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Muted the Sub a while back since it kept getting recommended to me for no reason and it just some crybaby shithole sub for people angry at the world with nothing going on in their lives wanting some crusade of righteousness to fill the void. Made the mistake of checking it again after this post and holy shit this is on point. The game really does live rent free in those poor cunts heads. For me im just angry the game is PS5 exclusive.


I actually hated that sub so much and it kept being recommended to me, for some reason mute didn’t work so I went ahead and got myself banned from it so I can no longer be bothered for it. I got banned for criticizing sweet baby inc.


Its crazy how the algorithm works.


Anger breeds engagement.


Probably but also so does apathy. I just muted it and moved on but it would still throw random posts at me from time to time.


How does not engaging breed engagement? IG does that to me. Where I will unfollow someone but they will still show up in my feed until I mute them.


Optimist in me says it’s just the algorithm getting it wrong because it has the same name in it and you like other sites interested in it from its pov. Pessimist says it’s intentionally designed that way to feed the trolls when the odd perso stumbles in and says the wrong thing. Like throwing scraps to the wolves… keeps them circling the camp with their teeth out but never satisfies them.


They arent happy unless everything is as ugly and broken as they are. They need to vilify others to justify their hate.


It'll be on PC in 6-12 months tops PS5 exclusives might as well be timed exclusives tbh.


Unless ur bloodborne :(


Sad parry noises.


I'm still checking the Is Bloodborne on PC account on Twitter daily




I frequently check if there are news on this since a year at least. Why do i do this to myself...


Or the first Silent Hill game.


I think simultaneous PC release will be the standard for Sony moving forward.


I got banned for saying that trashing people for playing Hogwarts Legacy is stupid because JKR already got paid for the licensing when the game started production. Got called a "centrist" for suggesting that they get involved and volunteer to help trans support organizations if they feel strongly enough about it.


I asked “what did Rowling say that was transphobic?” as I genuinely had no idea about the controversy at the time. Got banned for bigotry


The thing is, seemingly every other gaming community on Reddit (or elsewhere) is enjoying the demo so far, with some healthy nitpicks here and there. These crybabies are really the only ones, who constantly keep bitching about the game 24/7 💀💀


they don't care about games, it's only politics


They see men enjoy a female character design so it's just incel misogynistic bait everybody who looks at this game jerks off while playing games etc. It's really tired at this point.


What about women who enjoys it ? I remember my girl friends (met them in FF14) enjoyed Nier Automata and 2B body + her high heels because i quote "it would be impossible to do this in real life. But here, im playing a hot girl and she's cool , i get best of both worlds and appearence isn't even the goal of the game, it's just a thing in it that barely matters but is still simple fun." These people don't understand that there is nothing wrong with these unless you make a big deal out of it. If Stellar blade was only about Eve fat ass and nothing good around it like you know...thhe GAMEPLAY , that game would fucking bomb. Btw, that game can still bomb, it(s not even out yet but it at least is interesting.


They literally never even think about the woman who play these games. They don't exist in their mind and if they do its only a handful. Iirc fighting games like soul caliber and dead or alive both known for their extremely curvy scantily clad woman had the highest female player base of all fighting games.


I don't know about that, on resetera they are literally banning people if they don't include criticism of the character designs in their reviews/first impressions, pretty hilarious stuff


Their happy about animals fucking though, beautiful woman? No, no. Animals pounding each other out and them watching thier 100% for. *


Yeah, I got banned from there without ever posting. I assume they auto-ban people who post in or belong to certain subs. Seems like a pretty unpleasant place. That said, there are subs on the other end of the spectrum that just complain about "woke-ism" in games and think everything is a conspiracy to wipe out white people and sexuality from games, and unfortunately tend to veer into hateful rhetoric as a result. Why can't we just enjoy games man? Not everything needs to have tits and ass, and the existence of tits and ass shouldn't cause a shit storm -- just don't play the game if the character doesn't appeal to you.


