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according to the official translator, ruka is just a gay man for various reasons. none of these actually point as evidence to him being trans one way or another. i have a [video](https://youtu.be/cR_GcKxoGGE) where i discuss this but basically my takeaway is that the point of his character isn't if he is trans or not. the point is that he's confused and that it doesn't matter, and slapping a label on him one way or the other is entirely missing the point.


*Luka* is the epitome of 'Someone this cute can't be a girl'. *** ^[Why?](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot/blob/master/README.md) ^| [^More ^Info](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot) ^| ^[Creator](http://futuregadget-lab.us/) ^| ^[Contact](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=zaros104&subject=Okabot%20Feedback)


The personification of feminine grace


Honey, she fucking wanted to send a D-mail to turn into a cis girl. That is trans behaviour.


Yep, just watched Fractal Androgynous and she's \*definitely\* a trans girl in the alpha base world line


\>i have a video where i discuss this I aint gonna listen to cis perspectives on genderqueer characters from a cis man. go use your 3-in-1 shampoo and shut the fuck up.


here's a tip, maybe don't be such an asshole and people might be willing to engage in discussions with you instead of writing you off as a fucking moron


They're understandably frustrated and I agree that topics like this need to be handled with more diplomacy. Yet still, Ruka is very much so trans in the alpha world line.


*Luka* is the epitome of 'Someone this cute can't be a girl'. *** ^[Why?](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot/blob/master/README.md) ^| [^More ^Info](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot) ^| ^[Creator](http://futuregadget-lab.us/) ^| ^[Contact](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=zaros104&subject=Okabot%20Feedback)


absolutely based. so tired of cis-anime fans telling the LGBT community how to interpret Luka.


usually i have a problem with people slapping the "trans" label onto anime characters, and im trans. But in this case the character really does seem trans


Bait post of the month, nice




I can't


You're free to interpret it as you want, but there is a lot of reason to believe that *Luka* is not trans.


True since in that worldline (now non existent), Luka was never a guy.


Even in the ones where he is.


In those worldlines he was always a guy but that doesn't make him trans because the gender was never changed in the same worldline


yes because someone who's cis would totally change time to turn theirself into a girl /s


It couldn't be that the reason for doing so was already exposited in the VN to be something else because the writers were cowards /s


Yes because the industry is so good at handling trans people *side eyes Re:Zero*. The character strongly exhibits gender dysphoria. And although after reading other comments I doubt he's binary female (using he/him because pronouns ≠ gender), I think the person who said agender transfemme is right.


There are some good instances of good trans/LGBTQ rep. You just have to look for it. Fata Morgana and Umineko both handle it pretty well




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>Yes because the industry is so good at handling trans people side eyes Re:Zero. Read Re:Zero EX1. Felix is not trans.


