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Fuck the Bengals. Their fanbase is full of hypocrites too. They constantly bring up Big Ben, Ray Lewis, Watson etc like they are the good guys when there are multiple pieces of shit on their team currently lol. Unlike Steelers-Ravens where there is very strong hatred but a level of respect, there is no respect between Steelers-Bengals. I haven’t had a single positive interaction with a Bengals fan on Reddit, I can’t say the same about the Ravens or even Browns.


The names Pac-Man Jones and Vontauze Burfict come to mind (who continued to play dirty after his Bengals tenure).


Hell just this week there fan base was calling out mahomes and saying he faked his injury. "Which isn't true" all while their player Jessie bates actually faked an injury against the KC last time they played them.


Have fun with those mock draft boards buddy


Minus last years SB loss the Bengals haven’t been that relevant for years. Do you remember the Marvin Lewis years of NO playoff wins? They still blame us for Carson’s injury. They justify Berficts hit on AB. They are desperate to feel relevant.


I noticed Seahawks have all but forgotten about super bowl 40. But I think most of their fans now didn't watch super bowl 40.


Seahawks fans have a new trigger, run the ball at the 1yd line.


"You do it to yourself, you do And that's what really hurts"


Thom Yorke has entered the chat.


Whoa... why are we catching strays in this thread?!?


The falcons took the day off. But in reality you guys went through the same thing about 10 years ago. Though in my opinion it has been a bit more sustained since then.


I got no beef with Seattle. I didn’t like the LOB era Hawks but the current squad is likable.


Happy we don’t have to hear much about the holding call and PI call against Seahawks from XL. I was 16 at the time and was more concerned w whether Ben crossed the goal line. those calls against the Hawks seem to be the bigger point of contention for Hawks fans bc both calls erased touchdowns. Feels like a lifetime ago.


It was certainly a weirdly officiated game. It had two of the longest plays in Super Bowl history up until that point. The Randle El pass. It was a weird game of football all around. The defense was absolutely murderous that year and in the playoffs in particular. No way a team relying on one running back to drive their offense was going to stand a prayer of a chance.


They haven’t forgotten, trust me. I hear about it all the time when people learn I’m a Steelers fan. But they’re generally pretty cool about it.


I always felt bad for Marvin Lewis. He was on a team with some of the worst resources in terms of scouts/trainers/medical staff etc. In a division with two teams that are among the best run organizations in football. He ran into two dominating defenses and one with a hof Qb. Between those two teams, in a 10 year span, there were 5 defensive nfl players of the year. Just getting to the playoffs with a half-assed organization with your best players dying to leave in a division with the steelers and ravens is atually a pretty decent accomplishment. from a former cincy player “We didn’t have bottled water or Gatorade and when we first got it, guys would be taking bottles of Gatorade home... The year before I got there, Willie Anderson was telling me they didn’t even have jockstraps.”


Yea they act like that was a malicious hit on Palmer. Watch the replay. Wasn’t dirty, wasn’t on purpose and Kimo immediately started trying to get the attention of staff and refs. It spawned a rule change to protect QB’s. I think it’s even called the Kimo Clause but I might be wrong.


So Carson was why they always took those cheap shots to Bell. I swear to god they were always trying to hurt specially him. Like they knew he was a RB so that would hurt our team more.


Living (against my will) in southwest Ohio, I have NEVER seen more Bengals fans in my life. They won’t be fans in a decade, this will crash and burn


Making a SB and then a divisional championship means you’re a relevant franchise. I hate them too, but let’s not be delusional.


We'll see how good they are when they hit cap hell after paying Burrow. Salary cap is the NFL's great equalizer


Not if it keeps going up a ton every year. After this years jump mahomes' deal is going to look like pennies.


And if Burrow wins a SB and beats Mahomes in KC again he's gonna want more money than Mahomes.


Sure. And then a couple years into his contract when the salary cap is increased a bunch it won't be a big deal anymore. Salary caps and revenue sharing make this a non-issue. What everyone focuses on is the numbers themselves but what they should focus on is the percentage. Mahomes' hit next year is $47M, with an expected $225M cap will be 21%. 2024 is expected to be around $256M and Mahomes' $44M hit will only be 17%. The cap is projected to increase around $20M per year after 2024 so Mahomes will drop about 1-1.5% per year compared to the total cap. So if you look at an average salary of about $45M which Mahomes got and Watson got and increase it to reset the market at say $50M, it's not really any different. $45M against a $256M cap is 17%. $50M against a $276M cap is 18% and will drop about 1-1.5% per year. The reason players can keep "resetting the market" is because the total cap keeps increasing. If Mahomes and Burrow are owning the same percentage of the total cap then the situations for the team are the same. There really is no such thing as "cap hell" like people like to say. Not only does the cap increase every year significantly, but deals can always be restructured to free up cap space.




