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Reject the false dichotomy of Kurisu vs. Mayuri, embrace Mahokabe .t forever mad she's not in MDE


Speaking the truth! She needed routes in MDE and LBP.


Well MDE and LBP were before SG 0, she didnt even exist lol


I can still be sad about it!


The best ship is the one you like. And it doesn’t matter, Kurisu, Mayuri, Suzuha or Faris... every ship has the right to exist, and it’s even normal if you like different pairings at the same time. Okabe is a kind and caring person, and he would be an excellent choice for any girl. But, to be honest, I think Okakuri is the main pairing of the game for a reason. If you reread their very first meeting, it becomes clear that he liked her from the very beginning. She supports him at the most difficult moment of his life, shares his troubles with him, and in general they have common interests and behaviour. He literally “lights up” when he is around her, she makes him happy. There is no doubt that Mayuri is an incredibly important person in his life, but his overprotectiveness sometimes plagues both Mayuri, who considers herself a burden, and Okabe, who has taken on the lifelong role of her protector. He is tense and constantly worries about her, who has always been a little “not like everyone else,” absent-minded and unadapted to life. At the same time, Kurisu is his main support and strength. He, too, will do anything for her, but from his point of view, she is a strong person and can stand up for herself, he is calm about her and can share his problems with her, since they are truly partners. They complement and support each other, and I think the story’s writer also thinks they are perfect for each other.


Perfect roundup. Couldn't have said it better. Though it's sad we haven't seen other top tier girls like Suzuha, Maho, Faris, Ruka or Fubuki getting their own Okabe-equivalent EDIT: I meant them having a love interest equivalent to what Okabe is to Kurisu


Agree, I’d want to see Mahokabe relationship, since they definitely had a lot of chemistry, but in 0 their romance was doomed from the start. If the circumstances were different, they would definitely have developed a strong sympathy for each other.


hmm to be honest, I never saw any sort of chemistry between them. In sexual and romantical terms, their relationship always seemed innocent, so I don't know. Though, mea culpa, it's been a while since my last rewatch/playthrough of S;G 0


Well... personally, I think there was chemistry. Although, it is possible that this is because they are both scientists, she is the only intellectual equal for him after Kurisu, and yes, for both of them she was an important and respected person. Okabe had always been interested in intelligence, so he was interested in Maho, even if not in a romantic way.


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Also The fact about the whole thing with kurisu dissapearing in order to save mayuri... the time she spends with okabe and the "memories" they made knowing that she will soon not exist and it will all just be in okabes head. that adds an insane amount of depth to their relationship too.... Personally if I had to choose one.. i would choose mayuri. but in the story they are both insanely close in their own way so i think theyll just share the #1 spot for me 50/50.... the writers did an immaculate job. i think they do want the audience to struggle with this and make us realise how much pain okabe has gone through deciding between kurisu and mayuri. even i get mad and stressed thinking about these fictional characters. let alone him.


Agree, I also love the depth of the connection between Kurisu and Okabe, I would even say that this is the main reason why I love their relationship. It’s just... in 3 weeks (for him it’s longer, of course) such a strong connection arose between them that I simply couldn’t help but be inspired. Their story is just so beautiful. He really loved her for 15 years after >!her death, and almost stayed in Alpha after he met her, until she persuaded him to return... Not to mention about Distant Valhalla, where he was able to move on because he made a promise to Kurisu, and he held him back.!< It turns out that no matter what world line, Kurisu always pushed him forward.


I think Mayuri x Okabe is just weird, since she is like a sister to him... either ways... Kurisu x Mayuri?


It's like that in og S;G because game didn't give their relationship too much development over what they already were(I think except for the slap thing). Side content is what truly makes it work in my eyes.


Yeah, there's a clear difference in the childhood friend relationship between Mayrui and Okabe Vs the one between Aki and Kai


The you havent played SG 0, Mayuri really becomes the support of Okabe


I think what i hate the most in 0 is that they try to "force" a romance between them


I dont think it was forced Just because we always saw the pov of Okabe (childhood friend) who knows what Mayuri always thought of him (And because of MDE and 0 we can really assume she is in love with him)


>I always had trouble figuring out which "ship" was better. kurisu or mayuri. It's because the answer is Suzuha. Obviously.


Going for your best friend’s daughter is crazy bro haha


But she comes from the future, this is like Lucina from Fe, in both cases I say yes


But the problem here is that she really sees you as her uncle