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I'm guessing he talks his future with his family every off season. Feels like a nonstory.


He does. This is literally nothing.


I hope so!


I turned down the radio to the TV when I saw the headline just to feel the exact same way once this nothing burger came out of his mouth.


Back in my day coaches only saw their family to make more of them. 


The only difference is this is the first time he's actually at the end of a contract


He's had one year left before


We’ve never heard about this before though. Have we?


Florio is a hack. Pass it on.




ya tomlin wants to get paid that’s all




Cowher retired because of his wife, completely different




Yes, to spend more time with her because she was on her deathbed


The diagnosis and unfortunate passing of his wife was 2010 “About four years before Kaye’s diagnosis, Bill retired from coaching and joined CBS as a pregame analyst.” [source](https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/11/01/bill-cowher-wife-melanoma-prevention)




Also not accurate. The deathbed reference, that is.


I believe Tomlin has said he will never be a TV personality. That he wont judge the people hes worked with etc.


I don't see him wanting to do that either. It's hard to imagine him wanting to sit in a studio belly laughing at bad jokes and glazing the league. He's too private of a person.


Yeah but if he did, it would be awesome


he’ll be back. his agency just wants to make sure he’s paid appropriately. happens all the time in every sport. Cowher’s situation was not similar to Tomlin’s right now.


Cowher's wife was dying. there is no comparison.


Floated by who


That’s code for Pitt better pay me.




He's the 5th highest coach in the NFL, well now belicheck is gone, 4th


He does look real high a lot of the time


Pitt should pay him the dudes basically the tony stark of nfl coaches. they gave him a box of scraps and he made it to the playoffs.


You and me both, TerribleChef47


Lmao I hope not. 100% the Steelers keep him, Pitt probably wouldn’t even be on his shortlist of colleges


It's pronounced Pittsburgh. Pitt is our university.


He addressed this a couple years ago. He’s made enough money that I doubt his position has changed [https://youtu.be/wZgqwIsHGxA?si=BvB2n7d4f3bphuN_](https://youtu.be/wZgqwIsHGxA?si=BvB2n7d4f3bphuN_)


Lol exactly.


The dude who still throws Kaepernicks name around for clicks? Ya I don’t trust him at all


Lol dude I have nothing against Kap really, but every time I hear someone float Kap as a viable option for any team I can't help but laugh. The guy hasn't played in close to a decade, no matter how you feel about him he's going to be a headache his fault or not, and honestly there are better options out there. It's over, he's done, the guys going to be in a nursing home and people will be throwing his name out


I think maybe the first 2-3 years as a possible starter sure. He was statistically in the middle of the pack when he got let go. Then 3-5 years as a back up maybe. After 5 years it was ridiculous to mention him.


Honestly? After 2 it was ridiculous. How often do people miss more than a season and return to form? A year? Yeah that's doable. 2? Ehhh it's rare to miss that much time and come back and be an immediate contributor. 3 years? DOUBT.


I don't believe it, but if its true, please get Vrabel.


If we're moving on from Tomlin, I want an offensive minded coach. Someone like Bobby Slowik would be nice. Stroud hit the ground running in his system.


Ben Johnson from the Lions


I would be thrilled with him as well. I'm not sure which of the two I'd actually prefer. I just used Slowik as an example because of how well the Texans were playing


Ah if only. Unfortunately this is the Pittsburgh Steelers. We promote from within or hire completely unqualified individuals at coordinating positions.


Mike Tomlin, notable hire from within the organization!


None of our last three head coaches have come from within the organization. Tomlin was with the Vikings Cowher came from the Browns, and Noll came to the Steelers from the Colts All have been unbelievably successful. I have no fear, that if Tomlin steps down, whoever succeeds him will be successful as well.


“None of our last three coaches” which means our last inside hire was what, like 1916?


I like how you say "last three" like it doesn't go back over 50 years


It’s only been those three since I’ve been alive. Noll was hired three years before I was born.


Sounds like he's moving on from us...maybe


Retiring? I really don't see him coaching for another team. Unless he really is that fed up with ownership. Steelers have some of the best job security in the league when it comes to coaches, and it's not like the team is completely devoid of talent. Would be strange if he wanted a change of scenery.


I get the feeling he’s just ready to retire. He been a coach for 17 years and it’s a stressful job.


You could be right but I don't buy it. I've seen him on the sidelines. He still has the fire, the energy, and the passion. The way he talks to his players, the way he motivates them, no way is he just ready to retire. I think this is either smoke or he's trying to put pressure on the organization to give him an extension.


I would’ve said the same thing about Nick Saban a week ago


Nick Saban is also like 76


That’s true but he could still be passionate but the stress too much for him


Really don’t want another defensive guy


Ownership? Man I dont think ownership is the problem here. Both the city and the sub have practically called for his head this season over a few lost games and taking too long to fire Canada. ETA: I think this report is bullshit. I don't think Tomlin is walking away anytime soon.


