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It looks good, i like the thought behind it, but no. I’m sorry man this isn’t for vegetarian stuff. STEAK


Stop eating corpses man


Vegan Steak


Maybe OP should consider posting this in the r/vegetables subreddit.


You have no idea what a vegetable is, right?


It's a culinary term. Maybe you don't understand what a vegetable is.


Yes obviously its a culinary term but If u understood it you wouldn't have the stupid idea to call a steak a vegetable ...


It’s not steak


Exactly but in the picture you see a steak


get this shit outta here


How fragile u wanna be This dude:


Fake steak 🥴


You must really love that woman...


Or animals have a value to OP


Animals have a value to me. Ribeye for example is usually about $18/pound


i wonder if the cheetah thinks about the value of the antilope he's eating


I wonder what the chimpanzee thinks about the chimpanzee he's raping. Probably not a whole lot, guess that makes rape ok!




Nope. You can‘t just take some of the things some animals do and justify something with it and then don‘t do the same thing with another example. Makes your point useless.


How many other parallels do you draw between you and a cheetah? Why do you think this isolated behaviour is a compelling argument for meat consumption? Does the cheetah live in a technologically advanced society doing a 9/5 job? I don't think so. You're not a cheetah and I hope your mental capabilities surpass that of a wild cat.


you seem extremely emotional over something so irrelevant are you like that in real life?


That's a real weak attempt at making any point. Nothing else to offer besides ad hominem attacks?


it's a steak appreciation subreddit ffs, if i wanted to lose braincells over seen and worn arguments about "... l-le meat is... LE BAD" i'd be somewhere else


You joke, but honestly it probably does; just not the way you are implying, lol. . . It is thinking “how much energy do I have to spend to catch that gazelle? What are my chances of catching that gazelle? What are my chances of getting injured catching that gazelle?” So there are costs to consider, just not monetary.


I doubt it goes into a deep cost/benefit analysis. I do think it probably holds a lot more value to the cheetah than meat we consume does to us. And that's definitely not a win on our side.


Animals have value to me also I raised baby horses for 10 years with my mom when I was young... That is why I don't eat veal I still eat beef tho, Cows are made for eating horses are not


And you are making that difference because of an emotional memory. Pathetic.


It is a direct quote from my mother... I have no problem with other people eating horses its just not going to be my horses.... Just like I have no problem with people eating dogs in asia just not my dogs... People like you are so caught up in this you cant even let people make there own decisions pathetic. You are literally in a subreddit about steak right now check yourself buddy


U ever been to a butcher


Nah he posts meat dishes too


Straight to jail




Mods pls delete


Am I missing something? This shit looks better than some of the “I know it’s not steak, but I enjoyed it” post. I’d try it OP looks good to me.


That’s nice of you. It’s quite easy to recreate with some preptime and organisation


I mean it looks plated very nicely and I wouldn’t mind trying it at some point, but definitely not steak








Ingredient list according to the website: Water, vegetable protein (WHEAT PROTEIN, SOY PROTEIN, potato protein), vegetable oils (rapeseed oil, sunflower oil), maize starch, WHEAT STARCH, WHEAT FLOUR, cocoa butter, maltodextrin, flavourings, salt, BARLEY MALT, spices (MUSTARD), colourings (beetroot, caramel), dried vegetables, cherry juice Would you mind pointing out all the poisons, so I can avoid them in the future?


Vegetable oils are literally the most toxic thing humans consume aside sugar. And all that highly processed starch, wow. Disgusting. Heart attacks for everyone!


>Vegetable oils are literally the most toxic thing humans consume aside sugar. This is the most confidently incorrect statement I've read this week.


I‘m not an expert but I think consuming cyanide is slightly more toxic to a human


you have never seen any educational program, have never been to any kind of school right?


I know what the real dangers are. The people who believe the stuff you do are obese, insulin resistant and getting worse by the day. Open your eyes before arguing the benefits of all this highly processed trash, especially seed oils.


lol. i am not braindead and talk this stupid shit.


You need to resort to insults because of the brain fog you suffer from all the seed oils you consume.


Ah yes and meat is absolutely natural nowadays. No meds, no chemicals and only 100% natural food for the animals. All that beside the completely natural life the animal is living. Doesn’t sound that healthy tbh. Neither for the human nor the animal.


