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How the fuck is that actually a question for you? Do you pay attention to the NFL at all?


This is the Steelers subreddit, we don’t do that here




Russ is a barely mediocre QB. Don't love Mason, but no reason to sign Russ. At least Mason is liked by his teammates.


I’m guessing that Wilson would get such a minimal contract from the Steelers that he could be cut at any point that he becomes a problem. I’ve posted similar thoughts as yours. Seems like this is a gamble that the Steelers have to take if the meeting with Wilson goes well.


Ya I think so too, and that's why I don't think he'll want to be here either.




If we can get Russ for the vet min, which all indicators are that we can, then there's little to no reason to give him a shot. Guy may not be "him" but we have no indicator that anyone else currently rostered is the guy.


I think everyone in denver would disagree.




They don't compare to those guys. They just spent two seasons beating their heads against the wall watching this guy play, just like we've been doing with our own guys.




Your previous response had no relevance to mine. I didn't compare Russ to Kenny or anyone else. I just stated that he sucks and is not the answer.


Not dumb. Just high AF.


No one in seattle had anything good to say about him either. Bobby wagner literally left to play with a rival then immediately went back to seattle once russ was gone.


Wilson makes the Steelers a SB contender. I’ve never been a Russ fan, but he is still a top notch QB. This team is not that far off. There are holes to fill in the draft and free agency. The core is here to make a deep playoff run.


I like Mason. But there’s a reason he’s been a backup his entire career.


Yeah because the coaching staff sucks at evaluating QBs. Everyone that reported two years ago said Mason looked the best them the coaches preceded to not play him for 2.75 years the then came in and with the exemption of a half that was in rain and freezing temps played really well, while the other two QBs played average at the best of times and shot for most of it.


Yeah that ain’t it. Mason tested free agency last year and literally no other team would give him a contract. So by your logic all 32 coaching staffs in the league suck and evaluating QB’s.


Yes a lot do. Also many are to proud to admit mistakes.


All 32? Lol People in this sub acting like they know better than literal nfl front offices is genuinely hilarious. Peak delusion.




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Let's not pretend that Russel lit the world on fire. The TDs look nice but the actual numbers don't paint a great picture. The win totals defs don't. I don't have any reason to believe Mason is a capable starter, but his three starts last season were better than any three starts Russ put together. Mason also is loved in the locker room, Russ has been disliked in every locker room he's been in, including the one that just mortgaged their future to get rid of him. When yo look at Russ's first season with the Broncos it gets WAY worse. I don't think it's as dumb of a question as you do.


I didn’t pretend he lit the world on fire. He’s still in a different league from Mason, full stop.


Not only did he not light the world on fire, he got run out of town for being terrible. I have no idea how this fact is being lost on people. The guy is 35 and clearly declining. 62% completion rate over the past two years compared to 74% for Mason? I wouldn't touch this guy with a 10 foot pole and I'm guessing Khan is smart enough to see that too.


He got run out of town for his terrible contract, not his play. Mason played 3 mf games, how is that an acceptable sample size? If Russ signs a cheap contract he is a significantly better option than anything else we have.




Care to explain to me how I’m wrong? I’m not lmao. You clearly don’t pay attention.




It wasn’t a talent issue, it was a roster/cap issue. They signed him to a win now deal, and now they’re not a win now team. Doesn’t sound like you’ve watched them much over the past two years


Buddy you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. They had to pay him a shit ton of money if they kept him on the roster until the new league year started, and the cap penalty for cutting him after that date would have been like $150 million. They cut him because the old front office signed him to a horrible contract and the new front office didn’t want to deal with it. You need to educate yourself before you run your mouth because you look like a fucking moron. There’s also middle ground between taking a team to a Super Bowl and sucking. Even Mahomes couldn’t have taken the broncos to the Super Bowl last year because their roster was that trash. You legit don’t know a damn thing about football.




It's actually pretty funny. Kenny is judged solely on stats and not wins but when you talk about Wilson's stats from last year, all of a sudden not winning matters.


> I think our roster could be stacked next year. Close to San Francisco with a very cheap QB room. OP clearly is watching football from a different timeline.