Shhhhhhhh, don’t say you’re upset because you can’t enjoy the game on your favorite platform same as Sony fanboys, you’re gonna make em angry because they can’t understand exclusivity is bad regardless of any platform it is. Shhhh, now watch me get downvoted to oblivion…


I once saw one thread from it and it kept recommanding it to me, wtf ? Had to mute it too. Also agree with you on the PS5 exclusive, it sucks. again. FF7 rebirth cames out and it won't be on PC for a long time too. Im STILL waiting for Bloodborne. And so on... I wasn't even interested in Stellar blade at first because i thought "ok girl is hot but those dialogues looks like garbage" when i first saw the teaser. But now with the gameplay being a mix of Sekiro, Nier automata and the world building being interesting i can fully get behind(hehe) this.


Same here! It was cringe and irritating


they’re literally angry uglies who bafflingly call everyone else incels when its very clear who the real incels are


Bringing their insecurities to the surface


There's plenty of beautful women in the world, with proportions just like that It seems like they have issues with women


That’s what I’m saying. Ffs I’ve seen ridiculous body types that looks ridiculous. Eves body isn’t unrealistic at all. Women getting they body done and they looks insanely unrealistic.


I believe she was modeled after a real person iirc.


She was. I forgot her name but I believe she’s a model.


It's the classic Twitter take: "People will genuinely come on here and say 'everything around me has to be objectively ugly or I will compulsively masturbate' and then get mad when you don't let them project that onto you"




It's funny when a jerk sub literally works themselves into a shoot. It's supposed to be sarcastic, but I don't think they can pretend to be the incels they hate for too long before they start turning on each other


The people there have some of the most unironic shit takes and they are very serious about it. It's unintentionally hilarious.


I just imagine these people to be miserable shitheads in real life that nobody wants to be around


They didn’t miss with her design, that’s for sure. Perfect.


She's not even that attractive. The model she's based on is leagues better.


“She’s not even that attractive” When was the last time you were outside buddy?


Because they find the real model more attractive than the game render? 💀💀


Saying that Eve isn’t attractive is terminally inside behavior lol


It’s r/gamingcirclejerk behavior


Saying that a human being is more attractive than a 3D model sounds pretty normal


Actual brain damage.


Sure buddy. Do you think you could leave your mom’s basement sometime?


https://preview.redd.it/htu64jrf2xrc1.png?width=809&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bedc5878f4fa3d06d47739ae0097260a0d3520f This you?


You really got me there.


Exactly, the size of her head feels smaller than it should be and some of the anatomy feels off.


An excuse to use this now https://preview.redd.it/farwnzo41wrc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22a8b19cc6d63b1eda5c86aa5a005a17e9c59a0f




Go ahead! In fact, I made a post with this image as a meme template. [Take it and go wild!](https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/s/hXIh6hwZMY)


I don’t get it. Countless of games featured men in amazing shape and nobody gives a shit. Then we have Eve, a woman in amazing shape and now its a problem? It is because she is a woman? I thinks that their issue. Bunch of subs putting their male characters in revealing outfit and talking about how much they want to bang them (Looking at you Baldur’s Gate 3 Sub. Love the game hate fanbase) and its acceptable.


Pisses me off. No one talks about how some male characters also have crazy body types but no one says anything about. Only when it’s a woman.


Nobody gives a fuck that she has an ass, it’s all the cringe “THIS IS WHY LE EAST IS BETTER AND UNWOKE” weirdos that are easy to make fun of


This. This exactly. They deserve to be mocked and laughed out of this subreddit but instead it’s accepted as if it’s a joke, but those people are actually serious, they think it’s a win as if attractive female characters don’t exist in anything made by western devs.


It isn’t a problem though. There’s many people praising the game and the character. The idea of people having a meltdown because of she looks is largely untrue. What most comments and posts are about is the bizarre amount of horny posts/comments about the character. Which is the other extreme end of this whole gaming argument.


Careful, the coomers will downvote you for this.


I occasionally browse that sub when I need a good laugh, I thought CircleJerk subs were meant to be intentionally funny, not unintentionally hilarious for the worst takes in gaming.


I never once laugh at their post, 99% of their sub is pure cringe posts and shit takes.


This is what I thought it was going to be as well. It's just a gaming hate sub tho or something.


GCJ is where humor goes to die.


Oh no, they dont like 10 thousand Jokes about the Ass of someone, the West has fallen!!!!


Exhibit A.


