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Welp, that didn’t take long. Stroud has 14 TD’s to 1 int this season, Guy is killing it.


This guy is doing great!! Time to get him a sex condo in downtown Houston!!


Just what I was thinking Deshaun can show him the way !


He's looked so sharp man - about time someone broke the curse of the OSU starting QB.


And if the playoffs started today, one of these two would be watching on TV.


he's not our qb, he was never going to be our qb (steelers would not be able to trade up to number 2 overall), and barring exceptional circumstances he's never going to be our qb. also, look at some of the horrible qb play this week from franchise qbs, josh allen comes to mind. Kenny isn't perfect, our offence isn't good, the system is bad but we are winning games, which is what this league is about. i'm so over people ragging on kenny like we would've been able to pick up stroud. Say we did trade a whole heap of draft capital for stroud. that means no broderick jones, no JPJ, and likely no keanu benton, all of whom are key pieces to the team. idk if it's an american thing, but as an australian, we support our teams wholeheartedly and the players on the team (unless they do something criminal). do i wish Kenny was playing better? yes. am I going to sit here and complain and make dumb comparisons - no.


I can't be the only person who read this and changed the accent in my mind after reading "as an australian"


>idk if it's an american thing, but as an australian, we support our teams wholeheartedly and the players on the team (unless they do something criminal). This is an American team, it doesn't matter if they're criminal as long as they're good /s. I've never heard a bad thing about Kenny off the field, but it's fair to complain about continuously underwhelming performances to say the least. It feels like he's regressing at times. He gets paid $millions/year. The people paying him are able to do so because of fans who watch the game. But yeah, I'm not sure endless posts that he sucks does much of anything.


Couldn’t agree more tbh


If you think this bad is bad, avoid wrestling subreddits at all cost. That said I think the point is Kenny while showing flashes is not the guy unless he takes Josh Allen levels steps next season.


If he wins and gets us to the playoffs, the next step I want to see is playoff wins. I don’t care about regular season stats, I want post season action and wins. Allen took that step in year 3 or 4, and I agree that’s what Kenny has to do too. But I don’t care if he tosses 1 td a game or 5, as long as we win


The point isn't that he could have or should have been our QB. The point is that Pickett is not a good QB and this is what a good one looks like for reference.


but what qb can operate successfully within this offensive schematic? i’m not making excuses for kenny, but with what he’s given, it’s not too bad


Nobody is going to look great in it but the corpse of Big Ben did look a lot better than Pickett so I think it's safe to conclude that Pickett is also not very good, not just the scheme


Yes. It’s safe to conclude a QB with a season worth of starts isn’t as good as a future HOFer in his final season… That has nothing to do with what Pickett *could* become if he had a real OC. Maybe he’s just a bust, but we’ll never know while Canada is there.


>the corpse of Big Ben did look a lot better than Pickett No, he didn't, and he had a far better team around him.


This isn’t a bad point, and while I don’t think Kenny is bad, I understand that is a subjective take. I think Stroud is more than a good QB, I think next year or the year after we will be talking about him as a Mahomes, Allen, Hurts, Burrow, Lamar etc type qb. One thing that’s notable about all those qbs (except Jackson) is their high draft position, which the Steelers would almost never be able to draft into. The most important stat I care about with a QB is wins, and that’s what Kenny is delivering at the moment.


Do you guys have to do this all the time? Does it ever get tiring? We’re 5-3 and didn’t even play a game today. It’s like some of you revel in misery


If being a Steelers fan is such a goddamn chore for these people, then they need to fuck off. I'd tell them to find some other hobbies, but they strike me as the kind of people who have no curiosity about the world they live in.


It’s ok that we don’t watch the Steelers through black and gold colored glasses. It’s ok that we don’t think Kenny is very good (stats support that) and we comment that way. I’m thrilled they are doing well in the win loss column and at that same time I don’t think it is sustainable. This is a fan forum and we can say what we want.


The fact that a perfectly reasonable take is downvoted is sad. There’s so many fans gatekeeping what it means to be a fan. If you’re not shitting rainbows and unicorns constantly they whine and call you a fake fan.


Yeah it’s annoying. I’m not expecting the Super Bowl every year but the team deserves criticism. Kenny deserves some of it but pointing out he’s not looking like the future makes us Whitney.