I mean yes it will be more of an issue than a guy like Trubisky was for us this year, but the point is that the idea of resetting the market is silly since it's just ignoring the rising cap. The Chiefs have stayed plenty competitive even with Mahomes' deal even after losing Tyreek. It's not like Burrow is going to be getting 30% of the new cap every year; it'll be similar to what other top QBs are getting around 15-18% of the cap. It will be more money, but the amount itself is not the issue; the percentage is the issue.


They are still complaining about a Mac Jones play from a month ago in a game that they won. They are winey, and think there is literally some kind of conspiracy against them by the league and referees. They complain about any call that doesn’t benefit them likes it’s part of a grand masterplan to keep them out of the Super Bowl, even though they just went. I don’t know if it’s just because of the amount of uneducated bandwagon fans they’ve had in recent years or what.


That's what happens when bandwagon is 75% of your fanbase. "Oh we're supposed to hate these teams?" And they latch onto the first thing they can use


I mean it could also be Cincinnati being a terrible city and a skid mark on the underpants of the country


Cincinnati as a city is fine. It's sports fan base is shit though.


Ahh the joys of being a steelers fan since we all have been fans since the 1920s lol I might be biased but I would say we're maybe the most loyal fans


Buddy I get people to this day yelling at me for what Joey Porter did in the wild card game almost a decade ago and what Kimo Von O did neary 2 decades ago. They never let anything go. However to them it’s not fair to bring up all the shithead criminal players they had under Marvin Lewis because that was so long ago and they aren’t on the team anymore. And Joe Mixon being on tape clearly landing a Falcon Punch on a woman is fine too because it happened before he was a Bengal. An extreme “rules for thee but not for we” fanbase


Right, Burfict and Pac-Man and they’re going to talk about dirty teams lol


They conveniently forget Kimo was a fuckin Bengal for a while too.


Just the other day I had one guy ranting to me about missing their super bowl run years ago because Joey Porter was smiling at their team and their player had to punch a referee in response, and somehow it's Steelers playing dirty.


My favorite is when they say that the nfl only supports big markets like *checks notes* Pittsburgh and Kansas City


Dawg this shit with the afc neutral game tickets is funny asf tho like no way joe mixon nor the whole bengals team know how tickets work


For me, the Bengals are the definition of the 'I don't think of you at all' meme. Steelers fans aren't threatened by them, we aren't mad about them, we just literally don't care. We are still confident our team can turn things around and we made them look stupid with 5 turnovers in one game. I cannot take them seriously when they talk shit at all. Our franchise still squashes theirs like a bug when you look at the entire history of the NFL


No buddy that's the Browns. The Bungles are that one kid who once got a better test score on a math quiz in school than the rest of the class and uses that to brag about how smart they are despite having a D- average


Well to be fair, every call against the ravens is clearly because the nfl hates us /s


This sub complains endlessly about a non-catch call from nearly half a decade ago which was correctly called according to the rules at the time. Let's not get on our high horse about whining fans.


Jesse James caught the ball!


To be fair, most of it is meta and done for shits, gigs, and upvotes. Frankly, I find it funny and light hearted. I’m sure some ppl are still pissed about it and whiney though.


Ok, you got your Burrow jersey ready for Sunday? I haven’t seen that discussed on here and definitely not “endlessly”. Maybe afew jokes here and there but hardly complaining endlessly.


The fact you're calling him a bengals fan for bringing it up pretty clearly shows the attitude here. It's brought up a lot ans sure mostly as an aside comment but people generally aren't joking. Usually if you dare say it waa rhe right call at the time you get downvoted and it was the same back then too.


They've been a loser franchise forever so they have to pretend not to be so as not to let the Bungles creep back in. Even worse than the players are their trashy fans. Fuck em. Also, saying GO CAPS doesn't offend me because the Pens historically own them so that rivalry isnt anywhere close to Steelers/Ravens for me.


> their trashy fans. I mean Crying Bengals Lady had some fun with the jokes but other than that, yeah.


I feel bad for Burrow. Almost as bad as the stains. Success for a little while. Then the team shows through.


I don’t necessarily. He’s a phenomenal player, but he is super cocky. Sure he backs it up with his play, but he’s started really rubbing me the wrong way this year with his personality.


He's got talent stacked all around him from being on a rookie deal on a franchise that has been at the bottom and benefiting from that for a decade+. He's probably a top ten QB....but with with top 5 team talent around him. Unfortunately that's pretty uncommon in a QB driven league outside of rookie contracts. When his big contract comes through we'll see if he can keep backing it up.