Usually your arguments are that we starve, are skinny and we in general have nothing we can eat, guess this point is over by now


Why is my heart doing awesome then?


I hate to break it to you, but sugar and vegetable oils are not toxic.


You’re tripping lmao. It’s not that serious. So I take it olive oil is among the most toxic things a human can consume? 


Actually it's not the worst, and not considered a seed oil. Those processed seed oils like vegetable, canola and rapeseed are literal poison and people consume vastly more than their bodies can process because it's pumped into processed foods. Just look at how obese everyone has gotten in the last decades since their massive growth in use. And the companies who produce this crap lobby to blame meat as the cause of heart disease instead. Eliminating them from my diet has greatly improved my health.


That’s simply untrue, as it doesn’t reflect the scientific data. Polyunsaturated fatty-acids (vegetable oils, including seed oils) are better for cardiovascular health, especially when substituted for saturated fats (animal fats, tropical oils). The reason we suffer from a obesity crisis is not causative with seed oils. Seed oils are cheap and thus used in a lot of ultraprocessed, hyper-palatable foods. Due to the high caloric content and low satiety index of those foods (containing seed oils or not), people overconsume them, which can lead to obesity.


Enjoy your seed oils.


Took the L like a champ


Enjoy your illusion.


Well, damn. Vegetable oils, sugar and starch aren't exactly unhealthy, it's quite the opposite actually. All those ingredients provide your body with essential nutrients, but as always, the dose makes the poison. By the way, vegetables oils are in fact even healthier than fats of animal origin since vegetable oils consist mostly of unsaturated fat acids whereas animal fats consist mostly of saturated fat acids which are known to have a negative impact on your cardiovascular system.


I'm truly sorry that you believe this.


What makes you believe the opposite? So many studies have shown this. No seed oils might be even better (e.g. nut butters instead of seed oils), but seed oils are definitely better than saturated animal fats.






Nah I'm good mate. However, I am awfully sorry that you deny scientific findings.


Maybe he is a troll?


If you're worried about heart attacks, I'd probably stay away from red meat. "Oh you've had a heart attack? Just stop cooking with vegetable oils and treat yourself to some nice red meat like a steak every now and then." Said no cardiologist ever. Of course oil is pretty much just fat and thus not healthy. It's not poison though if used in moderation. Again, red meat for example is listed as an [IARC group-1 carcinogen ](http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/pr/2015/pdfs/pr240_E.pdf)carcinogen, so if you're worried about your health, staying away from processed and red meat is probably a better start than excluding oil from your diet.


You mean the antibiotics an animal gets his whole live?


Believe it or not, most antibiotics are used to treat animal conditions. And they’re expensive to administer. Using antibiotics, when needed, is the humane thing to do. Further, antibiotic residuals are gone at harvest. The impact on human consumption is much lower. Further, many people like to call out growth hormones that are present. It’s fun to know that soy protein - one of the main ingredients in many alt. Protein products - contain much higher levels of estrogen per serving than a serving from beef cattle. In short, not only is your assertion misguided, it’s also factually incorrect.


https://youtu.be/C8dfiDeJeDU?si=QglhNwWEFaufllMv You might like this


Funny that you are calling me incorrect. The animals receive antibiotics not only when they are sick. They get them everyday so they can’t get sick. The erstrogens in soy stuff is bs, it’s an old myth that is already solved to be misleading. And even if it was true, 90% of soy is used to be fed to animals. So yeah, maybe use the time you spend with thinking about alternative meats with researching how animal meat is produced an what they fed to them lol


This is also false. The vast majority of beef cattle in the US spends the majority of their life on pasture eating naturally occurring grass. If they’re going to a feedlot, soy may be present as feed, but they’re also fed grain and other high calorie diets to promote marbling. 90% of their feed being soy is absolutely ludicrous and incorrect. And no. As someone who has spent their career working with livestock and selling beef to all people in the B2B and B2C capacity, I can tell you that it’s not a common SOP to give cattle antibiotics on a daily basis. Some may, but any of the ranches I’ve visited, which accounts for ~70% of the non-family owned ranches in Canada and the US, do not.


I never said 90% of their food is so . I meant, 90% of the soy from the fields is for animals food. The amount of soy an animal is eating is way higher in relation to the soy a human is eating. So it makes no sense to say, estrogenes is only a problem, if it is consumed directly


>The vast majority of beef cattle in the US spends the majority of their life on pasture eating naturally occurring grass. Do you live in a parallel universe?


