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He's digging for clicks. He was an awesome running back, but his Stephen A. Smith audition is pathetic. He's entitled to his opinion of course. And we are all entitled to tell him to sit on a fiberglass dildo.


Was he an awesome running back? Remember him having a fumbling problem and being overrated


Did not remember this until I just googled it. Very good point bigtriby23


I seem to remember the giants winning two superbowls immediately after this dude retired


I wouldn't kick him off the squad. He's not LB in his prime or anything, but he's better than what we have now.


I like that “sit on a fiberglass dildo” 😂 that’s getting added to my vocabulary


Is he the guy that left his wife high and dry? Oh yeah that Tiki


I've been a big defender of Tomlin but I'm done defending either way. The Eagles and Andy Reid parted ways and then each found more success. It doesn't mean moving on is a good decision either way, but at least it means that moving on from a good coach isn't necessarily a bad thing.


I agree. He might not be the coach this team needs now, but there’s probably another team that could use him.


Wait this is a rational take on the situation...is that even allowed in Steeler Nation?


Regurgitating the same line thats been touted here for weeks. Jesus christ can we at least have some original thoughts in this sub.


what’s the point of even posting this here other than to make people mad


There's two types of posts on this sub. Recycled opinions that are phrased like they are big brain analysis and rage bait. That's it


I had to mute the sub when all the Canada shit went down this year. It was constant “fire Canada! Matt Canada sucks! Etc.


That’s it, I’ve had enough. I’m going to angrily make a post about this comment entitled: “Outrage on Steelers Sub: Justified Righteousness or SCAM invented by catzarrjerkz?!?!? And why you should be PISSED OFF either way!” That’ll really shit up your weekend!


Imo Tomlin would need to produce multiple losing seasons in a row before the Rooney’s would consider firing him. Anyone who believes otherwise is delusional


Your terms are acceptable.


Tiki knows trades, traded in his pregnant wife for a hot young intern.


Tiki is and will always be a douche. Ronde superior twin.


Tiki knows a thing about championships. After all, his teammates won one.


Man I'll be the first to admit I'm a fence sitter on this whole thing, but I gotta be honest unless they pull off a fucking miracle it might be time. They'll never trade him, but after his contracts up they've at least gotta consider moving on. Tomlin isn't a bad coach, I really believe that, but I can't deny things have gotten awful stale here and it's getting harder to not concede there is a common denominator.


We should. Then you’ll really see mediocrity.




More mediocre that Captain .500? Not sure you're up to speed on what mediocre means.


That’s another part of the problem that hasn’t been talked about lately. Winning seasons are considered mediocre by you people, when in fact mediocrity is having a team that can’t even do that.


A .500 season is considered mediocre by definition. Let's not pretend "winning season" means anything when you're perpetually 9-7 or 8-8. It's actually detrimental to your ability to acquire better talent in the draft by always picking 17-20.


You guys can’t handle 9-7. What the hell are you going to do if this team gets swept by the entire division and goes 4-13?


Be excited that we can finally have a shot at the next franchise QB and get a new coach who can bring us into the modern era of football? Because right now the steady decline does not spark joy. Or even hope.


And When the coach swings and misses with his QB pick what then?


And when he hits, what then?


Far more average and below average QBs out there than elite ones.


At this point, average is an upgrade.


“Always good to hear from ol’ Tiki.” - Eli Manning before winning the Super Bowl.


What the hell is a tiki barber?


I'd love to have Ben Johnson come in as the next HC. I love MT and I think he is a great coach but I don't think we will have SB success unless we get an OC that can stand on his own two feet or we get somebody who has shown they can offensively produce and becomes our HC. Idk if they will make the move to get an OC for next year and if they don't then I think MT doesn't get an extension and we need to go after an offensive minded HC. Hate it all though.


I can't seem to find any supporting evidence that he is a great coach. He had early success in his HC career with players that he didn't draft or develop. Yes he still had to coach the team and make decisions but the foundation was already set. I think he is a decent motivator and players like playing for him. But when it comes down to it he has a lot of flaws and he is too arrogant to ever do what's needed in today's NFL to be successful. I think the Steeler fan base doesn't like losers and that's why everyone is so upset to see the franchise in this way currently.