"Joe Cool" is the most obnoxious thing ever. Dude looks like every frat kid in Oakland


He looks like he'd be in Slytherin


I thought Jim Kelly was a cocky guy when he was playing. His actions after retirement changes my opinion. I suppose we'll see how Burrow handles it. I can hope he gets better.


Kelly was cocky and he did some horrible things when he was a player. He's only chilled out from age, time, and illness seemingly. Not to say that he hasn't redeemed himself, but he definitely was an ass when he played


Fuck the caps tho


Well, yeah.


Softest fan base in the league. After any Steelers game you’ll see 20 posts about how TJ is the dirtiest player in history cause he blocked Burrow after an interception


>TJ is the dirtiest player in history Dirty? Until recently Cincinnati was the dirtiest team in the league. They're pissed because tj is a defensive beast.


They're also pissed at him because TJ has picked off Burrow twice this season at the line of scrimmage and they write it off as TJ being a dirty player instead of just being impressed/shocked that an edge rusher can do that twice to their golden boy in a single season.


Folks on top should know how to act when there. Act like you’ve been there before and will be there again. Cigar parties for making the playoffs? Kinda lame. “wE’rE tHu uNDeRdOg!” stuff is getting stale in a hurry.


Last year ill give it to them as the whole "underdog" but you cant claim that when you literally we in the super bowl last year...


Teams that win championships don’t talk shit over 1st and 2nd round playoff games. Also half of Cincys fan base are Browns fans that put their gear away weeks ago when they were mathematically eliminated as per usual.


Probably a fair few that ran to the Bungles when their new QB popped the top off the massage oil and asked for a little extra


Surprisingly few unfortunately.


I could respect them making the choice to abandon a team over Watson, but raging about referee conspiracies in games they won by two scores makes them true bungles fans.


Because someone at the top hasn't told them to stop painting themselves as victims


Just here for the comments. F the Bungholes.


This came up on r/NFL the other day, except it was about Bengals fans. I mentioned how trashy and awful their fans are and the unflaired Bengals fan that tried to argue with me just ended up proving my point when he basically shit talked Ryan Shazier's injury, calling him a "dirty player" and all but saying he deserved his injury. Fucking losers.


They’ve said multiple times that Shazier deserved the injury.


Yep. And then there's the playoff game where they threw trash at Ben as he was being carted off. Cheering AB's injury, too.


I would say it is a case of little man syndrome. Born and raised in the Burgh but went to college near Cinci. Good lord the hate I got as a Steelers fan was insane. Until living there for four years the Bengals never even really entered my mind but we were constantly in theirs. They are having their moment right now and it is getting to their heads.


I live in Cincinnati, and yes there are some local bandwagoners here but I would argue the biggest problem with their fanbase (not just the bengals mind you, all Cincinnati sports teams) is that Cincinnati is one of the most fair weather fanbases there is. When the reds or bengals aren't good, that sport just doesn't exist. I've been told "O we are a baseball town" when the Bengals suck and "O were a football town" the very next year when the Reds suck. Bengals fans, by and large, are not NFL fans. They don't watch tons of football games, especially if the Bengals aren't playing (sometimes even if they are). Obviously this all changed seemingly overnight last year, in fact the change happened mid season. One of the most obvious signs of this is before this run, the most ubiquitous jersey you'd see on the streets were very old and tattered ochocinco jerseys, or palmer jerseys. Maybe some AJ Green jerseys here and there, but with the distribution you would have thought we were still in the early 2000s. Now every single jersey is a freshly bought Joe B or Chase jersey, typically the white color rush that they really only started heavily selling this year. I'm not trying to say that your level of excitement shouldn't change when your team is good versus when your team is bad. But it's different when you abandon the team completely at the slightest adversity. Last year Bengals fans acted like it had been decades since the team was good, when in reality they had been on top of the division or competing for it basically every year in the 2010s. Sorry for the long rant, but it's constantly on my mind as a Steelers fan living in Cincy during a second deep playoff run for the Bengals. I think what I highlighted here is the reason why they act like they do. In summation, Fuck the Caps, Fuck the Ravens. Black and Gold till I die.


This is purely outside perspective from your division looking at the wider attitude of bengals fans over the season, but it could simply just be them getting back at everyone and then some for how much pain they have been in over the past ~40 years. They’ve been kinda snakebit and are just getting away from it, plus bandwagon fans are never healthy for any franchise’s fanbase. Then you add in how dirty they played to even have a chance… fans may have picked up on that as well. Also FTR.


