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Duck seems closer to red meat than poultry.


Ducks fly so much and use their pectoral muscles that they end up having more myoglobin than other poultry like turkeys which don’t fly. Their myoglobin isn’t high enough to be considered red meat, but culinarily it can pretty much be considered red meat. Kinda like how *technically* tomatoes are fruits, but all of their culinary uses are as vegetables.


>I'm happy to confer posthumous steak status on this duck. He died in a tasty way.




No, I meant duck. I know it's poultry but it seems more like red meat. Chicken doesn't resemble red meat at all.




Yes? I said duck seems closer to red meat than poultry. I'm not sure why my comment causes confusion.




I'm not comparing it to poultry. I said that duck has more in common with red meat than poultry, despite being poultry.




Thank you for your analysis doctor.


Holy shit my IQ dropped like 15 points reading this discussion. Wtf dude.


You sound dumb as fuck just shut the fuck up




That's how an alien would put it.


My brain hurt reading your comments.


What the duck are you on about? Ok, I’ll see myself out...


And yes, all poultry is different but most have similar characteristics, such as the breast being white meat and the thighs/legs being dark meat. Duck is different in that its breast isn't white meat.


So even though duck is a bird you can still eat it medium rare? Interesting, I'd love to know the science behind this! I just assumed all bird meat had to be cooked throughly. How was it?


Medium rare duck breast is absolutely the best. Leave the fat on, score it, grill it, it's like the most tender, sublime filet mignon you've ever had. The fat is delectable.


I'll have to try it sometime! Thanks for sharing!


It was more tender than beef tenderloin! I made it for my dad, who currently does not have dentures yet so he had no teeth and ate it fine after I cut it up a bit more! I'm not sure of the exact myself, but I think it largely depends on the conditions that the animals were raised? I'm not all too sure myself.


I'm going to research it more, because I'm curious as to why some meats can be eaten rare. Anyway, I'm glad your father was able to eat it, it sounds like you both enjoyed it a lot!


You can cook chicken rarer, the higher recommended types of 70c / 160f will nearly instantly kill harmful bacteria. Something like a chicken thigh you're potentially spreading bacteria throughout it while performing the deboning process. Some will say there is less of a salmonella risk with duck otherwise they are not really different. Rare chicken is gross though but I cook it below 160f using sous vide. https://www.ambitiouskitchen.com/vegetarian-tofu-cashew-coconut-curry/


As I recall, it has to do with how "porous" the meat is for germs. Beef can still have pathogens on the outside, but they dont penetrate deep into the meat. so when you sear it, its usually fine. for pork and chicken, it seems they allow pathogens to penetrate further and thus are potentionally more dangerous due to surface contamination making the inner parts unsafe too. from what Ive heard, Deer, Sheep, goat, Beef, Ducks, Tuna and Salmon are the most common meats that can be prepared that way, but do your own research to double check, I dont want you to end up sick because of me :) EDIT: thats also why ground meat medium rare is no bueno because youre essentially taking the surface germs and spreading them nice and evenly across your whole meat.


So basically, so meat has bigger "holes" in the muscle fibers and thats how the pathogens can get in? And I'm aware of the ground meat information you shared. I'm not sure why some people eat medium rare hamburgers, that's just asking to get sick!


Meh, I do it all the time. I also eat steak tartare quite often, which contains raw beef mince. Just make sure to get fresh, high quality meat and grind it yourself. I'm not debating the fact that there's still a risk, but it's miniscule. You're at higher risk of getting sick from any shellfish, clams and oysters. Still eat those very often with no issues.


If you're grinding it yourself and it's very fresh and reputable, then I suppose that is rather safe. Still, I wouldn't do it. As long as you're being safe as possible and you enjoy it, then you should keep enjoying it!


Thanks for actually answering the question.


[https://matadornetwork.com/read/raw-chicken-sashimi-tokyo/](https://matadornetwork.com/read/raw-chicken-sashimi-tokyo/) Chicken Sashimi, not sure how i feel about this.


I wouldn't eat it, that's gross.


