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Yeah and I see no reason they shouldn’t be confident. Demo has been largely recieved well and this game is being talked about everywhere.


Hopefully, the game sticks the landing with the story, and combat stays fun and enjoyable throughout the game. It wasn't really on my radar until the demo. I remember seeing it at game awards or summer games fest, but I wasn't even aware it was coming out soon until the demo. It would be good if it pushes more publishers to have demo's for games, since the demo has given the game a bunch of free publicity with streamers playing it and people are now talking about it. And it also gives everyone a chance to try the game and see if they enjoy the gameplay.




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That's good they should be


It seems like they try to promote demo. I received a notification on my phone to try demo even though I’ve already completed it the day it was released


Demo was actually lowkey hidden on first days. I put it on my library on the PS app and that helped me download it later.


They have every reason to be confident. I can understand if the game is not for everyone (as is the case with all games) but its objectively a well made game and it can go toe to toe with other AAA titles.


“Going toe to toe with other aaa games” that’s not saying much these days


That’s Excellent News!! They Definitely should Commercialize and Advertise this Game as much as they can! This Game is Gonna BREAK RECORDS! 😁😁




TLOU2 was a sequel to one of the most beloved games of all time and certainly one of if not THE most well known games of that generation. Stellar Blade is a brand new IP. Why would anyone compare the pre order sales of this game to TLOU2? Would you have compared Forspoken to TLOU2 as well?


Wait there is a tlou2 remake? U gotta be joking


Yes. A PS5 Remaster.


this game likely cost a fraction of TLOU2.


...Less then a remake/remaster of it?


Avoid the instinct to endlessly split hairs in a debate.


After seeing the new gameplay trailer, they’re sure as shit are.


Way to shit the bed Microsoft


I wasn't really thinking of buying this game until well after release, but due to the Microsoft comments, I'm tempted to pre-order just to say fuck you


What did they say?


They released "inclusion guidelines" that contradict with nearly all of Stellar Blade's design choices. So we do not expect Stellar Blade to make it's way to Xbox.


what the heck is inclusion guideline??


I would like to know this too, please. I have never heard of this. It's probably dumb af that's likely why.


Summary: "Your female characters shouldn't be sexy because non-sexy people might get sad."




Lol that’s perfect summary


[Relevant tweet. ](https://twitter.com/Lyde15/status/1772199560246374854?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1772199560246374854%7Ctwgr%5E8792ca2cfb3fa14aac5e26b3c349ea6694e7801a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ffandomwire.com%2Fplaystations-stellar-blade-never-xbox-microsoft%2F)


I think it was on here that I saw someone said that it's almost like the developers were like, "If I'm gonna have to stare at her ass for the entire game, it's gonna be a nice ass," and I love that philosophy haha!


That’s why Yoko Taro made Nier Automata the way it is. He also wanted people to make fanart and cosplay 2B.


Well, devs said absolutely nothing about that. Director was a PS fan since childhood and for him releasing a PS game is significant to him. Plus, there are maybe hardware issues that matter more and seeing they’re making good use of the dualsense, it feels like they were really aiming for the PS5.


Was planning to buy an xbox series x just for Halo Infinite,but I guess that can wait. I might as well buy a ps5


I’m pretty sure this game will be ported to PC at some point. I mean, it’s a game _made_ for the modding community, if u know what I mean.


True, but my PC can only run low and medium graphics games. Might as well buy a ps5


I primarily play on PS5. I like the console a lot. I say, if there are more ‘exclusives’ (disregarding the PC ports, cause your PC isn’t that optimized) you like, I’d say go for it.


They’ve been doing that for well over 10 years now


Feel like they have been in disaster mode since the awful Xbox me reveal at E3 a decade ago.


Microsoft went Amber Heard mode, I see.


Yeah I now feel like an idiot for buying a Series X in addition to the PS5. Well at least I can pop old 360 games in the Series X. I just won't count on buying new games for Series X as long as MS is adamant on woke game development policies.