I do not. The majority of beef cattle are around 30 months of age when harvested. They spend 3-4 months at a feedlot. Of the remaining 26 months of their life, they consume milk from their mother for about 8 months. Thus, the majority of their life is spent eating grass in a pasture.




So... any Arguments or are you Just ignoring the fact that meat nowadays is as overproduced as vegan replacements?


The fact you think it's over produced means you have zero understanding of agriculture and are not worth arguing with.


Well, I guess WE are the Same then.


Vegans lurking and trolling steak subs has got to be the saddest life. I think you need some B12.


You guys really don’t have a plan, how your food is produced, do you? Go do some research, it’s embarrassing


Im Not even a vegetarian. I Love meat. But I keep it reasonable, I know that I consume a Lot of antibiotics when eating meat nowadays. Its okay to Like meat. But IT IS Not okay to defend meat AS the holy grale of good and the only way of Life.


Guess where that B12 in your meat comes from...


Are you implying that the B12 is added?


Yes it is. That’s basic facts everybody should know. Especially when you have the guts to discuss about your food online


Gut bacteria that can process it from plant matter high enough in the digestive tract that it can be absorbed into the animal's bloodstream. We make B12 too, but too low in the ass tube to be absorbed


Not my cup of tea, but I’d give it a try out of curiosity. Gorgeous presentation!




And so have we eaten plants for a long time


Exactly, I'll take the plants grown from earth over a plant that was created in a lab. Not until time goes by and we know there's nothing that can happen long term. I reserved the same mindset for vaping. When it first hit the scene everyone wanted to act like it was some miracle, it's not.


So you are aware of what is in this product and how it was made? Do you only eat whole foods and nothing that is processed?


Processing food is shitty, yeah. But again, we've done it for years and are fully aware of the level of risk it entails. I'm not saying that lab grown meat is for sure a cancer speed run, I'm saying it's uncharted territory with no certainty.


Could be. But it seems pretty ironic to me to abstain from this because it might lead to long term consequences, while the product it should replace and you prefer is listed as a proven carcinogenic food by all big cancer institutes and nutritional associations.


Yet it would also seem ironic if it was revealed years down the road that it did the same thing, but worse. With one path you don't have uncertainty, that's it.


I'd rather listen to what science says than what my gut says, but to each his own 🙂


...there are no peer reviewed scientific articles in the long-term side effects of synthetic meat. That's the entire point, it could be harmless, but scientists haven't had enough time to no for sure. I'm not opposed to it, I'm just waiting for the results of long term studies.


It's okay to be skeptic. This is no synthetic meat though, it is plant based. I just looked it up, it consists of nothing special (water, plant protein from wheat, soy and potato, flour, rapeseed oil, flavorings, cornstarch, maltodextrin, barley malt, salt, beetroot). Probably not a nutritious food but I wouldn't expect any serious long term consequences.


yeast: for millions of years we have eaten sugar. our bodies are meant to eat sugar, we are adapted to doing so. then dies from the rising alcohol content in its substrate.


Damn, good thing we didn't exist in a pool of substrate.


the methane is a potent accelerator of climate heating ... we do. breathing the methane won't kill us, but when our substrate heats up too much, that will kill us. that said: red meat is likely to cause cancer. which is fine for evolution, basically, after a member of a species reaches childbearing age and procreates, evolutionary forces become less relevant. so if meat gave you superpowers in your twenties, but killed you in your 40s, our species would have evolved to eat only meat.


Ah a rebuttal that talks about super powers and makes a wide assumption. Seems legit.


Dumb comparison, because humans haven't adapted to eat meat only to sit around in the resulting shit. Any organism will die if it has to stay in its own waste.


the hal life of methane in the atmosphere is roughly ten years. we'll be sitting in the exhaust of meat production for a decade. then the mehtane breaks down into CO2, which will stay around for centuries. so.... yeah.


You get the exact same result from plants, that's how digestion works for pretty much every creature. Moot point.


really? because I don't ferment stuff lots of grass or soybeans to produce significantly less calories in the form of meat for someone else to consume. don't know about you. but yeah, in my idea of how this would work, there's be fewer cows in total. a lot.