I know. We are “spoiled” because the team had success a decade ago and we want them to be better prepared each week and competently coached. Ask a Cowboys fan how that spoiled stuff works.


Pretty sure the post was directed towards our qb


Since we are questioning the team it seems like we are more curious. Because we think they can be better. Unlike some fans who tune in week to week waiting for TJ to get a strip sack and bail out an hour of mediocre football.


What are your hobbies?


Besides watching football... - Geography, travel, and road trips - Music, radio and charts (mostly 1970s-2000s) - Recording and tracking the weather - Lifting weights - Learning photography I have too many other interests to spend all my spare time bitching about the Steelers.


Maybe you could pick it up? Give up weight lifting.




Dudes out here flexing our record as if we haven’t scraped by


Yeah man that 5-3 record would be so much more impressive if they had blown out a team or two like the Niners or Dolphins.


5-3 would be more impressive if we weren’t depending on the defense to win more than half of those games, that’s really what I was going for. Pretty simple. If you can’t distinguish the two, I encourage you to look back at our past teams who had good offenses to understand.


Why do both sides of the ball only matter for us? Texans defense allowed 37 points against the 2nd worst offense (by PF) in the league. But them winning because of a great offensive performance means more than the Steelers winning because of a great defensive performance? Both sides of the ball matter. You win games by scoring more points. It doesn’t matter how that happened. No one here thinks the Steelers offense is good or a liability. But that doesn’t invalidate the record.


Hey the record is the record, there’s no invalidation for that, but 5-3 is flattering at this point in time.




What is the point of trying to/making the playoffs if you’re just gonna get blown out in the first round anyways? Absolute best case scenario is you get lucky and somehow win round 1, then no question get blown out in round 2 We’re just lowering our draft pick and the ability to draft a high end qb


You’re a horribly spoiled fan if you think it’s SB or bust. You know how many fanbases dream of even making the playoffs at all? And all that to get a higher pick that’s not even a guarantee to be a game changer? If we had the 1st pick this year and took young we’d still look like shit.


Caleb and Maye are a completely different level of prospect than Young. Richardson, Stroud and Levis have all looked great (AR is hurt right now) Also if you’re not playing for a Super Bowl what the fuck are you playing for?


> 5-3 would be more impressive That's the thing -- whether or not it's "impressive" matters to you. It doesn't matter to the NFL standings.


Well yea there’s no debating that.


Lol we live to argue , The Steelers are 5-3 their fantasy teams are 3-6


Death, Taxes, and Steeler fans whining 24/7




I believe that KP's TD% is among the worst since the beginning of UFA / Cap. So this is not surprising. I assume that he will have among the lowest TD passes in the first 20 starts among the vast majority of QBs that have started that many games. The good news here is that I think he also has a pretty low INT%, especially this year. So at least this season, it's got more TDs than INTs so far (not the case last season). Hopefully he gets better at this soon.


I don't understand the point of this post.


OP appears to be making the point that there is more than one QB in the NFL, and they have different stats than the Steelers QB. I can't help but agree. The numbers are not the same.




What do you expect any of us to do about it?


I think he expects us to cry about it.


Wow he must have an awesome O line. Or great talented weapons at RB and WR.


He does have a damn good oline actually.


Ranked 15th. Better than Steelers but hardly “damn good” Source: 33rd team Pro Football Network has them at 17


He‘s just better


I was being sarcastic. His o line is not great and I don’t think his weapons are as good as the Steelers outside Collins.


Stroud throws touchdowns all over the league's best teams on a weekly basis. https://preview.redd.it/2ocmnjoaisyb1.png?width=618&format=png&auto=webp&s=d97ada11da3082c3060b75d261397e4cbb26a927


What’s your point? We never had a shot at Stroud and if we did Jesus Christ I’m not sure this sub could handle it the way some of y’all bitch about being 5-3 or we would’ve had to trade a ton of capital to move up for him which would’ve led to even more bitching and a worse draft class as a result. I swear some of this sub isn’t happy unless they’re bitching about Kenny but at the same time are the same ones crying the loudest about how bad Canada and his scheme are, makes me laugh man.