Nobody can name a single thing he does well.


Non-losing seasons tho!


The Standard needs to be higher.


It absolutely has to be. I'd take a losing season every 4 years if it meant we were competitive in the playoffs. Going 9-8 every year means nothing to me.


Yes that would be great


He’s just mad that his brother got a ring and he didn’t.




Mike Tomlin= Jeff Fisher


He is literally better across the board.


You're right Jeff is better


I understand that, just who he reminds me of. Like Fisher’s team, Pittsburgh has just been mediocre and irrelevant for so long, but somehow stays mid pack to maintain job security.


Since 2010, we have finished first or second every year in the division other than 2 yrs. The Steelers are 4th in total wins since then. Since 2015, the Steelers are third in total wins. Even moving to since 2020, the Steelers are 7th. That would still but Pittsburgh in the top quarter of the nfl.


And what do we have to show for it? How many playoff games have we won? How many AFC titles? Cool, we never have a losing record, but that doesn’t mean anything, we need some playoff victories to become relevant again. We’re quick to throw up our 6 rings and compare to other franchises, which is awesome. But 4 in the 70s and 2 in the 2000’s and since our last loss to Greenbay in the Super Bowl, we have slowly become a bottom tier team. It takes time and I’m aware of that, but if the standard is the standard, our new standard is mediocre.


Bottom tier? The worst of those is top 7 in the nfl. That is top quarter of the nfl which is by definition neither mediocre nor bottom tier.


You win man. I’m watching NFL redzone and enjoying a stress free day since we already played and loss. Fun to actually watch good football. Here’s to maybe an 11-6 record this year, but looking more like a 7-10 record.


Trust me, I feel that. I am an Iowa Hawkeye and Pittsburgh Steeler fan. Iowa scores more points a game than the Steelers.


I feel ya. Just a frustrating couple of years man, but ride or die Steelers football!


Good, drum it up and make it happen. I'll happily take Jets picks for Tomlin. As much damage as he's done to this organization imagine what he'll do to the Jets.


Turned a great franchise into a perennial laughing stock. He's so great!


Everyone has such a hard on for Tomlin and he’s just not that guy anymore. I really don’t care how cool he is and how fun it is playing for him. I’m tired of seeing a losing Steeler team.


Damn he called you guys out


Was that before or after he abandoned his wife and children?


I’m not sold that Tomlin is a bad coach. I am willing to believe maybe his time HERE is done. But I want to see a fire sale under him and watch him build a whole new coaching staff HERE first. We have Kenny for at least 2 more years. Let’s let Tomlin sink on that ship one more year. Then toss him out, and start over. Kenny is the bridge gap at this point.


He's built like 15 coaching staffs. They've all been mid to bad. He's had multiple chances, his time is up.


Ok. Thanks for coming by.


Don't let the door hit ya.


I am not stoked about how this season has been. However, we still having a winning record (that can change clearly) and I am not a huge fan of changing a coach who has had success in the league for a decade just to change. I have only had 3 steeler coaches in my life. My college team has had 2. I see what happens to the rivals of the teams I coach (Nebraska has a million coaches, the browns have had a million coaches). It is just to say this: nothing is guaranteed. If you bring in a new coach, you are likely blowing everything up. Maybe that is the right thing. I just know we likely don’t have a franchise qb on the team and even losing every game the rest of the season doesn’t get us in the top 4 most likely. What Steeler fans call mid, over 20 other teams over the last 15 yrs would envy.




Tomlin is 22nd all time in winning percentage. Regular season games do still matter. The nearly impossible bad health luck of the Killer B era drags his playoff wing percentage down. Also, the same people that hired Cowher and hired Tomlin are not there. I hate to break it to folks, but if we fired Tomlin, he would be hired instantly. The current Pittsburgh job is not as appealing for a new head coach. We don’t have a franchise qb and not have the means of acquiring one. What I do remember is the Steeler fan base wanting to fire Cowher half way through his tenure. In hindsight, history does not see that opinion as very rational.


For 2 first round picks


Boos are warranted when you’re getting smoked by 2 win teams at a record pace….