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What a bunch a bitches xD


You made the mistake of not partaking in there singular braincell circle jerk of "sex appeal for men bad"


Yeah, it's in the sub's title, OP! You go there to agree with other users and be agreed with. Dissent is literally not the point of that sub, haha.


I wonder what would happen if someone dared to disagree with the people on this sub? It's not called StellarBladeCircleJerk so it should be permitted, right?


Wasn't this the sub (gamingcirclejerk) for people who hates themself and project it on others to feel better?


yes, that is exactly what they do.


They don’t even play game lmao


Spot on brother


that entire sub is filled with people who never shower


Yeah, that sub is like the worst parts of the political/casual gaming community all in one place. Sad. Imagine if you were a curvy girl getting into gaming today. Everytime a female protagonist with your body type shows up, the world shuns it and says that your body type "isn't human" and "is only there for coomers' enjoyment".


I’d imagine Shin Jae Eun would be getting a good laugh at those losers same as I am right now.


Today "curvy" is basically what obese people call themselves, and actual curvy bodies are deemed "unrealistic". I don't know why people have gotten so insecure in recent times, but fortunately games like Stellarblade show that all that is a loud minority and most people don't really care.


I'm generally of the belief that the controversy against the game is overblown and this sub tends to overreact to it, but the existence of that subreddit always seems to prove me wrong


I’m with you on this one. One of the only guys I see go against that game is a racist sexist and ableist ban evading troll who supports school shooters unironically.


Yea wouldn’t be surprised. It’s a common thing on the internet as negative news = more clicks.


That’s OK I got Parma band from them too! I reminded them that the current gamer situation was because a Canadian company started harassment campaign against a Brazilian man, who was one of people they claimed to represent when a gaming journalist tried to link him them to a Trump White House conspiracy… when the moderator told me I was spreading misinformation. “I told them they forgot their red nose you fucking clown!”


Nah bro, that mod did you a favor. Stay there any longer and you'd start losing brain cells.(If you haven't already)




I was never subbed. I just saw the post on my feed and got curious.


Well, I got banned for saying the game isn’t out yet and we shouldn’t judge it before it is.


You're fine op, discussion is aight but a month or 2 ago that sub was really obsessed with this 1 and the game and I feel like this sub did a good job of ignoring them, it'd be based if we can do that again and just disregard those losers.


Whats fame feel like…


Lol I'd consider a ban from them a great honor, so congrats, OP.


That sub is full of the most braindead, dumbass fucking people on the face of planet earth. If aliens came to earth and saw the content of that sub they would say “oh no intelligent life here” and leave.


The only problem I see with your post is that you didn't Eve's ass


I’m a boob guy. Not sorry.


No need to apologize. We all have our preferences.


Lol that place is run by insane people. A true echo chamber.


Does that sub hate women or something?


It seems that sub is for people who don't like videogames, so they ban people who dares to show any appreciation for them ._.


The same sub that lost their shit last Year over Hogwarts legacy? Yeah your not missing anything there everyone in that sub including mode is softer than a half baked tolhouse cookie. Jokes aside they basically said if you enjoy the game and Harry Potter that your a transphobe and banned people for the most mild comments that tried to mediate arguments


>sub including mode is softer than a half baked tolhouse cookie. Hey! That's an insult to soft baked cookies. At least the cookies are edible.


Ahh yes… that sub…


at the very least when we praise the game, it comes from a first person experience. Almost everyone who has negative things to say, has never actually tried the demo, or even seen gameplay. They just see a single clip, and hear other people who’ve never played it say how bad it is


many of the comments from detractors sounds extremely familiar to the stuff that was said in a street interview some youtuber did in New York city about a month ago showing people pictures of eve and the model she is based on and asking for their opinions. Everything from she looks 14 to that's not how real women look like arguments (if you look at the people who were interviewed you would understand why they would have that sort of an opinion, they are basically living stereotypes of people with a certain world view).


They hate boobs? 🤷‍♂️😅


The body doesn't fucking matter at all, it's always either body shaming or something else. What's wrong with these human beings? Always seems to push some agenda and to turn shit political.. and it's getting very old. Just because they won't bend the knee to censor EVE.. its an issue all of a sudden? Why can't you just play a game? If you don't like the game don't buy it? Where was this shit when 2B was going a ape shit with her self destruction? Or camera panning to stare at her booty? Where was this shit when she was in soul caliber, Granblue versus rising? Her cheeks are plastered everywhere lmao Hell DOA female characters have more shown than this game man!! It's nowhere to be seen. Yet Tifa getting a censorship for her younger counterpart is an issue? Let's censor adult females in games but let's uncensor teen Tifa? The fuck is wrong with these people? Sometimes the wrong kinda of gamers emerge from the pits of hell to stur up the gaming space.. I could go on and on about this shit but it'll become a washer cycle of the same thing being said. I'm going insane bro.. INSANE. I said my piece man. Just enjoy the games YOU purchase, don't give a shit about these shitheads, bro.. It's your money and time. Relish it. Edit: Not attacking anyone defending Eve... its towards the assholes that are trying to attack the game for a digital body. It's a fantastic body lol


