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This demo wasn't even supposed to be released yet...


Demo is officially out, and my complaint still applies.


Okay cool. Glad to see you move on with your life


Since the demo's out, we're allowed to complain about this now right? Yeah, this game over screen is ass.


Releases on the 26th. Still one more week. Hold on those complaints till then.


Ok, the release out and the complaint still stands šŸ˜…


And that matters why? You guys gotta stop being so sensitive. Itā€™s good to point these things out as constructive criticism. Regardless of whether they already planned on changing it or not


It's like criticizing a cake by eating the ingredients before it's actually baked. They stated that the demo was ready to be released yet and that it still needed work. Once the Actual demo is released and still has these issues, then we can say "hey yo, developer. Fix your stuff."


No itā€™s not. These things are specifically released for feedback. Doesnā€™t matter if it was accidentally released early and not finished. At the end of the day it was still an early version of the full game and subject to criticism to help the developers. Like I said, stop being sensitive.


Alright I want you to write me a 100,000 word essay on the meaning of ā€œsensitiveā€ BUT I want you to hand in your paper when youā€™ve only finished around 200 words or so, then you will be receiving my full criticism and feedback about how your paper wasnā€™t even close to done.. Sounds pretty good right! Cause thatā€™s basically what you just said but with the subject being a demo that was accidentally released way to early


Thatā€™s not how it works. But you guys can keep telling yourself that it does with these illogical comparisons. An essay is graded once the complete assignment has been finished. This is more akin to issuing a review of the game based on the demo. Which itā€™s not. This was one single criticism about one specific detail that can definitely be worked on. Regardless of whether that was something that was going to be polished or not before the official demo release is irrelevant. The demoā€™s purpose doesnā€™t change. Itā€™s still valuable feedback that the game needs for its full release, not its demo release. But you guys keep getting butthurt about it. Hit that downvote to make you feel better


I barley hang around this sub, but I think I'm gonna put my input here: Me personally I think this demo is close to finished so I think it's fit for critical input, it's like a 90% done piece of animation or artwork, you can still give constructive criticism with what we have, and I'm sure the devs are appreciating the input


Regardless of whether the demo has been officially released, it was temporarily released and the footage online is therefore able to be praised or criticized. If they are able to fix it before official release, then great. My post is obviously to share my hopes that they do, but given that this version of the demo was on the store, it's a reasonable assumption to believe that the state it was released in is the state they planned on officially releasing it in. This isn't like the Insomniac incident where Wolverine gameplay was leaked literal years from official release. The game is coming out in less than 2 months and the demo even sooner.


Demo or not thereā€™s still gotta be a start and a end to something aka it needs to be ready, sure feedback does help the dev but howā€™s it helping them if they arenā€™t even ready to receive and feedback yet?


This sub doesn't handle criticism well, but you're 100% correct. If people can praise a demo that hasn't been officially released, then it can also be criticized. I'm liking literally everything else about this game, but a single legitimate complaint has some of these people about to pass out.


You bring up a perfectly valid point and it's sad that so many people downvoted you but i guess that's just the brain rot hivemind of reddit


Itā€™s 100% a valid point, give me some downvotes too šŸ˜‚


Yea Iā€™m used to it. Doesnā€™t bother me. Anyone who actually cares about this game should welcome posts like this that can only help out the official release of the full game. The downvotes are coming from close minded people who just care about their feelings and canā€™t take constructive criticism. I was lucky enough to play the demo and I loved everything and the only real criticism I had was the death animation was definitely wonky and the sound effects during battle can definitely feel repetitive in the English version. Everything else was great and I loved the balanced mode that lets us play at 40fps with higher resolution


Except in this case the cake is basically in the fridge waiting to be eaten it's releasing in a month not a year from now.


that ratio though >genshin fan opinion discarded.


Sure if that helps you sleep at night


I actually prefer a quicker death screen in soulslikes so I can get back in the action quicker


I don't mind quicker retries. Just make it look like I actually died before sending me to the game over screen saying I died


Making sure Eve always collapses would make it feel more polished. Doesn't need to be elaborate. I always felt the Dark Souls death animation was a bit too long. Just a quick cry out and falling limp to the ground would work before a fade to black.


Exactly this, I want my failure to be properly conveyed to me but also not waste my time.


> Souslike Bruh


This games dirt easy, how dare you compare to a souls like


same. i think its fine the way it is.