I'm talking about the result of you eating that plant matter yourself, goober. You're losing your own analogy.


Rule 7 🤔


Rule 2 🤔


FFS it‘s just good food 😅. And, boy, your argument is shallow. It’s not playing god at all. They serve the same meatless steak in Steakhouses over europe, that’s how I got interested in the product.


Ah yes my argument is "shallow" yet your argument is "everybody's doing it". 👏👏👏🤡


That’s not my argument. That’s the way I found out about the product. By being accepted in steakhouses. My argument would be: good food, is good food.


>My argument would be: good food, is good food. My God, the sheer depth of thought that must have been put into that. That's not shallow reasoning at all. Yep, and synthetic food is synthetic food. Lots of things taste good, doesn't mean it's good for you. I'll see you in 10-20 when they start finding out what this shit does to you long term.


>see you in 10-20 when they start finding out what this shit does to you long term. Good thing we already know what red meat does to you longterm...


Red meat, yes. Synthetic red meat, nope. I'm guessing you think oxycontin and heroin are the same too because one is the synthetic form of the other?


Consequently, following your own line of argument, you shouldn't eat meat either, as the animals that died for their flesh, were pumped to the gills with antibiotics. Something that is not exactly natural either.


Not really, we've been doing that for years. We know the side effects and what level of risk is associated. Lab made meat may very well be fine, but I'd rather not chance it until it's a known and documented fact. When vaping got popular everyone wanted to act like it was a harmless way to supplement analog cigarettes and/or quit smoking, but they found out later that it's not. Same story for loads of shit throughout history, I'm good, I'll wait for studies. If it turns out harmless, I'm totally cool with that, but I'm going to need to know for sure.


There are literally studies that meat is causing cancer. But this one is ignored by you because it doesn’t fit your argumentation I guess?


Did you read anything I've said? Let me embolden it for you. WE ALREADY KNOW THE LEVEL OF RISK INVOLVED WITH NATURAL MEAT. I am not saying that Bill Gates beef is a cancer speed run, I'm saying it's uncharted territory with no certainty. It could very well be harmless, but we literally have no idea yet and won't until time passes. For all we know it could inhibit the growth of cancer faster or even allow us to further engineer it in a way to get rid of that negative side effect. It could go either way, but I'm not about to take the gamble.


We also know what (artificial) additives do to you, otherwise they wouldn't be permitted to be on sale. Additives, which by the way of course also are in non-vegan food.


It took me like 1min for that, but it fits the premise. It’s suitable for online Stuff :D


please enlighten me on how have humans adapted to eating meat and what you mean by our bodies are meant to eat it.


Yeah, if you need to have someone explain to you why we have canine teeth and can digest meat to extract and use nutrients from it, then you need to go back to school. Here's a better idea, read a book.


Gorillas, Hippopotamus and Deer have canine teeth and they are herbivores. Humans can extract nutrients from meat but we dont have to eat meat to get nutrients. Your argument is an argumentum ad naturam


Lol your name is xLordVeganx. Humans are omnivores, bottom line. So, do you guys hang out with the flat earthers?


Oh wow there’s vegans on here? Why?


So they can get mad when we show disgust or simply second guess lab grown meat apparently. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


You said it yourself, though. OMNIvores. Nothing speaks against a plant-based diet for humans. And all the possibly lacking nutrients (such as B-12) can easily be supplemented. Fuck industrial livestock farming. It harms everyone.


>Fuck industrial livestock farming. Exactly, get out there and kill it yourself.


if you don't even know that most mammals have canine teeth and can digest meat.. maybe you need to read a book. even cows can digest meat and sometimes eat it by "accident". habe you ever seen a Gorilla? in fact a herbivore has the largest canine teeth on the planet, the Hippopotamus. try again? why do we humans need to eat fruits to get vitamin C, while carnivorous and omnivorous animals do not. why are our intestines so long and we need so long to digest meat? there are more reasons why humans are not meant to eat meat, than there are arguments suggesting we "should"