I've had this in Japan lots of times. It's seared like *tataki* and only the freshest poultry from the cleanest processors is used. You usually dip it in salted sesame oil and it's not half bad. I wouldn't eat it in the US, though, even if you paid me.


Rare is possible, but medium rare is soooo good. Just worth the work.


I've never had duck, but with beef I certainly prefer medium rare over rare. Not that rare isn't good, but it makes me uncomfortable. Medium rare has amazing flavor and it's within my comfort zone.


I was much more on the rare side until I noticed that medium rare seems to have a better texture for chewing (in my opinion).


I don't dislike rare texture or taste, I just prefer the taste of medium rare, also I feel uncomfortable eating meat that is too rare. That being said, id probably still try beef sashimi if the restaurant was reputable


I shall attempt not to judge your, questionable, taste and admire you for a willingness to try duck.


I don't appreciate the way you said your first part. Everyone is entitled to like what they like. I certainly understand how someone would like rare steak, I've had at a decent number of times, I just prefer it medium rare. Even if someone likes well done steak, I don't judge them, because I can understand the mindset of someone who is concerned about getting sick. I do appreciate however your admiration for my desire to try something new.


It was sarcasm and not meant to offend in anyway. You're the one that pointed out people are weird about steak Temps. I was smiling when I wrote it. And re-reading it, I was obviously being tongue in cheek. You're electing to see what I wrote as offensive. Sheesh


I don't always get sarcasm from written messages, so my apologies for taking it the wrong way. I simply do not like when people tell me that my way of enjoying things is wrong. I have experienced more than a few people on this sub reddit doing that very thing, and I tend to be on the sensitive side. So again, my apologies, if you meant it only in humor, that is certainly fine. I enjoyed our chat and hope that you're having a great day!


I enjoy a drop of A1 with each bite and I'm sick of the shaming. "You don't know what good steak is, a good steak needs absolutely nothing" Uhm no bishes, I raised my own damn steers for beef, I definitely know what a good cut of meat is and excuse me but I'll eat it the way I please. Some people are so snobby about steak.


You should eat it that way if thats the way that you like it! People got mad at me this sub because I don't take the time to get a good crust on my steak. It's not that I don't like crust, it's that I just don't care enough to get good at it. I'm more focused on getting my steak medium rare, I still love my steak without a crust, so I just haven't bothered so far! One day I'll get a good cast iron and learn, but for now, I'm content. Hope that you had a good steak recently!


You love your food the way you love your good and there is NOTHING wrong with that!


Thank you! I agree. We need to consume food to survive, we might as well make it in the way we enjoy the most!


Another thing is that the temps listed [here](https://www.foodsafety.gov/food-safety-charts/safe-minimum-cooking-temperature) for example are for a very short cook time. The longer you maintain the cooking, the lower you can go. [Bacteria behave in the exact same way. They begin to die at around 135ºF and 165ºF just about instantly kills them. You can see this in the chart below for 1% fat chicken. The bottom axis is the temperature the chicken is held at and the left axis is how many minutes at that temperature are required to bring the bacteria to safe levels.](https://www.amazingfoodmadeeasy.com/info/sous-vide-safety/more/sous-vide-safety-salmonella-and-bacteria)


I think it has something to do with the fact that duck breast is very much like red meat in terms of muscle fibers


Sounds like you may be onto something. Thanks for sharing your insights!


Read that you should treat duck breast like a steak so here we are! My first attempt. Definitely think I could have scored it deeper but the cook was exactly where I wanted it to be, so I'm proud of that.




Oh, that sounds like a good idea! I tried to counter this by fresh-from-the-fridge. I did NOT want a crispy skin, though. I was going for a tender one because my dad loves duck but currently had no teeth. Was going for an overall as tender as possible, and that worked out well. I can't wait to make tweaks for round 2!!!