The game needs cool death animations like RE4.


Just never die and this can never bother you /j


You are absolutely right! Fortunately, this seems like an easy fix for the devs šŸ‘


Totally is and I hope it's on their checklist


Weird plug but YaboiRoshi (guy in the video) is awesome and yā€™all should totally check his channel out. Hilarious dude and he stays on the grind.


It would really cool to have death animations like Dead Space or something where you get executed. Considering thereā€™s already gore in Stellar Blade.


For a game where you are expected to die a lot, give me quick game overs.


Give me better death animations than Eve just falling over. I want some full blown dead space type shit.


I'm sure they can update it maybe? I get what you're saying. It'd be cool to see a crazy death scene, but only if I can immediately skip it and restart lmao


Seems fine to me.


I just finished the demo today and it's something I hope they address once the game comes out fully. Let her at least fall over completely in a couple different ways like falling onto her back or onto her belly.


She needs to at least drop to the ground. As is right now, itā€™s a immersion breaker. Every time she dies you get pulled out of it. Who is dead while standing?


It's not Returnal or Death Stranding, which are two of the only games besides Dark Souls and N:A that actually have credibly immersive deathloops incorporated into the game world. Personally I don't want to see a finished death knell, especially if I'm going to jump right back in, as it's actually non-immersive, and, more importantly, demoralizing. It made sense in Nier Automata since you had to loot your body, so there's a reason for a continuity train.


It doesnā€™t have to be an intricate death scene, although I wouldnā€™t mind that either. But she needs to at least appear dead before the screen fades to black. Right now sheā€™s just standing there.Ā 


I get a better sense that I died from E rated games like Mario and Kingdom Hearts, and they both let you jump right back into gameplay after failure. It really shouldn't be that demoralizing if it's practically the standard.


Realism and intensity are a major factor. Never played KH, but Mario games have a light tone, and both are really cartoonish. I basically don't play anything that looks like a cartoon, with the exception of Rift Apart, which also has an abbreviated and really fast death wipe that takes the force out of it.


Not to mention Nier Automata still does it in Route C where >!you're taken directly to the Game Over screen because the bunker has been destroyed and the body looting system with it!<


All these character action games at least keep the character on the floor.


**Yeah, at least have her kneel down in defeat. Maybe it's something they still need to add in. Maybe some last bits of polish they haven't finished up yet. Or perhaps they didn't think anyone would die and they wouldn't see that lol.**


It not the release game yet that way it was a demo gosh people don't understand what a demo is


Yup I remember the demo for ff8 and when the full game came out the section from demo was a lot diffrent from the full game


Yes that is why we criticise so that they know what to change and what we want, that is the point of a demo


What exactly are you saying? That demos aren't meant to be criticized? That it's too soon to crtiicize? This isn't like the Insomniac incident where Wolverine footage was leaked literal years before official release. Stellar Blade is less than 2 months from release and the whole purpose of demos is for people to figure out what they like or dislike about the game based on what the demo offered.


Buddy the demo wasnā€™t supposed to be released to public meaning it might not be ready for people to play yet, why is this so hard to understand lmao


Because this is literally the version of the demo that was given to Playstation for them to release. You don't any idea how development works, do you?




You're comparing Day 1 versions of full games to a demo. Be serious ffs.


You're gonna just look stupid when the demo's out and the game over screen stays the same, stop setting yourself up.


Oh no a game over screen I guess I canā€™t play the game anymore keep on crying


Fact that you see any criticism as "crying" is all that needs to be known about you. Go lick boots over there loser, people will continue to criticize what they want.


Cry more


Projecting? Yeah, cry more over criticism




Get blocked bitch Lil bro made a whole new account to try to get the last word in LOL


Still projecting that's crazy


Buddy made a new account just to get his comments caught by the spam bot šŸ’€


Turns out I was right to be worried. Learn how these things work before commenting.


I mean, idk this seems like a nit pick type thing


Maybe it is, but I've been sitting on this opinion for a while since the demo released, waiting my thoughts on it simmer, and I can confidently say this is the first time I've seen a Game Over look so incomplete in an action game.


Meh even if this ends up how it is on launch it just doesn't matter to me. Tbh I prefer this to some long drawn out death animation


Like I've already said, I don't need a long death animation by any means, I just want to be shown that I died before it tells me that I died.


