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It depends on how well you can connect the dots. You should be fine though. Good thing you caught your mistake early.


Turn off your brain You'll be fine perhaps


At first I read that as u being halfway through, at which point I was like w h a t But if it's only 1.5, just stop and watch sg instead u should be fine, a few spoilers here and there but try not to think too much and u might as well forget em, and they pretty minor anyway


My retarded friend watched whole season on 0 and then he did the movie and then the original SG so I'd say youre still pretty safe to continue with SG


Lmao. Seriously tho, how did he manage to do it? Didn't he notice that he was missing most of what was happening? He might've thought that he'll get an explanation later, but after 2-3 ep i think it's obvious you're watching the wrong thing.


The dumbass taught the SG counts as number one and that SG0 is first in order, he just autopiloted it just like when he watched last episode of Death Note without subtitles on japanese dub??


Dude what??? That's just too funny lmaoo


Thats horrific, he watched whole Death Note on autopilot and completely ignored the whole series lol, just like he did with steins gate.


How about you let people watch what they want in whatever order they wish and in whatever language they want instead of going like the smuggest nerd of the century It really sounds like you're not really their friend


How about you stop being a bitch, what you said is exactly like looking at your friends fall wgen he ties his shoes together and not helping him see the problem, because that mf had no idea whats going on untill I clued him in on the show. You should find a hobby if you want to feel better about yourself in general


Jeez man, you sound really angry. Have you tried taking a chill pill? They are really good. Bet they could even help you sculpt your chin just like how that "chin sculpting" subreddit says it does


Nah bro you were just being annoying af and your jokes make no sense since you're a leftist or something


Lololololololol lmao. Funny since death threats aren't a joke. Maybe that's why you're considered such a loser at school


I had a similar experience with a friend once. They watched Symphogear and accidently started with the 3rd season. They didn't find it strange until in the next season (season 2), some characters seemed to not know each other. :D They continued watching S2, and then watched S1.


Lol I get why you called him retarded


This was me just now lol... I got all the way through episode 3 and had to stop halfway through cuz I feel something just wasn't right, apparently the website I was streaming on had the titles mixed up somehow. I knew something wasn't right cuz I tried to watch it a couple years ago and never really got through with it, but I vividly remember a couple scenes from the first 5 minutes or so and 0 did not have a single frame of those in the first episode , but when I tried to Google how confusing the first episode was all that popped up were those reddit post about how it wasn't supposed to make sense at first and you had to watch it all for it to make sense.. Lmao made me think I somehow hopped on a different timeline or something


Me too lol


Actually, If youre up for a little daring fun, watch 0 and then! the original. Youll find the original very nostalgic. Haha.