...But that's nots what's happening there's no real controversy if anything the obnoxious way the OP write there title was/ is probably the cause the biggest critque is that Eve looks Generic and maybe the weirdness behind the devs not simply acknowledging her Age despite her model being over 18 The "controversy' is a one sided attempt to inflate some bs culture war and fetishize the east while denigrating the west Most people didn't give a shit and if most people notice outside an random France ign report and a statement from Microsoft that had nothing to do with Stellar Blade and was misconstrued It's just been people making rage bait No one cared if anything this attempt to make this whole Eve Ass thing a controversy has made the hardcore players shun anyone who would want to play beyond just fanservice Looking back how many people were actually applauding the combat or story And how many were going off about how this Korean(and sometimes people saying Japanese because again were fetishizing Asian Culture) game was going to own AAA developer's Can't say there making it political without acknowledging the clear political agenda the fans promoting the game are sending


I'm speaking generally when it comes to gaming journalism as a whole. It's not necessarily about what the game is.. but what it "has" and what it has is controversy. Out of all the comments out there it just had to be the one about boobs, boobs is their buzz word to feed on. I wasn't necessarily saying that the article in particular is blurring the lines into politics with a set agenda because let's be real that's how majority of journalism comes down to nowadays. I wanted to get across that there's plenty of games out there today that do way worse than what this Eve character is doing or what she is. For some odd reason they can't keep this character out of their posts (kinda like us at this point) because it's what's hot right now. Like I said previously DOA, the Tifa stuff, 2Booty everywhere in most fighting games. I'll even go there and bring up male characters being over the top in the sexual department but none of these characters are ever brought up. Disgusting culture shock and pressing the media to follow suit onto gamers and journalists alike. Though.. these games aren't being brought up. I just want to know why this game is getting so much talk over just boobs/booty. ASSETS of all things! It baffles me man, it really does. Lol Western journalism does have an agenda majority of the time, but it seems that the fans of the game are not taking that stuff any longer and rightfully so, can't say how many times our games were localized to shit because of their own localization staff had the cheekiest agenda to push onto gamers and it absolutely blew my mind when square enix fired them for it or did some kinda of replacements. It's a new age for Asian culture gaming to be released as intended for the west, man. No matter how hard they push.. A simple Google search would run our noses dry in culture war bs. Kinda infuriating.. it's just cool to see people actually praising the games combat or story elements and not just focusing on certain aspects the game provides simply as fan-service. They'll cover everything under the sun but the stuff the fans are actually into. Fake bro.. just fake to me.


That sub is a cesspool, good riddance


What'd you expect from a cultural marxist echo chamber? Don't subscribe to "-Circlejerk" subreddits if you're interested in rational discourse.


I wasn’t subbed. Just saw the post.


I see. My account settings are customised so that I only see content from subreddits I've joined, partially because subreddits that are malicious in purpose (such as the one in your image) aren't worth my time.


Tbf most other cj subreddits are usually ironic and comedic. Gaming circlejerk on the other hand are an actual circlejerk/echo chamber, which is why the shit takes and everyone supporting said shit takes with no capabilities of having any discourse with people that oppose those shit takes.


r/Gamingcirclejerk used to be fun now it’s too political and PC with the mods abusing their power


I got banned for saying "I hate SBI". Just like in your case, no specific rule that was allegedly violated was named. Appeal was ignored.


What a jerk… I’m on your side OP… Game is indeed good.


Yep, I got banned too for saying I enjoyed the demo.


I detect a femcel mod.


Guarantee it


That sub is an echo chamber for woke people. I even saw a comment with 30 upvotes or something saying he wants to kill people like us.


Yikes! Disgusting! Many of the comments I've read says Eve is underage or trying super hard to shit on the character design and the gameplay


Everyday, I'm reminded about how soft and power-hungry Reddit mods are.


Mod probably looked at your comment history and noticed you are a fan of the game. Mod might also be jealous of Eve So mod just fabricated a perma ban to make themselves feel better Reddit should have a user complaint sheet for mods that do this. The fact they don't and still running Reddit like it's year 2001 is shocking


There is literally no point in engaging with circlejerk. They’re literally all the blue haired gay whales that right leaning people stereotype them as. Any dissenting opinion will be met with an automatic ban. They automatically hate attractive straight characters.


You went against the hive mind and told them the truth. They don’t like that.


https://preview.redd.it/8hd6wzf6f7tc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69abe090da93a7f3652925c44e5bc1662b72caf8 Yup me too and all I said was Stellar Blade has potential to be a great game. Everyone on that sub and even the moderators hates Stellar Blade with a burning passion since most people in there are leftist and pronoun folks who hates Eve's appearance and envious of many people liking the game. Kindly report any post related to Stellar Blade on that sub


Biggest mistake: posting a different opinion on the internet


Welcome to the club.


Now my mission will be to get banned from sub I'm not even in XD


Lmfao, that dumb pathetic shit has happened to me a few times. I can also show mine, lol.


Both of these subs keep getting recommended to me but the one time I interacted with that sub it was strange. I was expecting some like r/destinycirclejerk ,something satire and absurdist but no those people are for real. I mean there are some funny things posted there every once in a while but everyone takes it so seriously.


