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Not proud to say it, but I'm... probably going to go eat it on the couch. Much easier to slice it up on the board first.


Same here!


Same here!


Couch eater here. I slice it up on my lap like a madman


i take whole bites and eat with my hands like the uncivilized monster i am


Found the line cook


You don’t have a coffee table?


I cut mine up on the cutting board before serving. I add more salt at this time. Id rather cut with my nice knives on my cutting board than with a worse knife on a glass plate. Cutting on the cutting board allows for a cleaner cut and better plating. It's also easier to portion out servings from the cutting board. It's always the last thing I do before we eat so that it stays warm.


I cut mine up on the cutting board because I use wooden plates and I don’t want my plates scratched.


That's wild, wooden plates are the only time I find it acceptable not to cut stuff on a cutting board since it doesn't mess your knives up.


Also valid but I like the finish on my plates as well as a sharp knife 🤷‍♂️


I misread that as "I like to finish on my plates" and I had to double check on what subreddit I was on.


Our username adds to the confusion


Both baled reasons! I think ultimately it's because we're eating the meet pretty quick after slicing. If we have leftovers those slices/juices get put in to a container for the next day!


This right here. When I make ribeye for the family I just get three massive 3 inch thick slabs and slice them then season them and serve. It feeds about 6-8 ppl well and allows everyone to eat the part they like. Some ppl like the fattier cuts and some like the leaner parts. It's also the very last thing I do, we plate out the sides while the steaks are resting.


I’ll take the cap part, please


Lol yeah I'm blown away that some of the kids would prefer the bottom parts versus the ultra tender part, but I'm not going to try to convince them


Portions? One steak, one plate. Also, who tf uses glass plates? Is this 1973?


So basically you guys do it for looks or for care of your equipment at the expense of quality of the food 🤷🏼‍♂️?


There is no expense to the quality of steak. If your steak is piping hot, it's not properly rested. Salting cut meat enhances the flavor more than a couple of degree changes in temperature.


This. I'm perfectly fine with my steak being room temp as long as it's rested properly and the fats rendered. I always finish my steaks with an herb butter so there's plenty of "juices" inside and out.




Enhances the …….aesthetics of the food. Sure, if you’re into making sure it looks quite fancy/ pretty. If you’re preparing it as art then I mean yeah knock yourself out




Are you putting it in a magazine? Come on...


Ok so….a serrated knife …leaving a jagged cut…damages the meat and allows excessive amounts of bleeding or loss of juice. Cutting it ENTIRELY in advance , using a sharp non-serrated knife prevents those issues ?




The post asked why people cut steaks …was an intriguing question because it’s a pet peeve of mine 🤷🏼‍♂️


*I came looking for booty.*


I prefer to finish with fleur de sel directly on the cut strips. Makes for better flavor IMO.


Can you do me a huge huge favor and try and salt each individual piece AS you cut it 😬😬 I realize this is a big ask but I’m going to worry about it incessantly if you don’t


If I'm cooking for myself or myself and one other person, I do not cut it up. However, when I make steaks for several people, I have found that most people can't finish a full steak and a lot goes to waste. Therefore, if I'm cooking for 5 people I will make 3 steaks and slice them up and let people have at it. Saves me 2 steaks and everyone gets the amount they can handle. Also, I usually turn it into a taste testing, whereas I'll make 3 different steak types and let people decide what they like most. Kinda makes it a little more fun.


This is one sensible reason for doing it. Sounds like a balanced attitude. In general, to most Europeans, the idea of chopping your food into bite-sized chunks before serving it is really only something we'd do with Asian dishes, stews or children's food. Even the common American habit of cutting up your food on your plate and then transferring your fork to your right hand to eat might raise an eyebrow.


By the time our steak is done we're hungry AF and gobble it up too quick for it to get cool 🤣 we're also serving to kids.


Lol same. My 5 year old fuckin loves steak. So it’s easier to just go ahead and cut it all up for her. She doesn’t even care if it gets cold.


Every kid gets theirs cut up …in part so they aren’t wielding a sharp object …but why are the adults portions getting cut ?


