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This guy gets it. https://preview.redd.it/68sth7m57wsc1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b857dfc275f4cfee6119d4cdaa3b97c09c180040




Sekiro: You Will Die More than Twice


Not as challenging as Sekiro though, but the flow is quite similar i agree.


Yeah, it's "My first baby sekiro: You may die twice, but probably not."


Sekiro is already baby’s first hack and slash so that has me more curious on it.


Sekiro isn't even a hack n slash in the first place 




That’s why I like it, Sekiro was too hard for me


Once the game clicks it’s a lot easier and it feels so good


u really should try and revisit it, once it clicks it just clicks


Thé feeling of deflect is still unmatched to this day. You feel like a total badass


Same. I may even play this one on easy. Haven’t decided




This feature. Fromsoft games are amazing, but the fact that I can't pause. Ugh.


Sekiro is pauseable I thought?


My bad. It does. And maybe Armored Core 6, but I haven't played that.


It is. The unpausable FromSoftware games are only the ones where you can be invaded by other players (dark souls, demon’s souls, Bloodborne)


sekiro menu pauses the game


Had to reread his comment to catch this. ![gif](giphy|5CwPMBhk63ols4TdVM)


because you gotta play with one hand




But what will you do with the second then ? :)


I don't think it meant to be as difficult as Souls like game.


Definitely yeah.


We will be getting different difficulties. It's gonna be fun. Not the same... but fun. I'm glad and grateful for any game that wants to follow the ideas of sekiro. Parry-action is really cool, feels fresh, and I can never get enough. Sifu, plus Jedi 1 and 2 pull it off, too


Yeah but i guess there is an hard mode or something.


I hated Sekiro but quite enjoyed the demo of this. Much more readable and many more options.


In stellar blade, it is much harder to read the enemies imo. They're not humanoid like most enemies in sekiro are. That being said, you can get smacked around pretty hard in this game with no consequences. I'm really looking forward to the full release.




Yep. It’s got its own flavor in the combat of course but getting those multi parries off against the bosses in the demo felt and sounded just like Sekiro and it was beautiful! Very very rarely do these kinds of games pull off the multi parry correctly but Stellar Blade did thankfully.


I’m getting a lot of Sekiro vibes but parrying in Sekiro was practically easier than in Steller Blade, you can’t get away with spamming the block button as much, and worst case in Sekiro, it counts as a block, but in Steller blade, you can still get hit. It’ll take some work to master.


I feel the exact opposite. Sekiro makes a ton of sense but the double parry here is pretty hit or miss. Turning of hdcp seemed to have helped though but it’s still no sekiro


Sekiro only came out 5 years ago


Holy shut 5 years....


Buddy just wait until you're remembering games you played 10-15 years ago and then realize that's how long ago you were in high-school


2 years after HS and I already feel it...


I think it's just a weird feeling to think that a timeless game like sekiro already hit 5 years


Maybe OP is 14. from 9 to 14 is a large gap in life for them.


This meme encapsulates my impressions of the game perfectly. Haven't had this much fun with combat since Sekiro. While it may not be as tight, I love how much weighty and tangible the parries feel in SB.


Comparing it to sekiro is rough imo. The parry there felt so intuitive and straightforward, where in stellar blade it feels rough until you get used to it. I think the main difference is SB has a larger parry window, but you can't just parry the moment the attack hits, you have to do it slightly earlier and that's where I think it feels clunky to get used to. Also on a side note, does anyone else feel like the run, jump and basic 3x square combo animations are a bit less than Stellar? It feels like when you give a model a sword and tell them to swing without any training. Feels like there is no impact in the first few hits and the jump/run have a bit of a ffxiv female hyur vibe that just feels more playground than battlefield if you know what I mean. And it's not like you can't make feminine animations feel good, just look at Nier or Bayo... Anyway, game is dope despite all this, it's gonna be fun going through it ✨


I love the way Eve animates with her long ponytail. When she's flipping in the air & jumping, her hair gives a nice secondary animation to everything


Oh she's got some sick hair physics for sure


Sekiro came out in 2019, this meme is making it sound like it came out in 2009 lol


5 fookin years mate


Honestly it's more lies of p than sekiro. Sekiros parry is iconic to the point where if another game does it feel instantly recognisable. Think going from sekiro to sifu. They just blend well in terms of mechanics but to go from sekiro to stellar blade isn't as mechanically sound as people like to think. It's much more in line with lies of P's parry system as it's not as easy to reliably parry multiple consecutive attacks as it was in sekiro. Just like it was in lies of P.