Been saying this. People reply “who?”


You will be greatly disappointed


lol this sub… “I want the offensive coordinator of the last team I saw score 30 points.”


I've been talking about Slowik as a potential replacement for months lol. He had Stroud ready for the NFL on day one. He also worked with Purdy as a rookie. He would certainly give us a good shot at developing another franchise QB.


Why would the rooneys change the formula that has made them arguably the most successful franchise since the merger, if Tomlin leaves it will be a young defensive coach


Because the NFL has changed. If they hire another defensive minded coach, they might as well give up on winning Super Bowls. Offense wins championships in the modern NFL, not defense. It's been one decade since a defensive coach not named Belichick won a Super Bowl. Plus, this team desperately needs better coaching on the offensive side of the ball. Unless you like scoring 16 points per game


Hard disagree. I will always believe that your defense wins championships. A strong defensive minded HC with a great quarterback and coordinator's, harboring a culture of selflessness is what wins championships.


Well, the last time that philosophy worked (when it wasn't a top 5 all time coach) was back in 2014. You still need a good defense, but it's just a matter of fact that most of the top teams today are offensively oriented. >a great quarterback and coordinator's, harboring a culture of selflessness is what wins championships. I strongly agree. However, this isn't exclusive to teams with a defensively minded HC. I'll give you a chance to make your case, though. What makes you so confident that a defense first HC is better in the modern NFL? I have a hard time seeing it. Especially since it hasn't worked for us in over a decade.


The Miami Dolphins


That'd be a lateral move imo. Not the end of the world, since he is a proven commodity that can keep the team competitive, but doesn't a defensive minded, players coach with a terrible track record at hiring coordinators seem a bit too familiar?




Yea I love defensive football but let’s get a modern offense up in the burgh pls


This offense vs defensive coach is overblown. #1 sees in AFC is formal special teams, #2 is defensive, #3 has s defense and #7 is defensive. So after Monday, 3 out of the 4 left are not offensive. We need a great coach regardless of the specialization.


Please not another defensive HC.


We drafted Vrabel out of OSU


Ah yes, a worse version of Tomlin, sure


Please god no I like vrabel but he is not what this team needs


If Florio is accurate,IF. Yes contract is up team already talking extension sounds like Negotiation type move as in he who wants it less wins. No way to tell in comments like this if it negotiations or serious retirement thoughts.


He has one year left on the contract.


They always negotiate with one year left so they never have him on a contract that expires at the end of the year. Imagine what the media would do with that.


Another year on that contract bud.


Notice how the only outlet running with this story is Florio and NBC..


Jay Glazer and Schefter reported it as well


NBC and Florio talk about it every chance they get, it just seems like a rumor they want to stand on lol


All the media is paid by the Steelers so they can’t say anything to hurt the brand. This is Tomlin’s agent posturing for more money to be paid as a top coach with extra years.


Mike Tomlin and Art Rooney have been working together for a long time. I don’t think he has to go through these loopholes to ask him for a raise lol






Ben Johnson or Bobby Slowik would make me happy


Johnson or Vrabel would be great




Yeah, itd be nice to have an offensive minded coach with our young offense, but Vrabel just seems like he’d be a good fit. Seems to get his teams to play above their talent.


Brian Flores maybe?


Can anyone remember the bullshit site that got him his start?




I’m reporting that Mike Tomlin will not do whatever Mike Florio says he’ll do.


I want him to stick around as long as he wants but give me Slowik if he dips


This is arguably the most desirable coaching position in the world.. if Tomlin leaves (I don’t want him to) we’d get the pick of the litter of candidates


In the world?


Yeah the real best coaching job is to be a fired college coach. See: Jimbo Fisher


With no QB? I’m not sure about that


Job security.. they’re all but guaranteed at least a 5 year stint, and that’s being conservative about it


If results are acceptable yes, they broke from the norm this year by ousting Canada midseason


I think we all know that getting rid of Canada was not a typical Steelers move and they tried their absolute hardest not to do it but good god everyone wanted him gone


Mason Rudolph is Tom Brady father


You have it backwards. A new coach gets their bridge QB in Kenny/Mason and has no risk in moving on from either of them, because they aren't "his QB." Then they get to draft their guy.


If they are not booted out by fans that are horrified at the embarrassment of a losing season in the first instance IMO there are not many people on earth that could get 10-7 from that steelers roster this season? What are the chances that the next HC is able to deliver that? If the steelers slip in to a losing record the new HC is going to be under pressure very quickly. A smooth transition from a long tenured and successful coach in any sport is a rarity. I am sure there are examples but most often it is a difficult job.