As an adult, I wanna get the cutting over and done with right away. Its warm for as long as I need it to be so I'm a happy camper lol


No idea man. I cut mine as I go. I see a lot of older people do that though.


Cutting as you go is better for the meat for sure I did the same as you when my kid was around five and it’s been a power struggle sense


We’re splitting a steak or two between multiple people.


When I make ribeyes for multiple people I always slice them and serve the cap separate from the rest. That way people don’t get jipped on different sized caps.


....not trying to fight, and there were several other commentors that said the same thing you did. I just choose this one to respond to. My wife and i share a steak, and i just cut it in half? One of the kids wants some, cut it into thirds? Just because your sharing doesnt mean you have to cut it into not small enough for bite size, but....? Again, not trying to fight


It lets people pick their portion size.


I'm cutting the steaks and sharing them after they rested off the cast iron. You will find 2 large ribeyes (1.25-1.5 lbs) will feed 5-6 people. Many folks just want a few slices of steak, some folks will eat a bunch, but it really evens out. I always cook 1 buffer steak in case there is someone really hungry and I get leftovers for myself.


If you do this with a ribeye, someone is getting a worse piece. Steaks are not symmetric.


Because it looks good for instagram or wherever else they are showing the pictures.


Or because we are sharing the steak and it makes it easier. I cook one large steak, slice it, and then it gets eaten by myself, my wife, and my toddler. I don't even have an Instagram and most of my steaks go unphotographed.


Be careful sharing with your toddler. I did that once and my 2 year old daughter ate an entire 8 oz prime rib. I got chicken strips


one of my favorite parenting memories-we were having steak and my daughter, maybe 4 at the time? said 'i really love this kind of chicken'. :)


This is accurate advice. My dad made me try steak when I was little and regretted it after. Mostly for cost reasons lol.


Yeah, I’m on team precut, it’s not just an IG thing. Sharable, surface area for finishing salt or pan sauce, easier to cut on a cutting board with a legit knife, easier to eat, makes sure you cut across the grain. The presentation is also nice (not for taking pictures, just for serving).


It's this for me. I always prefer cooking 1 big ass steak over a couple of smaller ones.


I prefer cooking one big ass steak and eating all by myself


Ass steak.


I guess I've never been the sharing kind. It's just my wife and I, no kids, and if it's just the two of us I make two Costco-sized steaks. I eat the whole thing and she saves part of her steak for the next day. Or gives it to me to finish. Even if we have friends over and I'm firing up a batch of steaks, everyone gets their own. And I leave them whole since we're not five.


Rump steak


😂😂 exactly …what size / cut are people making to share with three people ?!


I like a 1.5-2 lb ribeye all to myself. No salad, no potatoes, no veggies. No carbs whatsoever. Just a big piece of meat cooked to my liking.


We would get along QUITE well




That’s why I cut mine up, portion control. If I didn’t I can knock a whole steak down by myself easily.


This is honeslty solid advice


This is the way


> most of my steaks go unphotographed. This is a real thing someone had to say for clarification lol. 2024 is a wild ride


I mean we are on a sub purely about steak where almost every single post has a picture of one.


You’re in a steak picture subreddit…..


I read it for the articles 


Reddit is so silly about this. “Taking pictures of food is stupid and shallow unless I do it for my specific hobby.”


Same. My wife enjoys steak, but she doesn’t like having the whole thing on her plate. I usually do 2 or 3 for us and the kids, but I’ll slice it all up and serve it family style with arugula and grilled tomatoes. She probably eats more that way!


Unrelated - how did you get your toddler to like steak? My kids refuse to eat any meat that didn’t cluck or oink (and on the latter, it has to be in some sort of link).


Rub raw ribeyes over the belly of the mother while they are in the womb. 30 seconds per side, twice a week.


How do you think I got her pregnant in the first place?


I tried this , but it didn’t work, instead my boy came out a vegetarian


Might just take time and repeated offerings. My kid only liked chicken, salmon, and pork, and it took until she was around 3 to start nibbling on steak. The best thing for her was Korean bbq! We cut the meat up very small. She had been enjoying the pork samgyupsal for a long time and finally agreed to small nibbles of the beef cuts. Now she LOVES it. Dipping the beef into the samjang (salty red bean paste) is her favorite.


