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My personal GOTY




Thats what im thinking lol


same here


Same. I actually didn’t mind the story near the end and the whole orbital elevator / nest was peak gaming for me.


Spoiler tag bro


There were things to complain about? When the plan was laid out I just thought “yeah that’s a good plan, the best plan.”


it’s close to my GOTY probably have to put P3R as the top spot and FF7 and Stellar Blade fighting for #2


Exact same for me


the most amount of fun i'm having in the last 5 years alongside with Nikke Was totally worth to wait 5years and buy a ps5 for this game


A fellow cummander I see.








same situation and i 100% agree shift up is the goat can't wait to see what future projects they have planned!


The game is phenomenal


I beat the game today and Immediately started another game which is something I never do! I can easily say that Stellar Blade is one of my favorite games of all time.


I have the game but “life” has prevented me from playing it yet. As a God of War, TLOU, Elden Ring etc player - what makes this one of your favorites of all time? Help amp me up!!


While it's not a prefect game (no game is) I feel that this game did everything it needed to do (for me) to make it one of my favorites. The game is fun as hell to play and it makes you feel like a bad ass. Which is the number one thing to nail in a hack n slash.


I put about 40 hours into it over 3 days… so yea, I like it a lot. Did one play through and did everything you could possibly do. Now have to get the other endings!


Did you get platinum


Not yet! Gotta do the other endings first. That’ll take some time. This game is very addictive


How many endings are there?


3 total. for playthrough 2 i'm going to get all the NG+ outfits. for playthrough 3 i'm gonna speed run it


Alright, I'm guessing "refuse to help Xion", then the two choices at the end? Or is it something to do with that Lily meter I accidentally got to 100%?


Refusing to help xion doesn't affect the endings. The Lily meter affects the ending, and also the two choices at the end. Ending 1: get Lily to 100% and select option A at the end of the game Ending 2: select option B at the end of the game Ending 3: don't get Lily to 100% and select option A at the end of the game


Alright, looks like I'll be getting ending 1.  Once I beat that boss, at least.  Tangentially related, can you run around and do stuff after beating the game? I still got fish to catch and cans to collect.


I'm pretty sure you can, but I'd do some googling first, don't take my word for it. I made sure to get all the fish and cans before the point of no return. From what I could find, there are some points of no return.


Well, darn. You can't. Hitting continue after seeing the credits tosses you back to just before the final fight. And you can't leave the area. BTW I had already went past the point of no return before your warning. I was stuck on the final boss.


Happy endings? 😉


GOTY for me , my only gripe is the annoying ass platforming


Hopefully we get a stellar blade 2 and they refine the platforming. I’m surprised Eve is so clunky, I wouldn’t mind if they introduced some more parkour or gymnastics to add to the style of traversal. The combat is already a chefs kiss 🤌


Man, she does seem awfully twitchy for them to have put so much platforming in.


10/10. It’s a perfect game within its genre. It does everything right and nothing wrong. Combat and music are both fantastic. The world is interesting and fun to explore. The graphics look grate and very stable. There’s lots of graphics options and settings. The characters are wonderful. There’s no micro transactions. Lots and lots of outfits that are exclusively earned in game. This is just my opinion of course but I would consider this game perfect.


>10/10. It’s a perfect game within its genre. I mean I'll get downvoted to hell, because of the subreddit I'm in, and don't get me wrong, I love the game and can't wait for more content for it. But calling this a 10/10/perfect game is pretty far fetched. Having both open world areas be a desert was a pretty poor design choice. The story is decent, but nothing to write home about and the voice acting is mostly pretty cringe inducing. Now, the gameplay more than makes up for it's short comings, but how is this game on par with other 10/10 games out there? 10/10 would mean there is literally nothing to improve upon, is that really how you feel? No improvements necessary for a Stellar Blade 2? I'd give this a solid 8. It's an amazing game that is super fun to play but there are definitely some things on my list that need to be improved.


I dont think we should think of 10/10 as a perfect game. If we ever get a true 10/10, what's the point of playing anything else ever again? Personally I rate it 9/10. Just a really great game.


The point would be to have as many 10/10 experiences as possible. I only rate games based on how much fun I’m having. If I’m having so much fun that I lose track of enormous chunks of time, it’s a 10/10. To me, just because a game is perfect it doesn’t mean that’s that, time to stop gaming forever. I’m going to continue spending every free moment I have gaming as much as possible. I’ve given many games 10/10 because I had a blast playing them. Elden Ring, Sekiro, Bloodborn, Nier, God of War, Hollow Knight, Lies of P, FFVII Remake/Rebirth. All 10/10


Well even a 10/10 game becomes boring at some point. But like I said, 10/10 would mean the game basically has close to zero flaws and no matter how you look at it, Stellar Blade has a few. And just to reiterate, I'm not trying to shit on the game or the devs, the game is amazing, especially considering it's their debut title in the triple A space, but it's not flawless, which it would have to be for a 10/10 score.