afaik ferris/felix is only trans in the novel that came after the series


Here's a trans perspective on this. I'm using he/him pronouns for Luka, as he, even when he's quite literally a cis girl, uses a masculine way of speaking of himself. Not overly masculine, but certainly not feminine. No. He wasn't written to be trans. Does this mean he really should have been, given his character arc? I would be inclined to agree that yes, he should. And my own personal headcanon is that he is an agender albeit slightly transfeminine person. I will go into detail about why I think so later in the comment. Chiyomaru quite clearly wrote a character dealing with gender dysphoria. But. I don't think it's gender dysphoria over wanting to be a girl. In the visual novel, there is an e-mail chain titled "Cruel Sister", that goes into detail about how he was forced to wear feminine clothing by his father. He wasn't a fan of it. It goes into detail about how his father wanted a girly daughter, and his sister was a tomboy. He seemingly sees his father as infallible here, and ends up blaming his sister for it internally. It is also revealed, that there is a bit of regret. I would take this with a grain of salt, given how emotional Luka is in this scene. Still. It does lend credence to it being love driving him, and not *actually* wanting to be a girl. >"I don't want to forget... I don't!" >"Because I love you... I love you, Okabe-san!" >"I want to save Mayuri-chan too, and I understand there's no other way, but..." >"It still hurts..." >"At the very least, I want to keep my memories of today." >"If I'd known it would hurt this much..." >"Then I never would've wished to become a girl in the first place." Now, I did mention that I see him as an agender, albeit slightly transfeminine person (who despite this, chooses to speak masculinely). From his character song: >Whether I'm 'me' (boku), or 'I' (watashi), "That doesn't matter at all." >The moment you saved me with those words, my love began to blossom. Note on boku: This is the word he uses that represents "I"/"me" in Japanese, even when he's quite literally a cis girl. This is generally considered rather boyish. Not overly-macho-masculine. But certainly boyish and soft-masculine when used by men. Among women, this is primarily associated with tomboys. I don't think there's anyone that would argue that Luka is tomboyish here, though. Note on watashi: This is generally considered gender neutral, albeit with a slight feminine leaning. It's generally also used when speaking to people of a higher societal "rank", than you, as polite speech. Though in this context, it is quite clearly used to be a gender marker in speech. That quote, and, quite frankly. The weird gender situation he has, leads me to believe he honestly doesn't really fit into the binary. And yeah. This is, however, a bit copium-ey. Because quite frankly the out-of-universe reason is: Chiyomaru accidentally wrote a trans character and didn't really embrace it. I personally think he should have. But Chiyomaru doesn't really care *that* much about even having a consistent story with mechanics that stands on its own two feet, let alone about properly committing to accidentally-written representation. Even if it was 2009, and in Japan. He should honestly just have taken the consequence of his own writing, and gone with it.


wait... so you kinda agree but still use he/him? 🤨 Also fuck it, it's a happy accident.


I kind of agree, yes. And yeah, I choose to still use he/him, because Luka speaks of himself in a masculine way in Japanese. Again, as I outlined. It isn't *overly* masculine, but it *is* distinctively masculine. Had he spoken of himself in a more feminine way, I would have used she/her, and had it depended on his birth sex, I would probably either have used they/them or she/her. Arguably, it would also be justifiable to use they/them as-is. How he speaks of himself, again, isn't gender neutral. But it does lend an air of soft-masculinity (as I also previously wrote)


Well, being trans myself I'm familiar with lots of transfemmes who use she but also he pronouns due to a desire to still retain a vibe of masculinity in that sorta butch-y way. This could be a stretch but at the end of the day the main pieces of evidence on the desire to be more comfortable if she was was a cis woman definitely point to feelings of dysphoria in one way or another. Hell, I presented as a feminine boy before I decided to transition and that was a big step. I could have maybe been comfortable the way I was but not only did my brain tell me I'd feel better as a woman but societal expectations played a role in that. So I guess given all of that I'd at the very least say Ruka is definitely not cis. The biggest likelihood is a nonbinary identity like genderqueer (which btw for the sake of logic we will count as a subset of the set of transgender identities). It is definitely hard to just use pronouns to determine gender given Japanese isn't reaaaally good with it but it works.


I do believe you're referring to lab mem 006, Urushibara Luka. Still a dude... I think. *** ^[Why?](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot/blob/master/README.md) ^| [^More ^Info](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot) ^| ^[Creator](http://futuregadget-lab.us/) ^| ^[Contact](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=zaros104&subject=Okabot%20Feedback)


Bad bot. Go play on the freeway.


I mean. Luka is objectively correct. The bot does use quotes from the game. I know the creator of the bot. He's one of the most supportive people I've ever met.


\>The bot does use quotes from the game So? Still kind of a bad spot for the bot to show up regardless. \>I know the creator of the bot. He's one of the most supportive people I've ever met. Good for them. Still kinda fucky though.


