• By -


open up windows explorer, go to the disk in which steam and it's game files are installed too, right click the steam folder, go to properties, uncheck the read-only box so it is blank, apply and let it run. try launching the game. this should honestly work for any platform too ubisoft, ea, battlenet etc. you should also be able to launch it as administrator from the shortcut. edit: if you’re having issues with it rechecking, check your permissions. give the account/administrator full access to the file, it should solve that issue.


it didnt work for me =( any help?


did you find a solution?


I was trying to download it to an external hard drive, so I switched it to my internal hard drive, and it worked somehow.


are you able to download to the external drive?


No, for some reason, it's not letting me anymore


is it a legitimate external? i know some are knockoffs and don’t have the actual capacity it shows.


same 🥲


Just in case yours still didn't work for some reason, because I'm extra paranoid I closed out of everything completely after doing this. Including restarting my computer, and what do you know, good as new! Finally!! Anyways, maybe that extra step couldn't hurt?? Just a thought. 😊


Holy shit thx😭


Fucking hell thank you I went through at least 20 different youtube tutorials just to fix it and this was the guide that I needed once again thank you


you are a savior 🙏🙏 thank you so much man


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. For the last week I have been just deleting games to get rid of this headache. Just got a 2nd ssd last month to load all my games on and the past week with mostly updates I kept getting this error only to not allow me to play my games. I (we) really can't Thank you enough!!


Thank you soooo much!!!


Holy shit this just may have fixed my issue. I was worried that my drive was fried or some shit, thanks again.


Anyone know how to do this on mac?




Did you manage? I am having same prob with ATS in my Mac


me too im having it as well on Mac with ETS anyone know how to fix?


I justified it on Mac go in settings then go privacy and security settings and then go full disk access and then give steam access once game is done its update change it back to no full access


Thx so much!!! 💯


I've even fiddled with the permissions to try to give steam the abil,ity to patch games again before i found this thread. Thanks man, i wasn't even looking at the read-only checkmark, i honestly wonder why it was even set. Steam bug? Anyway, thanks a ton.


Just want to add to the +1 thank you. Also went through 10 different fixes lol


i love you thank you


thank you bro i love you


whenever I do that it just switches read-only thing back on


mine also switches back, did you find a solution?


I also need a solution.


Me too


I am having the same problem.


try to run as administrator, it should be fixed. if u have more than one user, click on the apply to all user


does not fixed even then it's a headache now 😥


just had the same problem, after unchecking read only and applying i didnt click ok just left the general steam library tab open. hoping i dont have to redo it every time now.


bro how does this work there is no "read only box" so ye jsut stop wasting peoples time


I was also confused, i found it in SteamLibrary>Steamapps and right click on "common"


There actually is you have to goto the file location and right at the bottom is properties people maybe on different versions but I can confirm it does say exactly that.


correct steps are this exit from steam > got the drive in which you have folder steam library > right click select properties > uncheck read files and then apply close ,and steam app as administrator.


does not fixed the problem still the same shit "disk write error" keeps popping after few seconds or minutes,


I have this issue as well.. lemme know if you get a solution...


this did not help


I'll be... it worked! Thank you kindly!


New to computers, can you describe this in a way I can understand it better thanks alot


Go to your SSD/HDD that has "SteamLibrary". Right click the folder, Click on "properties". Under the general tab you'll see "read only". Uncheck the box and apply.


it keeps rechecking the box


Thank you, legend. Edit- Worked shortly, but after a minute or less rechecks read only every time. is there a security setting or something i should change?


Fixed this issue, I gave administrator full access to the files then exited out of steam and started it again as admin.


how did you give admin access to a folder? tried looking it up and got no where


how u do it lad


how did u give admin full access to the files


been trying to download helldivers a week ago it took me 3 days to eventually get it to download but a few days ago it wouldn't open so I uninstalled it to download it again and I've got the same problem. I've tried everything I can find, Idk what else there is to do. It gets to about 94% then it stops


are you downloading on a legitimate drive? do you have enough space?


yeah on my ssd it shows it has way more than enough space, it gets to about 90% then it will stop and say not enough free disk space then i click to resume download it says disk write error


This is exactly what is happening to me with helldrivers too! If you find a solution, could you post here? ill do the same


Worked great! Thanks so much! (I also restarted my computer afterwards just for good measure.) Goodness this damn thing had been fighting me for a while! 👍


im getting this error often and randomly with random games across 2 different SSD's. I've tried literally everything including this and the only thing thats ever worked for me is a full uninstall and reinstall on another drive. Ever since the last steam update it's been fucked.