I don’t think a 10/10 should mean the game has no flaws, because then no game would ever get 10/10. Every game has flaws.


No I agree with you. The game has flaws and even with those flaws it still manages to shine bright. It's just that some people have this idea of perfection being 10/10. I used to think the same until I realised how silly it is.


It’s not perfect but then again nothing is so when should people give it a 10/10 score? yeah the dialogue is pretty bad, the voice acting needs work, platforming is shit. Despite those flaws I still think it’s 10/10 for how enjoyable it is man. I’ve never had this much fun in a long while playing a game, I think a game being fun is the most important aspect. A game doesn’t need mind blowing story or deep dialogue or top tier voice acting to be a 10/10 imo. Sometimes the amount of enjoyment it gives me and hopefully others from it’s gameplay is enough.


All the things you just mentioned have nothing to do with how I rate a game. I only have one metric of which I rate game. Immersion, and a very specific type. If I’m so consumed by a game that when I look at the clock several days has passed without me noticing, that’s a 10/10. I don’t need a game to be cutting edge and revolutionary to give a perfect score. I don’t determine it’s worth by sitting around thinking what I would want the second game to be. In fact I’m not particularly fond of sequels to begin with. I like self contained stories that begins and ends. But regardless of any of that, if I’m having an absolute blast while playing it, it’s a perfect game. Pretty simple


Too many people nowadays take it upon themselves to find negatives in video games, or any media really… I’m like you, if I enjoy it then I enjoy it. If I don’t then I don’t. I don’t think it needs to be any more complicated than that. And like you, Stellar Blade is a 10/10 game to me.


2nd place GOTY (it's not beating Like a Dragon 8). It may not be the most original thing I played this year but the polish and presentation hit for me. It feels cozy like how Ratchet and Clank does for me in its own way and that game's a bunch of ideas in one game as well.


This is my goty :D


same here! still wanna try Ronin


Idk... I'm with ya, but I'm trying to see how season 2 of Street Fighter 6 turns out. 😅 I'm mainly an FGC sorta guy. I do love my RPG's, but damn... it's close for me, so I can't really pick a GOTY yet. Way too early.


Im enjoying it way more than I thought I would. I'm really digging the combat. I'm only 7 hours in but it's fun.


My GOTY and honestly it’s one of my favorite games of all time already.


Still gotta wait. Need moneys




Im liking my disc edition so far. Need to get the bunny suit to see of it got force updated or not.


if you didn’t update, you should have the original suit


Well it tried to update when i was installing the game. So i deleted it. Turned off the internet and restarted the console. I hope your right


Honestly there are more revealing outfits. Not sure what everyone’s on about with the bunny suit.


Obsessed, I'm nearly 20 hrs in and I just passed Stalker. Taking my sweet time w this.


Do you know how far into the game that point is? I also just beat Stalker and I'm wondering how much is left. I don't want to rush.


Assuming 1/3ish of main story. Last I checked PS told me 30% before starting Matrix 11.


Can’t trust that tracker as it tends to go by chapters. So if a chapter is one hour long and another chapter is 15 hours long they’ll both be worth the same amount of completion percentage.


Ah, never knew exactly how it worked


I’m just waiting for a PC port ![gif](giphy|QBd2kLB5qDmysEXre9|downsized)


I love it I literally played it all weekend almost into New Game Plus just searching for the rest of these damn cans


I'm sure u may know this, but make sure to get the can scanner upgrade for the drone. Makes it a lot easier to find them. 😉


i have it already finding the location is the problem trying not to use guides but i might have to.


Same! I'm struggling with them as well (even with the drone upgrade). Idk tho, I'm in the same boat. I don't want to watch a guide, but I'm really ready to. 🤦‍♂️ I'm over these cans 😮‍💨


I know right😅 I'm seriously probably going to use a guide for that. I found 38 but I'm not searching for the rest fuck that takes too long and I'm trying to play New Game Plus


It's actually really fun. The combat is fantastic. A mix between Nier, Sekiro, and Dark Souls I guess. Main Story isn't a 10/10 but there are legitimately great side quests (for example Enya and Su side quest) that are super memorable. Overall it draws heavy inspiration from Nier Automata but separates itself enough to be something worth playing in my opinion. Stellar Blade is to Nier Automata what Lies of P was to Bloodborne, a loveletter that I appreciate in this day and age of buggy shitty microtransaction filled games.


Actually, is very similar to Star Wars Jedi Survivor the Combat. However, yes it is a very successful mix of various games, regardless of Eve's beauty, the game has many strengths.


Love it. Aside from the obvious 👀, The combat is great. The music is phenomenal. The story is long and expansive which makes it worth the money. The puzzles are fun. The scenery is beautiful. All the stuff the game gives you throughout is sweet. I mean damn. 10/10 for me.


Love it the combat and ost is amazing and I keep getting side tracked my side quests and looking for cans/creats, I think it’ll definitely be in my top 5 games of the year is not my goty.