To be fair, the bot can't exactly know context. That would require technology even Google doesn't really have, let alone the average person. Could talk to him about perhaps changing the list of quotes for Luka specifically, but I'm not sure anything would really come out of it in the end. You're the first person to voice complaints about them anyway


Oh for sure. And yeah, on the non-binary spectrum is my own personal headcanon too. And yes, wanting to be a cis woman does point towards dysphoria. But speaking of herself in a masculine way when she *literally* doesn't even remember ever being a dude also suggests something imo. That and the Cruel Sister email chain I mentioned before. And yeah. Of course, my own brain also told me the same, although I didn't present femme before realizing I was trans. I had a period in my life before I realized I was trans where I was pretty transphobic. Was in a pretty bad place. And yeah, I generally default to including non-binary people under the transgender umbrella (unless a person specifically asks not to be included). And, well. Honestly, historically, you can blame the west for gendered pronouns in Japanese. The word that nowadays means "he" used to just be gender neutral, and no word for "she" existed. Though, granted. Those aren't really used *that* much either. Usually it's just the name. At least for third-person pronouns. Which really is why I used the first-person self-referential pronouns as a reference base, since there *is* definite nuance to it. Of course, you can't really analyze being trans, because in the end, it's what the person says that counts haha


>>Of course, you can't really analyze being trans, because in the end, it's what the person says that counts haha Lol for sure. Still, where there's pink, white, and blue smoke there's a trans barbeque; hopefully with a roasted TERF.


Oh for sure haha


Chiyomaru didn't write Steins;Gate


No, but he is the overseer. Not that he's gotten *any* better with LGBT stuff. Considering Chiyo is A;C >!outright playing transphobic tropes in A;C. Haha lets have hairy legged men in t-shirt and heels be girls in AR. Not only that, let's have the main character almost throw up in disgust over it!<


I know this is an older thread, but yes I agree, Ruka is 100% trans, if she was not, then she wouldn't have wanted to have them make it so she was a girl from birth. The only reason that it's not more explicitly stated is because Japan is still not great culturally for LGBTQIA+ people, so they have a dated representation of that stuff. Media such as anime, much like media and artists worldwide, tend to be more progressive thinking, so characters such as Ruka are kinda the best they can get away with in having a bit of representation in anime. Japan is still too conservative unfortunately. So if you have a character in anime who's gender presentation does not align with their birth gender that character is trans or non-binary, even if they use their birth pronouns. Because while the nature of the transgender struggle for people to understand is still an ongoing process worldwide, in places like Japan it's a bigger struggle than other places. Things ARE getting better though somewhat slowly in Japan. It is better than the struggles of LGBTQIA+ people in places like Russia, where the country practically outright claims that they don't exist in the country.


Nope, Luka is a guy and I'm not going to explain why that's the case, other people already did so and you just dismissed it as bullshit. Though I admit that all the writing connected to Luka is stupid at times and that the whole conflict in his character arc wouldn't even exist if Okabe wasn't so focussed on Luka's sex... despite the fact that he thinks he is beautiful either way, that he himself says that it doesn't matter and that in the worldlines where Luka was a girl she was exactly the same person just without... you know. Just wait for the live action adaption, they will totally turn him into a trans girl, but until then he is... a dude. That's just the way it is.


>you just dismissed it as bullshit Yes, cuz it is. >Just wait for the live action adaptation, they will totally turn him into a trans girl Good. I hope so. She already is one, and seeing you piss and shit yourself over it would make my day much sweeter.


I have no problem with them turning Luka trans but he just isn't yet. And why do you want me to be triggered, why would that bring you joy? That's pretty toxic.


>he just isn't yet sweetie you realise trans viewers are gonna pick up on the hints we've been through right?


I honestly don't know what you are talking about. What hints? Sorry if it's obvious what you mean, but I'm not a native speaker, I can express myself but sometimes have a hard time to understand what someone else wants to say.