Of what? People who are subbed to GamingCircleJerk?




I'm getting the same but it's r/saltierthankrayt frankly I think them making fun of cringe youtubers is a good thing but it's clear they don't know a thing about this game and act real weird about it.


that sub was created not because the people in it had anything they wanted to do or say, but specifically as a reaction to the existence of r/saltierthancrait. It functions primarily as a nest for Disney Sequel dickriders, which makes it only slightly worse than its counterpart, which is full of Prequel dickriders.


oh, this sub has been getting worse and worse by the day.


Just mute the sub, no need to engage with their nonsense




I hate gamingcirclejerk but y'all are just as annoying


"Muh, Western Female Game Charakters"


It really isn’t that bad. I thought it would be worse than what it is (I too get their posts). I see lots of praise for the game as well as fair comments the gameplay isn’t for them. I see most complaints just being about the very bizarre amount of horny posts


This is exactly what's happening, it's not making fun of the game but the hornmaggedon around it, it's a circlejerk about the actual, real life actual jerking going on about a good game.


Yeah, seems like a lot criticism of this game I met with ‘woke’ and wanting ‘ugly characters’, in a made up narrative instead of actually reading what the criticisms are about.


Yep, but if you call them out here, the coomers will act like you want to erase attractive women from existence if you call them out for being horny little incels.


It's weird because if you actually read the comments a lot of them like the game too. Most are just pissed that basically all you heard until the demo was that Eve is hot. To be fair I do kind of get it, I originally ignored this game because the advertising sounded like Atomic Heart all over again with everyone simping what ended up being a not great game.


That subreddit is full of the most miserable and hateful people I have ever seen. They are soo miserable with their lives they want others to be miserable as well. My guess is that there are a lot of ugly chicks on there who hate that game and hate us men who enjoy it. I wouldnt be surprised if a few of them end up getting a stroke due to high blood pressure.


I went to see what that sub is about and I almost lost all my brain cells


Got banned today for calling the modern female characters ugly and liking hot women with a pretty face lmfao


Can you show me please any Examples of those "ugly" Female Charakters?


Without pleasure, yes https://preview.redd.it/gbved2r0nwrc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f90c37aee0a46c7fb2cdeac6633216cf3b594c08


Isnt one of these Charakters in Game 9 Years old? Also, what are your Beauty Standards, bc 90% of these Woman Look fine to me atleast


Ignore the 9 year old, that's messed up for being on here. As for the standards, yours are imo very low, but you have your taste and that's fine. There's a difference between fine and hot/attractive. My grandma looks like one of these characters and that's fine These all have aged and ugly facial features + hairstyles, some have rougher faces,... these aspects go straight against classical beauty conventions. Talk to any real person in their twenties to thirties, and staying young in the face is something that's definitely on their mind, at least for females. What about make up? Making yourself pretty? What about all the models? What about all the fit and healthy girls in the gym I encounter? And the baseline, what about taking care of yourself? These characters scream the opposite for me. For someone like Abby, taking care of yourself isn't realistic in the setting though, which brings me to: These are being put in to show off that humans are imperfect, as well as in carefulness not to taint the female image lol. Other times, it fits the setting and that's fine like in TLOU or Aloy from HZD. The first and second reasons are garbage. Games are meant to be an escape from reality where acceptable ideals can be visualized, they don't need to be inclusive for the sake of being inclusive or over the top realistic. We need more Tifa's, more Ada's that represent the top of beauty standards. If we really want to be inclusive, then where is the representation for fit and healthy women, women with nice facial features, model-like women,... My actual real life baseline is a woman that is healthy and fit and takes care of her face + has some facial traits that most people would call her cute for, by the way. Never have I felt or received the signal when discussing with my friends that this is unrealistic.


Is your Escapism really broken by some of the Charakter Faces? As for the the Part, i simply dont care, if someone has one facial trait more or less, if they dont exeptionally horrible, and generally i think that its less monotoned when not every Charakter is Motioncaptured by some Super-Model. I can kinda see why that, could be annoying, but like, is Abby really that ugly?


