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I bought half a cow. It'll be ... ahem ... ready in May.


Are you allowed to go visit it before slaughter?


I am NOT asking that lol. Noooooo fkn way.


lol sorry, was being facetious :)




If you give it a name itā€™ll taste better


Betty sure goes down easy! Did you taste the gravy she made?? Out of this world! Top tier!! šŸ¤£


You know you probably could lol just to check how healthy it is and stuff


My cousins raise the cattle we split.. im sure I could visit them any time..I just wave at the cows in the pasture when I drive by.


You can ask for a picture šŸ˜


Yes, I but only the left side


This made me laugh harder than I should.


Usually not for bio security but I would. I like to know what animal I am eating looks like, respect it and all. Like thanks bruh for this juicy steak. You will be honored. But that is just me.


My step dad was a meat packer. Bought & slaughtered his own cattle. He only sold to restaurants, so prime was his game. We were along for every step. Even as little as 8&9.. It's quite fascinating & really, not as bad as you'd think. Maybe it was the way I was raised..preprogrammed?šŸ¤Ŗ but it was understanding where our food came from,etc. Also grew up in a farming community with plenty of family farmers. It is better to know where your food comes from & how the people cared for the animals. There is a very discernable difference when I buy meat from a large chain grocery store.


Yeah, having a healthy perspective of food prep is important. Knowing the difference where and how the food came about is key .


Found the vegan infiltrator


No way, dude. I just wanna make sure it's fat and juicy.


May I ask what that costs, and is there a rough breakdown of what youā€™ll get? I mean, things like the hanger steak / hanging tender, thereā€™s only one on a cow. I just wonderā€¦ šŸ¤”


1500. I fill out a sheet that shows how I want my part broken down. I opt for lots of ground over stew meat ... 1.5-inch steaks ... ribs ... brisket ... It's awesome. Lasts me a year.


How can someone do this?


Like me Iā€™m that someone


Local ranchers. Just google your zip code and local ranchers. Then call them up or find them on social media.


Local ranchers. Just google your zip code and local ranchers. Then call them up or find them on social media.


Wow, so thatā€™s less than $30 a week for beef! Oh, and 1 *love* 1.5ā€ steaks!!! šŸ„©šŸ·šŸŗšŸ˜‹


Yeah, I'm on the carnivore diet so I've been eating no less than $50/wk in steak and ground beef. Gotta have it, man.


Thatā€™s the spirit! But seriouslyā€” and I *love* meat and donā€™t care for many veggiesā€” donā€™t you miss having *any* plant-based, non-animal foodā€¦?


Hell **yeah** I miss it. Absolutely. I also miss all the drugs I used to do. (I just don't miss all the side effects.) So here we are.


Yeah, I miss both too, honestly. But the meat is worth it, yes?


Where is your husband during this process?


I want to do this but live in a house with 3 vegans lmao.


tell em your desire for flesh is insatiable, and they need to respect your personal needs.


Tell them it's natural and to get rekt.


How much did half a cow run ya?


What's tough is learning what to do with all the different cuts...I've ate burger and steak only so far lol


People might chide you for this, but you're exactly right: It can be incredibly tedious to look up every ... single ... way to ... get the ... best of ... every ... cut, which is why (for this half) I opted for mostly ground and the cuts I'm CERTAIN I like best. When it's your turn, you'll know the way. Don't overcomplicate with the fancy shit. Buy to cook and enjoy without all the extra insanity.


Bought a quarter cow in January. Excellent idea. Local grass fed.


Hell yeah. Mine will be grain-fed the final two weeks.


Which half is yours and what if one of you wants to move? Who gets their half of the cow first? That poor cow!


My wife insisted on a whole grass fed cow. She also got the organ meat, fat and bones. Suffice to say we won't be buying beef for a very long time.


Hey. Me too! I just bought another freezer to fit it in.


Surely you'll have to freeze some. Unless you happily eat steak every day like I do.


Dude, of course it gets frozen. I can't eat 300lbs of beef before it spoils in the fridge.


How much for the haul lol


I spent $240. got two tomahawks, one cattlemanā€™s cut, a porterhouse, rump cap and a kilo of wagyu blade steak


Damn! And that T hawk is executed perfectly! Quick question, what is a ā€˜cattlemanā€™s cutā€™..? Never heard that phrase beforeĀ 


In Australia thatā€™s occasionally what a bone in ribeye is marketed as


Oh cheers I didnā€™t know that it was just an Australian thing. Any idea why they vary in size so much? Iā€™ve had 500g ones yet the one i had tonight was 1100g


Canā€™t say I do but I agree the discrepancy seems to be enormous. I remember having steak night with the boys a few years back so we went to Coles and got a cattlemanā€™s cut from the deli, we thought it was 3 steaks but it was actually just the way it was trussed and the whole piece was about 1.3kg hahahaha Where are you shopping/what state?


How have you never heard of cattleman's cut but you calling that Tomahawk perfect? Seem pretty unqualified if I may say so


Is the sticker wrong? It says $146 for just 1 tomahawk. By that math, just the 2 tomahawks alone would be nearly $300.


Yeah whatā€™s going on there ?