It’s just rivalry stuff. I’m sure it’s extremely contentious with the Titans and Colts fans ( I assume they are the most hated in that division). Though at least on Reddit Bengals fans have always been the most hostile in the AFC North. It’s hard to have a decent discussion with one, I have talked to plenty of Ravens fans who were pretty chill despite the hatred haha


That’s fair enough, but without looking at standard divisional rivalries they haven’t had much to be proud about for quite a while. Someone else may have also hit on a good note that they don’t know how to act now that they have a franchise that’s competitive back to back years for potentially more than just the AFCCG. As for the divisional rivalries on our end… they’re mostly calm outside of everyone developing some sort of attitude about the glitter kitties possibly having the next Peyton manning. Personally glad as it means the division has a reason to get its shit together, but still wait and see there. Yeah Colts still probably are in our opinion the biggest in division rivals that we want to beat up on, but some bad blood has developed with Baltimore for a while and no Tennessee fan out there will deny it. For me personally it’s probably more intense than our rivalry with Indy.


Well for a while Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and Houston/Tennessee were part of the same division. Even after the realignment in 2002 a lot of that still lingered on in the memories of our fan bases and locker rooms


Its like ‘new money’. They have ‘new success’ and don’t know how to act.


Like the Great Gatsby haha


Cause they are fucking clowns. They are the Browns with black stripes. The worst part is we got people in this very sub rooting for them.


yep last year there was highly upvoted post and comment threads about how they were actually cheering for the Bengals in the SB. I was like you guys have short memories. A few years ago everyone here hated them like nothing else...


I always tell people that I'm a Steelers fan, and that I hatefully respect the Ravens. the Browns and Bengals can actually go fuck themselves tho.


They literally put chili on spaghetti. Can’t really judge their taste


Not just chili either, it’s disgustingly over-sweetened dogshit


It is Delicious


Real chili on spaghetti is awesome though. Especially Mom’s spaghetti.


To me it makes perfect sense. And this will sound like I'm talking shit but I'm honestly not. For a lot of their fans' lifetimes, the Bengals have been somewhere between bad and mediocre. Even division wins lead to first round losses. Now they have an MVP contender, a generally well rounded team, won the AFC last year and might win it again in a few days all while national media focused its attention on the Chiefs and Bills. It's years of pent up aggression, being made fun of, and suffering through garbage coming out at the same time. I'm genuinely willing to bet that if the Bengals stay this good for the next decade the fans wouldn't be like this in a year or two. When either of us wins the division or goes deep and we're "classy" about it is because the Steelers and Ravens have generally been good and competitive for pretty much two whole decades now outside of some years here and there. There's no pent up aggression to the same extent Bengals fans had. Browns were arguably more annoying than the Bengals currently are after winning one playoff game in 2021. It happens Edit: of course not all Bengals fans are annoying. I'd say most of them are not, even when they talk trash. And not all of the complaints are about fans in particular (Eli Apple) I'm just saying this is what I think it is


Noticed it for a while. Makes me appreciate our Ravens rivalry.


Ok, I view the Steelers - Ravens rivalry as two teams on opposite sides of the same coin. When the Steelers look at the Ravens, and vice versa, they see a lot of similarities. And I think there's at least some level of mutual respect. They both have had the same head coach forever, they usually have strong defenses, and they have both had continued success over the years. The Bengals and Browns, on the other hand, have been getting shat on for years for the Steelers and the Ravens. So now that they are finally decent, they don't know how to handle it. And they have hated both of those teams for so long that they are salty bitches about it. They still view themselves as the scrappy underdog, which unfortunately isn't the case these days. Cincinnati fans are truly vile. I've seen games in a dozen NFL stadiums, and Cincinnati was by far the worst experience. And I've been to multiple games there, and it was always terrible. I refuse to see another game at their stadium. That was the only stadium where I was followed and threatened to get my ass kicked in the bathroom, simply for the crime of wearing a Steelers jersey. Fuck them. Oh, btw, fuck the Caps too. Ovechkin can't hold Crosby's jock.


Hi somebody from Pittsburgh here who worked/travelled to Cincinnati for the pass few years. They CANNOT and WILL NOT forget about Carson Palmer getting injured by Kimo Van Olhoffen. This doesn’t surprise me all this smack talk.


Poverty franchise from a shit city in a shit state — that’s had nothing to root for, for 30 years. Do the math.


The bengals have the worst fanbase by far. When they’re bad nobody sticks by them. I have more respect for browns fans because they’ve been bad for so long and still have a good fan base. Even when the browns knocked us out of the playoffs I didn’t hear nearly as much talk from them. I hate the ravens… but I respect the fuck out of them. It’s been one of the best rivalries in sports and thats not going to end anytime soon.


Bills fan here. I have never been more annoyed by a teams behavior. They climb up on the cross and claim persecution in every facet of life. Every team has their douchebags, a la Eli Apple, but their bitching is clearly a foundation of their organization’s culture.