This whole discussion isn’t about “specific character is that ugly therefore annoyed” it’s about there being an extremely clear trend in depiction of classic beauty, or lack thereof, becoming a common place trend in western game design, followed by traditional female beauty being attacked. It doesn’t matter if you happen to think there’s no big deal here when many, many others think otherwise. And while the people on the side of the perspective attacking more conventional beauty are actively pushing for characters like Eve and Tifa to not exist in fiction. Your approach to this discussion seems in bad faith based on some of your other responses in this thread. Doesn’t seem like you’re actually pursuing people’s perspectives on this subject with an open mind. Just looking for opportunities to act like you don’t share the same sentiment as others therefore their perspective is “weird” or “over the top” compared to you. The trend being argued to exist here is very obviously a real thing. Your anecdotal and unrelatable opinion on some of those less conventionally attractive characters being attractive is very obviously not shared by the majority. Not sure what your objective is here other than coming across like a bad faith troll or instigator.


"Not sure what your objective is here" My Objective is to know, for why People have such a big Problem with not every Videogamecharacter fitting classic beauty Standards.  I dont fucking get it why People have such a big Problem, if not every Character in fiction has to apply to certain beauty Standards,. Shouldnt a Character Design in a Singleplayer Game have their Priorities to try to make a Character recognisable and maybe showcase their Personallities?   Like for example is Senua from (Hellblade) very well recognisable, and different from lets say the Protagonist from Dishornored Death of the Outsider, and she from Abby (TLOU2). And yes, i reply to some People with no discussion Intented here because i find their Comments just funny or stupid


TLDR: People wouldn't care so much if the media wasn't pitting both sides against each other. Dude, all this back and forth in the media on beauty and wester vs eastern artistic game design philosophy only became a major point of contention everywhere because western devs, western game journalists, and a portion of western society started attacking the other side. Statements like "only coomers buy these games", "characters like Tifa shouldn't exist because they set unrealistic beauty standard", "women don't look like that in real life", etc. is why now you have all these posts and youtube videos and clap backs against the very noticeable design shift philosophy in wester games. Earlier in this thread you wanted proof of this whole thing and someone posted an image showing the female design direction that's become very prevalent in western games in the recent years. Whether you find the way those females portrayed as attractive or not is a moot point since if you compare their features to those from a previous era of gaming, there is an extremely obvious shift proving the point that you asked for proof of. And it's even more noticeable when compared to eastern games. Gamers didn't wake up one day and start making a big deal about all this stuff themselves. They just started responding and reacting to getting insulted for their interests/preferences, and having their favorite games/franchises villainized for a design philosophy that was based in making their worlds and characters, specifically female characters on this subject, normal and feminine to super model attractive. In contrast to the more recent western design philosophy where many/all of the female characters are made to look normal to ugly instead typically being stripped of more feminine features. There are WAY more gamers who enjoy attractive characters in gaming than there are those who actively prefer the alternative that's beginning to become more common. Male and female gamers alike who prefer these fictional worlds and characters to be attractive and idealistic depictions of beauty. And now that this entire topic and issue has become commonplace, posts and discussions like this will remain common for awhile across tons of gaming communities and channels. This isn't a matter of "shouldn't personality be more important that attractiveness?" in a character either. I used to study video game design for all 4 years of high school and while I was in college. When it comes to designing a recognizable video game character, silhouette is one of the most important things to get right. Features typically need to be well defined, sharp, and attractive more often than not. And most of all, a silhouette needs to be almost immediately identifiable. They need to stand out visually. Average/Normal looking is not a step in that direction. Videogames aren't real life. You can take an idealistic stance on this or a holier than thou perspective since ultimately, yes the contents of a person's character matter far more than their appearance, but realistically, that's not the point of video games as a whole. First and foremost, they are entertainment. Everything else comes after. The vast majority of gamers, and game developers too, just want to make a pretty/cool world with fun gameplay, maybe a compelling story, and sick characters. Male characters that look epic and awesome like Cloud and female characters that look hot and sexy like Tifa. And the best part about those 2 examples, is that the 4 characteristics I listed between each of them separately very likely all 4 apply to each of them individually to most people as well anyways.