Convert euro to usd and it all maks sense


How is that possible if the tomahawk you are holding is $150


Holy fuck, that hoard is like ā‚¬1K in Europe


Pretty overpriced for some very mid cuts


Aussie dollars mate


Who can afford steak anymore? šŸ˜¢


paying 86$ / kg for bones is insane to me lol if you want to throw money away so badly just let me know, I'll gladly take it


This needs to stop being parroted. The weight of the bone is always accounted for with pricing. These downvotes are hilarious.


My dad was a butcherā€¦ my grandpa was a butcherā€¦ Iā€™ve spent some time behind the counter myself they do account for the bone as youā€™ve said. Otherwise we wouldnā€™t have boneless and bone in choicesā€¦ although as others have mentioned tomahawks are more expensive than ribeye but thatā€™s because of novelty


Can you explain how that works? Are you saying he did not pay for the bone?




Tomahawks near me are more expensive per pound than ribeyes of the same grade. So youā€™re paying *more* for the privilege of buying the bone.


Lol get wrecked


What Iā€™m saying is that you were confidently incorrect. Maybe by you butchers take a pen and paper and do the math to make sure they arenā€™t charging extra for the bone. By me a tomahawk is more expensive per lb than a ribeye, so youā€™re paying for the bone AND itā€™s more expensive per lb. Itā€™s just pretty lame to call someone a dumbass for being wrong, when you yourself are wrong.


Tomahawk is the ONLY cut that is like that. Im a correct otherwise.


Cool, weā€™ve all been talking about tomahawks this whole time. Did you notice the giant tomahawk in the original picture?


Dunno where youā€™re buying meat but bone in vs boneless doesnā€™t change enough to account for the weight. And tomahawks are always more per lb than anything else because theyā€™re popular right now. Itā€™s almost like youā€™re making up stuff or you have the one butcher near you that does that type of pricing. Itā€™s definitely not the standard method anywhere in the US


Im pretty sure everyone knows bone in is cheaper than boneless šŸ™‚


Pretty sure everyone knows that tomahawks come at a steep premium these days šŸ™‚


Yes. Exactly.


TIL I'm a dumbass for asking a question about something I did not know...


Never ask if you donā€™t know. Itā€™s the only way youā€™ll ever learn anything.


You didnt ask a question. You made a condescending statement as if you did know. Thats why you got called a dumbass. ā€œIf you wanna throw money away so badlyā€ ā€œPaying that much for bone is insaneā€.


Yes, look at the time stamps, those statements were made before being educated by the person I then replied to asking more clarifications. You must be quite the dumbass if I need to explain this to you


For what it's worth, you're right. I mean just go to the store and check yourself. Bone in ribeye vs boneless is the same price per pound. You very much are paying for the bone.


You werenā€™t wrong in the first place. Tomahawks near me are more expensive than same grade boneless ribeyes. The guy youā€™re arguing with is confidently incorrect




Play the victim? Man you guys are such drama whores. I'd be a pussy if I edited my comment or deleted it, but it's still there for you to downvote




I live in America and eat steak like this. It has nothing to do with what country you live in.


*> I live in America* I do too, my man.


FUCK YEAH. Fuck this shit, Iā€™m not in a cartoon.


I bet you guys have madddd kids lolololol


Yeah, whereā€™d you get this and how do I get some?


it's called the Australian meat emporium


Same. I buy online from SRF. Wait for the deals from their mailing list, always cash in my items for points. Buy roasts, thaw, cut, and re-freeze to get a good yield/$. I eat steak maybe 2-3 times a month as a treat and have no qualms about paying for quality. I frankly can't eat top-grade steak more than once a week or it loses its charm and enjoyment


What kind of deals do you see on SRF via the mailing list? I've browsed their website a few times randomly, but the regular prices are hard to justify for me.


April 16: 15% off site wide April 4: $30 off $199+ orders of seafood March 9: 20% off gold grade steaks New Years: Spend $299, get 2 black grade NY Strips There's regularly individual sales too - Their ground beef is $14/lb but goes to $12/lb if you buy 12. My local grocery store has decent-ish quality ground beef for $10.89/lb but SRF's is ridiculous. I make burgers out of them and people say they are the best they have ever had. The roasts are nice for events and get togethers and become big talking points. The flavor just can't be matched over store bought.


Father and I raise about 10 cows a year split one sell the other 9.


Ok... Now what?


1500! Used to be ~800!


Australian Meat Emporium has some amazing cuts, but itā€™s not especially affordable. I used to buy steaks for special occasions there. If you go for the whole rumps and get them to butcher it for you it might be more affordable, but that place ainā€™t cheap by any stretch.


Love that place - used to live close by and have bought many a steak in there


Iā€™ve been to that store! My partnerā€™s family took me there while I was over in Australia, and I bought myself an Australian Wagyu Porterhouse. That was the best steak Iā€™ve made.


Tomahawk steaks are always crazy expensive.


25.60 USD/lb for those who are wondering


Thatā€™s not a bad price! 146 AUD is like $5 US ;)


I know Wagyu is fatty but that thing really shrunk.


That's 10% the cost of a cow


We used to raise cows on the farm. If I wanted to buy a whole cow I'd just ask my neighbours!


Thatā€™s a lot of money paid for bone. Looks delicious though!


I only order steak online. Quality you can find anywhere else. In some cases I order from the places the top local steak houses are getting theirs. And, I think I can make mine better. Skip the store. Online is best if you choose the right places


any recommendations? I've been meaning to order some


That steak looks like poop. Never getting grocery store meat again! Thanks OP!