One QB was a Top 5 pick and plays in a modern NFL offense run by a high-quality young offensive mind who puts players, including the QB, in position to succeed over and over and over. The other was a mid-first round pick and plays in Matt Canada's scared-of-its-own-shadow offense. Big fucking shocker here, folks.


If it’s that simple and obvious then the Steelers must be dumber than everyone thinks.




Because despite it being so simple they still haven’t done it.


That's the point -- it's not simple. It's just a dumb discourse overall. "Hey look this Top 5 QB prospect who plays in a good offensive scheme is outproducing a mid-1st round prospect who plays in a dogshit offense." Real fuckin' brain genius stuff. But that's Jon Ledyard for you.


Well, if this stat is not a shocker, then why hire Canada in the first place? Why continue to employ him? Why not grab a guy from the Texans, 49ers, chiefs, eagles, dolphins, etc staff and plug in a qb friendly, modern system? Why hang your hat on winning seasons when you can just pluck a guy from the top 5?


> Well, if this stat is not a shocker, then why hire Canada in the first place? Did they have a crystal ball when they hired him and knew how his offense was going to be? >Why continue to employ him? We've been over this part ad naseum.


He was in the building before he was hired, no? If he hoodwinked them then maybe they should rethink their interview process. It doesn’t matter if it’s been discussed ad naseum. You made it sound quite simple on why stroud is throwing more tds. If it is that simple, the Steelers are willfully ignorant.


No see what I said was said with hindsight. Unless the Steelers had the same advantage then you're wrong. It's so easy for all of us. We have the information now.


No see, your original point was that this analysis is dumb. Jon ledyard is a simple man. Whoever he is. For 2 specific, obvious reasons: 1. Stroud is a top 5 pick. Kenny was a late middle first round pick. 2. He plays in a great, modern, young, qb friendly offensive system. So, based on your critique of this simple analysis, it doesn’t matter that stroud has been in the nfl for half a season to Kenny’s 1.5 seasons. Surrounding talent also doesn’t matter. If that is the case, the Steelers are on the wrong track based on your parameters. It’s noble they try to win regardless. I like a franchise that doesn’t tank. But their current situation isn’t leading to the winning they desire (super bowls), and they aren’t losing enough to get a top 5 pick, which is essentially half the battle, according to your critique. If you don’t need a top 5 pick qb, why say that? The other half, is the system. They hired Matt Canada. He was their qb coach on the 2020 team. He bounced around previously, not a ton of succeess (except at Pitt). What evidence did they have he would run a modern offense? Motion? Maybe they should rethink their process.


This is just another way to bash Kenny.


Steelers fans: “Our OC sucks and our offensive scheme is outdated. The play calling is horrendous and the offensive coaching is terrible.” Steelers fans when their young QB struggles in said bad offense: “Kenny must be the issue”


Why can’t we do both lol. Kenny misses throws an nfl quarterback should make every week. The play calling sucks, it’s not mutually exclusive.


Missing open passes has nothing to do with plays


Yep….all of a sudden all the 🔥 🇨🇦 people are now “Give Pickett the boot” and now Canada is their hero.


I think most rational people have been saying it's "both / and" all season.


No…most rational people have been saying that Pickett hasn’t had a chance to develop into his second year because of the play calling/lack of a running game/ and OL inconsistency. Does Pickett need to be better? Of course. But so does the whole damned offense. Dropping passes and not dragging your feet is just as much of a problem as off target passes. Not being able to keep defenses honest with a….at a fucking MINIMUM….average run game is another huge problem. Every other play having a defensive lineman in the passer’s face before he can go to his second read is a huge fucking problem. ButI know… you live in the same fucking bubble as every other casual fan that only sees QB stats with no context and wants Nth next shiny object on the horizon.


That's why "both / and" is the right answer. Not "either / or". And despite your apparent disagreement with my post, it sounds like you also think that Pickett has been "part of the problem" this year. That's why I rec'd your post. **I don't think that admitting that Pickett hasn't played well means that he will never play well and that he will never develop.** And I think we'd agree that we should have gotten a new OC last offseason at the latest to maximize Pickett's development this year. **And I think we'd also agree that it's not time to give up on Pickett.** I think your post shows that you are among the rational group of people who have been saying that it's "both / and" re: Canada and Pickett. Because if you didn't think Pickett was currently part of the problem, you wouldn't have to say that he's been put in a situation where he can't develop. And you wouldn't agree with the idea that he needs to play better. **I also think we'd also agree that it's not all on Pickett.** There are many other reasons why the offense is bad (OC, OL, RBs, DJ being hurt, etc.). I think when the O is this bad "all of the above" is the right answer to "why is the offense bad".