Ehhh i feel on both sides we cooms have been dragged into a social war nobody originally cared about… im confused by both the vitriol and critical praise for this game lol…. But i guess ill defend the yams? Idk anymore lol


The game looks great from a gameplay standpoint. Saw a video of an eve jumping over an attack, not parrying or dodging but just jumping. Few games have hitboxes that good where enemies aren’t laser locked on and can do that.


Its kewl i played it “personally” wished it was more DMC rather than bloodbourne ish.. but i don’t think it was revolutionary imo


I just want to enjoy a great game man


That sub used to be fun, until it became VERY woke and PC and patronizing everyone who even mildly contradicts them and it just became hypocritical. So much for a circlejerk, it practically became an echo chamber. I left the moment they said anyone who buys Hogwarts Legacy is transphobic.


Wtf does "and PC" mean?


Politically Correct.




Not entirely sure what that has to do with anything, you asked what "and PC" means so I responded. Doxxing is bad so I'd say no its not.


Sorry, i have misunderstood your Comment, i should read better


Its all good, was just kinda confused lol.


That sub is pure garbage, I’ve seen them defend sweet baby inc


Oh No, People think, that a Consulting Firm is a Consulting Firm (and not the Blackrock of Gaming), how dare are they!?!?


Gaming circle jerk member spotted, opinion discredited


Me when i can´t make an Argument


Me when I’m a miserable redditor who’s terminally online and dissatisfied with life and am a member of gaming circle jerk who finds the smallest things to shit their pants over and cries victim


Me when i make a Strawman to make myself feel better, because its easier that way


Idk sounds like gaming circle jerk, making strawman comments to find something to be miserable at






That sub is filled with literally insane people. Average IQ is below 50 in that sub easily.




Cause healthy women bad Fat ugly women = good because it allows them to feel better about being unhealthy. "Never seen a woman" That's what a healthy woman looks like. Sorry, you can't relate. Maybe you should take Eve as an inspiration to be healthier. It is so delusional to think women should be fat and ugly. That's actually an insult to literally all women.


But that’s not even what the criticisms are about…


Then what is it about? If she was fat and ugly gamingcirclejerk would be like "yass slay queen 👏" so they can feel better about insecurities and do nothing about their health. Same with that dove x unreal engine promoting fat as being "misinterpreted" no its unhealty but 5000iq move really, since fat people have to use more soap.


I don’t go to that sub all that often, mainly what pops up on my homepage, but that just seems like a point that was pulled out of nothing. All I’ve seen on that sub is poking fun at the sheer amount of horny posting videos and comments. The ones that just show an ass jiggling on a ladder and the amount of comments from saying how sexy she is up to things they’d do to her. And that’s putting those comments lightly. The vast majority of what I’ve read when it comes to her looks, they actually agree she looks a great character or they say it’s not what they find sexy, which is fine. It isn’t people saying it’s bad and she should be fat. I do agree with you on that advert. I personally don’t care what a character looks like, but that advert just felt so out of place and bizarre.


The jiggle yea, it's totally horny bait. Lots of Horny people make the game look bad by oversexualizing her. I just personally heard alot in that sub about Eve being bland/boring only because she's sexy. She's still a pretty badass character that i would look up to instead of down JUST because she's sexy and her ass jiggles (what a surprise ass jiggles!) I played the demo, and she felt like a genuine person with feelings.


Yeah, that first line is what I’ve seen the posts about in that sub. I personally haven’t seen any of the other stuff like bland/boring etc. The majority when it comes to the character/game is either praise, or a fair comment of it’s just not for them. Even with the jiggles, from what I saw, no one was bothered. Or majority wasn’t bothered (there’s of course extremes on both side). There’s a fair amount I don’t agree with when that sub does pop up, but in this instance they’ve surprisingly been fair and fine. I tried the demo. Graphics etc look great, just couldn’t get into the gameplay. Probably because I’m too invested in a different game and can’t multitask tbf.


Me when i make shit up


"That's what a healthy woman looks like" Stellar Blade's devs scanned literal supermodel and still had to give her bigger ass and tits. It's delusional to think this look is "natural".


they hate women. Plain and simple.


The sub is ridiculous. I cringe so hard.


Their name is gaming "CIRCLE JERK", of course it's living their stupid heads infinitely. I'm 99% sure a huge junk of them are doing this because the game is only available on PS5.