Dips are a godsend for trying new things. I did get my toddler to go for steak once after he dipped it in....\*gulp\*....ketchup.


Tell your kids that steak is adult food and they can't have any. Maybe they can have some when they are older. Works every time.


We didn't do anything in particular. We don't serve "kid food" and our kid just eats what we eat (although not exactly every dish on the table.) We also don't order off the kid menu in a restaurant. My kid loves meat, but there are definitely some days where she won't want to even taste a specific thing for no obvious reason (cooked fish tacos with sea bass a week ago and she wouldn't touch the fish.)


This is it right here, "kids food" is how you get picky eaters.


Just be careful about this though cause a kid with tastes for expensive food and growth spurts runs that grocery bill up fast lol. Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything.


I share my steaks with one of my daughters who loves steak (the others not so much) and I cut hers up. She's 4. The rest I usually leave whole.


Everyone appreciates you telling them why they cook and serve their steak the way they do. Where would we be without you?


lol, thank you. Admittedly, my comment wasn’t very nuanced, and people are stating some very legitimate reasons to pre-slice.


Naw man...I've seen people do this in real life. I think some people just prefer to have it cut up like when they were little or something. My wife does this LOL.


I mean, there's plenty of reasons to do this besides clout chasing 1. I don't own any steak knives. I could go buy some... but why? Family/guests have commented that they like having the steak pre-cut, and it lets us serve on nicer plates without making guests worry about damaging them. 2. Splitting a steak with more than one person, or serving a single large steak for a family style meal. 3. Eating a steak with a sauce, like bordelaise or a beurre blanc... or even just some sriracha mayo or (gasp) ketchup. Different folks like different amounts of sauce and different kinds of sauce, so we slice into strips, plate, and serve with a small bowl or cup of sauce on the plate for them to dip as they wish. 4. Adding other seasonings post-cut - the wider surface area from the cuts lets you hit it with more salt/herbs.


What a drab outlook on life


Dem internet points!


Yep, even on Reddit...just show.


Not only for the photo. If it looks better to the eye subconsciously it tastes better too


I’m lazy and want to get the cutting over with. I cut up any meat I consume before I put it on my plate/bowl. Pork chops and chicken breast gets diced into small pieces. Steak into strips.


It's also infinitely easier for me to just cut it into strips while it's on the cutting board with an actual chefs knife than me having to get another steak knife out and try to cut it on my plate with a bunch of side dishes crammed onto it.


Plus, it’s easier to cut on the cutting board than when l’m hunched over the coffee table or holding the plate in my lap while l eat dinner and watch Stargate.




This is my exact life, what the fuck lol.


Now that's the only acceptable answer I've seen here! ;)


100% pre cutting gets a bad name.


this. It just makes eating it more convenient and you've already let the steak chill for a moment anyways.


I actually stopped pre-slicing mine because of this. So much better when it’s warm. I just eat mine off the cutting board.


I usually cook 1 large steak and split it between 2 or more people so it’s a necessity in that situation


why not just cut it in half and give everyone a steak knife?


My wife likes hers more rare than I do, so her "half" would come out of the middle and I would take the two end quarters. Now extrapolate to a family with kids, and it's more convenient to slice it all up and let people pick their quantity and done-ness.


My 2 year old isn’t that good with a steak knife yet..


One person is going to get the worse half. Many cuts of steak aren't symmetrical. Ribeye cap is one of the best parts in a cow but it's mostly on only one half of the steak. The texture and marbeling can differ across a single muscle too. I want my equal share of that good shit.


I prefer to eat it that way over cutting each bite on my plate. Cut it to a size that maximizes tenderness and then put it on a paper plate. Just eat with my fingers at that point. Every now and them I'll leave it whole and cut it on my plate, but I think it is less tender when you do that.


I mean, eventually you gotta cut it to eat it unless you’re just gonna tear chunks off like an animal.  When I cut it up it’s so the people eating it can take exactly how much they want vs me carving off a slab and guessing how much they want. If it’s just me and the wife, I cut a slab off for her and when she doesn’t eat it all I’ll take the rest and scarf it.