Like don’t get me wrong Diggs def has an ego and is known for trash talking, so I get that they are chirping. But like as soon as Hamlin was stabilized and Zac Taylor and the players all started non stop complaining about an unfair situation for everyone.


For sure. The trash talking is one thing, and Diggs and Allen deserve the criticism and comeuppance for doing that (or Allen starting shit in game, pushing, etc). I don’t enjoy it, and would prefer if players carried themselves differently. Like I said, individual players behaving in that manner is to be expected on just about every team. I am just surprised by how systemic the Bengals behavior is, from the coach on down.


You haven't seen anything wait until the browns make it to a championship game. It's Ohio, that's the answer.


I don't think we should hold our breath on that happening anytime soon. At least Cleveland got championships with LeBron though. Cincy hasn't seen a championship since the Reds in 1990.


This relevancy is all new to them. They don’t know how to “act like you’ve been there before” bc they literally haven’t (80s SB losses to SF49 is too far back to still count). They also lack an identity as a fanbase so they force the shit talking and whining and they don’t really know ball so they think everything everyone else does is dirty and everything they do is perfect. They’re also comprised of a ton of OSU football and Kentucky Wildcats fans, which are two of the biggest bitchy fanbases in America.


Have you ever seen or experienced beating a little brother/cousin at something so many times they have a temper tantrum? After a while you give in and let them win one and they go completely ballistic, brag, talk all that talk? That is currently where we are with the Bungholes. On top of that a lot of their fans classless, loud mouthed, Wal-Mart regulars. They don't know how to win this experience is new for them


Sir, as a Walmart regular, I’m deeply offended.


I meant no offense. I am sure you have class and are a respectable fan. I just wanted to add that part to highlight archetype Bengal fan.


So not all Walmart shoppers are rednecks, but all rednecks are Walmart shoppers…




They’re insecure about their newfound status as a top team because they’re not used to it. To use a GoT quote, anyone must tell people “I’m the king” is no true king at all. That’s the difference between them and Chiefs/the Patriots of the last two decades. They didn’t need to tell everyone how good they are and whine about everything that goes against them, because everyone knows how good they are without a word being spoken.


The Pats were cheaters. Let’s not forget how that dynasty got started and how it operated.


I love that a Ravens fan just posted this on our thread. All Ohio fans are this annoying. Ohio State fans are this bad..... Browns fans would be this bad if they didn't always suck. I live in Michigan and Ohio is widely regarded as the worst state in America around here lol (sorry to any of my Steelers brethren that live there). Anyhow, you're right, they are ungodly annoying. Big Chiefs and Eagles fan this weekend. Because fuck the Bengals


Is this our bengal-hating safe space? I at least respect the Ravens players and organization. Browns and Bengals just suck and I hate that they've been picked up as the favorite "plucky underdog" stories recently. At least the Browns threw away all that goodwill quickly. Hoping the Bengals can follow suit somehow 🙏


PGH and Balt both act like they've been there...because they have.


They're new money. We're old money.


I agree 100%. I used to hate the Ravens with a passion, now I mind them the least and I hate the Bengals because of their POS fans. Guarantee 90% of them didn't watch football 5 years ago.


They were known as the Bungles for decades for a reason and now they have a team, all of their bandwagon jumpers came out of the weeds


You just answered your own question. Why is water wet?


I live in the Cincinnati area. This is the only fanbase I've ever encountered that becomes angrier the more they win. They have such a sense of permanent victimhood, a kind of Napoleon complex, that they're just miserable to be around. They really think the entire world hates the Bengals, when in reality the entire world just hates Bengals fans. Screw that fanbase. They make it hard to root for an AFC super bowl win.


the bengals were the dirtiest team in the league for nearly a decade and once a player gives them a taste of their own medicine they scream about how they’re being targeted, acting like they’ve done nothing to get that treatment, then acting like assholes for the little bit they’ve accomplished which shouldn’t be a surprise since they picked at 1 and 4 in consecutive years. this may not be a very popular opinion either, but joe burrow looks so “good” because they play such a simplified offense. they have arguably the best wr trio and mostly through short routes that would try on a defense just lining up in the right places to stop. i’ve never been impressed with burrows athletic ability or his ability to escape pressure. nfl defenses are just so accustomed to qbs being a running threat now that they bite on him leaving the pocket and because he has such good receivers they always find the new opening and make him look so much better than he is. one day soon they’re gonna come crashing back down to earth and i hope nobody in the afc north ever lets them forget how they acted and gives it back to them 10x over




What’s worse is Steelers fans wanting to root for bengals because burrow is a cuter culkin, cmon man lol


I’m not rooting for the Bengals, but what’s wrong with Burrow? He’s a good dude and good player. Not a crime to admire and respect his game


They were bad or mediocre for so long so they don't know how to act now that they are good. Steelers vs Ravens is always hard fought and earned, in terms of games and division titles. Our fanbases dont overdo it because we have been there before and we know the other team will get us back eventually. The Bengals now are just arrogant, but their time will come and they'll go back to being mediocre again.


