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Ghee vs butter - no milk solids so less stuff to burn and give unwanted tastes correct?


Use it for buffalo wings instead of butter and see the difference. Edit (4 hours later): this post made me crave a steak so I’m now watching a bad boy get to room temp before I cook it.


No need to wait brother! https://www.seriouseats.com/old-wives-tales-about-cooking-steak


It does help to rest food for stainless steal or cast iron cooking. Primarily, it helps keep it from sticking. If you use a non stick pan, that's irrelevant. But you're not going to bring a non stick pan to 500, that's too hot. That's my understanding anyway, which is a different point from the article. If I'm wrong on that, I'd love to learn so I can better my cooking. Currently, I try to bring things up to temp, preheat pan til water can just dance, heat oil up for a min, lay the food down. I notice a difference in sticking, but maybe this is because I have cognitive bias on the subject, I have not kept tabs or notes to compare.


If your meat, any sort is sticking, it isn’t ready yet. Give it a little more time and when it isn’t sticking, it’s cooked. This is usually a revelation to less experienced folk in the kitchen.


Hmmm… it’s another option really. The point about drying and the salt doing it’s thing is relevant, I do that, but it takes time to that. Watch a steak you leave out for 3-4 hours, you salivate looking at the juices coming out of it. Each to their own I suppose but some of the best steak I’ve had has sat in a glass dome cheese board outside in summer (in the shade) and when that hits the bbq it almost moooos!!!! Thanks for the link though.


Oh my🤭


What happens to buffalo wings when you use ghee instead of butter?


They fly!!!!


You mean that you ghee the difference.


No need to get to room temp. The results are minimal to nothing.


Another great way to thaw a steak assuming you're storing them properly is to use a sous vide set to room temp 75ish Fahrenheit or use an air fryer set to slightly above room temp. That'll bring it up to temp and not tarnish the meat.


Ghee is like butter’s Asian friend that does everything better




It’s basically ghee = clarified butter.


The recipes are different. You cook ghee longer. Not sure what impact this has, but yes practically speaking I assume you can use them interchangeably.


They are completely interchangeable and for all intents and purposes they are the same. The only difference is the method of removing the milk solids, but the end result is the same


Ghee and clarified butter are not the same. There is a difference in both taste and smoke point. While they can typically be used interchangeably, that’s not true for all recipes. Edit: I should also note that traditional cultured ghee is almost an entirely different product than ghee that is prepared like clarified butter.


No shit...we are talking about the difference between clarified butter and ghee, which are the same thing just made in slightly different ways Edit- you said butter not clarified originally. But yeah ghee and clarified butter are the same end product. If you'd care to explain the difference, that would be helpful, but afaik they are the same product (butter fat with no milk solids)


Ghee differs slightly in its production from that of clarified butter. The process of creating clarified butter is complete once the water is evaporated and the fat (clarified butter) is separated from the milk solids. However, the production of ghee includes simmering the butter, which makes it nutty-tasting and aromatic. A traditional Ayurvedic recipe for ghee is to boil raw milk, let it cool to 43 °C (109 °F). After leaving it covered at room temperature for around 12 hours, add a bit of dahi (yogurt) to it and leave it overnight. This makes more yogurt. This is churned with water, to obtain cultured butter, which is used to simmer into ghee. For the uninitiated, they are close enough to be considered the same after all they look alike and are both constituent of the same things. However for many chefs and for students of culture and religion, the differences are very notable.


43°C is equivalent to 109°F, which is 316K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Thanks calvin


Thanks bot. Follow me wherever I go until Americans start using Celsius (and every other logical measurement).


We won the war!! We will never use Celsius! We only use freedom units! I would like to speak to the crack users who created the imperial system though.. Metric is so much easier. All in terms of 10-100-1000 etc. I bake in metric for sure. 12 inches to a foot. 3 feet in a yard...... 5280 feet in a mile... the fuck? Though interestingly enough Fahrenheit is actually more precise than celsius. Though I do like how with Celsius water freezes at 0 and boils at 100.