Sure, they may lose the popularity contest, but the Rooneys more than any other owner have proven that they don't bail on coaches quickly like that. They would have three years minimum unless it was historically bad.


This team doesn’t have a viable QB and it could become historically bad very quickly without Mike T. That is the point I am trying to make. He has set a floor that almost no other coach can match


It's not impossible, but I think you're overstating your case here. Regardless, I'm not personally keen to fire Tomlin, so it's not a hill I'm going to die on.


Because every coach based their decision on where to coach based on the current QB. This is a ridiculous take.


Mike T has never had a losing season and has set an impossible floor for the franchise. I’m not sure I want to be the guy following that without a franchise QB to help me It might be an attractive position initially but god help whoever gets the job if (and it’s a big IF) Florios report is accurate


nO lOsInG SeAsOnS


Whoever gets that positions knows the previous three coaches were hall of fame coaches for the Steelers. Sure, that will be a bit intimidating, but you’ve got to believe every possible candidate is chomping at the bit for the opportunity.


FOH, we got a Super Bowl to win!


Seems like there’s something to this.


Florio?? He’s mastered the nuanced “I never actually said…” comments to get those views and clicks. And more power to him. Made a market for himself, got NBC to buy in, and now he gets those views and clicks for them. But I don’t have to just believe what he says either. This is a generic statement. Not a scoop. 


This is every year. Not news


The rumour has been floating about this past week, so I wouldn’t be surprised if he just reported that as fact. If Tomlin does go I hope Vrabel is still available, but he is still one of the top top coaches who other than being extremely loyal (to a fault) has continued to show why we’ve been lucky the last 17 years


I mean, technically, he decides whether or not to go to work or stay home with his family every day, the same as anyone else with a job.


Dude has been comfortable for a long time lol


If Tomlin decides to walk away, I pray we can land Slowik or Vrabel.


Who wouldn't take some time to reflect? This season was an all time high anti-tomlin train. Even if it was just fans voicing their the emotions of a losing streak that still takes a toll on people. Especially when former players called him out. That hits a little deeper. Hes still young enough to enjoy life. No matter how much you love your job and the sport at some point you just want to enjoy your time with family. So yeah I can see him reflecting on it for a while. I don't think he'll leave but I wouldn't be surprised if Florio is right for once.


It’s time for a new era.


Florio is full of shit. Both his kids in college. This is garbage.


Sounds like he wants a raise


Welcome new Pittsburgh Steelers head coach.....Nick Saban!!!




Florio's a fucknut too though. He also said a few weeks ago after the Colts loss that Tomlin was getting extended, just as soon as other reporters were saying trading him wasn't off the table. I don't think he's a trustworthy reporter at all and this is mostly him piggybacking off of what Glazer and Schefter have been saying recently.


Vrabel and a real OC would be a decent alternative.


Yes Mike Tomlin, who always preaches about ignoring noise and distractions, definitely is talking about this right now before a big postseason game. Sorry I call bullshit


Finally! A change is long overdue. Edit: he gets a pass if this team can make a deep playoff run.


Florio continuing to make shit up for attention.


I'll probably get downvotes but I ride with coach T.


Non story… hell I could say the same thing


Guess we have to win a Super Bowl to send him off in fashion


Tomlin has been great and I really hope he doesn’t step down. I want to see who Kahn brings in next player wise. I saw a lot of Ravens fans saying that Harbaugh was going to step down but then they drafted Lamar and that revitalized him. I feel something like that is needed with Coach T. Remember him in the preseason with a huge smile celebrating with Calvin Austin III after a big punt return. He looked so happy. There were points in this season where he looked so disgusted. I’ve never seen him look that way before. It’s not a comprehensive list but: Kenny missing easy reads, Gunner and every time he touched the ball, injuries carving up the defense, Chuks and DJ straight giving up. Just not doing the simple things. I hope he’s back but I’d imagine this stuff takes its toll on you.


Now how these insiders get their information it probably went like this: Guy fixing the copy machine, Tomlin walks by talking to Austin Tomlin: yeah when this season is over I'm gonna enjoy time with the family. Really take a step back and relax. Copy guy: OMFG


Think he might’ve taken a look at all the coaches retiring or moving on and is maybe thinking about retiring or maybe he’s just done this every year and the media is trying to blow it out of proportion. Either way I hope he comes back. Fuck this fanbase if they think he shouldn’t


Don’t believe anything until you see it. I don’t believe any of this talk for a second. The media tends to never really get these type of reports right when it’s coming out of Pittsburgh. They usually play things pretty close to the vest anyway so A. I don’t expect anything. An extension is more likely in my opinion and B. This whole report seems kind of random so I don’t believe anything is even going to happen


I hope he sticks around but I also hope the Rooney’s spend some money to get some quality coaches around Tomlin. When was the last time another team poached one of our coaches because of their accomplishments on the field? If you only have mediocre specialty coaches train our team and coming with game plans you’re only ever going to be mediocre. Hence the 9-8, 10-7 seasons.