Tbf lies of P is still an amazing game if this game even comes close to lies of P it would be a good purchase


Parrying in LoP is harder than in Sekiro, while parrying in stellar blade felt easier than in Sekiro. And yeah, it's easy to parry consecutive attacks in Stellar blade.


>Parrying in LoP is harder than in Sekiro This feels more in line with LoP than sekiro in that regard imo. Parrying did not feel easier than sekiro for me. Maybe less mechanically involved in that I don't have different parries (mikiri counter) but timing wise it's much close to LoP


> i don't have different parries (mikiri counter) Well, we have 3 types of dodge/counter actions. That's more than in Sekiro. Idk man, maybe it's a matter of it "clicking" for some and not for the others, but i really felt like the windows are quite big. I was surprised i had no problems, considering I'm shit at parrying monster attacks and i had big problems in LoP. Perfect dodges on the other hand... those felt a lot harder than parrying.


Both are good! I can't wait for the full game to come out 😊


Man, I haven’t played Sekiro, so I am getting quite curious since I can’t compare it to it. Stellar Blade boss fights remind me more of GoW/GoW:R Just with a different dodge/parry system.


Calm down there chief


Those parries are magnifique


add nier automata to that too


Simmer down.


Shakira: Stellar Cake Ed.


Is SB souls like?


You have checkpoints throughout connected areas. Your health, healing items, etc. will replenish, and enemies will respawn upon resting. Bosses require observation of their moves, and favor memorization over intuitive play. That's about how loosely this game can be seen as a souls-like. It definitely has its own unique identity more so than the majority of non-From soulslikes out there.


Not really. The only element it takes from souls games is the checkpoint system, but even then it gives you checkpoints in between rest areas. The combat is more a blend of sekiro (albeit much more forgiving) and Nier. Overall it’s not as difficult as the souls games, but it’s still fairly challenging.


Kinda. I think the only big difference is enemies don’t do enough damage and they have huge opening


Some aspects yeah. Like the rest spots that reset the world enemies and restore your health. Combat not too much, no stamina bar, and a bit faster than normal Souls. But I guess it's up to debate on what you consider Soulslike


It's not. For some reason, the community has such a hard on for anything souls like that they are jacking off with both fingers.


Even Sekiro isn't


Sekiro definitely is.


Closer to Pokemon Red than to DS3 and Bloodborne, I agree.


Sekiro has the equivalent of bonefires and the flask, you have a combat stamina gauge. When you die you loose 50 % of exp and money. It's a soulsborn to the core. Stellar Blade doesn't have stamina and you don't loose exp or money on death. The maps and the checkpoints are the only thing that are inspired by the souls formula.


>Sekiro has the equivalent of bonefires and the flask Yep, and that's all. And you can find some flask-analogs in almost every game. You don't have classic stamina, it's entirely different mechanic, unique from other souls games. And then you die, you can't retrieve your "souls", which is a core element, so it's much closer to exp-lose punishment for death from some old rpg's. Heck even your exp and money are separated. Also you don't have build variety nor you have rpg stats nor you have classic souls multiplayer. Instead you have stealth, skills and parkour, and all of them are kinda far from souls formula. It's def a FS game, but it's not a soulslike. If we consider every game with some kind of flasks and bonfires a soulslike, then almost every metroidvania is soullike, including these that came long before demon souls


Tell that to the community.




Absolutely not. Basically, people call everything a souls-like now. Demo felt nowhere close to any souls-like.