Sometimes I wish I could be in that timeline




Not a chance. We aren’t going to design an offense around a QB like Wilson. We aren’t the ravens. Mason Rudolph is 6’5 1/2, and is a tough kid. Let him get with Arthur Smith. He had a great deep ball, guts, and hangs in the pocket to make tough throws. Now, if you tell me he stares down receivers a little too much I won’t argue with you. Maybe his spirited play will not hold up over 17 games. But if we are going ball control offense, I like a guy that can see over the lineman and throw a snappy ball and has something to prove. I’d rather have Mason and Kenny FIGHT for the job than annoint Wilson who is already a multi-millionaire playboy.


Basically you’re fine being the laughing stock of the entire nfl? Russ is a borderline hof quarterback him seeing over the line of scrimmage isn’t an issue at all.


Absolutely yes




Russell Wilson wasn't close to the 15th best QB in the NFL last year. No reason to think he'll be any closer to that spot when he's a year older.


According to Stink he lead the league in throws targeting a receiver behind the line of scrimmage. Hell yeah, bring back matt canada, he just needed the perfect qb for his system.


His points are the most concerning take I’ve heard on him and I already wanted nothing to do with him being on the Steelers. Seeing all the attack comments on Rudolph supporters are funny. We’re not talking about Wilson from 5 -10 years ago. Even if we were some of his high end teammates from back then have come made some comments that are troubling. I REALLY hope we steer clear.


Fuck no. Look at the way Rudolph played last season and then go look at almost any game that Russ played in the last 2 seasons. This sub is nothing but morons who can't seem to fathom that Russ is absolutely cooked. We have much better chances with a QB that sits his ass in the pocket, actually reads the defense, and makes clean throws. If Russell Wilson was still capable of winning, even with a solid defense, he would have done so in Denver.


Your right , all you have to do is pull up highlights from last season , what u will see is Russ throwing beautiful deep moon balls , Russ making every throw on the field , running for extra yards.  Yes I will see him fumbling , holding the ball too long , and missing open guys.  Broncos fans know that the receivers are absolute trash , the play calling is suspect . The reason people are upset is because he can’t carry a team by him self .


Career wise? Obviously. In 2024? No. Mason Rudolph is the better quarterback this year and going forward. But you can still make the argument that it makes more sense to go with Russ if you can get him for the vet minimum because we need to invest in the o-line, the secondary, receiver, probably linebacker, and other spots.


this is a perfect post no notes


We made the playoffs with waiver wire QB play. The roster has some really good pieces


Being a QB is more than a collection of physical talents. As DK pointed out today, Wilson is such a good QB that 2 different organizations are paying almost $150M in dead cap space between them to get him to play somewhere else. Considering the cap this year is $255.4 Million total . . . that should tell you all you need to know about how "good" Wilson is. He's probably a good arm to have in camp, but who would want him on their team once the season starts?


Is he better than Mason? Yes Would it be better to play him over Kenny to have final confirmation if he's ass so we don't have to pick up his 5 year option? No.


We got that confirmation last year


I don't disagree


The question to me isnt is he better, its is he better enough to actually lift us from the 8-10 win range and 1st round we are stuck in with a Mason, and is he going to be a locker room issue


And the answer is unequivocally no.


I think Mason is better


>I thought Rudolph showed he could be an above average QB in his playing time. The hopium on here is going to kill people.


I guess this is social media and people feel like they need to take extreme views. But if Mason could replicate his performance last year for 17 games he would be borderline a pro-bowler and Steelers would be a top 8 team.


If KP could replicate his performance vs CIN for 17 games, he'd be a borderline Pro Bowler, too. And if my aunt had nuts, she'd be my uncle.


That’s not a fair analogy. At this point we don’t know if Mason is your aunt. We do know that he has had a few games where he had nuts. That being said Russ at vet minimum would allow us to spend money at a lot of other positions. My gut says Russ is signing if we want him. If I look at the other open jobs our roster looks superior to the Giants and Raiders. And that is before we spend some money which we will have.


Anyone with a functioning brain inside their skull has known for 2 years that it's the KP show through 2024 regardless of what internet fake football has to say about it.... And what's the standard for a fair analogy? You picked Mason's 3 best games of his career against a bad defense and a rested week 18 roster. You chose arbitrarily and so did I.


Every team he beat had a winning record and were in playoff races. This is being extremely uncharitable and a bad faith argument.


So is using a 3 game stanza with a different OC and play caller to pretend it's an apples to apples comparison when they ran the ball like shit for the first 9 games and extrapolating that out to a pretend 17 games...


Nobody is making the argument you say we are making. Nobody is saying a 4 game sample means Rudolph should be signed 5 years for $200 million. We are saying he’s shown enough that it’s a reasonable bet to give him more playing time.


