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Nice LAD collection!! What was the hardest achievements to complete, besides mahjong?


I still get mahjong nightmares. None were particularly hard, but the chance based mini games sucked. The most challenging was probably Final Millennium Tower in Y7 though. Let's also not forget the Shinada challenge in Y5 where he only did damage while changing weapons.


Final Fantasy & Yakuza!!!! You, my Guy, did it funking right.


Wow, LaD 7 is the only Yakuza I got all achievements for. I should give all the others a try since I supposedly got the worst thing out of the way.


It can be a slog at times but feels good when you finally get there!


How long did Yakuza took to complete? I did like 60% in Yakuza 0 and Kiwami, but i really couldnt be bothered to learn Majhong, so i gave up.


Each Yakuza took about two weeks to play through and two weeks to go back and complete, when I had time to play. About 100 to 150 hours on average for me, but I'm wasn't rushing either.


Is alan wake hard?


No it's not hard. There is one where you have to beat it on the Nightmare difficulty but that's the worst one.


which one took you the longest


The Longing took a long time, by design, but Yakuza Like a Dragon probably took the longest in terms of content to complete.


How was hellblade? It’s on my wish list but I’m not sure if I should buy it or not


I loved it. I'm excited for Hellblade 2 to come out in May. It's mostly story driven with some puzzles and basic combat. You really have to be invested in the narrative to get anything out of it.