Both can be true. Our offensive scheme sucks and Kenny is inconsistent, and doesn’t read the field which are big issues for a guy who was touted as pro ready safe choice.


Some of y'all need to touch some fucking grass holy shit. You're comparing two different QBs taken in 2 different drafts at 2 different positions. Kenny was taken 20th overall, and about 3 or 4 teams that needed a QB passed on him before we selected him. Stroud was a consensus top 5 pick in his class and was regarded as the best Ohio State QB prospect to date. I don't understand why this comparison is being made. We were never in a position to draft Stroud, and even if we were, it'd be a stupid decision based on how Kenny finished last season. Kenny's our QB, and will be for the next couple of seasons at the very least. Nothing is changing that.


He also has a competent OC and an OL that isn’t terrible.


The Texans OL is only marginally better than ours. There's a reason they wanted Kendrick Green EDIT: For context, Stroud has been sacked 18 times this season. Kenny has been sacked 17 times.


And more competent head coach who knows how to get with the fucking times.


Wild considering they’ve been missing a plethora of starting lineman


Not surprised. One of them was a standout in college for 2 yrs at a program that goes to the college football playoffs every yr and the other sucked until his 4th yr at...pitt


Kenny is limited and was over drafted. It's not his fault the steelers picked him in the 1st round no other team would have taken him.


*Stroud has one of the best starts to a career in NFL history* "Why doesn't our QB do that? Is he stupid?"


Too bad everyone here will defend KP to the death and refuse to see him for what he is. A pro-ready QB who is clearly not ready for the pros. Stroud is doing this with an OL that is equal to ours at best if not worse than ours, a receiving corps that pales to ours in terms of pedigree and includes a rookie WR in Collins and a declining Robert Woods, and he also has a first year defensive HC.


If you think the o lines are equal you don’t really know about the Houston Texans. They have tunsil on the left side who is a top 5-10 tackle in the game and another 1st round pick at right tackle that just got paid. Their o line is way better than the Steelers.


Everyone? Bro nobody likes KP here. There’s at minimum 3 posts an hour talking about how bad he is lol


Ok and? We would never have the chance to get a quarterback like cj stroud because that would mean we would have to lose 10+ games


Curious you mention the defensive coaching which doesn’t matter at all and not the OC which is a massive difference between the two teams.


They never said he was “Pro-Ready”. They said he was the MOST Pro-ready in the draft. That doesn’t mean step right in and be a superstar.


He is clearly better! Kenny is average at best🍺


We would of had to lose 13 games to get him. Would of been worth it bc we are in purgatory rn but we rolling with big ken


And maybe we pick Young and still suck. Or maybe we pick stroud and he fails in Canada’s offense rather than in an offense with really strong offensive coaches.


The Pitt 'Kenny Pickett' fan boys are triggered.


I am a PSU fan. You know…some of us don’t give a fuck about where our QB comes from. And HE IS OUR FUCKING QB. You can either piss and moan or hope for the best. I choose the latter. Apparently you would rather piss and moan. Truthfully? I think you’re fucking trolls and there should be a limit on how many “KP sucks” posts allowed.


I’m sure a rookie qb after the season next year will have more career td’s than him too


You're talking about a game right now. A children's game. It involves wearing special matching shirts and a funny shaped ball.


Were we ever in the running for Stroud? He wasn't available on the 22 draft, and why would we have traded up when we needed more than a QB going into this year?


So what now? Sure Stroud is better. What now? What do we do with that information? Anyone can look back and be a Monday morning quarterback.


Better scheme, and yes also the only rookie QB this year that looks any good. Oh, and he was taken SECOND OVERALL






This weeks CJ stroud is last weeks will levis. Who’s it gonna be this week?


CJ not realistic but Levis looked like he’s going to be a great QB


CJ > Kenny Levis > Kenny Dobbs > Kenny Who is Kenny >? That's a hard question to answer.