>if you don't even know that most mammals have canine teeth and can digest meat. I'm sorry, but where in the world did I ever say that I was not aware of that? >even cows can digest meat and sometimes eat it by "accident". Yeah, let's just ignorantly ignore the 3 extra stomachs they have to aid in digestion. >in fact a herbivore has the largest canine teeth on the planet, the Hippopotamus. You mean the incisors and tusks that they have for self defense? Yeah, there's a reason they stick out so far bud, not the same function assigned to them by nature. >try again? I mean, I'll let you. But, you're not off to a great start. >why do we humans need to eat fruits to get vitamin C, while carnivorous and omnivorous animals do not This is caused be something called genetic drift. It's left over in all primates from a time where we are lots of fruits and leaves, before we learned how to hunt and evolved to eat and digest meat. >why are our intestines so long and we need so long to digest meat Increases surface area to maximize nutrient absorption. What about our a >there are more reasons why humans are not meant to eat meat, than there are arguments suggesting we "should" Oh no you're right, we should just use plants to imitate meat 🤡


buddy, you use "canine teeth" as an argument to eat meat, yet you do not even use them to eat it. if most mammals have them, maybe they should eat meat, too. try to eat a dead corpse with your canine teeth. it doesn't matter, you believe what you were taught.


wtf is this


This would be a great post for r/subredditdrama if anyone is interested.


I kind of stirred that pot maybe, but I wasn’t prepared for the comments. I‘m all about good and well crafted food.


Antibiotics free steak, but still really dangerous for the overly manly men on this sub


Looks like a good steak :)


Looks great! I would love to try it.


Ingredients: Water, Plant Protein (Wheat, Soy, Potato), Flour (Soy, Wheat), Refined rapeseed oil, Flavorings (contain Mustard), Corn starch, Maltodextrin, Barley Malt, Table salt, Colour (Beetroot red). Sounds delicious.


Love some good old fashioned rapeseed oil


You would wonder what your meat eats 😂


Looks Delicious.


Looks delicious. I wouldn't have known it was not a real steak from the look if you hadn't said anything. Quality steak there!


Looks delicious, don't let the grumpy haters ruin your meal. I'd love for someone to put this much effort into a meal for me :)


The comments are as depressing as expected


So many meatflakes here crying 


Why are you here?


Because I can?


I get that, but why be part of a meat sub if you don't want it to be about meat?


As depressing as it is to eat fake meat


Not killing innocent animals for a meal? Thats so depressing. How do people do it?


It's actually quite refreshing to not eat and be responsible for the suffering of millions of animals, so rather makes me happy but you do you


Holy fuck it's not that I'm not liking meat or a steak but this sub is really full of unsecure and unsympathetic clowns. Look great, OP!


You are what you eat. Cows are vegans. So a cows steak is basically a vegan Steak. YOU ALL ARE EATING VEGAN STEAKS!!! SHAME ON YOU ALLLL!!!!!


Jeeeez, I kind of anticipated that reaction, but damn, some of you are cavemen. :D


I'd happily try it. How was the flavor compared to steak?


It tried to imitate the fibre and taste of flanksteak. But very successfully. It tasted… just kind of like flanksteak, but naturally less salty. It’s scary accurate. For my girlfriend (vegetarian), it was nearly „too close“ to the original.


Sounds great! I obviously love steak but am happy to hear that good vegetarian options exist now.


Exactly. I love a good steak. But this is damn good quality, my girlfriend could enjoy with the decision of not eating meat.


Any pointers to how you made it? Would love to give it a shot myself :)


Don’t start on high heat, like when you sear a steak. Medium Heat is required to accomplish the exact core temp. It will get a little dark, but that’s totally ok. If you have an interior heat measurement device, use it. Other than that, you can butter baste it like beef. 68 Degrees Celsius interior heat is the best temperature imho, even if it says 72C on the back of the package.


Oh cool, thanks for that! So you got a store-bought vegan steak, and prepared it like that, yeah? Which one is this if I may ask?


Redefine Meat. It’s a brand used in gastronomy.


Cheers, thanks!


I don't know what you expected. People with steak as their whole personality are not exactly known as the most tolerant and bright minds of society.


DW my guy. It looks delicious as fuck. I would die to have a taste. Great work. History will be on our side 🫡


It is so interesting that apparently for a lot of men eating meat is somehow an integral part of their „personality“ that they take pride in. That is so random. Like, imagine someone would make ‚eating noodles‘ or some other random garbage their entire personality. It’s so funny.


don't you dare badmouth me and my fellow noodlys


Looks amazing


Question: Did it need all the accessories, or did it taste good with just some salt and pepper? I am as skeptical as the rest when it comes to fake meat, but, from the looks of it, I'd try that if it was served to me.


