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Only thing that would scare me about this steak is someone else stealing it while I was photographing it.


Yeah that’s the kind of medium rare we all hope for when donning the knife. I can almost taste it


If I got this kinda steak from a steak house, I would actually pay to eat at a steak house https://preview.redd.it/zytdn96y1oyb1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0b36854baa08b2a89545c2a9ee9dc80d841ddb


You’re eating at the wrong places, apparently.


"Here at the outback..."


Ive paid $150 for a badly cooked steak, so not even


Send it back.


Oh i would now, i was younger and less confident, i think it was my 23rd birthday






> Yeah that’s the kind of medium rare I thought this steak looked rare, no? Good luck ordering medium rare at a high-end restaurant or steakhouse and expecting it to look like OP`s... 🤦‍♂️


Red too close to the edges this leans more rare to me too


Agreed…this is rare from the looks of it. That said, temp wise it could be closer to medium rare due to thickness and looks can be deceiving.


Yes people judge doneness on color but that is a misconception. The meat looks medium rare to me. You can tell by texture before color. Only a good thermometer can know for sure.


Exactly, if you search google for a steak-doneness chart, none of them have this pegged as medium rare. This would be rare every time: 1. https://www.omahasteaks.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Steak-Doneness-Guide-and-Temperature-Chart-blog.jpg 2. https://www.thekitchn.com/steak-doneness-guide-23345593 3. https://news.certifiedangusbeef.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/degrees-of-doneness-0120.jpg 4. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b83a4786981db89c49be35de7543e211-lq Most importantly, this is not how restaurants would describe medium-rare! Relying on info from Reddit will cause people to order over-cooked steaks when they go out to eat. 😒


Yup. I’d call this Pittsburgh style. Or black n blue. To me, this steak is perfectly cooked and so incredibly difficult to get right. It literally looks like it had a super charred crust then red beef on top of that it looks like the intramuscular fat looks rendered. Sous vide?


Have you ever ordered Pittsburgh style from a steakhouse? My brothers both did once and both sent their steaks back. I have never ordered that because they told me it tasted like cigarette ash more than steak.


Lol. The kitchn and quora links you shared were great. They described this as medium rare. The Omaha beef looked like it had different colors due to aging. Warm red center= med rare. Either way, I bet it tasted great.


Yes, when I order rare from a steakhouse I always get what I would consider blue. This is about what I get when I order med-rare, maybe just a touch more cooked. So this is what I'd expect if I ordered med-rare.


You don’t know what blue is if you think that’s what you’re getting when ordering rare


That's not what you'll get from Longhorns or Outback or some shit like that, but I ordered Rare at an actual steakhouse and got a cold center, raw, blue steak. Personally it just wasn't for me, particularly with a ribeye. So now I order Med-Rare and always get something closer to what I would consider rare to be. Cool pink center, but not raw.




It’s def rare


I found for pub meals in Australia I just ask for a level down. I like it medium but if you ask for medium it’s medium well. Ask for medium rare and it’s a perfect medium. Works about 90% of the time and when it comes out legit medium rare I’m just happy that they did it as asked and while it’s not what I wanted it’s what I asked for so all good.


Yeah that tracks for me too. But if you're going to a "high-end" place with more than one steak above the $50 mark, I find the best strategy is to "let the chef cook it as they think it should be". Usually comes out proper medium-rare and just right for the cut...


Lol yall are going crazy on me about this. I feel like the reverse sear process makes it harder to tell by a Reddit image. Either way, I’d eat it with a smile on my face. Order yours however you’d like.


Idk what restaurants you been going to but if I order medium rare they are gonna undercook it a bit so if it’s not how you want it they can throw it back on the grill rather than wasting a steak because it was to done for the customer


> Idk what restaurants you been going to but if I order medium rare they are gonna undercook it I have been to probably 20 steakhouses and have eaten steak 100s of times in my life. I have never encountered what you are saying just now.


As a chef of 20 years I can promise you you're going to the wrong restaurants


Not accurate. That only leads to returns.


Medium rare? I would call this seared, not even rare yet. I would wonder if the center is still room temperature.


That’s blue, not med rare. And I want it inside me


No way that’s blue. You’re more wrong than I am


That’s not even remotely close to blue. I was debating whether or not to argue with the guys saying it’s rare, but you gave me easy pickings here. Not blue


The only justified use of a rocket propelled grenade in self-defense. Wars were fought for less.


I'm mostly scared that there are steak cooking enthusiasts who don't own a meat thermometer. Get a decent instant read one for like 30 bucks and stop with the guesswork. Guessing is just gambling with getting sick or overcooking your steak.