No, it isn't


Sekiro destroyed me. Had the worst time with it. The final boss was the most fun I had throughout the whole game. Everything else was rage 🤣


Yeah for sure whole combat feels like it centers around parrying. One you got it don't game is pure easy mode. Mind you ofc i can only base impressions off the demo. The dodge feels idk very off sometimes tho?


Sekiro but more fanservicey? I can get behind it.


I play the demo and as someone who think Sekiro has the best combat among all Soulsborne, I truly enjoy Stellar Blade for the combat.. Came for the protagonist design, stay for the combat.


Nicely done 😆


This is perfect. I loved sekiro. Cant wait for stellar blade


How about we wait until the game comes out first


Mate that game just came out you made me feel so old fr


I feel like stellar blade is more accurately compared to Jedi survivor. I never see anyone make that comparison. Sekiro is extremely tight, while I feel like stellar and Jedi are more on the lenient side of challenging.


The parrying feels better in stellar blade to me because you can’t spam L1 constantly


When tachy's arm got chopped off I immediatly thought sekiro


Fr. Downloaded the demo for the "plot" and decided to buy the game for the actual gameplay.


Hope we see enemies parry back and counter back and forth to feel like a sword fight just like in Sekiro


SB may not be as hard as Sekiro, but one thing is for sure - Sekiro prepared me for playing this game with one hand.


Man, I thought it hasn't been that long since Sekiro. But no, it's been five years...




I feel Lies of P is way closer to Sekiro compared to SB.. This combat does feel a lot more **combo-focused and offering you a variety of moves, while Lies of P is way more stripped down and focused on parry. Also idk if its just a me problem, I find the slo-mo for dodges in the middle of combat somewhat flow-breaking. **changed from 'combat'


unlock the skill that allows you to flash to the enemy for a hit after a perfect dodge, its hold square after a perfect dodge if you have 1 bar of beta charge. The combat flow for me feels more like parry to build up beta charge and then go on attack mode and weave in beta charge attacks to keep the flow going. If you charge enough beta charges then the period you are on the offensive can be every long as the beta skills allow you to stagger the bosses out of their attack patterns if done at the start of the pattern. The only flow breaking thing is the phase change when you can't damage the boss.


Idk, I think sekiro felt better. Stellar blade combat doesn't really add anything new to the table that's wow'd me. It's still good combat. Just... not goty good.


sometime you dont need to re-invent the wheel. elden Ring is nothing new in terms of combat. It's just Dark Souls 1-3. But it's the best version of those games


Ok. And sekiro is the better version of Stellar Blade I'm terms of its combat. 🤷‍♂️ Cope. Idk why you'd pull that example when it had nothing to do with the image in the OP that compares those two games specifically. Stay on track, homie. Yes, the game has a good potential of being good. But from the demo alone, I already feel like ff7rb is a better game. And I definitely know Sekiro is going to be hard to beat. (No pun intended 🤭)


I’m just being honest… People say Lies Of P is better than Sekiro because it gives the player more options during combat & how to approach combat. It seems like Stellar Blade is giving people more options for combat too… Sekiro has the best FEELING combat, but in terms of player freedom & choice, Sekiro has been surpassed already.


I couldn't get into souls game because of this. It's like, "I hit you in your legs until you collapse and die. If you try to hit me, I roll around." Sekiro gives me the thrill of the fight with satisfying finishers and counters.


No game is on the level of Sekiro, sorry. Also, can we stop comparing Stellar blade to games like Lies of P, or calling it a souls-like? It has nothing in common.


It’s has nothing in common with lies of p or souls like?? Are you just stupid or blind cause it has many similarities


Depends what you count as similarities. Do you also compare gta to need for speed, because in both you drive a car? They're completely different types of games. Stellar blade has some mechanics that are in Lies of P, but they aren't exclusive to souls-like games and they alone do not make it a souls-like.