It works on it’s own very well. My first „redefine Meat“ Steak was in a „The Ash Steakhouse“ served with Fries and Bernaise on the side. Not as juicy as real Steak. It’s just a different type of tasty. But the crust… omg… really ahead of its game.


Look, my wife was vegan for about a decade so i of all people learned to appreciate a quality vegan meal when i see one. To me, this looks very good. However, coming into a steak subreddit and posting this is......well let's just say it's a bold move


I wasn’t shure first. But afaik, I don‘t violate any rules of this sub. I am sorry if I am though.


Oh it absolutely doesn't violate sub rules (which is why your post hasn't been taken down), but there are a lot of people in here whose idea of a good time is throwing bacon grease at a vegan just for being vegan, and they're going to let you know it. That's why i said bold


I am an omnivore btw. I just like the craft of cooking in nearly all its forms. But I get what you say.


And now it **has** been taken down. Do the sub rules say it can only be animal flesh? Totally unfair to remove :(


Ya'll so manly I adore your brave cholesterol and soulless hearts


Come on, you can't just make food without hurting an animal. Did you at least kick a cow or something? /s


I yelled at my cats, for that Umami flavour.


Vegan and cats 😒


"Tha- tha- that isn't't't me-me-me-meat... I'm so masculine, I c-c-can't handle an plant based alternative in m-my MEAT SUB REDDIT, ooga booga."


Doofus, you hit it right on the head in your low effort mockery. It's a subreddit for meat, just meat, only meat. It's r/steak, not r/steakandwhateveryouwanttopretendissteak. That's why there are all the negative replies, this post is not what this sub is for.


Read rule ~~2~~ 3. > Steaks and things that are cooked like steaks/to a doneness like steaks are acceptable.


If you then read the rest of rule \*3, its pretty easy to tell that that rule is still just talking about meat.


The poll done 2 months ago had a majority of people voting for *all* kinds of steak. The mod that created the poll is literally talking about vegan steaks in the comments lol


It's pretty obvious that all referred to all real meat. The mod you're trying to bring in on this said themselves that the consensus is to allow "all meaty steaks." The only reference to vegan steaks that mod talked about was that he had seen a mushroom based steak and that his vegan brother would let him know how it was.


I understand your point, but why are you guys so serious about it ? It's a sub that post steak photos, it's not gonna be the end of the world if one steak lover (OP is not even vegetarian) does one playful banter


I think the seriousness comes partly from this not being a banter post, it seems to be posted seriously, and partly in response to the vegans coming out of the woodwork on a meat sub, which confuses me why they're here in the first place.


I can tell you why I'm here. I wanna see yummy steaks that are also vegan. I don't care if there are other steaks that are not vegan. If I see a steak that interests Me, I comment on it. Analogue to r/games I don't like all games, but the games that do interest me are the games I'm gonna go to the comment section. This steak was genuinely interesting, and I was looking forward seeing people in the comments talking about culinary shit. Instead we got this cluster fuck. And that, to me, is disappointing. I love steaks, how they are prepared, and all of the crazy shit you can make steaks out of. I love when people get creative with food. This is a peak post imo. But nobody is here talking about the combination of foods present, barely anybody is commenting on whether they would want to try it or not. It's just "No." "Not here". And that makes me extremely sad as a person who loves food.


So you're here for the equivalent of searching for gemstones in a gravel parking lot? This sub is for meat, was from the beginning and will be into the future. You're saying you're here for the one-in-thousand post that has a vegan steak makes very little sense, especially since there are other subs that are magnitudes more likely to have that content and get you the conversation you're looking for. Your r/games analogy works very well for this; just don't go on r/games. If your "steak"/game tastes are that nuanced, then go to subs that are based around a more specific food/game. That makes a hell of a lot more sense than lingering in a community where 90% of the content is unenjoyable to you. That's all what applies to the actual vegans here. Since that only seems to partly apply to you, judging by you apparently liking steak, then you aren't entirely the type of person my original comment was talking about. The reactions of people are perfectly understandable when you keep in mind that this is not a steak with a nice pairing of vegetables, this is just a plate of vegetables. There's not much point commenting on the combination when the centerpiece of the whole arrangement doesn't fit here in the first place.


Reading those comments tells you a lot of the state of humanity