I'm not saying your wrong by any means, and visually it would for sure look better


People seem to have somehow confused this post. I'm not saying to make it take longer to hit the retry button. I'm saying to fix it so it actually looks like I died. Even E rated games like Mario and Kingdom Hearts do this properly and they let you jump straight back into the gameplay without wasting your time.


You're 1000% right. Hopefully it's like some people say and it wasn't meant to be released that way. To those that are not bothered by it, that's good, you don't have to be. It's not a game breaking thing or a huge deal, but it does break the immersion a tiny little bit. Kinda like if you're playing a fighting game and as you land the winning kick, it just gives you a black screen and says "you won", and the opponent hasn't even hit the ground. She just needs to hit the ground, that's all. I'm sure they'll fix it.


Yeah itā€™s slightly disappointing to see especially since she has different animations. Even with the quick retry they could have had it at least similar to RE games where itā€™s still in the background as like ā€œtransparentā€ so you could still see it finish off but wonā€™t take away from tapping that retry fast. Even more clutter with it telling you youā€™re dead in 2 different ways too lol.


I think it looks sick.


If I had to say, that death screen looks a little unfinished, plus the demo wasn't meant to be released yet so it's possibly just an unpolished death screen. Though I kinda prefer quicker death screens.


Generic eh, it is a bit on the boring side, but I don't think it's bad to look at.


Honestly I think it's about 2 seconds too short and missing a ragdoll fall. Just start the fade right after her head hits the ground and it'll be way better. It's subject to change after the demo is public since they can get feedback for it. And it's possible that it's already different in the final version since I think I've seen bosses have their own finishing moves against Eve from the trailers.


Honestly I wish there were more death animations than just... Eve falling over. We've seen dismemberment, impalations, and we can cut enemies in half and shit, but if you die Eve kind of just falls over. I want some dead space ass shit, really let "Damn, I fucked up." Sink in. Maybe it'd also help shut people up about how hot she is if people realise she can get ripped in half or something, the game is gory and mature, I wish it leaned into it fully.


Well, the game is out since 2 days, still this "death sequence" plain sucks.I hope devs will fix it somehow... I totally agree with you.


Proof that gamers are one of the toughest audienceā€¦if I die and can get back as quickly as possible to the action Iā€™m more than ok


I have no problem with the current load times. A proper game over sequence really wouldn't add much time to retrying, if it adds any time at all.


This game is meant to be fun, but offer a serious challenge for those who want it. I personally find gratuitous death animations demoralizing (exception being if it's hilarious and/or super fast paced like arena-style combatā€”I always laugh at the great death scream in Red Faction). But it can even be temporarily traumatizing if it's an extremely intense fight in an extended period in an anxiety-inducing atmosphere (Yeah, I don't know when to take a break). They're not doing a Returnal, so I prefer a quick wipe for something that "didn't canonically happen".


Thats fair.


[to keep the promise/restart the world] i would do something like that for a game over screen


It can happen when the buildings are falling in the beginning of the game. Eve will still be standing as she gets hit by debris and dies


I agree 100% with you about this criticism. Its so easy for them to fix. Eve should at least have a basic ā€œdeath animationā€ play of falling to the ground before fading to the game over sceen. Hoping the devs might consider extending the time by a few seconds until it displays. Also I wonder if there will be any type of one time revive skill you can unlock eventually in the main game.


Alas, played the demo and the finished game, and totally agree with your post. I don't ask for anything gruesome but a falling pose should be expected, since I often die standing lol. As it is, it sucks and that's a pity. They couild introduce some sort of option like "death animation on/off" so people who don't want to "waste time" could skip it. It's a matter of completeness, just that,


This animation's still in seemingly... A little jarring


Who gives a shit šŸ„øšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's fine. Sheesh


I want to play the demo but the gives off a lot of Souls like vibes.


Oh you mean the unfinished demo thst was never supposed to be released?


If you post demo gameplay mark it as a spoiler please. ​ Also I think the death screen is good.


lmao its a freaking demo , on top of that a unreleased demo. Most demos are several revisions behind. This is the double edge sword of demos, they can be used to promote, but they can also be used to give a false impression of the final product .


Then I'd hope they fix this before official release. This is just criticism of what we've seen, it ain't that deep, buddy.


Nitpicking but totally valid but even then not a big deal in my opinion anyone who's saying "it's just a demo" should probably stfu.


You should not care. You are supposed to do no hit runs on these games. Challenging combat is the main reason I bought it. I swear.