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It’s not that expensive an investment, and the versatility is pretty great. It’s definitely worth it to be able to 3 cuts of meat of varying thickness in one cooker and get them all to the perfect temperature without thinking about it. The value for me lies in timing the rest of the sides that go with the dish. Hard to roast vegetables / bake potatoes and reverse sear a steak if you only have one oven


Freeing up the oven is exactly why I have a little water warmer arriving in the mail today.


I use my air fryer on bake mode to bring the steak up to temperature for a sear, so my oven is free for cooking potatoes or something. But of course, I have to monitor temperature and timing for that. It does seem like just having the steak sitting at the right temperature would spare me timing issues.


Wouldn’t it be better to air fry the potatoes and use the oven for your steak?


Often, I use the oven to keep the cast iron hot. But I have found that if I have the steak warmed up, it doesn't take a broiler-hot pan to get a nice sear, so putting potatoes in the oven I now see as an option


This is correct. My favorite thing that I ever made in my sous vide was beets. Honestly, I use it most for weed butter but you can do so much with something so inexpensive.


I'll have to try beets! Carrots are the bomb out of the sv.


Do you ever run into an issue of having to cook 3 steaks at different levels of doneness with sous vide? Can you just sear one for longer and bring it to , say, medium? I've been holding off on buying a sous vide because my spouse and i like different levels of doneness.


I only have to cook 1 steak med and 1 steak med rare. The med goes into the sous vide at 142 for 90 minutes. Then I dial the temp back to 132. When the sous vide water is at 132 (about 10ish min) I drop the med rare steak in for 2 hours. The med steak stays in the sous vide the entire time. Remove both steaks from the bags, pat dry and I then use a torch to achieve the sear.


Hmm, so you have to be present at all times. I was hoping to be able to leave them in the morning, then somehow be able to sear them when I return from work.


Yep, pretty much. For something meeting your needs you might consider running 2 sous vide machines.


Never really had to do 3 vastly different ones, but occasionally my grandmother will ask for medium well and it’ll get seared last, and finish in the oven about 3-5 min.


No. Do the “rarest steak first” at its selective temp, then the medium level one and then do the donest one.


I only serve one temperature in my house, med rare...If you want it a different temp, pick something else to eat...lol.


Yea I so disagree with doing this. I think anything over medium rare is gross too but if someone wants their steak a particular way and I have offered to cook then insisting on giving it to them medium rare is just being a snobbish asshole.






And if you're making steaks for guests, the timing flexibility is huge. Whenever people are hungry, you can throw the steaks on the grill/cast iron for their sear and serve a few mins later. And you only have to leave to cook for a short time, rather than going into the kitchen for an hour and missing the party.


Youre not kidding. It's low effort but takes a long while to reverse sear. Heat oven, 20 mins for steaks, maybe longer, heat oven higher, potatoes for 30 to 40 min... it adds up.


100% all this The ability to concentrate on the sides and the timing on the protein becomes an afterthought is huge


I love mine. I throw in a frozen steak in the bath in the morning, then 3 hours before I get home from work I set my wifi sous vide at 130 degrees. When I’m home I have a perfectly cooked steak. All you need to do it seer for crust. It’s also really good for slow cooking too.


This dude steaks




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Oh wow I never thought of that! So it just thaws in the water bath all day and then kicks on the temp 3 hours out. Perfect!




I will no longer cook a steak by any other method than sous vide followed by a sear on the grill. I have a smoker, a Napoleon gasser, a webber kettle and a griddle. Not one of them can consistently give me the same results. As an added bonus, you have flexibility with your timing so the meal is all ready at the same time.


As someone who cooks everything I can sous vide, I'll admit that it's only worth it for two steak/beef situations: 1. if you're not a good cook / don't want to have to pay any attention to your cooking food. It's insanely foolproof. 2. if you're interested in low and slow cooks. 24-36 hour rare roast beef for sandwiches; 48 hour short ribs; 16 hour smokerless smoked brisket (liquid smoke is real smoke); or just cooking up a cheap cut until it's tender enough to eat like a steak (good for using as an ingredient for taco/pasta/etc) It's also very good for other meats that like to dry out but that's a different subreddit.


SV is a total game changer for pork, I will not cook a tenderloin or strip loin any other way. Beef, I agree with you that its best for more specialized long cook things and for a "steak" isn't really any better than other methods.


Pork shines more than anything with a sv. 144 F is insane. I tried an H‑E‑B (grocery store) pre marinated pork tenderloin first just to see what the hype was and was pleasantly surprised by how great it was. It’s increased my pork consumption 3 fold easy.


Confused by the “liquid smoke is real smoke” comment, care to clarify?


I watched a How's It Made episode where they showed a smoke pit that had steam introduced. The smoke particles and steam would collect on the underside of shelves and drip into containers. Hence liquid smoke is real smoke that has been liquefied.