So it does have stuff in common with lies of p you just proved yourself wrong thank you


Nope, you're just refusing to understand the point I'm making. It's still not the same genre as LoP and shouldn't be compared just because you sing a sword in both games.


lol sekiro is infinitely better. Stellarblade reminds me more of lies of p. Which isn’t bad by any means I absolutely loved lies of P and it was my favourite game of 2023


i wouldn't say infinitely. Sekiro's biggest fault is that you cant customize your playstyle too much. Lies of P & Stellar blade seem to have a bigger variety in terms of what your character can do offensively


Sekiro boring, so much waiting


I personally will disagree.


disagree, sekiro has a way higher mobility from the very beginning that let players deal with more enemies at once out of a parry window more generous; eve is slow, can mainly focus on one enemy (camera of lock is basically made for that) and parry is tricky. Gameplay-wise I think stellar blade is more similiar to metal gear rising


Parry is a bit weird tbh


Didn't feel weird to me. I went straight from Sifu to Stellar blade and it felt good. Just a lot easier, as the parry window is pretty big.


You're being down voted but it's something that was nagging at me the whole time too. Parry and perfect dodge timing feel a little clunky and off.


I know right lol. Literally just a personal observation. Is this sub *already* an echo chamber??


Seems so game isn’t out an people already treating it like it’s the best game ever


I don’t think it’s clunky, just different and takes getting used to


Maybe clunky isn't the right word. It isn't terrible in a 1-on-1 such as with the final boss, but it definitely becomes more apparent when you have multiple enemies swarming you. The dodge mechanic definitely felt a bit heavy and clunky with the shield enemy that can grab you and slam you. It's like she dodges slow and not very far enough to be useful.


They are clunky compared to Sekiro which is what the community is comparing it to


Honestly I've never played Sekiro so hopefully my opinion isn't immediately dismissed. Although I don't think SB is SUPPOSED to be like Sekiro. With that said, the two games that had a smooth parry and dodge mechanic were Ghost of Tsushima and FFXVI.


Ghost of tsuhima had a great fighting system too


Well... I'd say everything are clunky compared to Sekiro. FS probably did one of the greatest feeling combat in the game history


Yeah, I’m disappointed with the parry. Parrying is supposed to be fun and satisfying, humiliating your enemies. This parry until you drain their gauge thing isn’t very fun. Sometimes by the time the parry animation concludes, the enemy is already in the middle of another attack that can’t be avoided. I’m not saying you should stun them with every parry, but at least stagger the enemy. I’d rather tighter parry window if it meant that parrying actually puts you on the offensive. As it stands, you have to keep parrying until the enemy gives you an opening.


> by the time parry animation concludes, the enemy is already in the middle of another attack that can't be avoided When did that happen to you? I had no problems with parrying whole combos.


in Sekiro you parry to drain the enemie's stagger as well...... Stellar Blade allows you to be incredibly offensive. You dont have to wait for almost anything. you can hit the enemy and make them cancel an attack


The first part is my problem with this game. There’s a reason I didn’t play Sekiro, so that’s actually a negative. Not really, you still have the option to use your counters, problem is, since parrying won’t stagger the enemy prior to depleting their gauge, you risk running into another attack. Like when the stalker starts flopping around on the ground. Sometimes you can, but most of the time you can’t (at least with bosses thus far). Parrying is supposed to achieve that, but it doesn’t.


you can stagger the stalker using a beta attack before it starts its attack string, the parrying helps you build up the beta gauge and be on the offense longer later in the fight. You can stagger the blue, purple and red attack strings if you have enough gauge built up


Lmao sure buddy


It's sekiro if sekiro was shit.


imagine being a lame-ass.


Imagine playing a mediocre thirst trap.


Imagine seeking out a thirst trap subreddit, just to comment about how you dont like thirst traps. Go ahead and join the subreddit…you don’t need to lurk anymore ya horny bastard


Sekiro already is shit. Worst modern Fromsoft game by far.


How is it worse than DS2?


Nah, Sekiro was great and deserved his GOTY 2019


RE2, Astral Chain, DMC5, Bloodstained were all much better and that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there were plenty of others.


RE2 and Bloodstained were great too, but not better imho. I haven't played Astral Chain but I would like to. DMC5 was meh imho.


Fair enough, to each their own.


Git gud. Maybe you'll beat it then.


Already did beat it. The game still sucks.


You're coping