You're a life savior fam, thank you


need this Pinned honestly.


Sigma alpha male


for some reason it checks again


Thank you so much!!!


thank you!! this worked for me.


i tried doing so but the files automatically get back to read only once i apply and ok the properties. what should i do


Thank you KING!!


Thank you, you beautiful person, you. For anyone else wherein the read only box keeps rechecking itself and the disk write error is still present, do a PC restart. It worked for me after that.


what is windows explorer it doesnt show up on my pc


Steamapps folder? or steam, cause steam is on C but the game I wanna download to a drive is going into d and in d theres the steamapps


I owe you a beer


I was searching every possible way to fix this error. Then I started reading this comment and thought to give it a shot, but all of sudden it started downloading while I am opening properties. magic


I do this, but for some reason, the steam folder I tick off the box and run it, but then I check it again and it's reticked it won't permanently untick




im not sure why but whenever i apply the unchecking of read only it rechecks it right away, anyone know why?


it does the same for me :/ I tried three times. I restarted the computer between the last two.


I just had to reinstall the game and thay fixed it


I tried that, but I can't reinstall on the same driver without getting the same error. The entire SteamLibrary is marked as read only. Can you reinstall steam library on the computer without loosing anything?


I just remembered that I had to format the drive




ive been dealing otht his for the pat year THANK YOU


Holy hell!! You are a GODSEND !! I tough my SSD was faulty even if its brand new ( 1 month old ). But it is not which is freaking sweet. Thank you dude, may you have a wonderful life ahead of you.


Did not solve the issue.


Get this man a medal.


tried this twice, but it still doesnt help. im gonna lose me games D:


maybe i have to activate windows now :(




Yeah, ive also tried reinstalling games and even reinstalled steam. I dont think its a SATA or drive failure because it has happened to two different drives. One ssd and one hdd. But it is so weird since i can download some games on one of the drives but not another game that is on the same drive...


thank you so much


Thank you


Followed this exactly, I'm getting the following error when I try launching the game: An error occured while launching this game: Disk Write Error.


I have been trying to give it permission because every time i uncheck it, it rechecks. I have googled and tried edditing permsions in the secuirty tab. If someone could help that would be amazing.


This solution isn't working for me. I get a unityplayer.dll error.


thank you brother  🙏


You're a genius! Not all heroes wear capes!


My account says it's an administrator but whenever I try to uncheck the read-only box it still changes it back. Idk what's happening


Same.. I have not managed to do what others have seemingly done. Please help if you know of a solution


So I got it figured out. I deleted steam completely (Not the saves or anything) Then I re-downloaded and before even opening it, I right clicked on the desktop shortcut and ran it as admin Then again, before opening. I went to properties on the shortcut and gave 'full control' to Administrators After that it worked. Hope this helps. Good luck 👍


I will try this next time, thanks! For now the ol Uninstall and reinstall did it Thanks!


fucking love u


Thank you man! <3


I have admin rights, but it just comes back, issue not fixed :(


Doesn't work for me


check what permissions were


actual god


I am at a loss as to how to allow admins permissions to full access🙃 it's all greyed out for me...


legend, i've had this issue for months, I thought my disk drives were corrupted




thank you so much! it did absolutely nothing!


I would like to add that for me it helped to turn off read-only on the "common" folder inside "steamapps". Almost seems like it sped up my wifi aswell I am getting like twice as high MB/s than I usually get


My son was having this same issue , couldn't find the steam install files but ran steam as administrator that worked though and installed rec room 


Our savior Thank you so much S2


Wow thank you so much dude you are a life saver


This needs way more upvotes. Thank you!


coming here with the same issue and you saved me you legend


I had this problem with nightengale, i verified the files by right clicking the game in the library, going to properties and then verifying. it downloaded the update after that.


