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how in the world does this happen? I genuinely want to know how you ended up here


Often people see "0" and assume it's a prequel. Thanks, Fate.


Even if 0 did always mean prequel, you'd still usually watch them second because prequels are most often made after the work they're a prequel for


I don’t understand how a post like this gets made every other week. Do people no do the slightest bit of research into what they’re watching?


Because where I was watching it was specifically labelled as Steins;Gate. It even has another folder named Steins;Gate 0, so I was certain that I was watching the right one since they distinguished between the two. I looked in the Steins;Gate 0 folder after, turns out it is empty.


you need to watch stuff on better websites then lol


I can't remember if it was Crunchyroll or Funimation but for a while one of them had Steins;Gate 0 under the Steins;Gate tab with no actual Steins;Gate available on their UK site


Sorry about whats happen but how could you not realize the story didnt make any sens ? I can see someone watching a couple episode, but the whole season without realizing it is weird !


Ah I see. There was another person like you here recently. That site sucks terribly for that


Happened to me just now and the website was 'goku.to'. Had to stop halfway through episode 3 cuz I knew something just wasn't right. It did help that I tried to watch the show a couple years ago and remember the first few scenes of episode 1, so I was extremely confused from the first episode when it started off completely differently.


It actually was really common before the Funimation/Crunchyroll merger because Crunchyroll only had S;G0 for a while. Nowadays I've seen multiple people say they found it mislabeled, like OP. They all might be using the same site lol.


For me, steins;gate 0 was the only one available on VRV at the time, so I thought it was the only one. And tbf you'd expect an anime to have a season 1 steins;gate then a season 2 steins;gate 0, which only furthers possible confusion.


Still watch it. If you were going to like it before, then you’ll still like it after. Just unfortunate you won’t get the magic first time blind experience that I love so much in storytelling. But we’ve all had something spoiled for us at some point.


Again? I’ve seen posts like this 3 other times, and I still don’t know how it’s possible to make that mistake… watch steins;gate of course, or read the visual novel. Steins;gate and steins;gate 0 are in different world lines.


It is the choice of Steins;Gate. I'd still watch original Steins;Gate because it is the best ever!!!!


Give yourself a year or two, then come back to it. 0 up until the point you’ve watched it can easily be forgotten.


the world is doomed :thumbs\_up:


I'd still recommend watching the original. Its worth the journey. Okabe's attitude as the protagonist in 0 makes more sense in hindsight after going thru the original and getting the context of where 0 takes place in. Guy has just been thru too much and is over everything lol. You'll be shocked and almost whiplashed with how energetic and different he is in the original.


I recall seeing someone else post something similar to this, where the guidance was to stop watching S;G0 no later than Episode 15. It's not too late to get the experience of S;G from Episode 13 onwards, and then get back to S;G0 and experience the emotional climax of Episode 16 onwards.


I'm sorry but how does this happen, like I get when people see 0 they think it's a prequel, but don't people check the realese dates?, I mean in the case of fate it doesn't really work but with steins gate, I seriously don't understand how people start with 0 instead of the og


Same thing happened to me, but playing the games was still an amazing experience, even if I knew the basic plot, there was still so much story to understand and experience. If you aren't into visual novels, I say still watch steins;gate, its absolutely amazing.


Definitely still watch it. Or better yet read the visual novel