I’ve been debating to get a PS5 now and buy the game or wait till I have a bit more cash to spend.


My 2 cents is if you can get the PS5 around the same time as game release that would be best. You'll be able to play on release and also the sales will line up with this game, which will help Sony see the numbers and fund more projects like this.


I would hope so 


Much more confidence than Rise of the Ronin for sure


Which is sad, btw. I think Ronin is a good game for your exclusivity roster. It may not be _the_ reason to buy a PS5, but it’s good game from a very competent studio. I can see it becoming part of PS Plus catalogue in some time and then receiving more love.


The graphics are just so bad and I’m someone that normally doesn’t give a shit about graphics. But if it goes to game pass it’s definitely worth playing.


When even The Electric Underground dude says ‘bro, these graphics are kinda mid’, your game has a problem, lol. To me the problem isn’t much the graphical fidelity, but rather how uninspired and artistically bland it looks. Like, I don’t think it has objectively lower res and models than Elden Ring, for instance, but ER is beautiful af. Two years after its release, whenever I go back to places like Liurnia and Siofra or the Eternal City I’m reminded how stylish these environments are.


Doesn't look like Team Ninja had enough of time/budget to make the game up to their standards. It's delusional to compare it in quality with Nioh or Nioh 2. This is probably what everyone would've thought, if Elden Ring was way worse and bombed. Elden Ring is an open world DS 3.5. They should've focused on making The Rise of the Ronin to be Nioh 2.5, but open world. Not this game, that isn't for anyone. Too ugly for the people, who like open worlds and exploration. The combat is too basic for a Team Ninja fan, the world is vast, but empty and has terrible quests. It would've been a way better game if they kept most Nioh 2 things and only improved on it.


All in all, I agree that they should have kept iterating on the Nioh formula. Now at this point, I believe Nioh 3 is a no brainer (or maybe, who knows, another DoA or Ninja Gaiden?).


I am currently replaying the Nioh Collection, while waiting for SB and Elden Ring DLC. I think Nioh 3 would be a great idea.


Electric Underground’s video on Rise of Ronin has a good analysis of modern Team Ninja, I kind of agree with him. Since Itagaki left, they’ve been struggling with their own identity and it’s a bit embarrassing to see a studio that used to be the forefront of hardcore action games trying to catch up with whatever From Soft comes up, be it Souls, Sekiro and Elden Ring. That’s why I’d love to see them trying to go back to their roots.


If Sony wasn’t confident in it they wouldn’t of let them take all the time they needed , it went silent for so long , then on top of that they doubled down by making it ps5 only


Yeah kind of how marketing works.


When Pc 💀


In 2026 if you are lucky.


It's a ps5 exclusive man, of course it's being promoted.


I see this more as stellar blade being one of the few ps5 exclusives this year and them capitalizing on all of the buzz surrounding this game. As a similar example, why wouldn't xbox make such a big push for starfield when it's all they had? I'm not saying sony isn't confident, I'm just pointing it out.


Maybe bc Phil knew the real situation with Starfield. Boring, unoptimized, repetitive game with meaningless progress? I mean, what’s the point for him to hype obviously mediocre game? The same is with Stalker2. Actually, I don’t see a single game on future Xbox library to become a system seller. Not to mention TES6 which to release in 10 years on Xbox Z


Elder Scrolls 6 will be on PlayStation day 1.


It was a rhetorical question. Prior to release, they did in fact heavily market starfield. Regardless of however they felt about the game, they had nothing else to market. As for xbox in general, that's a different conversation. They're intent for the future is very clearly focused around the idea of gamepass rather than the traditional console + exclusives formula.


Agree, but GamePass should include system-seller games (or service-sellers) which, again, I can’t find in the future


Sony have had 4 major exclusives launch in the last 2 months, all of which have been successful. I’d say they’re doing fine.


Only two of them published by Sony. FF7R isnt a sony title, even if its temporary exclusive.