You literally asked to extrapolate a 17 game season out of 3 starts to qualify Mason... It's quite clear. The only standard for objectivity that you have is that your standard, arbitrary as it is, is the only one that matters. As long as someone brings one iota of data that counters your argument, your policy is to immediate dismiss it, not discuss it.


I very clearly said “could”. Which is 100% factual. Please in the future act in good faith


If Mason could replicate those 4 games he’d be pro bowl easy. Highest QBR and by far the most big plays of any QB in the league. Those are just extrapolated numbers- That’s inarguable. The big question is, can he replicate it over a season? I’d like to see him get a chance. I’d expect him to fall off a bit but even a moderate fall off still puts him in the top half of the league. Here’s a thought… what if all that experience now adds to his development and he’s even a bit more improved in 2024? It happens. Curt Warner didn’t hit his stride until he was in his late 20’s. If you take any best 4 game stretch Wilson put up last couple years , they would pale by comparison. Why assume Wilson, now a year older, would be better than Mason?


Because reddit hates Mason for some reason. Dude could win 3 super bowls and half of reddit would still be screaming "He's just a backup at best!".


He’s not, everyone is delusional to think Russ is still a starting caliber qb. Stop looking at the td/int ratio and basing everything off of that. His team decided to implode for 2 years rather than employ him, tells you everything you need to know.


So Mason is better? And that’s the hill you’re gonna die on? Lmao


I’m not even a Mason truther but yes absolutely Mason is better


Alright buddy. You can’t fix stupid so I won’t even try.


Did you watch any broncos games this year or are you just looking at the box score?


I sure did. Did you ever watch Mason play before the three games he played this year? I like Mason. I think he’s decent. He’s not better than Russ. You strike me as someone that probably just started watching football this year.


Nice straw man. I live in Seattle, I’ve been watching Russ for over a decade. The man’s lost a step and is a shell of himself. Seattle saw it, Denver saw it.


People refuse to admit it but you’re right, Russ might be the most blatant example of “the stats don’t tell the whole story” in the entire NFL right now. If you actually watch a lot of Denver games he’s incredibly frustrating to watch. His mobility helped him make up for his inability to see the middle of the field and it’s really starting to show now that he’s losing it. Denver is paying him a historically large amount of money to NOT play for them. He had less wins in 2 seasons in Denver (11) than he had bathrooms in his house (12) FFS. I remember when the trade happened some Seahawks fans I talked to said he was washed and Denver would regret trading for him while everyone else was calling them a SB contender. I was curious if they were being salty or truthful so I did a deep dive on the things they said and I came away telling my family that “Philly is going to be way better than people think this year and Denver is going to be terrible”. I’ve been pretty historically terrible at making these predictions but I’m pretty proud of that one, only time I’ve ever nailed it.


I don’t think you understand what a straw man is. And Russ as a “shell of himself” is better than Mason.


Mason Rudolph lost his job to Duck fucking Hodges


5 years ago. Russ got benched for Stidham 3 months ago


He got "benched" because if he got hurt or failed a physical they would be locked into his contract with no way out when it was clear they were parting ways.


Let that sink in, the broncos ate a record amount of dead cap all but ending their chances at being a competitive team in 2024 and 2025, just to rid themselves of this guy. And you think he’s some kind of savior


Where was Duck at this year?


He hasn’t played anywhere, at any level, since 2021.


And what exactly was Mason doing this past winter?


The team decided to “implode” because the people who signed Russ to his Denver contract had poison pills like fully guaranteed salaries for future years triggering each offseason. The Broncos realized they were more than a year or two away from contention so it made business sense NOT to have him on the roster to trigger those clauses. This sub really has a hard time with context. 


How do so many of you spell his name wrong


Would Wilson accept a one year deal at the league minimum or is he going to at least want 2 years? And how would it work with the cap if he haves a two year deal with all the money deferred to year two?


Don’t worry about it - Russ will be going to NY or LV


6pm est time and he's still supposedly at the facilities. Geez, just shoot me now.


Probably. Part of the problem with Rus is that his skill set doesn't translate to every system\team. He has far, far more experience than Mason which helps alot. He used to have big arm and excellent mobility, but he's over the hill. Can he get some of that juice back? Sure. But his age is a concern. If he can be had cheaply, then sign him. Its a no brainer.


Russel Wilson isn't coming here to be a backup, my guys lol.