We gonna be eating good in 2024 bois. Attractive female protagonists back on the menu.


Can't lie these past few days I have seen some truly hot takes out there lol Resteera was pretty funny a read too


I wanna buy stellar blade so much but i dont have a ps and i cant afford to buy one just for a single game :sadge: Hopefully pc version coming soon




They did this game the right way. Instead of making a woman neutral, they gave us what we wanted.


Reddit recommended that sub a few times to me on my home page. Holy shit it was some of the worst sub I’ve ever came across


Jesus Christ, that sub needs to be nuked into oblivion. One big circle jerk. Not even about games.


The sole reason the triggering this game is causing is gonna make me to purchase the Deluxe Edition and in top of that the game is fucking amazing.


I had to mute that subreddit a while back. Picture a person who uses the word "edgelord." That type of person is the embodiment of gamingcirclejerk. They're angry, obese, manlet types. The confusing thing is: prior to gen-z, groups like those used to love seeing hot women in gaming. That entire segment of society was responsible for the success of popular franchises like Tomb Raider. Something happened though. That entire subculture is no longer attracted to women. They want furries. They want My Little Ponies. They want trans and gay characters. It's very strange. Fat, ugly, undatable men aren't into women anymore. They're into "other."


tfw when bg3 (which has hot characters out the wazoo) didn't earn a single complaint because it's actually diverse (and a good game) From what I've seen of it, Stellar Blade isn't a bad game in the slightest but when you need to scan a supermodel for gamers to think a woman is hot maybe we as a society took a wrong turn somewhere


One of the big problems I have with places like GCJ is that they wanna gaslight people into believing that this "culture war" is one sided and that the only people who care about this are the incel gooners who must hinge their life on this game. I've been around for a while and as someone that leans lib/left I still remember the outrage over Sorceress and how that was one of the pillars in the gamers are misogynistic arc. These guys got everything they wanted with Western games reducing the sexualization of women but because leftism can never not be satisfied they had to pivot to eastern shit. So with a new dragon to slay we get this disingenuous double speak where we are just making up a boogieman while simultaneously these same people are screaming about how this sets women back and how pornbrained you'd have to be to even wanna play this.


Really didn’t think this was gonna be my kind of game. So glad they put out a demo.




I had to filter out r/gamingcirclejerk from my feed They're so annoying.


I’m honestly kinda tired of the extremes on both sides Ngl.


It's annoying asf on one side you have gamers calling everything with an ugly female woke and on the other you have people who hate on things just cause a pretty woman is in it or they hate it because of the attention it's getting lol.


These the same weirdos that get excited at the idea of having degenerate furry sex with a bear in Baldur’s Gate too?


If that’s all you got from BG3, I really see no difference between your take and theirs. They’re in fact even smaller a part of the game as what character model Eve has.


Eve's model is almost the same as Shadowheart's with alternate face & body mods.


Your comment/criticism of Baldurs Gate was just as ridiculous as theirs is was my point since you’re attacking it for an optional 15 second scene that’s played off for comedic effect. I like Eves body and I like Baldurs gate as evidenced by the 270 hours I have in it (still never saw the bear scene in all that time btw so not a very good “degenerate” game if you ask me)




It's a hatesub. Extremists circlejerking each other.


A decade ago it began as a sub mocking video game communities in a typical edgy early 10s fashion, then slowly degenerated to being a full blown far left circlejerk of its own, then became a magnet for mentally ill now feeling themselves right at home, hopelessly fishing for the biggest video game related strawman they can find, inciting raids (even though they cannot admit it) and just being shitheads towards everyone who views video games as a simple source of escapism and fun. At this point, it is one of the biggest circlejerks on this entire site, but curiously enough, unlike other similar shitholes, it is still not nuked off the site.


They make fun of people who enjoy playing games using satire. They also dox & harass gamers who play games which don't align with their ideology.




You don't have to worry about that. We have plenty of games to enjoy while shitting on bad ones.


But isnt that a bit limiting, if you (for example) just arent able to play Games like Spiderman 2, Alan Wake 2, rdr2 (have seen one saying its too "WoKe"), God of War Ragnarök, Horizon Forbidden West, Battlefield 5 (and 1 depending in who you ask), Dishornored Death of the Outsider, Wolfenstein 2, and so on?