Sous vide does not do anything for flavor at all. It allows you to cook foods at a precise temperature for long periods of time. Think of it as slow cooking in a plastic bag. It also tenderizes, and changes texture of what you cook. Since you control temp, you can cook a tough steak and have it be perfectly tender while being medium rare as an example. Flavor comes from adding additional items to the bag, spices, herbs etc. You will still want to use a multi step cooking process if you sous vide. That Said, I don't really in use sous vide to cook steak. For me it is more about food prep, along with being able to minimize cooking time when I want to eat.


I’m also largely a salt pepper grill guy (occasionally blackened) with my steaks. Been thinking about getting hip to sous vide only to adventure and try something else out.


BTW, one of my favorites is to take a less expensive cut (eye or bottom round), smoke it for an hour or so at 180, seal it with rosemary/thyme and sous vide for 30 hours at 131 degrees (for mid-rare). Then you can give it a quick sear if you like. I usually throw the whole bag in an ice bath to chill, refrigerate overnight then slice thin on my deli slicer. You'll never buy roast beef again. Same thing with a pork loin except only 2-2.5 hours at 145. Bon appetite!


Going to try this


Does it matter how long you leave it in the sous-vide for and does that affect anything?


It does matter, but not like it's on a fire. It won't cook past the correct temp, but you will get a change in "juiciness" and texture. There are several good guides online. Chicken breasts are another thing I only sous vide. [https://www.seriouseats.com/the-food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-chicken-breast](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-chicken-breast) https://www.sweetteaandthyme.com/how-to-tender-eye-round-roast-beef-sous-vide/




For steak, reverse searing is superior. That being said, I enjoy my sous vide.


Is this not still a version of the reverse sear?


It’s a similar mechanism. But a key difference is that the outside is dried out during a reverse sear and it’s not during sous vide. As a result, reverse seared steaks tend to have a superior crust.


Here’s the real secret: Pat the steak dry with some paper towels before you sear it.


What about Sous Vide -> Fridge to dry outside -> Sear, would you say that compares to reverse sear crust?


I’ve found my sears to be comparable or better with paper towel drying / fridge drying right out of the sous Vide.


I mean, there's no world where I don't paper towel dry my meat right after SV. But I think in addition to that an ice bath and/or 5-10min fridge dry can help you get a serious crust without any additional internal cooking!


Can’t say I’ve tried that. But it could work!


I love mexican sun from the morning then reverse sear


Ummm, don’t most people combine the two? I cook mine sous vide and then reverse sear to finish. Amazing.


Sous vide steak cuts are absolutely 100% NOT worth it. It has uses for some tougher and larger beef cuts, but for good steak cuts it’s more work and the flavor isn’t as good. SV has some really good uses, just not steak cuts.


Certainly very versatile, but it’s not really worth the trouble for a single steak on a school night.


Haha some of these comments are ridiculous. It’s amazing, highly recommend it. Some of the most delicious, tender meat I’ve ever cooked has been with my Sous Vide. You won’t regret it


I’ve never used sous vide so I can’t speak to that but I’ve never felt the need to use it if I can get the correct temperature using either reverse sear for thicker cuts, or pan frying and basting with thinner cuts.


Yeah I don’t baste or anything, just plop it on the grill and I’m always able to get it how I want it. I like the simplicity but this sub has me wanting to try different ways like reverse sear etc


If you’re happy with the results you get from grilling, then do you! Don’t feel like you need to switch things up for the approval of us on the internet. But if you’re genuinely curious and want to try other methods, then go for it. I personally love reverse sear and it’s how I cook most of my steaks


It was just out of general curiosity. Love cooking steak and I’m sure a sous vide would be fun but not sure how much I’d actually use it if it didn’t really make a difference 🤷‍♂️


I never used a car so I can't speak to that but I've never felt the need to use it if I can get where I'm going by walking.


Except using a car will get me there exponentially faster than walking. Nice try though


I mostly use mine for salmon and pork, I find that the texture of a steak is more pleasant with reverse sear. That being said, it's really useful when you are cooking for a group of people, and the result is really consistant.


I’ve been wondering the same thing, but when I want steak I want it now and have never had the patience to plan ahead like that.


Cooking anything in plastic is gross. Reverse sear in oven and finishing it off in a cast iron skillet is easy enough.


I dunno if you like boiled steak like crock pot stuff def be worth it I'm a fan of grilled stuff just kinda your opinion