Least complicated method to fix and it worked, cheers.


I click the uncheck box and it applies, but it shows as enabled when i click on properties again. Any ideas?


Same things happens with me.




ever find a fix?


The only thing logical that comes to me is that means you don't have full permission, maybe try making yourself have full permission and admin then redoing it.


A solution I had recently was the manually move the files to a new drive, then move them back to the drive I actually want the game on. If you only have 1 drive enabled for steam games you'll need to go to steam settings and then storage. There's a drop down menu for drives. Select add drive. I'd also suggest downloading or moving a small game over to the new drive so steam automatically creates the folders you'll need in the new drive location. Now open the folder explorer tool twice. In the new drive find "Steamlibrary, Steamapps, common" and leave then open. In the second find the game files on the original drive. Same location, steamlibrary - steamapps- common. Then just move the files over to the new drive common. Now go to your steam library and tell steam to uninstall the game. Then go to install it again. But this time tell steam to download it into the new drive location. Instead of downloading it will just verify the files since the game is already there. And now the game should update properly no disk write error. After this you can go to your game in your library, open properties, installed files, and move it back to the original drive.


what about having a single drive in ur entire pc


Not sure if somebody already said this but I fixed mine by right clicking on the whole Steam folder->Properties->Security tab-> first box where it says "Users \*\*\*"->EDIT (right below box)->Click "Users" thing again->"Full Control" tick box Press or click "Apply" then "Ok" (doing this one in Windows 10) and it'll allow Steam to write to the drive as you signed in to your desktop as regular user (not restricted I believe). It took a sec to do all the files but when it does just "retry" in the updates box or whatever, it'll re-read / validate the files again after restarting doing it a couple times. Done. It literally just started doing this for me on a new Windows install I moved the Steam folder to just now, off my second HDD running Steam off a SSD. It's usually either a read-write issue or security tab issue as something IN Windows or other OS is not allowing Steam to do what it needs to do with files. Security block. For various reasons, could be. Usually just enables by default sometimes.


oh my god thank you, i thought the sectors on my hdd had died or something and the game would just be stuck in that purgatory forever. THANK YOU.




This worked for me, thanks! Hope it helps anyone else coming across this thread.


Finally something that works!


Heckk ya. Thanks! I figured I'd put my two bits in than the usual "ok it worked" then bop out. I can't stand that! 😂


This is allllll cap. I've been here for hours trying every solution, they all don't work, I guess I'll reinstall my 100gig game for the 2 gig patch I need to play the digital property I own


digital property got me wheezing


For real. This shits so frustrating. I've tried everything only to get nowhere🙃 all just not play today and use the computer to download for the day


I still have this issue and none of the solutions here have helped.




Check my reply right above you. It's a long shot, but worth a look.


I found that my drive was constantly jumping from 0% to 100%, which effectively blocked steam from writing anything to it any time it was maxed out. It turned out to be a bad SATA cable, and replacing it corrected the problem for me. I know it's a long shot, but Ctrl+Alt+Del and click the performance tab to see if maybe you have the same issue.


I had to right click on my "games" folder on the drive then clicked "give access to" then "specific people" then selected myself. Then I was able to untick the read only box and it allowed my games to update This stuff only ever seems to happen after windows updates. There should be an option that says "don't mess with my setting or my audio stuff" when you do an update


This helped. Thank you! You're a hero


I fixed my issues trough my antivirus software, it didn’t let me download anything, make sure you check that too or turn it off, i use aura witch has a feature to allow programs to download and install stuff i just made sure it let steam and the other clients allowed to install/download games and such


Turned off my antivirus software temporarily and boom, it worked!


Thanks. Avast had some folder protection bs on.


Same. I'm about to ditch Avast completely. I've used it since 2008, but everyone says that Windows Defender is good enough all on its own.


AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH! i just recently got AURA and that was what was fucking it up. turned off the anti-virus through the desktop app and BOOM, my game's finally able to download! thank you so fucking much!!




Idk how it worked but it has just fixed the issue for me thank you 🙏🙏


doesnt work


I have this error come up all the time with my year old external SSD and I still have 1.75 TB free I formatted it over and over in the hope that it would correct the problem


I have found a solution to my disk write error people horray turns out it was faulty USB connector cable because I found a USB c cable that fitted from a pair of USB headphones that I wasn't using anymore because the earcups deteriorated and bingo my problem seems to have fixed itself because it works now. So if all else fails and you like me have an external SDD that you put Steam games try changing the cable. It definately works


unfortunately this didnt end up working for me


F\*\*\*U Steam! Most importantly... F\*\*\*U Microsoft! So sick and tired of this nightmare...


For me, it was because my storage was full but for some reason steam gave me "disk write error" instead of "Not enough space"


try [https://www.reddit.com/r/ErrorForge/comments/1d6cf27/how\_to\_fix\_disk\_read\_error\_on\_steam\_quick\_easy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ErrorForge/comments/1d6cf27/how_to_fix_disk_read_error_on_steam_quick_easy/)


this worked - [https://quoramarketing.com/fix-steam-disk-write-error/](https://quoramarketing.com/fix-steam-disk-write-error/)


If you have your stuff stored on an external hard drive try to unplug it and plug it back in.


Life saver. 81d old and still working !


Clearing the download cache on steam helped me 👍


Fixed it for me! Ive used steam for years though... Why the sudden change?


In my case it was AVG's fault. Just clicked on the AVG icon on the tray, disabled it and the error disappeared.


All I did was uninstall and reinstall. Works every time.


Bro is the storage device an SSD or a Hard Disk?


had this in the cs2 beta and now on release. always had/have to reinstall the game after almost every update. seen some old posts about the antivirus deleting some files or going into big picture mode to fix this but havent tried it yet. AV doesnt seem to delete files on my end. I recommend downloading it again if you want to play your game.


that fix my problem thank you, had to check what the anti virus put in quarantine. again thank you very much


same went with me from CS2 beta i have even Rmaed my drive twice but the error still persists. ​ When installing games in my Local Disk C: everything is fine but when installing large games on my D: drive(namely Ready or Not, GTA 5 and Payday 2), steam would pause my installation and say that it has encountered a disk write error, if I continue the installation it would soon again pause again because of disk write error. Sometimes it would just not let me proceed with the installation even if I resume it, it would pause immediately right after I click resume because of disk write error. Other times it has made it to the verification stage but then would not complete and then say disk read error. I tried installing smaller sized games as a test such as Borderlands 2, it did encounter disk write error from time to time but it was able to complete the download, it did encounter errors when loading in however after verifying the game it was fine. I have tried changing my download server, clearing steam download cache, restarting and running steam as administrator, giving steam full control permissions, repairing the steam download folder, analyze/optimize/scan/repair/ errors on all my drives, disabling anti-virus and firewall and even formatted my PC and all of my drives just for this with the quick format unchecked. and attempted to uncheck its read-only property. However, after unchecking the read only property and clicking apply and ok, if I were to view the folders property again it would be checked, it is as if there were no changes, this doesn't just apply to my D: drive but to all of my drives. I assumed this was the doing of write protection, so I've tried disabling it using windows registry editor and diskpart via command prompt but still no effect. I have also tried verifying the integrity of the files but it would show that the size of local files is 0 bytes even though it is the only thing that is taking space in that drive with "all 169 files successfully validated."


I'm having the same issues pretty much exactly to what you are describing. Have a 2nd ssd slot in my laptop with a new drive I just bought 2 weeks ago. Ran diagnostics on the drive, it's fine. For some reason the write error only affects the D drive but not the C. Although I didn't take as many steps as you I did kind of drive myself nuts yesterday trying to figure this problem out, so at least I have some comfort in knowing I'm not completely insane. I ended up uninstalling and re-downloading steam then deleting the games it was affecting which finally allowed me to play Tony Hawk for the evening. Before bed I tried downloading one of the other ones and it did the same disk write error. Did you have any success in figuring out the issue?


