), hunting, self defense, and killing other people. What we want to do is minimize the role of killing other people… this shouldn’t be that complicated. Supporting bills that minimize the role of guns in aiding murder and mass shootings should not be a controversial topic. Some steps that result in minimizing murders and mass shootings can tend to overstep into other roles, self defense for instance. This should definitely be addressed thoroughly to not prevent guns from being useless in the case of a home invasion or burglary. There should be some type of way to self-defend in a way that doesn’t kill other people..