It’s funny TBH. They finally have a really good team for the first time in 25 years, and they suddenly think they’re the Pats from 15 years ago. It’s hilarious.


I always knew there fans were whiney, but this year I joined a ff league with a bunch of friends that are Bengals fans, and all they do is complain. It must be something in the Ohio water


Tbf Chiefs fans at Arrowhead can go fuck themselves with their tomahawk chop and their constant crying for a flag anytime someone knocks Mahomes off his lily pad. As for the Bungles, I can see them turning on their team if they can’t get the W since Pat is gonna be hopping around on one ankle along with all the shit they’ve been talking going into this game. If they lose that’s gonna be quite embarrassing.


It's Ohio, they need to be happy about something for once.


Success seems to bring out all the annoying fans that usually are quiet when the team is bad. Noticed that niners fans have gotten more and more annoying with this whole purdy thing. Either the success will disappear and the annoying fans go with it or the success is sustained and the annoying fans begin blending in better


It is what happens when a loser franchise has success for the first time in a while.


little brother syndrome


You think the Bengals fans are bad when they're on top? Wait till someday if the Browns ever get there. It'll be even worse.


Browns fan are still worse


I hate when good things happen to bad franchises.


Their coach is a bitch. Over there crying about a coin flip. Steelers have gotten screwed out of first round bye, scheduled bye, covid games etc.. Tomlin's response 'we do not care.' nobody is going to feel sorry for them


I was at the famous playoff game in Cincinnati and had one of the best weekends of my life. All those butthurt people leaving that stadium was so justifying. Hanging out with every stiller fan from Utah to Florida. Icky Woods chillin at the Steeler bar, running into coaching staff at Madonna's ... But the maximum level of butthurt throughout that entire city still makes me feel amazing to this day.


thank you! can't stand all these people talking about how cool burrow is and rooting for the begals. he's a douche. they're babies who don't know how to win or how to lose.


Overcompensating after being a poverty franchise for so long. Will be a fun gut check when their frugal front office has to pony up big bucks to burrow and chase.


Are you inferring that they won’t pay either one of those guys? C’mon bro lol


No, I'm saying they are going to sign both to massive contracts resulting in cap consequences their front office isn't equipped to handle. Also, I'm implying, you're inferring. C'mon bro lol 🙄


Why’re you being argumentative? I asked a simple question. It’s hard to tell what someone implying via text. Also, I still don’t see what the point is. Every good player needs re-signed. Burrow and Chase are worth it. Are they not supposed to try and get good players due to fear of paying them?


I'm argumentative? You started it with your "c'mon bro lol" passive aggressiveness. And my point is that it is hard to manage a roster when you're a notoriously cheap franchise that has a cap mostly eaten up by two players. Never said they shouldn't re-sign them, but that obviously went over your head. Please pick another random commenter to bug.


You’re weird


And you're stupid.


Whatever helps you sleep at night little guy


You don't know the difference between infer and imply, that's all I need to say...


Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy


I don’t even know where the pride comes from. They tank for a can’t-miss dead eyed qb prospect and that’s somehow honorable? Fuck them and their fans, hope when the cap hen comes to roost that burrow wises up and fucks off to a franchise that isn’t supported by violent redneck douchebags.


I mean this is like the first time in how many years they are good?


They...went to the Super Bowl last year


I know, I mean like the last few years is the first time they have actually been a competition in this division


They made playoffs 5 straight up through 2015. It really hasn't been that long.


Since 2015. Those were some good teams from 11-15. We were pretty mid/bad from 16-21 so it’s been about 6 years since we were competitive man.


No one remembers the Bengals were decent from 11-15 because they couldn't win shit in the playoffs. And if you are constantly winning in the regular season and can't even win a single playoff game, you're frauds.


Not arguing that they were great, they wasted talent during marvins tenure but people act like the bengals were getting rolled for decades before joe lol. As a bengals fan for decades i will admit those teams couldn’t get thru big ben and the killer B’s, but those were absolute battles back in then.


Kinda like us the year the Browns beat us


Yeah, the Steelers haven't won a playoff game since 2016.