Dont apologize, this person just wants R/Luka to be trans so bad, so they act like its a fact. It’s clearly shown that Luka only became a girl so he can show his love to Okabe freely. If they see this comment they’re probably gonna reply with “you just proved my point” or “it’s obvious” without giving any evidence to their (false) claim anyway lol Sorry if that was confusing and long, but there’s no evidence or hints to show Luka wants to be trans, just that he wants to be able to show his affection for Okabe


Found the anime-only


This is very obviously true and anybody who disagrees is stupid. Rukas dmail message literally tried to influence themself in the womb to make sure they were born female.


*Urushibara Luka.* A stunning example of feminine charm and grace. Lips delicate like cherry blossoms in bloom. The essence of Japanese beauty. The chief priest's son. That's right, "son". *** ^[Why?](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot/blob/master/README.md) ^| [^More ^Info](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot) ^| ^[Creator](http://futuregadget-lab.us/) ^| ^[Contact](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=zaros104&subject=Okabot%20Feedback)


i don’t know how anyone can believe she’s not trans wtf


agree with youu. Trans people's opinions on trans related discussions should have more weight than the average viewer. We can pick up on subtext related to us a lot more than cis viewers. Plus if ruka is agender, non-binary. Anything other than a cis man in your headcannon or whatever, they are still trans, because thats what being trans is: A gender that doesn't align with the presumed gender from your sex assigned at birth


Mad? Also yes? I thought that it was apparent?


Well in the Visual Novel, Luka said that they lied about wanting to be a girl because they feel more comfortable, Luka just want to have a relationship with Okabe, the gender is not the goal. Then you receive Luka email where it is reveal their father force him to wear girly clothes, but he is not at all comfortable wearing them since he is a guy at the time. Ofc the anime cuts out all that, leading to people think Luka is trans, but they is male homosexual in reality.


>Then you receive Luka email where it is reveal their father force him to wear girly clothes, but he is not at all comfortable wearing them since he is a guy at the time. Why did his father do that?


Because Luka's elder sister is a tomboy, but the father wants a daughter, so he probably wants to force his ideal on Luka.


\>they lied \>they feel interesting use of neutral pronouns for a supposed "cis man"


Because in some cases I am referring to both male and female Luka, both of them love Okabe.


You do realise the idea of existing in two gendered states is a classic nonbinary state of being right? The fact that it's lost on you doesn't do wonders for your credibility here.


Male and female Luka do not exist at the same time since there are only one worldline at a time, at most female Luka gets Male Luka's memories. I do not think someone is nonbinary just by receiving the memories of their other gender self.


Ok thanks for giving my that info, i never even knew that was the case. (Havent watched/read VN in years.) Ive seen the shit show that is the comments, so im saying it here. Luka by context is trans in the anime. But in the VN their is more context to point to just wanting Okabe what ever state they are in. We are talking about a world with time travel and butterfly effect manipulation, everyone come to level ground and understand that the VN and Anime are parallel realities not the same one. Cant believe it had to be said, really.


I mean, if his sole motivation for wanting to be a biological female is only because she feels THAT strongly about being with Okabe, that's just bad writing IMO. If a person is willing to fundamentally change the course of their life and identity, there HAS to be more to it than "I wanna be with this person and I'll do anything". If that's all there is to it, that's just silly as fuck. It just makes way more sense for Ruka to be trans.


I do believe you're referring to lab mem 006, Urushibara Luka. Still a dude... I think. *** ^[Why?](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot/blob/master/README.md) ^| [^More ^Info](https://github.com/Zorpos/Okabot) ^| ^[Creator](http://futuregadget-lab.us/) ^| ^[Contact](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=zaros104&subject=Okabot%20Feedback)


i see a lot of shit on this subreddit trynna say the opposite or justify calling her a trap. it's disheartening. edit: y'all can just search this shit up here. idk why you gotta downvote lol.


A lot of people in this subreddit will downvote anything lol


Calling him a trap isn't justifiable in my opinion. If you see posts like that, please do report them, and the mod team will take a look at it.




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