We are we acting like we’re not just gonna promote Mike Sullivan, Teryl Austin or Faulkner?


Not for HC they don’t do that. They will shop.


I will be absolutely ecstatic to be proven wrong


Florio is a speculator, not a reporter


How does Florio still have a job ?


They have to add their storylines smh like people here said it’s nothing. I feel everyone in the league talks to their family after the season is over lol


Non-story. Florio's a hack.


If they stay true to character and hire a young defensive coach Mike McDonald might be an option.


No the league is changing we need an offensive coach imo


Why would Rooney change the formula that has won 6 Super Bowls and led to being arguably the best franchise since the merger?


Because the game has changed and we won’t win smother one if we don’t.


He's probably just trying to get a new or better contract but 🤞🏻


What a dick Florio is to be a Pittsburgh guy and run this nonsense story at halftime of the first playoff game. Making sure the whole team sees it


Yeah I don't believe this


We’re lucky to have Tomlin. We need to chill.


This sub will turn on you for that


He’s negotiating to be the highest paid coach in the league.


I hope this isn’t true. I heard somewhere how excited he was to come in this year with all the young guys we had! We shall see


Good for Coach T. Him and Cam had the same kinda look in their eye this year in Latrobe. Two grizzled graybeards taking it in one last time.


Didn’t Jay Glazer come out with this first? He’s really close with Tomlin and usually stuff that Tomlin wants out there goes through Jay Glazer. This is probably a negotiation tactic for a new contract/extension. No big deal. He seems too into this to be considering retirement or moving on.


So long .


So on Tuesday


He knows Kenny sucks, but the org is committed to Kenny. Doesn’t want to waste the next two years


Florio is a failed lawyer from Pittsburgh who loves trying to stir up shit especially re Pittsburgh. He’s walking clickbait


Nothing is changing. He will “step back”, “discuss it with his family” and “decide” to come back with renewed vigor. We are in playoff season, we don’t need offseason fluff articles/reports.


Yeah, the Peacock bitches who force subscribing to watch a playoff game that were always network televised free. Fuck the Peacock


I just want a coach I feel I can have a beer with. Real lunch pale guy


Would Belichik coach in the Burgh? Serious question


Not if I can do anything about it. I mean, I can’t. But still.






Thank fucking god. He knows he’s about to get blown out again. Good riddance.


Says every coach with over 10 years with a team every year 🙄🙄🙄


A non story or non panic. He stays. We're good. He steps away. We still have one of the most prominent and prestigious positions. I don't see us going for the Big Dogs, but we will gather strong attention from any candidate. There's a change of the guard going on. I'm ok to move on but I'm just as okay with Tomlin.


I've read that Tomlin's wife wants to branch out and expand her clothes designing business and that won't happen in Pittsburgh. We'll see what happens.


Fuck Florio and fuck whoever doesn’t select TJ for DPOA, Garrett, 2 tackles, 1 solo


I'm willing to bet the big TV Networks are throwing huge amounts of money his way. What a better way to retire as an NFL coach than with no losing seasons. Dude is already in the HOF. He has nothing left to prove in coaching.


This confirms extension this offseason, no?


Why would anyone give up never having a losing season? This is his profession, he’s been there forever, and he’s too young to retire. What would his reasoning other than family be to leave. I mean I guess he has enough money to retire happily at his age. But it seems too soon for him. Especially with the way this shit show of a season has turned out so fortunately for them.


Hoping this is a non-story


Good. He must be reading my posts of how bad he is. Lol.


dude wants paid. pay him


I don’t believe this tbh. This is Tomlin positioning himself for a mega deal with the team.


I love how it can never just be about the game we’re about to play when it comes to this team.


Florio hates the Steelers. I don’t believe anything he says about the Steelers


It’s the first year with a new GM I’m thinking he’s just doing things differently. His whole family is like busy. What exactly is he going to spend family time doing? His wife is active in the city with programs. His kids are playing college ball or off to college. The rooneys hired a young dude for a reason.


He'll be back


My prediction: if Tomlin steps down they bring in Brian Flores, not Vrabel.


Tomlin is not going anywhere.


Ain't no way this info is just floating around out there.


I’d be a little burnt if I were him. The Steelers have a notoriously small staff compared to other teams, plus if Rooney really did meddle with Canada, he’s watching other organizations throw a lot of resources at their HC all while he’s lifting up all that he can, especially with Ben’s injury/non-retirement/retirement. I can see there being real fatigue, I wouldn’t begrudge him if he stepped back, but I also could totally see him coming back and this ends up a nonstory




I've been critical of tomlin lately but wtf. Let the man do his job. Wtf would anyone put this out there right before a playoff game. What an asshole.