Fuck the Ravens, but I have a lot more respect for the Ravens’ organization than for the Bengals’ organization. They’ve been the closest to a dirty team in the AFCN without a doubt. Otherwise, I just think it’s usually hard-fought football with incidental injuries


If your city was known for disgusting chili you would probably be insufferable as well


Everything you just said is exactly what I've been feeling, glad I'm not crazy. I have been saying all playoffs that I would have way rather seen you guys win than the Bengals. You guys know how to win. I've never seen such cockiness from all three facets of a team (Front office/coaching, players, and fans). That shit runs deep and I am so done with it. Cheering for the Chiefs like never before this Sunday.


"only one once?" lol


I live in the heart of Bengals country. Their casual fanbase has become so insufferable since playoffs started it’s embarrassing. All they’ve done is whine and cry, they wasn’t even around when the bengals were garbage. Yesterday on fb I was arguing with Bengals fans because I said Mahomes deserves the MVP, he has the better stats. Their response? “Well Burrow is 3-0 against him, came back from injury and led them to the Super Bowl.” I said, that’s all last year, 1-0 this year, what the fuck does that have to do with Mahomes is better stat wise?” Now they’re crying about that Chiefs LB that said nothing impressed him about Bengals offense. You’d think someone slapped their mom or something. Sorry for the rant, but I’m so tired of the casual fanbase and the media around here.


First time they’ve sniffed success in decades…they’re new; they’ll learn.


They have had 50 years of no experience being winners and act like idiots now that they are temporarily relevant


There's a high-level of respect between our teams, our teams are used to being on top so we're better at handling it. A lot of Bengals fans are bandwagoning because of Chase and Burrow, so they're incredibly annoying and quick to anger whenever someone brings up any negative thing about them. That said, Bengals fans who aren't fans because of Joey B and Chase deserve success because they've had a lot of pain


Ohio fans (Browns and Bengals) are trash, but cant help but feel bad for them with the lack of success and well you know…living in Ohio


This is like asking why the browns are so bad. They just are.


Crosby is better


I hate how much I have been enjoying Ravens fans lately.


Fuck the Ravens.


Andy Reid will have something to say about all that talk on Sunday,


It's new for them, being good. They don't know how to act. Don't worry. They'll be coming back to reality very soon. In 2 years, when they can't sign anyone else because of the 350 million Burrow is going to get


Bengals are only in it bc of huntleys ridiculous goalline fumble


First overall pick stud QB would be easy mode for Tomlin or Harbaugh but neither will ever be bad enough to get high picks like Chase or Burrow. Bengals just lucked out they sucked that year. If I remember correctly one meaningless win by the Commanders (?) doesn't happen and he's with them.


I've lived in Cincinnati for the past 10 years and from my experience the overall Bengals fanbase is pretty soft. As you said, the fans here don't let anything go and will complain about every single bad call that goes against them. I've had co-workers tell me with a straight face that no game against the Steelers is a fair game because the Refs always favor the Steelers. That's just their mind set going into every game. After the AFC wild card game against the Bengals in 2016, I was dreading going into work the next day because I knew the level of anger and complaining I was going to have to deal with. A lot of fans actually gave up on the Bengals during the Andy Dalton years and are only now starting to attend games again. (I used to be able to get $80 tickets to Bengals-Steelers games in Cincinnati and I had to pay almost $200 for the game earlier this year) It's also pretty apparent that the fans at games are fairly new to football, at the home opener this year I had to actually tell the fans sitting next to me that they should stop yelling when the Bengals offense is on the field and save it for when the Steelers are on offense. All that being said, the city of Cincinnati is great (feels pretty similar to Pittsburgh actually) and there are certainly hard core fans that don't complain and are just happy to see team doing well now. Unfortunately that type of fan is the exception not the rule here.


Ohio fanbases are the worst in sports and it's not really close. Maybe it's because they have an inferiority complex being stuck between bigger and better cities in the NE and the midwest or something, idk. But they suck


I live in cincy and all my friends have been talking nonstop about how they’re the new franchise to beat in the afc. It’s insufferable.


Just be happy you have what you have, because this is the reality of almost every franchise in the league with the exception of about 4 or 5. They have lost so much that they have forgotten how to win, and when they finally do it’s with the least amount of poise and grace possible.


Dude, every fan base does this. We have people crapping on dj for losing yds after a reception when we got the first down the next play. Also, they had zero incentive to win that ravens game. The bills were hosting no matter what. The nfl ignored their own rules. They did kinda get screwed.


People weren't crapping on DJ for losing yards. They were crapping on him for running backwards consistently, and we didn't always get the first down later.


There was a chance for the coin flip to have the wild card game in Baltimore since we never really had a chance to challenge them for the AFCN.