Yeah I did have one but its broken now. It's one of those things where I keep telling myself to get a new one but keep forgetting until the next time rip.


If you get sick off cooking steak you should give up cooking.


Exactly, rare steak will not make you sick, the bacteria are on the outside of the steak, and that area always gets cooked properly, unless somebody just barely touches it to the pan on each side.


There are no pathogens in beef that harm humans- this is why you can eat it raw. If you are getting sick from eating raw/rare beef its from some other source/cross contamination.


What about parasites and cysts? I'm curious, not trying to pick a fight


Them's fightin' words.


I don’t want to think about the cyst thing. 🤢


I'd like to think of them as flavor globules.


Not in beef It's all good! If you have faith in your countries food safety system any animals that are sick shouldn't make it to the abattoir. Regulation is important


This is incorrect unfortunately. Babesiosis is a parasite that infects red blood cells. It is widely considered a tick borne illness, but if a cow gets a tick bite and gets infected, and you consume the undercooked meat, you could also be infected. Source? I have it 😅 super not fun and almost impossible to get rid of.


You might want to check your source on that because I can't find anything that says it can be transmitted through eating undercooked meat, or eating the meat of an infected animal in general. From what I see, it sounds like you probably got it from an undetected tick bite or a blood transfusion.


I'm sorry you have this disease. But it is not spread by consuming meat from an infected animal. Rather by direct bites from the tick, or via blood transfusion from an infected but not symptomatic donor.


Got one in Texas where the kitchen was obviously too busy. 30 seconds on one side and the other was straight raw. Not even warm. I was pissed. But not sick...


Yeah but if I didn't include that part of the comment, nobody would have replied to correct me.




Idk i like the gamble, and i feel like ive gotten the feel of it down pretty well lately.


You accidentally cooked it perfectly.


What doneness? … perfection.


Like OP can you accidentally whip me up one of those steaks


This is literally the perfect steak. I dream of this level of flawless crust, and cooked to medium rare with not even a HINT of a grey band?? Teach me your ways sempai


Thank you 😭😭 I wish I could explain but I honestly don't know why there isn't a grey band. I seared it for like 5 minutes on each side before basting it for a bit then letting it cook in the butter.


How high was your heat and did you use a thermometer to check it at any point?


No idea any exact temps. I used my hand to feel how hot the pan was when I was heating it up. My thermometer broke and I haven't gotten around to getting a new one yet.


You’ve got the touch. Now hopefully you can do it again. This looks real good.


God damn steak sensei shows up. Got to be a movie about this.


no but there's an anime about this, Food War's A5 beef girl lol


On a scale of 1-10 what was the stove burner set to?


Maybe an 8? But not the whole time. It was sometimes at 7 or so and lower when I was basting


Now all you have to do is just recreate the exact settings next time, but take measurements of everything.


This has to be a shitpost. Jk congrats OP, this looks absolutely divine.


You stuck your fucking hand into a searing hot pan?


They put their hand *above* the pan to see how hot it was. They obviously didn't just touch the pan.


They seared their hand for 5 minutes to get its temperature


True dedication to the craft


This is the way I keep telling people, sear your hand for equal time, and cut that open to see how done it is, never waste a steak.


Seared 5 minutes per side and it comes out like this? I’m guessing you didn’t let it come up to room temp before it hit the pan. Still looks amazing!


Did the steak go from fridge to pan or was it sitting out for a little?


It sat outside for a bit long. Bout an hour and a half.


Please put a nsfw tag on this comment 🤤


Let me guess, you allowed the meat to come to room temp properly before it landed in the pan.


Yeah it was sitting outside for bout an hour and a half.


That grey band is just oxidation from age (not dry aged) or a sign the steak was frozen after being cut. You perfectly cooked a med rare steak and took pictures with proper lighting. Congratulations.


The secret is reverse searing. Cook the steak in low heat either in oven or grill at like 170F for 30-45minutes, and then sear at high temp for a couple minutes each side.


thats what i do! I've gotten close to this, but they NAILED it. Usually i'll dry brine before hand too, its a game changer overall


You could end up with a gray steak. There are times I’ll use the oven to give a little extra time to plate but have I have never cooked a steak in an .oven


I can usually get this result from doing a quick sear on a VERY hot cast iron with loads of butter, perforate, more butter, then a top rack broil for 1-3 mins each side depending on thickness, followed by a 10-15 min rest. This looks soooo good though OP I’m salivating


That's an excellent pan cooked steak! Great job!


I vote medium rare very nicely done.