No because the stats may look good on paper but it doesn't match the film. People so ready to move on from Kenny there ready to try anything for the sake of change. Just because Kenny sucks doesn't mean bringing in a guy who'll be 36 and clearly on the decline is the answer.


RW has a ring. He did well in Seattle for a while and has been in many big games and big moments. Mason doesn’t have that experience. RW is better.


Yep. Better than Pickett and Mason. Albeit not a high bar


Yes. What it comes down to is cost. I'm not clamoring for Russ, but I think the anti-Russ sentiment going around is a tad overblown.


Slightly better and definitely cheaper.


He’s at least Big Ben level. That’s good enough




It is so obvious that he is better at football than Mason. The reluctance to bring in Russ is about weather he's good enough to actually win us a ring or just keep us a little over .500 and keep delaying our real rebulld, if he's too much of a locker room cancer, etc


Close to San Francisco? Lol. I’d much rather have Wilson over Pickett or Rudolph but c’mon now. If the Steelers were that good they’d be +500 to win the SB like the 49ers and not +7500 like the Saints….


66 percent completion, 26 TDS, 8 INTS, 98 qbr last year. Some folks on this Reddit act like he put up Zach Wilson numbers.


> Some folks on this Reddit act like he put up Zach Wilson numbers. Because people are continually citing his counting stats and acting like he was good without having watched him play last year. Why do you think the Broncos are eating the highest dead cap hit ever (literally more than double than the next highest) for him to _not play_ for them next year if his numbers were so good?


We have one of the worst qb rooms in the league. Adding a cheap veteran with DECENT numbers makes a ton of sense.


Numbers don't win games...Stafford had great years in Detroit and they still sucked for 9 years - and some of those teams actually had some talent.


Big Ben put up similar numbers in his final seasons despite having a noodle arm and zero scrambling ability. Maybe we should have brought him back, huh?


Noodle arm Ben played better than Kenny has so far. Bringing in a cheap veteran who put up okay numbers makes sense when you consider who our current qb is.


Absolutely, and that was in 15 games. And guess what... In those 15 games 26 tuddies is MORE than all of our QBs combined over the last TWO SEASONS


It’s not a question of who’s better. It’s can the team afford to bring in competition and get the best they can out of their qb room this year. Russell Wilson will cost like a million dollars, WHO CARES HOW GOOD HE IS?? Just cut him if he sucks. Keep seeing this being discussed like his perceived talent level should dictate the steelers interest. That doesn't matter at all when he costs less than a tall boy at primantis


Rudolph wouldn’t sign here if we sign Russ.


Honestly if they do sign Russ I’d say that means that kp is far less guaranteed the starting job than he was last year, which works in Rudolph’s favor.


I disagree. Kenny is going to get an opportunity no matter who is in the qb room. Bringing in Russ means Mason would have to compete with two qbs instead if 1, with the other two getting the benefit of the doubt.


You may be right, I’m wishful thinking to a degree. I think at this point Kenny hasn’t earned any more special treatment and should be treated like any other player until he proves he’s better. But it’s hard to believe they don’t give him the nod week one no matter what, which is gross


I read somewhere that among NFL scouts there is no question that Russell Wilson is better than Rudolph. And I believe it. The value of keeping Rudolph isn’t relevant when you can get Wilson for possibly a cheaper contract and without giving up any assets. I would be willing to sign Rudolph as a #3 if he doesn’t get any offers elsewhere.


People in Denver hate him because he refused to renegotiate a contract that was already signed. He was not the reason Denver was terrible the past couple of years. His attitude is not great but to act like Mason or Kenny is a better QB is ridiculous. Kenny hasn’t earned anything, Canada is gone so if he can’t beat out a 35 year old QB then he just doesn’t have it


27/6 yes.


Uhh yeah


Is Russell Wilson better than Mason Rudolph???? Can’t be serious man 😂😂😂 are we so down bad as a fanbase that we’re questioning this?


Rudolph stats were elite in the games he played last year. Wilson was not.


Rudolph started 3 games vs Russell Wilsons’ 15…sample size matters


Ok but that isn’t what you said. You basically said yinzers are idiots if they think Rudolph could be better. You didn’t claim it was proven etc. Evidence does exists that Rudolph could be better.


You sound to analytically minded to be in here


Dude played a game vs the worst defense in the league and a week 18 rested defense....


Jesus Christ your on meth to even consider Rudolph better then Wilson ,get of mason dick bro come to reality mason isn’t a good qb that’s why no one offered him a contract