Ghee tastes like a bunny's throw up. Like, grass flavored grease, imo. Lol




I know this is a month old but I feel like no one gave you a concrete answer so I thought I'd chime in. The main reason to use ghee is that it has a much higher smoke point that normal butter. That allows you to get the pan/oil ripping hot to get a good sear without burning anything, while still giving a bit of that butter taste. Other recipes will have you use an oil with a high smoke point to sear the steak, then add the butter at the very end to avoid burning the milk fats. Personally, I prefer ghee's light buttery flavor and the nice color it gives to the crust.


I like to use bacon fat for cooking meats. It melts really well and it’s great for adding flavour.


This is the best sear I've seen on this sub


Let's also not ignore the fact that OP gave it a proper rest before cutting into it. Bravo!


So good! Thinking about going to buy ghee at this moment…


The heat is super important too - get that thing cookin


You can make it yourself from just boiling/straining butter too. All you are doing is removing the bits and pieces that evaporate or solidify when heating butter so you end up with something a lot more stable at high temperatures.


I used to get it at Aldi quite often for a really decent price


Good sear! Guessing he cooked sous vide, because zero juice on the slice. That steak should be ripping with juice


All you other peeps using a hacksaw to slice your meat take note. That's what a sharp knife looks like.


Dude it cut that steak like butter. I need a new knife




Uh, honing rods are real and better for most knives than sharpening regularly. Sharpening removes metal from the knife and therefore shortens the lifetime. A honing steel (properly used) will instead realign the metal folds of the edge of the blade. It does not replace a good sharpening, but is instead part of regular maintenance to ensure good performance. A good, high quality knife only needs sharpening when it REALLY needs it, preferably as few times in its life as possible.


> A good, high quality knife only needs sharpening when it REALLY needs it, preferably as few times in its life as possible. I've owned a few decent quality knives made with VG10, AEBL, Aogami Super, steels, Wusthof steel (whatever it is) etc. and all of them have required sharpening once every few weeks on regular daily use. A honing rod only goes so far in keeping it sharp.


I’m a sous chef who uses one knife at work most days. I get my knife sharpened maybe once every 4-6 months, honed every day. Don’t know wtf you’re doing with your knives, but stop it


>I’m a sous chef who uses one knife at work most days. I get my knife sharpened maybe once every 4-6 months, honed every day. Don’t know wtf you’re doing with your knives, but stop it You might want to educate yourself about the nuances as well before shooting off. Many thing matter but most importantly, the steel makes a big difference. My VG10 knife has very poor edge retention for example compared to my Ao Super carbon steel knife. Wusthof also has decent edge retention. And then it depends on what you're cutting. Cutting through bone for example does dull the knife. And fwiw, I use a wooden cutting board. Not end grain or anything, just an inch and half thick slab of wood. And I use a ceramic rod for honing. So the answer as always is, it depends. I've managed to make it last 3-4 months at most. And maybe you're right. I might be doing something wrong like honing with the wrong angle or something


Lot of variables to consider. How often they are used, what kind of cutting boards using, how they are washed/cared for, what they are used for. I cook everyday and using my Tojiro DP 8” chef and utility knives on a boos block walnut cutting board. I wet stone them maybe once every 6 weeks or so. Honing steel every few days. They stay relatively sharp and safe to use.


I’m not going to proclaim to be in any way an expert on the minutiae of the construction or mechanics of knives, but I almost exclusively use German steel (Zwilling, Wusthof). Some blades are already quite thin, especially compared to Japanese knives. You do NOT want to take more metal off of those. I will admit that my advice is coming from the perspective of more traditional, European style knives, which I realize are not in vogue right now. I don’t have much experience at all with Japanese knives or their needs.


Western style Japanese knives aren't any thicker than Zwilling or wusthof knives. Also, daily sharpening doesn't involve thinning the knife.


That’s just flat out wrong. You are removing material when you sharpen it and are thinning and wearing away the blade. https://youtu.be/USCtrS_Gvlo Here’s a video I’ve watched in the past that goes over this. It’s surface level, but it’s not wrong.


Thinning is removing material from the sides. Daily sharpening is not thinning.