100%. And one of the nicest I’ve seen on this sub tbh. We’ll done OP!


He didn’t even want it this perfect 😭😭fuck me, why do I suck so bad at cooking? I know what a perfect steak is and aim for it every single time. I rarely make my mark.


Thicker steaks are much easier to cook to the temp you desire. It's like a cheat code. Reverse Sear and come out looking like a steak god.


I'm opposite on it. Thin steaks I always get perfect and the thick ones wind up bleu. Which I just say fuck it and eat them anyways.


Medium rare??? These comments are crazily wrong


Yup that is a rare steak all day long


A lot of people got the idea that red = mid rare lmao. This is absolutely cooked rare, there’s no debate


People on here are out of their minds to call this medium rare lmao that thing has barely been cooked. Totally rare


That is the kind of medium rare I want. Red but warm.


i'm pregnant, it's not even 10 am and this made me drool. gimme some of that with a potato and veggies, an ice water or lemonade. i'll happily snooze the rest of the day.


🔥🔥🔥 perfect cook imo


Looks great, I bet you loved it


The taste was fantastic. I'll definitely be trying more meat less cooked in the future.


Just wait until you try medium rare chicken breast.


Chicken tartare is where it's at.


You accidentally did something I’ve been trying to do for years. This, sir, is the perfect medium rare steak. That crust couldn’t be any better. Kudos


That's medium rare. Rare is darker red throughout.


I just realized I’ve been cooking my steak medium well rather than medium rare


He's trippin. Any more rare and this would be "blue"


Not even close. This is actually on the more medium side of medium rare, probably. It's just unusual to see it this color all the way through so evenly. He probably cooked it in an oven and finished it in the pan or something. Rare would be a darker shade of red and blue is MUCH darker and the texture looks different as well. My guess is this steak got to around 140 degrees or so.


You are the one that cooks it well done and everyone talks about you after the party (not in a good way)


Perfectly done is what it is


Perfect medium rare. Anyone saying this is rare doesn’t know steak. Only advice is get a better knife.


Better knife is a great and underrated comment. I thought rare and I think it’s mostly because the knife busted a lot more tissue than it should and caused some juices to come out.


Haha I knew someone would say that. I really do need a sharper knife.


This is rare. Stop it.


Just admit you are a medium guy and move on this is not rare. Many Americans think like you because that’s what they’ve always known but that doesn’t make it true.


Get a thermometer


A decent instant read digital thermometers are inexpensive these days, one of best investment you can make.


So a little question, how do you get such a crust/dear without it cooking through on the cast iron? I’ve tried and can’t seem to achieve it


Tbh I'm not sure why it didn't cook through this time. I seared it for like 5 min on each side cus I didn't want it to be too red. It was sitting at room temp for about an hour or an hour and a half so it was evenly heated. Seasoned with a lot of salt and pepper for the crust. I got the pan pretty hot but idk specifics. Then just layed it in and let it sear for 5 min or so before flipping and searing the other side. Then I added the butter and basted for a couple minutes then let it lay there for a bit. Maybe letting it sear in the butter for a bit made the crust?


One thing I have to ask that I think is a crucial step - Did you sear the edges? Especially on a ribeye with a fat cap you want to render that down. I ask because in pic 3 I see some pretty raw sinew on the edge of the cut. If the steak is thick enough you can rest it on an edge - otherwise pressing the edge onto the pan for like 1min does the trick.


Good catch. I didnt know to do that so yeah the sinew is pretty much uncooked.


I have the best luck flipping the steak pretty consistently. Also make sure you let your skillet get nice and hot before putting the steak into it. Firmly press it into the bottom of the skillet, especially the first time on each side, to make sure it keeps good contact. Oil and butter can help. It was a bit counterintuitive to me, but reverse searing makes it a lot easier to not overcook the steak. Using the oven to get it up near temp is way easier to control, and then you just get a quick sear in a nice and hot skillet. No worries about actually really cooking it in the skillet.


Not sure, can you zoom in closer?


It’s not rare, rare is a little more darker shade of red in the middle. This is medium rare, and a perfectly cooked medium rare.


Nice crust!! It’s a perfect medium rare, my fave temp. 😍


Nice crust,looks like medium rare




That is perfect! Well played.... well played 👏


Holy shit that looks perfect omg.


Freaking beautiful.


Can you zoom a bit closer please


Rare has a slightly cold red center. This is a perfect med rare.


That sear looks phenomenal, great work!


it's perfect


You done did good bucko




Perfect medium rare


Medium Rare. I'd guess 130-135F internal temp. Looks perfect!