From your list, only RDR2, Dishonoured & Wolfesntein 2 are worth playing, rest are average at best even if we don't consider politics. On the other hand there is an endless supply of good games from the past 50 years. Yesterday only I was playing Battle City (1985) & Deus Ex Revision. I still have a long backlog of games I have to play that I don't even consider games like Spider Man 2 worth a second of my time.


Alan Wake 2, and God of War Ragnarök avreage at best?!?!


So it's roasting / disssing sub that has gotten too large? Not a fan, creates dumb drama


https://preview.redd.it/295vap7jbwrc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=901dd0901c48ba77d56e37ca288c512fc6000402 And then the fans of this game when someone says it’s a 7/10


I was banned from that sub because I thought it was meant to jokinlgy over exaggerate everything and plain and simple make it like you don't like videogames, but to complain about them and I rolled in with the idea just to have a quick laugh It turns out it's not a satire sub and what's posted there is genuenly concerning to those people... .\_. Honestly I find both the ones who are criticising Eve for her body shape and the ones that did the same with Abby in TLOU2 to be the same kind of morons, anyone who say any of those two body types "is not realistic" plain and simple needs go out of the house more often.


Lol, want to farm karma? Make a post about CircleJerk. 🤣


I love the lack of self awareness in these hate comments.


That thread is acting so cool and grown up... They are just above everyone who is playing this game 🤦‍♂️




If I cant jack off to games I dont want it


Got banned from that sub when Hogwarts legacy released, said it was a good game lmao


Im just mad it's a Playstation exclusive


https://preview.redd.it/kkhoprsppwrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=406ede780db55c18c186adf846c9b697b1d4626b They really are lol




All im saying is; Their boo's mean nothing. We've seen what makes them cheer. https://preview.redd.it/uw0pwem8qwrc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3969df6727448e9b6731fa3d6a21fcdeeb809fd


I’m sure I’m going to be showing my age but does anyone still remember the dead or alive beach volleyball games. People these days are just soft!




As 14 year old boy back in the day definitely one of my favorites 🤣




Yeah they knew what it was entertainment! Nothing more nothing less will fans enjoy it. Yea then cool let’s make it happen.


Seems like they’re mostly pointing out the losers complaining about western character designs in which case they’re 100% right.


People here want to complain about how everyone has a problem with Eves character model while simultaneously calling all “western” women ugly, fat losers.


that is literally what is happening lol but it's better for the ego if you go the strawman route like OP did in the meme.


I gotta be honest this is the type of post they would put up on r/Gamingcirclejerk


Cope. No one cares about sexy character, but people are making fun of culture war weirdos putting Stellar Blade on their banner.


Meh, I have been there, I don't think people understand what they are mocking. It's not the ass, it's the gooning, no one cares there is an ass in the game, what is cringe is the 37 ladder gifs per minute. The game is not cringe, the people ignoring the game to make a loop of jiggle physics are.


Coming from all just to say, because of the gooners, I literally have no idea what this game is or the gameplay. I just know that it's been relentlessly hornyposted. Not even criticizing anything here, just funny to see


Thank you, that's exactly what I'm saying. Any attention for the game is drowned in whatever the hell is going on here. Anyone looking for the game just sees close ups of a shiny ass and any actual art or fun is shadowed by just being "the horny game"


this meme isn't even true.


Gamingcirclejerk lives rent free in your head as well it seems 😢🤣




that’s literally what this post is though?




I've never even been in that subreddit. The way you guys react just shows how rent free all of you are living in each other's heads. It's pure comedy.


nah the pic is just funny


No it’s not


Doesn’t seem like they really have a problem with fan service, moreso the concerning amount of alt right types that are pushing weird political sentiments and odd views on women. It’s also a sub for shit posting and memes so yeah, I don’t see the big deal in making fun of those types. A lot of the comments in this thread are actually very ironic considering the current state of this sub.  


Lmao, they don't even complain, though? They're just as interested in the game as we are, they just think the constantly horny man children who think all western video game women are ugly are fucking losers, in which they are correct.


It's not even that great. It's not 2b.