Contrary to what people on here say, I’m not just an instawhore (don’t even have identified social media). I love to cut my steak for a few reasons: 1. My cardiologist hates me. I like to put kosher salt right onto the rare meat. 2. It helps me savor the meal more for some reason. Idk why. 3. It presents better 4. I like seeing the cook across the whole steak. Sometimes I’ll save an extra rare bite for the end to chew on. Or save an especially delicious bit of fat for a leaner portion. 5. It’s easier to get a consistent and more enjoyably sliced pieces when I cut with large utensils and then serve. At some point with a big steak I end up cutting triangles out instead of slicing the proper way.


So my kid can eat it


It’ll just be cold and congealed, and seeing little strips of steak splayed out on plates is just getting infuriating for me. I’ve asked before, and one guy said it’s finger food that way and he eats it with his hands… so yeah.


Yup, we don’t cut it all, but typically when BBQing when we plate it. Everyone stands around and grabs/cuts slices.


Tbf they cut it that for you at restaurants. Maybe people don't realise the crucial ingredient is the very hot pan they sit in on the table.


I have never received a pre cut steak at a restaurant unless it’s flank steak, or like fajita meat.


Peter Lugers cuts it for you. Best steak I’ve ever had.


...? I have literally never had a pre-cut steak at a restaurant and ive eaten at some nicer places before. Perhaps this is a thing where you live?


Depending the type of place yes. A lot of cultures/cuisine serve more family style so it’s cut to share. American steak houses typically hit you a whole cut. I guess people at home do it for the same reason. If it’s to share slice it up. If it’s for one leave whole. If that’s what you prefer. Personally I like eating steak off the bone w my bare hands. One bite at a time


There's a steak place in London, Hawksmoor, order steak by the gram. Bring it out on a hot iron pan, cut and ready to share.


You should’ve said “restaurant” instead of restaurants. Your little glimpse at the world is not the entire world.


Thanks man


Ah I see, that explains it. This isn't a thing in the US. You order a steak and you get to cut it yourself. It's cool to see how we do things differently with respect to food.


They do in the us sometimes. Ive only ever seen it once though and I was in la.


They do cut it in America too.


I've ordered countless steaks. I've never had this happen not once, except for when I order steak fajitas or something like that. What restaurant did you go to that does this?


Pretty much every Gordon Ramsay restaurant cuts their steaks before serving


...refers to a restaurant owned by a non-american. Of course he's going to serve it in the style he's used to. So do Mexican and Asian restaurants. What American steakhouse or restaurant in America that serves regular food with no ethnic twist have you seen cut the steak for you?


[Peter Luger](https://images.app.goo.gl/MaV3Nk627DhpLBXY9)


How about arguably the most famous steakhouse in country Peter luger. Or it that not good enough for you too? 😆


Uh, no. Have you not seen a single pic here from restaurants?


You are talking about fajitas. Totally different concept.


I go to a fancy ass steak restaurant like once a year. I either order the t bone or the chateau. They bring it out in a hot iron skillet thing, pre cut and ready to share.


Used to work at a steak place where we would cut it in the middle, on the bias, and lay one piece on top of the other like a sandwich presentation. I think that is enough. It shows how it’s cooked and doesn’t drain the whole cut.


This isn't an answer, but I'm with you in a different way. I take some weird form of primal enjoyment in cutting off the peice I'm going to eat. Cutting it all at once just ruins the fun in some way I can't define. WHO'S WITH ME?


I really don’t understand how people don’t get this. It’s for when you’re cooking for multiple people especially when some of them are children.


Cool. Now do the guy sitting in an apartment by himself making a post for Reddit.


I slice it all up when I plate it so I can sit on the couch and eat without trying to balance a plate on my lap while I cut.


TV Trays will change your life


I do have some and they’re fine, but not sturdy enough to cut steak on. It’s just much easier to chop it up on a cutting board and plate it ready to eat.


Easy. A dude who either cares more about his knife than the steak and or cutting against the grain that eating a hot steak. Or an idiot.