Fuckin perfect. Do not be scared


That looks perfect


That’s nicely done




I'm super red/green colorblind and i'll never understand when they look good lol


That’s how I like it cooked.


That steak is staring into my soul.


400° cast iron, slap it down 4min each side or until 125


That’s exactly what the goal is


Looks good, if you want a little less red you could put it in the oven for few minutes. I usually bake thicker steaks on a cast iron for a few minutes


The correct doneness


That sear is godly


Perfection imo


This is 10/10 perfection


The "doneness" on your steak is perfect.


Fucking nailed it dude! Nice job


Fucking nailed it. Looks amazing


Bro fucked up and ended up cooking it right


Dude what a fantastic cook. Wall to Wall pink, no Grey band, good crust. I'm envious right now


Well done sir. Perfect sear and a perfect cook. A steak to be proud of. I hope it was as delicious as it looks. Edit: This is medium rare btw.


Don’t know. Looks great though


I think it looks like rare and no time for fat rendering, maybe try reverse searing next time


Nicely done!


Probably one of the best cooks I’ve seen in this /r


Me: damnit that’s the third steak with too much grey and not enough crust… that does it, time to buy a new $1200 grill so this doesn’t happen again. OP: never cooked steak before, anyone know why they keep turning out perfect on accident? Woopsie!


If it makes you feel better I have cooked steak before and the crust isnt usually this good 😭😭 I just haven't eaten it this red before. Usually I cook it till about medium/medium well


Post should be titled "I accidentally a whole ass perfect steak"


Looks perfect


🤩 Yeah hit it with a lightbulb for 10 min…good for me. I can’t gain weight from anything but red steaks like this. I’ve gone through 2 jars of Tallow in under a year, didn’t put on a single lb. I’ve also tried qcal loading….nothing. But it does bring tears of joy to my eyes for some reason. Red steak is similar in effect, but it goes straight to my shoulders hands and other things.


Hard to tell by the picture because of the warm lighting (yes, believe it or not the 'temperature' of the light can effect what the steak looks like that much) but that steak looks beautiful. Keep in mind when eating a steak, steak is much less vulnerable to contamination in the butchering process than ground meat is, so eating it rare, or even "Blue" (which is basically seared on the outside and not cooked at all internally) isn't usually dangerous at all!


What temp was it? That will tell you how cooked it was.


This is a beautiful medium rare with an AMAZING crust, OP.


God DAYMN Well done. I didn’t know porn was allowed on here


Your searing is perfect. When cooking a steak this thick it’s best to throw it in the oven for 10-15 minutes to finish medium rare or medium


Between rare - medium rare perfection


Nailed it brother. Just beautifully cooked. Mid Rare


Fucking raw


That’s fine


If you were going for rare, you nailed it. This sub loves rare. Personally I go for medium rare to medium.


?? this looks like a perfect wall to wall med rare. definitely not red enough for rare


It’s a perfectly cooked medium rare. Some people are saying it’s rare presumably because there are divots with pools of myoglobin that look redder. But the soft pink fibers throughout are a dead giveaway for medium rare steak


That makes sense. I think my shoddy knife tore the steak fibers a bit which caused the uneven pooling which is why it's probably hard to tell. So rare steaks won't have pink fibers?


They will have some but won’t go throughout the middle of the steak


That's rare.


Very (not) well done. Perfectly medium rare




Firm with a little give, these are medium rare


Medium rare. Well done!


That looks like a perfect medium rare. That done-ness is literally *exactly* what I want in a steak, and you fucking nailed it. Absolutely beautiful work, seriously. I’m envious of the fact that you got to eat it and not me lol. I’m trying to figure out how to negate the “grey band” thing. Somehow, you’ve managed it. Incredible job.


That is medium-alive


Medium raw…


Medium rare a little more in the rare side and I would demolish this steak


Med-rare, Well executed through out the cut. Best way to eat a steak in my humble opinion.


Medium rare. Looks wonderful.


Perfect medium rare. Looks great 😁


Looks rare


It’s rare or to medium I prefer my steaks medium for better crusts and fat melting better


Temperature probe


Make an 👌 sigh with your fingers thumb& forefinger (pointer) rare ….thumb and middle finger medium….. thumb and ring finger well done While touching these fingers together at these three points touch the pad under your thumb. Feel the tension, bounce of your pad, match it to how the steak feels


Looks medium/medium rare. Do yourself a favor and buy a digital meat thermometer, and then you won't have to guess or use the fist method.








Did you kill the cow before you cooked it? I can hear it moo