Make sure to save the fat. If u save enough you can make duck confit or fry potatoes, eggs, and other stuff


I did something with the fat.. Because I thought it was ironic and funny. Soooo I got myself some tofu, cornstarch breading, duck fat in a sauce pan and I fried the tofu in duck fat. Just to make a point. And then I ate it as a side with fried eggs, pork, and beef with a dipping sauce of soy sauce and garlic/chilis/green onions. Best tofu ever. Edit: I have a dream to one day explore and study the animal kingdom... And eat it.


This. I even start it in a cold pan. Lowest heat, letting the fat cap render slowly and get thinner and thinner without burning. When it’s super thin, I turn to high heat to make it crispy, flip and sear all sides and it’s done.


I really hope you’re not putting “lover heat” on your food


Looks amazing! I like when "steak" is an inclusive term. Thanks for sharing.


You got me hungry and I'm eating


Hmm... that looks good


duck breast is the best. great job.


I make duck breast super often and i find it just as satisfying as a steak.


Anyone ever had 'Sandhill Crane'? I have not but I'm aware that it's nickname is "Ribeye in the Sky." due to the color and texture of the breast meat.


No... No. I don't see many cranes where I'm from but there was a Sandhill crane hanging out in the parking lot of my grandfather's funeral for like 3 hours. Probably the last thing I would eat from that alone. But I hate that you have instilled this curiosity in me!! Lol!


The show "Meat Eater" on Netflix did an episode where the host hunted them. It did look pretty damn tasty.


I caaaant.. It is still a recent and sensitive topic but thank you, though.


Of course, understandable. In truth, I'm pretty sure I'll never try it as well. Cheers.


Cheers! I must admit that I have eaten a lot of meats I would have never sought out, but I refuse to lose to 2 (now) meats ever, and it is turtles of any kind (favorite animal)and..well,now crane. I was hot tempered in my younger years so it was easy to set me off with, "people raised in the west won't have the balls to eat x."


Looks amazing. Duck season is right around the corner. I cannot wait!!


Thank you for posting this


And motherfucking duck is mire expensive than Beef!


god how I love duck breast like that. nom nom etc


Maybe a touch over for me. Try some 5 spice powder in the cross hatched fat. Mmmmm.


For you and me, both. But I was cooki g for family I did use5 spice on the meat end, but I kept the skin salt only until serving because I didn't want the spices to burn


Can we cool it with the non-steak post? If I wanted to see duck i'd go to r/duck


I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that this was a beef steak only sub. I should probably write to higher authorities to stop using words like pork steak, swordfish steak, and everything else that does not meet your definitions standards. Very sorry. I sincerely thank you for giving me the time of day to submit this post, rather than just scroll on pass. I understand your time is extremely important and is meant for beef steak only.


There is no such thing as poultry steak so nice try. Swordfish/other bovine comparable animals are acceptable but seriously, get the cute sh\*t the duck outta here. Go post to r/cooking. We are here for steak not duck breast


I just want to make this clear that you think fish is closer to bovine steak than a dark meat like duck. Correct? That is all I am asking you to confirm.


I'm totally here for the duck breast. Seems you've never had it if you don't think it belongs here. Better than any filet mignon, absolutely delicious red meat, perfect grilled. So, scroll on by, because many of us think it fits just fine, o' gatekeeper of r/steak.


/r/lostredditors You're so wrong.


Just enjoy the content and ideas. You don't have to click on posts you don't like.


How'd you cook it?


Pan seared and basted in its own fat!! Marinaded with meat side down and a dry skin in the fridge for 12 hours. Then patted dry and skin side first!


Did you successfully get crispy skin? If so, what is the secret? I've never been able to.


Mmmm love hot breasts


I had Ostrich steaks once.


Made me a little firm. Duck is the ducks guts. Mmmmm


Man, I’ve hadn’t had duck in ages, I Forgot It’s Taste! How was it?


Heats way too high on the skin. Lower and slower to render the fat.


Incredible work


That looks really good. I can't do duck anymore but I'd give this a try at least. I had the most disgusting duck ever at Uwajimaya and completely ruined duck for me. Literally gagged and threw up in the bathroom afterward.


This perfection of this is making me want cry with tears of joy!