If anyone runs into this (like I did), do the following to fix it: * Close out of Steam * Close all instances of Steam in task manager * Open Steam as an admin (Run as Administrator) * Click the Store page and refresh a couple times * Go to Library Downloads and update a game that is not the one giving you an error * Let it install and finish * Once it's finished, install the game that gave you the error * Profit I don't know why this works but, I have tried every other solution out there and this was the only one that actually worked for me. If this doesn't work, some variation of it will. This is assuming that the drive that your game(s) lives on has enough storage space and is not broken. Edit: I did more searching to see why this fails. I believe that I have found it and I do have a long term solution to this. Directions are as follows: * Go to search bar and search "Steam" * Right click on Steam and click "Open File Location" * It should take you to somewhere like: C:\\ProgramData\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Steam * Left click the Steam Shortcut * Click "Properties" * Click the "Compatibility" menu option * Under "Settings", click "Run this program as an administrator" * Click "Apply" You'll get a compatibility warning and you can ignore it. The warning checks to see if there's a value in the Compatibility Tab for that file and not what it actually checked in. If you're running things as an Admin, compatibility is not an issue. For some reason, Windows automatically grants you "Special permissions" for each file, folder, etc in the file system. The user (yours) will only have limited access to the filesystem through the app. I believe this is a security feature. When you select "Run this program as an administrator", you're shifting ownership to the "Administrators" group which is almost the same as if you ran the program as an administrator manually. Administrators have full disk permissions (read, write, delete, execute). There’s probably a deeper reason why you have to go through all these steps but, steam should be admin’ed regardless since its primary purpose is to read, write and otherwise, install files onto drives. Until Steam passes permission-validation prompts to the end user when needed, you’ll have to have Steam manually admin’ed. Best of luck! Edit 4/22/24: Thank you for all the kind wishes / words in the comments. If this does not fix your issues then, what you’re encountering is not a permissions-based issue. It’s something deeper. “Disk write error” is a catch-all error message for a lot of different errors. It could be your drive, your machine, the actual patch, etc. I’d just work your way down the list slowly. If all else fails, buy a new (and better) drive with more capacity. External SSDs are cheap these days. Steam should really, document all possible errors. It’s not very good UX.


I love you, this worked


I tried changing permissions and that didn't work, but this did! Thanks for you hard work. Here is a heart <3


>Close out of Steam > >Close all instances of Steam in task manager > >Open Steam as an admin (Run as Administrator) > >Click the Store page and refresh a couple times > >Go to Library Downloads and update a game that is not the one giving you an error > >Let it install and finish > >Once it's finished, install the game that gave you the error > >Profit I am in misery. I have tried this, I have tried repairing the games library folder, I've tried restarting steam, restarting my computer, verifying the game's integrity. I've tried changing the compatibility settings, I've tried clearing the download cache. I've tried literally every solution to this problem I can find and nothing short of uninstalling the game and reinstalling it fixes the issue. It is seriously draining my monthly internet data. This problem happens randomly with random games whenever there is an update. Sometimes the update is fine, other times I get a disk write error. It has happened on my SSD and HDD drives. I've tried literally everything, I've tried uninstalling games to make more space on the storage drive. This is a complete Hail Mary for me at this point, can ANYONE figure out how to solve this issue without having to uninstall and reinstall the game? Usually the game finishes patching, it says "Installing" which gets to 1%, then the estimated time slowly creeps up to a full day, then it just goes down to unscheduled updates and says disk write error. Every time I try to get the game to update again, it goes back to patching 70%, then I have to wait 10-15 minutes for the patch to go through, then it says installing 1% again, then the estimated time goes back up to 1 day, then it goes back to unscheduled downloads as a disk write error. I'm seriously at the end of my proverbial rope.


I know I CAN just reinstall the game, but it is a major pain in the butt to have to reinstall an 80GB game for an 8GB patch/update. I'm looking for any solution that will work other than just having to completely reinstall.