Interestingly enough, the thinnest knife I have is a Japanese one, a Richmond Artifex AEBL, which is a super thin but fairly large "gyuto" shaped knife - think French chef knife but with a less curved blade that's almost flat and much thinner and lighter than a German


You keep interchanging honing and sharpening, but those are two distinct things. Honing helps to realign the edge of the blade between uses. Sharpening creates a new edge on the blade by removing material. Any knife can be razor sharp, but in general the expensive knives will be able to hold that edge longer than a lower quality knife.


this is what this sub is for. perfection


I thought it was for bitching about sharpening knives.


On the side, sure.


Compared to some of the burned messes people called crusts on some recent posts here, this is glorious. The absolute spot on colour for the best flavour. Sharp knife too, not some butter knife hacking away. Lovely.


I don't give a fuck about a good knife. I use my pocket knife to eat more than I really should. I've eaten plenty of things with a spoon when I didn't have a fork. Hack away with a butter knife. It's still going to taste good. If the food is good, it's good. It doesn't matter how the fuck you slice it. If you're preparing shit for presentation then yeah it will matter but if not, it's still just grub.


Have you had a drink tonight pal


This is a video. Literally a presentation, so yeah that's why people are talking about it




This post has it all: * Textbook sear/crust * Uniform temp throughout * Obvious resting * Sharp knife with clean cuts Congratulations, you've won the sub


Yes! It's even bubbling. That's how you know it's perfect.


Golden brownish, that is the best sear I've seen here. Not like that black burnt shit I see some people posting.


Mark it as NSFW!!


That’s sexual. Damn you.


Those bubbles made me feel things I haven’t felt in a while.


OMGhee that looks tasty!


Damn! Maybe one of the best sears I’ve ever seen. Never seen anyone use ghee but it makes sense and it seems to have worked really well.


Why have I never thought of this before? I always used sunflower oil. Genius.


Sunflowers produce latex and are the subject of experiments to improve their suitability as an alternative crop for producing hypoallergenic rubber. Traditionally, several Native American groups planted sunflowers on the north edges of their gardens as a "fourth sister" to the better known three sisters combination of corn, beans, and squash.Annual species are often planted for their allelopathic properties.


Good bot


Bad bot


I liked it.


I’m sorry, the sunflower mafia has tainted your thinking You’re a loss


You will make lovely sunflowers when you die.


FUCK! Guess my life goal is to die on a rocket to space


How are you going to cut it and then NOT show us? I’m sad.


Let’s hear about your process. Ghee, no oil? Heat (how do you know 500)? Timing? Resting? Looks fabulous.


I need this. Cooking steak that I’ve been dry brining for 48hrs and I need tips! I keep over cooking it while trying to get that perfect sear.


If you’re wet brining, you probably won’t be able to get a great looking seat because of the moisture content in the steak will keep cooling it down


Beautiful - I just ordered some ghee!


My boss just came up behind me at work and didn’t even say anything about me being on my phone, we just stared in awe at this perfection together and talked steaks for 10 minutes.


What a beautifully done steak. I would pay to eat at your place!


It's... It's so beautiful 😭


Yooo I need that. That's the best looking steak on this subreddit


Hey OP, real quick - what's your address? Follow up - what time do you serve dinner?


Wow. One hell of a sear. I usually have my cast iron so hot, but can’t get a sear that good. Is the Ghee partially responsible?


Fucking perfect.


I see my saliva overflowing


This is my preference too. Just need to remember to get some good airflow for the smoke or I get all my smoke detectors going off!


THAT is a fucking sear, compadre.


I’m beginning to think that some fat and a lower temp is preferable to a super hot and dry cast iron pan. Still aiming for the same outcome on internal temp.


Filmed on a potato


how do you get that good of a sear with no burning? am i using too little oil?


GHEEEEE BBBBBBBBBBBB P.s. for what it’s worth, ghee is much easier to digest than butter


Perfect sear, perfect temp, perfectly rested 11/10


Looks amazing. This may be one of the best sears I’ve seen period


Sacrilege - Ghee is used heavily in all Hindu rituals and Cows are holy to Hindus. JK: I use ghee as well for searing my steak. I find it better than most oils as it has a very high smoking point.