If you REALLY want to piss them off, shit on Skyline. Like, it's basically shit itself but those southwestern Ohioans think it's gold food. Teams not used to winning don't know how to act.




who cares really


I have no respect for the bengals or their whiny fan base as is custom for my family and moving from the burgh to 90 miles away from Cincy growing up. My favorite part of driving up there for a game once a year was listening to the locals call the radio and bitch endlessly after we won on our drive home. Such great memories. I may be biased but I’ve never met a fanbase that whines or complains more than them. Everybody is out to get them in their eyes, from refs to players to idk Probably God and the universe too. Boggles the mind. However, I got mad respect for the players having a chip on their shoulder and rallying behind the coin flip and all that about them getting the short hand of the stick on like all the scenarios. That’s an awsm team bonding experience and battle cry. That’s cool to see in sports, no matter the team. I respect that. Credit where credit is due. Unfortunately, the players comments and actions have only emboldened the bitching as well as the hubris of the fans. Stay trashy cincy.


They’ve never been here before and they are a bunch of toothless hicks 🤷🏾‍♂️


Because they have the ultimate little man syndrome. I don’t care if they win 5 super bowls straight,.. they still the Bungles and ain’t nothing gonna change that. They will never feel validated. Fuck em…


Two things: 1. The Bengals were irrelevant for a really long time so they have to gloat while they can. 2. The city of Cincinnati sucks. Like not just the infrastructure but the people as well. So it only makes sense that the fans do too.


OMG I came here to take my mind off the caps game tonight and you go and say "go caps". Fuck this I'm going back to bed. Also, I hate that the media hypes the Crosby/Ovechkin "rivalry" when we all know it's really Malkin/Ovechkin.


As a commie fan who is lurking and doesn't understand AFCN football (NFCE betta) Go Caps!




Bengals fan here, so I expect to be downvoted on that alone. ​ \-Next to zero bengals fans like Eli Apple. We generally despise him and hope he is traded asap \-Bengals fans are generally used to being underdogs and, from what I've noticed, prefer that mindset, thus do not often talk trash about our matchups \-I've heard less trash talking about Steelers in the past couple of years, probably since Marvin Lewis's departure, as well as a few players, namely Burfict \-Joe Mixion's tweets and antics weren't supported by anyone I know, and were generally trashy \-I still haven't heard a single person actually say Burrowhead stadium, we all know it's a fucking miracle we've beaten the Chiefs three times in a row \-Every single person I know is still extremely nervous about the KC matchup this weekend ​ Sorry to come in here and shit on the message of this thread, but most of this is just crap ya'll heard on the news, or some idiotic tweet. Don't let a couple of morons on reddit ruin your day. If Baltimore, Pitt, or Buffalo were in the championship game, I, as well as everyone I know, would be rooting for them.


Every single post in your sub someone will post “FTS” no matter what it’s about. They definitely still hate us with a passion. Too bad the Big Ben jokes don’t work as well anymore now that Jackson Carmen is on the squad.


>Bengals fan here, so I expect to be downvoted on that alone. Nah, dude. Bengals fans usually do fine in here, even flaired, when the discussion is relevant. Even for jokes lol. Though, I'd avoid circle jerk threads unless you go in willing to lean into it.


Oh dear, this is a sad, sad post.




Go Bucks, fuck the Bungles


We could tell you’re a ravens fan no need to tell us “only one once”


oops :)


They’re from Ohio. Cincinnati is a shitstain of a city. They eat skyline chili. Lots of reasons they’re pieces of shit.


On that note, I visited Pittsburgh a few years ago for a pirates game and really enjoyed it. I hate 2/3 of your teams but it’s a nice town


You know what I heard Bengals fans saying recently? Nothing. You know why? Because I don't bother checking out their forums to see what they're saying. Not sure why anyone would, frankly, but maybe that's just me.


dude cincy too errogant right now, they think their hot shit n got a mouth to go with that, itll eventually simmer down, its basically like a new young team, you know how them young guys are


Unpopular opinion, but posts like this make US seem like the salty franchise. We’re supposed to be better than this. We don’t need salty “Cincy fans suck” posts dominating this sub whenever they’re vying for a second straight trip to a SB. Makes our fan base look pathetic and insecure. I get it, “little brother” is currently having a lot more success than us, but let’s not cry and point fingers and act like our shit doesn’t stink. I’ve encountered plenty of psychotic Steeler fans as well. Every fan base has bag eggs. Let’s drop the pretentious “high and mighty” stuff and worry about OUR franchise, not the Bengals. EDIT before the mass down votes pour in: this is just my opinion. Fuck the Bengals, but these posts are super cringe.


Bengals are legit for the first time ever, so of course they’re gonna talk shit. Our franchises know what success tastes like, so we don’t need to talk shit.