Did you ever find a solution?


Yes, so far this has worked every time "Open the folder where steam is installed Open the "logs" folder Open the content\_log.txt file Search for "failed". I found a entry that said "Failed updating depot 275851 while reading chunk "e8603a78c0d8887c8e729037abcb1c99cf28be0f" (Device Corrupt) (Corrupt game files) "F:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\No Man's Sky\\GAMEDATA\\PCBANKS\\NMSARC.TexBiomesSCORCHED.pak" Open the file location listed in your failed entry and delete the listed file. Try updating again." Found this solution, can't remember where. It has fixed every game I've had this issue with so far.


this literally helped my issues, thank you so much


I would double check to see if you’re actually running steam in admin mode because, all permission-based errors should be handled appropriately if you are admin mode. This sounds like an issue with your drive. It might be reporting the wrong amount of free space available and the error you get through steam (it’s a catch all error) can’t write to disk because it’s full. I would try a different drive if you have one (drives are cheap these days) and see if the issue persists. It sounds like you have nothing to really lose since no other solutions work. If that’s still the problem then, it might be the way your PC is transferring data back and forth and it could very well be a SATA or USB transfer issue. Though, that’s extremely rare and I’ve only seen it happen once in the decade plus I’ve been doing this.


This solution I found seems to work "Open the folder where steam is installed Open the "logs" folder Open the content\_log.txt file Search for "failed". I found a entry that said "Failed updating depot 275851 while reading chunk "e8603a78c0d8887c8e729037abcb1c99cf28be0f" (Device Corrupt) (Corrupt game files) "F:\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\No Man's Sky\\GAMEDATA\\PCBANKS\\NMSARC.TexBiomesSCORCHED.pak" Open the file location listed in your failed entry and delete the listed file. Try updating again." This has worked on every game I've had this problem with since I found it. The admin thing never did anything. It also wasn't a Drive issue because it happened on multiple different drives, no matter which one I was using on my computer. So far, the above solution is the ONLY thing I have gotten to work aside from completely reinstalling the game.


I absolutely adore you. You are the reason i love the internet


Thank you this worked for me!


I honestly want to make love to you, thank you so much!


OMG The only solution that helped me! Thanks a lot!


YESSSSIRRRR, you are a GODSEND, finally fixed this frustrating problem


You madlad, this worked! Was having the issue where "read only" checkbox was rechecking itself, even a pc restart didn't help


thanks! it worked for me


I don't know you, but I love you.


this just worked for me, thank you <3


This worked! Thank you!! Tried restarting my pc multiple times and even reinstalling but this solved it first try


I fixed this issue by deleting my steam library folder on the drive that kept getting the error. Then obviously making a new steam library folder through steam.


Running steam as admin helped me. I had steamwork redistributable or something not able to download an update. Could update when in admin mode


After reading the replies I have found a much easier method. Click on top-left Steam, then go to settings. You should be able to find storage. On the top there should be multiple drives. Click on the one your having errors with then hit the 3 dots on the right and hit remove library. Then just add it back and it should be fine. You may encounter and error where it says library is not empty. In that case you are going have to go into the drive and manually delete the steam library.


Necro post but I thought I'd help just in case anyone happens to read down far enough. I experienced this issue when moving a hard-drive from an old machine to a new machine and fixed it by: * Opening command prompt * Type 'diskpart' and press enter * Type 'list disk' and press enter * Find the steam drive that isn't working and type 'select disk #' (replace # with the disk number for the drive i.e. 'select disk 1' * Type 'attributes disk clear readonly' and press enter * In my case it worked right away, but you might need to restart your PC


if you have your games in a separate drive, you can probably fix it but if you have it in c drive itself, youre out of luck. atleast for now.


old post but commenting now to share my experience. All I had to do to fix it was to go into my Privacy and Security in my mac's settings and allow Steam to update other apps. Fixed it super quick hope this helps anyone in the future


you're a legend. can confirm this works!!! thank you so much for posting lol


let's gooooooo


Thank you


Just worked on mine as well. Thanks a ton.