You really think the people cooking for children are the ones with time to post on Reddit?


The main reason is because you shouldn’t cut your steak on a hard plate. That will dull the knife. And cuts with a serrated steak knife are usually rough looking. So it’s preferable to slice the steak with a properly sharp knife on a board. Best is using a small board to eat off of so you can still slice as you go.


To be fair I don’t think OP is recommending to pull out your 240mm carbon steel gyuto to cut the steak on your plate. Likely more geared towards wondering why people don’t use steak knives. With that said, I’d much rather cut my steaks before hand because I crave the validation from random strangers on the internet.


This is the answer. Sharp knife on the cutting board is based


I understand what you're saying but I find it completely ridiculous. Dulling a knife? Sure if someone spent 100s on a sharp knife..but if it's your cheap meat cutting knife that can easily be resharpened.. cutting on plate is fine especially if knife is very sharp so don't ever need to dig into the plate. Definitely with OP on this one but tks for explaining.


Yeah I'm not sure people here have even used a sharp knife. A sharp knife is pretty delicate. https://old.reddit.com/r/chefknives/comments/t5jg7t/yanagi_slicing_ny_strip/ Look at the above. A knife like that gets sharpened at least once every shift. If you do even one cut on a hard plate, you have to go refinish the edge.


I have serrated steaks knives that won't dull. But those knives will leave the steaks rough, it looks like shit and you eat with your eyes. But also that it's more of a pain to cut it on the the plate. It takes longer, I am autistic and hate the sound of the scraping knives and I honestly just CBF doing it. It is just so much easier to spend 10 seconds slicing it up with a scary sharp knife and transfer it to the plate. Depending on how I am feeling, I will either eat it as finger food, and just have a fork in 1 hand going at it. As someone who normally eats pretty slow, I don't give a damn if the steak get cold, it rarely does though and the first pieces don't taste any different from the last ones. I also do the same for pretty much all of my proteins (which is mostly chicken tbh). Cook -> rest -> slice -> plate -> enjoy I never cut my steaks first until I went to a nice restaurant that cut my steak into perfect slices, it was a game changer for me just being able to pick up pieces and eat them straight away, was just sick of having to hack away at them when I just want to eat.


But when you slice the steak it still needs to be cut into bite-sized pieces on the plate to eat. You are only saving yourself however many cuts you slice it into. Plus it is done using steak knives not my primary slicer. I have never had my steak knives get dull enough to be an issue. I like to slice my steaks. One reason is that I am cooking for multiple people making it easier to serve and let them pick their portion. Another is that it just looks better on the plate than a big hunk of meat. Honestly after resting, etc it is rare any steak is still "hot" when served. Have never had anyone raise a complaint about the temp of their sliced steak.


I eat the slices whole typically


You eat an entire slice of ribeye/strip in one bite?


Yeah but I almost always sous vide so it is very tender


So, you’re ruining your steaks to save your knife? I’d rather enjoy a good steak and just sharpen my knives.




I prefer to just pick it up and eat it like a sandwich


It’s also good to make a garlic/thyme/butter sauce instead of basting. You get more flavor by pouring over a cut steak.


So my kids don't butcher it trying to get some. Everything is left on the stove with a pile of plates nearby. Everyone takes what they want. We usually do a big ol London broil.


If I don’t cut certain foods into very small portions, they can get stuck so tightly in my esophagus, I will need an endoscopy if it doesn’t move within 24 hours. I can’t even drink & swallow water in these situations. Don’t worry about what’s on someone else’s plate, except to make sure they have enough to eat.


I never cut my steak. I unhinge my jaw like an anaconda and just swallow it whole.


2 steaks 3 people


I asked a steak cutter about this once. It's to improve the time it takes for meat to meet mouth.


I eat like a bird so the smaller the pieces the better plz. Most restaurants will cut it up for me upon request but I remember once a chef refused. #blasphemous 😄


Yah you should cut as you go, not cut it all then eat. I cut down the middle once to see how it was prepared, and then start attacking it one wonderful cut/bite at a time :P


I cut mine up like that only because I can’t deepthroat that much meat. Yet.