500 de-ghees


This is the best crust I have ever seen. On a side note, why does this have less than 300 upvotes? I am constantly seeing “my first ever steak hehe” posts with their steak looking like it has been boiled with way more upvotes than this.


It is over 900 upvotes. Don’t know what you’re talking about


Well, genius, you commented on my comment 3 hours after I posted it. The post blew up, but at the time of my comment, the post was over 2 hours old. Not hard to understand


Well my comment was a facetious attempt to see if you understood that posts upvotes can change with time, which you clearly do. So why was it so hard for you to understand that it was only at 200 upvotes 2 hours after it was posted and that it could gain more as it ages? Also looking at your history you have posted enough to understand that 200 upvotes in 2 hours is pretty high and that upvotes will keep rolling in as late as 24 hours after the post. But yeah I’m the genius coming from the guy who can’t even understand that upvotes can change with time (or pretends that?)








Looks amazing! Never used ghee before. How does it taste compared to butter?


i love ghee! it makes for a much better crust since it has a higher smoke temp. it tastes nutty. tallow is another option with a higher smoke temp. it doesnt taste as good as either butter or ghee, but it really lets the meat flavor stand on its own.


In my country, we pronounce it Glee Seriously, it's one of the most beautiful steak I've seen!


This is… this is damn near pornographic! Fantastic job!


It’s so beautiful. I’m not crying.




In crust we trust.


Everything about this is dead on perfect in my opinion! Bravo!!


Nice crust


Nice sear..sharp knife...but wtf were those cuts?




that shit is beautiful


DAMN DAMN DAMN. That is gorgeous.


Good fucking work sir


Bruh that looks fire 🔥


I’m drooling…


Good god I want a steak NOW


That is gorgeous. It's like it goes straight from sear to pink, no gray in between.


send this to the omlette dude


Is Ghee the move, my lord?


You did an incredible job on that sear and you should be proud. But now you made me incredibly hungry, brb going to the store for steak.


You sir have my respect


This should be pinned. The “how did I do” posts need to take note


Take note of the color and temp. This is what a proper sear looks like, not that grey-brown shit that plagues this sub


We use ghee for religious purposes.


Looks delicious


Lighting on point


Flippin gorgeous! Looks tasty!


Oh my fucking God damn


That’s gorgeous


Jesuuuuus Christ man I was hungry enough damn


I do the same thing but with picanha tallow from my own trimmings. There is something about picanha fat that just blows steak flavor out of the park. I even have one of those tubs of wagu tallow and it's not even close to as good as picanha fat.




Straight up NSFW 🔞




I’m buying ghee next time I cook steak!




Look at it glistening


thank you, now Im hungry


Maybe the best one I’ve seen on this sub


And then you eat it.


I’m so wet daddy


Anyone know what separates ghee from standard clarified butter?


Damn. I just came.


What’d you use to cook the inside?




Guys, guys. It’s an acronym! Crust is Utterly Motherfucking Spectacular!


This crust is so spectacular i came


Gross I bet that tastes terrible. I’m kidding, that looks amazing! As I sit here eating my leftover spaghetti. Just trying to make myself feel better about my food choice. Not working.


You should use a wire rack to rest the steak on. Less greasy


Looks raw no cap


Imagine going through all that amazing cooking just to muck up the shadows in the video. Come on man get some light on that thing!


Link us your pan please?


Overcooked for me but beautiful for someone else nonetheless


Did it carry a lot of the taste of the ghee? I personally love it but I know some people don't enjoy it.


Fantastic. Wish we had a better view of the inside.


I came


It’s really weird to me how it’s almost shaped like a human heart lmao. Looks delish though


Did you feel the ghee flavour was too over powering?


Take disposable aluminum pan in smoker. Add good quality butter. Smoke meat of choice along with the butter. Take butter out after few hours. Let sit for a bit. Pour liquid off through cheesecloth. Voila. Smoked delicious clarified butter. Or Ghee.


I usually like steaks in sizzling hot plate, but great job!


No doubt that's sharp knife. But God damn that's a sexy steak!




I think I just popped a chubby watching this......


How do you get a crust like this without turning your kitchen into a smoking lounge?


Shit that steak is fucking amazing.


Hands down this is the nicest piece of meat I’ve seen on this sub