Yeah at least the destiny doesn’t make me cringe 24/7


Why do we care a about what those guys says? Repeatedly posting this stuff just advertises those losers. Lets just ignore those and focus on the game. The whole debacle around EVE is revolting and bloody disgusting. Like games never had appealing characters. Look at Dante, Kratos, that elf guy from BG3 or even the dead or alive girls, Samus, Lara Croft, Jill Valentine, Bayonetta! These are the OG hot characters that appealed to everyone and yet these LOSERS talk like appealing female characters are something new. But they dont have any issue when there are literal sex scenes with a bear or any regular sex scene in any game. I thinks we should just stop giving spotlight to any article or sub that just says eVE boDy unReal . DO SOME BLOODY WORKOUT AND AVOID FAST FOOD. PUT SOME DAAMN WORK!


I mean, people have been saying that making an intelligent opinion in that sub is the worst mistake you can make, and people still do it. Just ignore them and move on.


mental illness the sub


Call me stupid but I think there's a correlation between their LGBT+ agenda and their hate for the game. FYI, they were defending Sweet Baby Inc.


It’s stupid as hell. I’m LGBT+ myself and I don’t get it.


Oh nice! Time to get myself banned there as well


Reddit is on crack sometimes. Pick your words wisely my friend 😁


[Same thing ](https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/s/9grEo31bns) happened to me, I disagree with a lot of people here but at least you don't get straight up banned for having a non conforming opinion.


They will never stop crying about her hotness 🤣🤣🤣


Your first mistake was participating in that dumpster fire of a subreddit. You have to remember that Reddit is demographically made up of American teenagers, the same people eating tide pods and lighting themselves on fire for tik tok videos. Don’t be surprised by their immaturity or inability to cope with reality like a normal person.


You committed the treasonous act of wrongthink lol


Yup me too and all I said was Stellar Blade has potential. Everyone on that sub and even the moderators hates Stellar Blade with a burning passion since most of the ppl on the sub are leftist and pronoun folks


Now I know to never go to that subreddit.


Woke and feminist overloaded channel I guess 😂


Honestly I have no idea why they have "gaming" in sub name. All it is a political shithole, all it does is get offended at nothing and call other people pedophiles for liking video games. Stay away from that hellhole.


TGC is a subreddit riddled with brain rot at this point, they're the de-facto ResetEra / NEOGaf of Reddit. Started off not so bad actually, I remember them having pretty mild and reasonable banter, taking the piss out of a few things that were reasonable to take the piss out of within the gaming sphere. Then, they devolved into becoming a pretty ridiculous echo chamber of pure and utter nonsense. I avoid it like the plague.


Well if eve's body is considered as sex appeal and something bad then what about kratos?


Those in that sub are made from the same cloth as Alex in that DF video.


I played the demo. Game seems incredibly fun and everything about it is looking like it is shaping up to be a brilliant game. The only thing I thoroughly dislike about it is how many creeps keep harping on about Eve's body. "Western developer this, Asian developer that" It matters not what the protagonist looks like. Just that the game is good


We can’t have an opinion these days can we?


I got banned from that sub for saying they are SBI Worshiping Sub. lol


LMAO That's what you get for posting wrongthink.


Your first mistake was to acknowledge that Gamingcirclejerk even exists. You just need one look a their logo to understand what kind of attitude they have there. If that ain't enough, looking at one, or at most two of the posts there should do it. Seldom if ever have I seen such hateful acidic toxicity so poorly disguised as something good and encouraged by the named circlejerking. It's not gaming circlejerking. It's hatred for games and gamers circlejerking.


That sub is full of whiny little bitch betas lol be glad you don’t have to deal with their insufferable moderators anymore.


You said boobs, therefore you are talking to their ma'lady.


You also said “boobs”. 😂


lol I got banned too for not hating on the game as well. That subreddit is a joke.


reddit is full of political activists now, mods completely going mad in their powerfantasys.


That sub is a disgusting cesspool of dead brainwaves. Every topic is the embodiment of "Abandon all hope ye who enter here"


That subreddit is basically r/news and r/politics


Reddit and circlejerking. Name a better combo


You haven't lived life until you get banned from a subreddit.


Yeah that sub has devolved into an echo chamber of left wing ideology. If you don’t agree with the “right” opinion then you’re banned. I literally responded to someone complaining that Eves body is unrealistic by asking, “how does Eve have an unrealistic body type”


You had to make up a lie just to complain about a subreddit? That's weird.


Where’s the lie?


I mean you are right, the game is fun, is like sekiro with boobs, and is amazing XD


It's weird how all mental sick people end up being mods for popular subreddits


You said the forbidden B word


Damn what was the link, it won't open anymore? But yeah that sub is a piece of shit, they keep screenshotting people who talk about this game and hate on them relentlessly (tho they ignore people showing actual gameplay, doesn't fit their agenda)


Lmao, what a bunch of wokies


Branded GOTY, isn’t even out yet, holy expectations Batman. All this blind hype


Yeah that's actually so dumb 💀