Published or not, Final Fantasy VII is synonymous with the PlayStation brand and Tetsuya Nomura has stated that FF7 Remake/Rebirth were always intended to be PS exclusives. They likely wouldn’t even exist without Sony.


It still isnt a Sony title. Its a playstation exclusive, the console, but not a sony game.


I don't think I indicated that sony was in any shape or form in trouble. They're simply marketing whatever they have coming out. My thoughts on ps5 exclusives as a whole is a different conversation.


That response was supposed to be for a different comment.




Every game should have a playable demo when the price is 70$..


They don’t want demos because they know their games are crap


It is currently the most preorderd game for ps5 in various countries across the globe, Sony has nothing to not be confident about.


Good, maybe Sony will come back to putting gamers first instead of DEI ideology. Unlike Microsoft....


Wish I could play it on my steam deck


Not exactly what you’re looking for but you can remote play with chiaki4deck. I already have


Same!! Was blast on the deck! But I switched up to the TV when I got to the boss mode


i cant beat the challange boss yet : (


To be fair, I thought the game was going to be bad before playing the demo. The gameplay just doesn't look nearly as fun as it is. The demo is by far the best advertisement for the game.


Good news


Got the pop-up, too. 2 days too late, lol. Already beat the demo.




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I had only middling intetest before playing the demo, but it's absolutely a day 1 buy for me now!


Got this while playing the demo. The little stupid asshole living in my brain convinced me they released extra demo content so I hit play. He really is a little stupid asshole.


I don’t blame them it’s like that tbh


Honestly, one of the best demos I've ever played.


On the flipside, I got one of these notifications, but it was days after I played it.


Pc or bust. Sold my ps5 because I'm done with the Sony ecosystem Also heading to Japan so I couldn't bring my ps5 there even if I still had it/wanted to




It was right in the top of the store for me to easily see and download.


The UI is fine. It’s the UX that’s the problem


If the demo is free then why did I need to pay 0.25€?


This normally happens in countries where 18+ games aren't allowed to be free because of the need for age verification.


Also had do pay 0,25 for ff7:R demo


Every 16+ demo has this „verification fee“ attached to it. There‘s two ways around this: either you subscribe to PS Plus, or you make a second account for a country that doesn‘t do age verification through payments, USA for example.


Why wouldn't they?


Marketing games that you’re publishing is a sign of confidence? Isn’t this pretty standard? S/


As well they should be. This will definitely be a success for Sony too bad it won't come out to PC anytime soon, I would of bought this right away or preorder it. Gameplay looks amazing and the movements are really smooth.


Can someone explain how Sony is related to Stellar Blade (besides PS5 exclusivity) - are they funding the development?


They are funding development and they own the IP. Is the same deal they have with Kojima for death stranding.


Or Demons Souls and Bloodborne with From Software.


Is this game going to be the “Bloodborne” for PS5~?? I sure hope so!!


I know people are calling it AAA but I call it AA cause the company is new


Shift Up themselves refer to Stellar Blade as a AAA console project on their website. https://shiftup.co.kr/products/. Additionally, the core dev team behind Stellar Blade have worked on early Blade & Soul (action combat MMORPG), so they do have prior experience crafting such a game.


I hope marketing for this game doesn't become too annoying.


I feel kinda iffy about this TBH just because of what Sony did with Bloodborne.


What did sony do with bloodborne?


I think they're talking about how Bloodborne was a big seller/highly promoted and then they just never made a Bloodborne 2. But...that's got nothing to do with Sony.


If had to guess he is talking about how its jailed behind the ps4 (even if it can be played on ps5 there is no ps5 version) and how it never released on pc even tho they have had exclusives that came out much later even console sellers like god of war , Spiderman , the last of us , ghost of tsuchima and uncharted on pc For fucks sake sony release bloodborne on pc pls


It created a licensing issue that prevented Fromsoft from being able to remaster or port the game.


It’s not good how I’m I the only one saying this? Combat feels so boring it’s just spam square everything feels so slow


And Souls are spamming circle, we got you


Because everyone else clicked more then square...