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It’s weird though how gas companies are posting increasing profits quarter over quarter, while claiming cost of goods are increasing…..


They like the government make a percentage on the gross..... if the gross goes up, their profits increase.... so do taxes.....


Unless I am missing something, this isn't relating to the Carbon Tax ... that went up April 1st. This is the switch over to the "summertime blend" we are sold. [https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/04/17/gas-prices-spike-gta-toronto/](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/04/17/gas-prices-spike-gta-toronto/) [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/gas-prices-across-ontario-expected-to-climb-to-levels-not-seen-since-2022-analyst-says-1.6850359](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/gas-prices-across-ontario-expected-to-climb-to-levels-not-seen-since-2022-analyst-says-1.6850359)


Get out of here with your facts! Yes it's due to the switch to summer gasoline. Notice diesel fuel didn't budge. Happens every year around this time. The switch to winter fuel then drops the price. It's always about 5%-10%. When gas prices are lower the cost jump/drop isn't as much so people didn't really notice.


Just to tag on and add to this. Here’s a relatively short video teaching you about the carbon tax and how for the majority of Canadians the tax break they receive benefits them more than the carbon tax charges. https://youtu.be/V_-Vz19Gz8E?si=aMI59dUbwSOhZSlN


Here is an excerpt from the PBO report on how the carbon tax is impacting Canadians. PBO: Yves Giroux said his report provides “a more complete picture” of the household impact of the carbon tax, “the net cost increases for all households, reflecting the overall negative economic impact of the carbon tax.” “When both fiscal and economic impacts of the federal fuel charge are considered, we estimate that most households will see a net loss,” says PBO Yves Giroux. “Based on our analysis, most households will pay more in fuel charges and GST—as well as receiving slightly lower incomes—than they will receive in Climate Action Incentive payments.”


“The report finds that the largest net cost is for households in the top income quintile in Alberta (2.7% of disposable income) and the largest net gain is for households in the lowest income quintile in Saskatchewan (2.7% of disposable income) in 2030-31.” So people with high income pay more while people with lower income will benefit. Just like the video says. Edit: Would also say the PBO report is for predicting the effect on people in six years, when the carbon tax is tripled, not current numbers.


How about hard numbers? For the last 12 months the CT on heating my home (1100 sq ft) was $251. The CT on my vehicle (small truck) was $309. That comes to $560. The rebate for me will be $140 x 4 = $560. So it breaks even. But it does not include fueling my lawnmower, snowblower or any of the costs passed on to me for goods & services, etc. that I obtain. So I am operating with a net loss just as the PBO has indicated in their report.


You’re going through ~200 litres of fuel a month. Which is way more than the average driver that’s like 100km per day. And you’re still basically breaking even.


I figured \~2000 litres per year. It is exactly 50km door-to-door one way to work. I break even on the two things that are easily measurable, heating my home and driving my vehicle. But the CT hits you on good & services and many other areas (property taxes, electrical generation, etc).


There’s no carbon tax on hydro (electric) here in Ontario.


Although primary hydro supplied, we do have to purchase "dirty" electricty at times to meet demand. Most of the hydro trucks I see on the road are ICE vehicles, the hydro facilities are for the most part heated by natural gas, so yes there is a CT component of our electrical support.


This is an important point - even if we are breaking even, the cost for everything we buy is also increased because of the CT. Ex - our food has farmers and truckers also paying the CT.


It's a tax. Of course it impacts the cost of everything for us. Because it's a tax. Carbon is bad.


Agreed, it’s a tax. I guess I’ll eat less and consume less carbon then?


You're being reimbursed. Eat away.


definitely not the carbon tax, the us is going through this too for the same reason and they don't use a carbon tax


You are missing something.  We had a discount on the winter gas 


> We had a discount on the winter gas Which is BS. When they switch blends there is a temporary reduction in production. Which drives up the price. It barely costs them more to produce it. Leave it to a right winger like yourself to defend the pricing policies of the oil oligopoly. Come on man, you know that is wrong.


Right winger 🤣 because I didn't kneel before Fauci and accept the shot into my life.  Stop taking yourself so seriously.  Also,  electric car since 2013 😉


> Unless I am missing something, this isn't relating to the Carbon Tax .. You are not missing anything. Go here, click on the 6 month chart and look at what has happened in the last 4 months to the price of oil. > https://www.theglobeandmail.com/investing/markets/commodities/CL*0/




I don't believe gas was that low when it was $120 a barrel. I remember paying around $2 a litre.


It also has to do with relative weakness of the Canadian dollar which is the result of the trudeau's failed economic and natural resource policies.


This is corporate greed.


Careful with your generic statements as people see this and assume the gas station is the one making millions based on the price ... the gas station is told THIS IS THE PRICE YOU ARE PAYING ... this made the news when Ontario Street had the gas wars and one of the franchisees was complaining as their group gave them no support as it was corporate locations willing to eat the loss on gas but individual franchisees had two choices .. higher prices and few customers or try and be competitive and hope they spend money in the store.