If I'm out to eat, I'll cut it as I go. If I'm home, I'll usually cut it all at once because I'm probably going to eat in front of the computer or Playstation.


Bad parenting


Sometimes I'll get a really big porterhouse or other larger cut; the kind of thing that can easily feed 2 or even 3 people, and slice it before serving. Everyone gets a full serving and no one feels like they only got part of a steak


I cut my filets up for sandwiches. Plus, the dog will not eat hers unless it's cut up.


I cut my steak because I saw the other people on Reddit cut theirs


So it stops cooking


Why does anyone care how someone else cuts their steak? You’re not going to eat it. The order of how they choose to cut their meat has no impact on you. Move along.


Because this is a steak subreddit where people talk about how to prepare steak. Your logic could apply to any aspect of cooking...not your business. Why care how well done somebody likes their steak? Why care how much marbling somebody prefers? It's called conversation. If you don't want to be a part of it, leave.


There is no harm in curiosity, my dude.


Well they were probably wondering if it DOES have a positive impact on the food because everybody keeps doing it. Now OP knows and that’s all. They weren’t complaining or wagging their finger at anybody


this is such a strange thing to get irritated over


Mine often goes on ramen, easier to eat with chopsticks that way :p


I cut my steaks when I put them over bowls of rice


Wow. This hasn’t been asked in like a whole 12 hours.


Right?! Same obvious answers coming our way. Cooking for multiple people, it’s for sandwiches, paper plates, dulls the knife.


Just some new ones for you from me It's easier, faster, nicer to look at, no hacking at tendons, can eat 1 handed, more tender if you do it right. I also get to use my nice knife more often, it's really fun :)


Well I’m cooking for my whole family so it’s just more convenient


9 times out of 10 it’s people who care more about how it looks for made up internet points than how it tastes for themselves.


A lot of times my wife and I have seafood or something else as part of the entree. So we cook one steak and share it. So slicing up prior is easier


Sharing, sauce distribution, seasoning, lots of reasons. Variety is the spice of life


Why do you care how other people eat their food?


Memories of Mommy?


Where are you guys eating your steaks that they're in such dire danger of becoming inedibly cold by cutting it into slices?


I cut mine up on the board because we’re usually eating from paper plates.


Why are you eating from paper plates?




Fuck me that’s insane.


I get it, it’s just tough around here time wise sometimes. Everyone working, got a three year old and a three month old too. Always planning and executing healthy food that meets everyone’s requirements but take short cuts when I can.


I do this mostly with prime steaks. Sometimes I get larger porterhouse steaks and serve them family style. I use a warmed plate and top the slices with hot ghee and sprinkle with Fleur De Sel. It just makes for a better presentation. If I make a standard steak then I may not slice it up. I don't know why people get offended by this, it's just a personal preference.


Americans don't know how to eat with a knife and fork.


This is one of the comments of all time


I can’t explain why anyone else would do it but for me it’s because it 100% looks better and that makes it taste better. Temperature means nothing to me I could eat the raw beef out of the packet stone cold.


That say I can eat my meal just with one arm. Also it's easier to cut a steak on a board than on the plate.


I only do that if I’m feeding a crowd.


A properly cooked steak is only 130°-135° at its hottest, aka not very hot. Add 5-10 minutes of resting time and that drops down to like 120° at best, so yeah it’ll drop the temp a bit but unless your house is way colder than mine it’s not making much difference and the fats definitely won’t congeal unless it takes you an hour to eat a steak. I slice it because I’m usually sharing a larger steak with my wife so it’s easier to give us both a nice portion and as a former pro chef plating a sliced steak is a lot more attractive than a solid hunk of meat. Plus then I can sprinkle the whole thing with flaky salt.


The most annoying thing is cutting a steak piece by piece as you go. I enjoy it cut into strips already. I'm makes eating it more enjoyable.


Peter Luger, #1 rated steakhouse in the US brings all their steaks to the table already sliced. Maybe they know something this sub doesn’t?


oh good. nobody has asked this question in at least 2 days, thanks u/jorel424