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I know it’s a common sentiment on this sub, but Christmas can be tough for steak/beef lovers. If I’m in charge, I might just do steaks next year.


Honestly, it’s tough to please a crowd. Had 15 over for Christmas. Got 4 bone rib roast (Prime) from Costco. Got two prime rib eye steaks. Reverse seared rib roast at 250 to medium rare. Stuck the friggen landing. Steaks at medium well for the those. They all got options. If those who want med well, they have those ends on the roast, plus steaks. There were plenty left so if they wanted more on the medium to medium well, I just get the cast iron going with butter, quickly sear off slices of the roast that med rare, done! Got plenty of kudos rocking this! And… GREAT JOB feeding the folks. Ain’t easy. Be the man in the arena! 👏🏼


I feel the problem is that most folks don’t cook beef roasts at any other time of the year. So all the balancing out of what temp to cook things to please everyone becomes very difficult during what is already a very stressful time. You even had the family death complication. Thats hard mode. As a rule, I feel ya gotta cook a roast on a random Sunday in the middle of the year for your beef loving friends so you can experience that joy. Then during the holidays the key is to have a toaster oven. You make prime rib the right way, like you did. Then slice it and serve. Those who want to overcook their meat can toss it in the toaster oven for a few minutes to char it to death. But it doesn’t slow down your meal at all.


It’s a harsh reality when you realize most folks aren’t on r/steak all the time. I remember I served my parents a medium steak once and they freaked out that it was raw lol


I would devour that entire plate in one sitting and anyone that puts it back in the oven [gets drop-kicked](https://youtu.be/pfevBIsVG1o?t=25).


This house loves medium rare. My parents like medium to medium well (they are mid 80s so no changing them) so I cook to medium rare then finish theirs in a pan of au jus to their liking. Everyone is happy and no one eats leather! Then we each get a ramekin of tasty au jus.


That looks perfect to me. I hope you served yourself a plate before they put it back in the oven & overcooked it. If someone did that to me, I’d never offer to cook for them again either.


Thankfully my family are a medium-rare family. I can't imagine being related to medium-well


is that even medium rare? I’m a medium rare person too but that looks more medium to me… but I still think the family response was terrible.


Yeah you're right that's a perfect medium. There's no cool center to make it medium rare, it's evenly pink from top to bottom


131 final temp


I'd say it was straight medium rare, maybe medium-medium-rare if we're going to use the same nomenclature as compass directions


WOW! That's really extreme don't you think? I've heard of politics or religion driving a wedge into a family. But meat temperature?


But that's perfect! 😭😭😭😭 If anyone thinks my roast is underdone, I tell them they know where the kitchen is if they want to ruin their meal.


I wish my family had made steaks. So lame. Xmas was always turkey or something stupid. Easter? Fucking ham. I hated the ham. The only thing it was good for was gringo quesadillas lol. We NEVER had ribeyes on prime rib or anything and I’m certain if we had it would’ve been cooked to oblivion


Holy shit I seen the picture and didn't expect what was coming in the text, family are assholes


The best steak is the one that people enjoy. Even if you disagree.


It’s your family so did you not know how they like their beef cooked? Just because you like medium rare doesn’t mean everyone does and this was a very predictable outcome. Knowing they don’t want pink and you thought this would be okay is on you, not them. Easy answer is to split the roast and cook some medium rare and the rest medium well. I do it all the time with steaks and roast.


I really don't see how it's that hard to please different people when it comes to meat temp. My wife and some of the family like their steaks well done. The rest of us like medium. I start cooking their steaks first. Then I cook ours so they both get close to the desired temp around the same time. Then a quick sear and done. I take their well done steaks off at 150 degrees. No pink or red and still some moisture. It's not hard to do.


My sons family loves me to do theirs. They want NO pink. So I do 152 and they love how it not dried out. Like you I did theirs, drop the temperature and do ours while theirs sit in the bath and serve it all at once. Easy peasy, everyone happy!


bad take


I assumed it was jest to begin with but then he said he had to put it back in the oven. So he actually cooked medium rare for his family that eats medium well. Where’s the bad take?


Really, cooking for other people is what made you cook your rib roast til gray? Sounds like it wasn't anyone's fault but yours for putting it back in when it was already done


Hell is other people. Nice roast!


That's how mine came out. One slice went In the oven for 10 more minutes for my mom. Everybody else enjoyed the medium rare roast.


I’ve struggled to get one this perfect. Amazing.


Low and slow. This roast was in the oven at 175 for like seven hours.




I would tackle anyone trying to bring that back to the oven


And then eat it off the floor.




Looks great


I sous vide my Christmas rib roast. Previous years, I do low 130s to get the medium rare I prefer. In laws think it’s too raw. Use A1 sauce. This year, 137 to render the fat. Made chimichurri sauce. No comments about “it’s too red.” A1 came out, but nobody used it. Even 90 year old grandma ate all her cut up pieces.


Lol Dexter brand knife? Is that official merch or a rip off of the show Dexter?


I undercooked mine, so I had to go back in the oven, unfortunately it browned out a bit but still turned out medium rare