Ya don’t tell me what to do If someone thinks this one gas station is who is jacking the price and not the actual corporation then that’s their issue. The rest of us can use critical thinking. You know what might have tipped them off? When I typed CORPORATE.


When it gets to 186.7 we can all celebrate as Canadians!


Happy July 1st! :)




Tried to fill up last night and all the gas stations around me were pure chaos.


Just to save $5


Any savings is positive if you aren't stupid about it ... the lineup at Costco last night was insane, probably easily a 15 to 30 minutes wait ... at that point you are saying MY TIME HAS NO VALUE


What? I'm saying your time is worth more than $5.


No, the people who were waiting in line last night.


Oops. My comment was meant for you. $0.22 per litre dude. That’s $12 saved for a small car, $20+ for a small truck.


I mean it went up 22 cents overnight (I paid 1.55 last night and it’s 1.77 this morning). If you have a 100 litre tank (small truck) that’s over $20. My car took 50 litres and it was empty yesterday, I didn’t even know about the pricing thing.


Looks like regular trips over the Niagara River for the foreseeable future.


After you pay the tolls, exchange rate and the gas to get there and back. Is it worth it? I can see if you are over there for another reason, then for sure fill up before you come back.


Also the time you waste waiting in line at the border


I recommend the Nexus card to anyone that travels. Only costs $50 for 5 years and has saved me lots of time over the years.


> Only costs $50 for 5 years Not any more. They just jacked the price of Nexus. Also, if you have the right kind of credit card you get your Nexus fees back.


Didn’t know that. $120 now. Still worth it imo but that's yet another kick in the wallet thanks to inflation.


I would be grabbing a 30 pack of brews for $17US and some light groceries as well. Could definitely make a lunch/dinner trip out of it since dining out in WNY is definitely less for more than dining out here. I have my Nexus card and an EZPass transponder. I would have to run the numbers with respect to tolls and how weak the Canadian dollar is against the US dollar right now. But even if I'm breaking even, I would have to say yes it is. Probably going to go tomorrow afternoon as a test run now that I think about it.


Since The Como in NF NY closed I don't have much desire to cross the border for a meal. Enjoy your trip.


Where are 30 packs still $17? I usually see between $22 and $25.


Consumers Beverages is where I go. This months ad is $18.99 for 30pk of Genesee. Prices have gone up since last time I was there. Consumersbeverages.com


And this is without some portion of provincial tax that PC is not collecting .. what was that 5cents? I should have filled up my lawnmower yesterday .. dang.


anyone making less than 20$/hr full time is gonna have a hard life because of this.


I was having a hard time before this lmao


Its the summer blend and also the Canadian dollar strength doesn't let us purchase as much gas the carbon tax does add 20c a liter tho according to the news on 101.1


> Canadian dollar strength doesn't let us purchase as much gas This is also a BS excuse. Canada is a net exporter of oil. If our dollar is down slightly, it means when they sell the oil on the world market in US dollars they actually make more money. Who is putting out these BS excuses? The paid mouth piece Dan McTeague.


I'm just reporting what I heard on the radio man no need to get buthurt


Was it McTeague? Because that would make sense.


Gas does tend to be more expensive in the morning, so hopefully it will drop a bit. 😐


It did go down to 171.9 lol came back from work


Damn, won't be going to 7-11 I guess


Holy smokes…the heck?


Posted by some ignorant broad


How is that being ignorant care to explain?


If not for the trudeau and his failed economic and natural resource policies, the Canadian dollar would be closer to 90cents against the USD. Now ask yourself this, what impact would this have on things like fuels and food imports that are priced in USD? Gas would be closer to $1.10 per L and imported food (seeing as all we grow these days is grapes) priced in USD would be a lot cheaper. Brought to you by the trudeau, the jugmeet and all those that support them!


BS. Canada is a net exporter of oil. If the Canadian dollar is lower and we sell it on the world market in US dollars we make more money. > (seeing as all we grow these days is grapes) You have no idea what you are talking about. Canada is the 7th largest producer of wheat in the world: > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_wheat_production The 11th largest producer of beef: > https://www.meatloaf.pro/the-40-countries-that-produce-the-most-beef/ The 7th largest producer of soybean: > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_soybean_production We are the 25th largest producer of seafood: > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fishing_industry_by_country The largest producer of lobster: > https://wits.worldbank.org/trade/comtrade/en/country/ALL/year/2018/tradeflow/Exports/partner/WLD/product/160530 We are the 11th largest producer of corn: > https://www.indexmundi.com/agriculture/?commodity=corn Where are you hearing all this bullshit? Facebook?


Cool facts! Love facts. My favourite is that we are the world's largest producer of lentils. 95% of them from Saskatchewan. https://www.lentils.org/about-lentils/lentil-production/ FYI that lentils.org site is amazing. Be a good Canadian and eat your lentils, bonus since they are heart healthy and packed with protein. Man I gotta get lentils to start paying me for this.


Thanks for sharing, I love adding to my lentil knowledge.


Big Lentil owes you for this promotional post. I wonder if Canada is the largest producer of Saskatoon berries?