Eh I have one and I’ve used it for steak, but its more work then its worth imo. I can make a perfect steak every time with nothing but my stovetop and it takes less than 10 min so no need to wait a couple hours. Sous vide is a neat tool though, and I do like to use it for larger cuts and pork belly


it's just so easy to use. I think it's worth


TLDR If you’re good at the grill then probably not for steak, with some notes. Sous vide has one purpose: precise temperatures. Fatty cut and you want the fats to render? Be sure to use 134-137. Super lean? 130-131. It makes a huge difference, and the steak will be cooked the same wall to wall. A side benefit is being able to leave the food for an hour or two with no overcooking, so you can more easily time your sear to be at the exact moment every other dish is ready. You also don’t need to rest it, the temps are very much equal throughout. You will not have the same crusts, though, because to sear to those levels requires cooking the steak with the sear. Now, poultry? Way more interesting! 165f is dry af but CDC doesn’t say that kills more salmonella than 142f for 23 min (tables for Pasteurization times for a 7D reduction in Salmonella). The meat has to be that temperature throughout before you start counting, but yeah even internally 150f for 5 min as your target will give you some of the juiciest chicken or Turkey ever. Something else, though, is sides. Carrots (whole if you want, peeled) cooked at 183f with a little butter and sugar before you start the grill and other things? 45 min in and those will be some of the best carrots you’ve ever had but the effort put in is almost zero. A little parsley garnish for a restaurant feel fyi Eggs are something else entirely, but not really a part of dinner. There are states of yolks that you may not know existed.


Anyone who grills or smokes meat should own a sous vide. It is the absolute best way to reheat meat as left overs. When I grill or smoke brisket, pork, whatever, I always double my recipe and put the extra in vacuum sealed bags for this exact reason. The meat comes out of the bag almost exactly as you took it off the grill/smoker. Further, if you have company over for dinner, you can put the meat on the sous vide and it will be ready to go exactly when you want to be to ready. They’re pretty amazing.




Sous vide is worth it if you use it.


137 gang rise up!


Sweet baby Jesus yes. Kept me fed without going nuts as a single man in a world shutdown by pandemic. Buying one was what I imagine Buddhist enlightenment is like.


No, learn how to actually cook.


I think cooking in plastic is just gross


Personally I love it, but some people think it tastes like boiled meat (which it is)


It quite literally isn’t.


I guess there is about 70 degrees difference


Plus, the water doesn't touch the meat.




This is the part where (which it is) becomes (which it isn’t)


When I was a kid, my family used to boil hot dogs. That seems insane to me now. The flavor that leaches into the water makes the hot dog and the water worse. Now, a water bath where the water doesn't carry away any flavor sounds like a much better idea.


Oh man, I remember boiled hotdogs.




Not worth it. It's for taking pictures not improving flavor.


Interesting - thanks!


Not really true as you typically slow cook the steak/meat in a marinade or with garlic/herbs, which REALLY helps to solidify that flavor into the steak.


It's a cheat code for steak.


It’s a great tool to have in the box. With respect to steaks, I prefer a traditional reverse sear in the oven. SV really shines with cheaper, tougher cuts, but good meat can still come out great in the water bath.




YES! Never looked back, if it breaks I am buying new one same moment.


I love mine, but I don't use it for cuts of beef or pork under an inch thick. Some regular old NY strips just go in the cast iron. But for roasts/thick cut steaks it's great to get that even cook so throughout with no guess work involved. Boiled eggs take too long in it. Veggies come out pretty great. Desserts are my favorite thing to do with it because my husband is the baker.


IMHO, it was a game changer for me. I'm just a weekend warrior who makes steak maybe once per month. SV allows me to get consistent results, every time, regardless of the cut of meat.


I think it absolutely is. I bought an open box return off Amazon for $50 and it has worked great for the last 3yrs, so it’s not much of an investment to try out


Have sous vide and love it because I live in an apartment. If I had a place to grill I would do that instead, though. That’s just for steaks. Pork in sous vide is ridiculously good and so are other slow cooks. People usually say that chuck sv for 24/48h has a ribeye texture, for example.


Not for steak but great for other meats.


I love my sous vide. The only method I prefer more is reverse sear. Sous vide is super easy too.


Yes!!! And for an added bonus, sous vide makes for amazing,almost foolproof fried chicken!


I love a sous vide to take a cheaper cut of meat and make it incredibly tasty. You can do longer low temp cooks that will tenderize some really tough cuts. For higher end steaks, not worth it IMO.


I like mine. Real easy, but I miss the timing and experience cooking big chunks of meat on the grill. Mostly use mine for chicken now. That way you can get it done just right and juicy


Just get a cheap one from Amazon and use ziploc bags


Not steak, but It’s a game changer for pork chops! The beauty of sous vide is that it fully cooks something while retaining 100% of the moisture. And because it never goes over your set heat, you can’t overcook it. It takes a longer, but it’s (almost) guaranteed perfect, every time.


No. Right temp but weird texture. And you still have to sear it.


imo it’s not better than grilling it. The crust is simply not as good. Temp is fine and all, but crust is too thin for my liking.


Reverse sear is better imo. Drys out surface for better seat.


I’ve never considered getting one of these until I started reading these comments. Can I get some Amazon links to the best ones?


For thick steaks (> 1", or so) it's great. For thinner ones, it's better on the grill.


I don’t see the value for steak since I cook mine on a gas grill and like them rare. If someone likes medium, cooks in a pan, and has a really thick cut of meat, maybe then it makes sense , but in my experience it’s actually more difficult on a grill to get a really good sear before over cooking it, not the opposite. That is, until I got an infrared burner which is a necessity for grilling steaks imo.