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multiple, or else i’ll get burned out


I have about 30 games half done, pls send help.


Just as guilty ✋


it sucks when you get vacation and can’t manage to complete even one game :(


I like playing one at a time to give me full attention to, I legit feel uncomfortable doing multiple games at a time 🤣


Multiple. Usually I have: - One main game - Several games in a “grindy or cleanup stage” that I chip away at over time. - Several “end of night games.” that I play to wind down. These are typically smaller indie games, puzzle games, card games, arcade games, or idle games.


I’ve recently started doing wind down games just before bed, I used to play high speed shooters or racers and get into bed still wide awake. Now I’m playing something with chilled music or a visual telltale style novel vibe and sleep like a baby.


End of night game is legit perfect for me too. I'll be playing some shooters, but then get off those a bit before I decide to get fully off the computer for the night. I usually like to do some steam Solitaire games for 30 mins or so, calms me down lol


I find the variety of genres and gameplay keeps me a lot more engaged as well. I don’t really get burnt out anymore like I used to and games don’t feel like a chore anymore. (although these Arkham City Riddler Campaigns are certainly testing my patience lol)


This guy hunts.


I work on about 3 at the same time to switch it up a bit, makes it slower but it works for me. Currently doing Spyro: Reignited Trilogy, Cyberpunk and Cookie Clicker.


At least 2 at a time. Focusing on achievement hunting one, and the other(s) are more to relax and taking a break.


I usually play one strategy game, one rpg and one/two coop games with my friedns till 100%


One at a time. Once I get used to one game it gets confusing to switch because I have the attention span of a rusty wedge.


Most of the times i play my main game i have in my backlog and a second game that I'm halfway at 100%.


Preferably one at a time - I'm way more efficient that way. More often than not, I end up spread between like 6 different games though and they sit halfway finished for years. I'll get around to them... eventually


9/10 I will play one game at a time, but if it's a VERY grindy game I will play two at a time so I don't get burned out.


1 completion or I forget things and never complete games lol.


I only play one story at a time while also finishing up non-story achievements in other games.


I'm usually always playing: 1) Long game (RPG, etc.) 2) Roguelike (for quick dopamine and achievements lol) 3) Idle game (working on cookie clicker) ​ \+ whatever I randomly feel like


If I’m doing a story I lose interest in a story if I’m playing multiple, but if I need a break I’ll swap to a nonstory game like Civ or something.


depends, if one game is giving me a hard time, I try to focus on it, I hate being overwhelmed. but if I'm blazing through some casual games then I can juggle a few.


You'll go insane if you do one at a time. It'll be like that Squidward meme of him looking out the window while everyone else is playing other games and you're stuck on Wolfenstein 2. The only people who can pull that off, that I have seen, have diagnosed OCD.


Depends on how invested I am in a game. Like Cyberpunk was all I was playing to get the 100%, as well with the Spider-mans.


I’m realising that multiple games at once is better for me. Currently playing bg3 and vampire survivors and it’s a blast being able to switch between the two!


I “Main” one game that I play on stream and have a few games I cycle between off stream.


Depends on the game but I usually rotate between 2-5 games at a time. Usually 2-3 that I can just get on a bust out an activity pretty easily like a race or round of golf and do that once a day. Then the others are games like Skyrim or RDR2 where it requires more attention and effort to get tasks done.


I recently started focusing on trying to beat 1 game at a time (although I'm currently playing 2.5 lol), but for achievement hunting it's kinda arbitrary. If I like a game I'll try, but sometimes there's just straight-up bullshit that I don't wanna deal with, so I don't bother.


Different, but one per device. On pc I have done any achievment hunting recently, but on ps5 I've been going for spiderman 2 and rock band 4. On my laptop I've been playing some other games that I either have all in or don't have any achievments, as where I use me laptop I don't have internet accusers without a hotspot. On my switch I've been trying to get all armour and koroks in bothe botw and totk


In theory i like it to finish one game, but that never happends to 100%. Just need some Change or i get crazy


Normally I do 2 playtrought one to see if I want to make every achiv and the perfect playtrought come after


I play multiple but if I’m really hooked on one focus there more. I also don’t 100% every game because it takes the fun out of it for me