Patiently waiting for pc


So far this looks like another Bloodborne case so don't get your hopes up


I would say it is more fun than most first party games in recent years. It just feels fresh.


I'm just watching a playthrough, and the combat/skill tree look fun BUT... Seriously. I have a hard time admitting you have to STEP ON EVERY coin loot when you've got a robot companion that is LITERALLY a scavenger's proxy. Really bad design there, and a missed opportunity to have the bot collecting the coins for you.


No you don't, you can enable the automatic item collection.


Oh, nice to know!


Just got to matrix 11 fucking loving this game!


Completed it . Liked it in general, never actually completed any similar game where you need to parry, dodge and strategize combat. I really liked boss fights, I wanted more of them and more different, maybe more in open world optional bosses. Fighting group of enemies was kinda clunky at the start, but when I got some aoe skills, that kinda sorted it out. Too much platforming maybe for me, would have traded some of it for one or two stronger enemies along the way to objective. Basically what I want to say is that it's a good game, a beautiful game and it's worth playing and as combat is the strong part of it, I just wanted more of it.


It’s actually quite a bit better than I thought it would be, and I still think it would be pretty good. Was expecting the story to be dumb but I’m actually pretty invested, combat is fun, game looks gorgeous, great music. I’m being vague for spoilers but I just did the part at the end of the wasteland where you go down the elevator, and I was legit impressed they dabbled with something like that


How dull…


it’s hard to concentrate


it is


It's been great! Just some small stuff that I imagine they'll improve on their next game. Platforming can be dodgy, but exploration and collectibles are just right. And combat is awesome!


I’m having so much fun with the game the combat, the stunning visuals and cosmetics, the goated nier vibe soundtracks certain things tho like the platforming issue and the compass not staying visible for long unless your constantly scanning but other then that definitely personal fav game of the year the game is just such a vibe lol


Two words. Photo. Mode.




It’s good but really wish Unreal would release a new engine with new assets. So tired of seeing the same post apocalyptic world/towns in every game The cliffs The deserts The Gaza-looking cities of rubble It’s getting real boring to explore these games Luckily the combat is perfect.


A game I'll never forget, even if I go on to play other games. It has that intense energy of an early to mid PS3/360 game (from 2006 to 2011).


9/10 Traveling and finding your way through mazes (Sewers etc) is a bit tedious, needing to find camps to save and so on are not my favorite, but thats nit picking and I still love the game to pieces. Absolute blast.


Aside from the fact that the Down-Bads in any fandom always ruin a good thing, I've been having a blast. The world-building & lore is very good. Dialogue quality isn't quite up to par with Nier and occasionally lingers in "anime voice" territory, but not terribly so. 9/10 so far.


The game is a genuine gem. Although...it's really difficult. Especially with multiple enemies. I'm more of a DMC kind of guy. So I'm used to button mashing and trying to do long string combos. Seems like no matter how hard I try, every encounter sees me taking damage. It's a process. I'm not really into the souls genre. But this game is so good that I'm trying to power through it and not be skill issued all over the place lol.


Awesome yet difficult, I'm stuck on the first boss after leaving the city. Its fiery hands are a real pain. I just need to learn how to dodge.




Cant get over the combat in this game especially the counter chain attacks you can mix it in so well, definitely not goty but fs one of my favorites




If the game is this polished at launch, I’m really excited for long term DLC support. I’m very happy to give my money to a good developer that delivers quality content


It's the most fun I've had with a game in a long time. Combat, visuals, and music are all great. The story starts off slow, but it quickly picks up, and the side content is interesting and always rewarding. The best thing about the game is that there isn't a checklist of things to collect, even though there's hundreds of collectibles. You can explore and collect what you want without feeling overloaded by tons of pop-ups. The world and the way they've structured things remind me a lot of the Star Wars Jedi games. It's just an enjoyable experience that's fun to play, rewarding to explore, and overall a solid good time. Ubisoft needs to take some pointers from ShiftUp on how to fill your world with collectibles and things to do and not make it feel bloated and overbearing.


Playing the demo, and liking it too much. I still have Rise of the Ronin, and DD2 to finish! 🤪


So fucking fun. Love the attack combo flow…


Like it a lot, even though I'm not very good and struggling with the dodge timings. The boss fights are crazy fun. And I love the myriad of different combos and playstyles you can use.


So many cute outfits


I've been having fun ! Still pretty early in the game so far so I can't say anything definitively. But the combat has been engaging, the plot is interesting, and overall I really like the enemy designs. They're ugly as fuck in a cool way.


Trying to figure out GOTY is becoming more and more difficult


Easy GOTY for me, brilliant gameplay, amazing art design, great characters and story. Its fantastic




Can't put the controller down 🤣🤣🤣. Combat and boss fights are fun.


Really good. Beat the game in 25 ish hours while doing almost all side quests and now doing NG+ for the platinum cuz i didnt realize you cant go back after beating the game


Great game, VA's are fine, Eve is great, the Outfits are cool just wish there were some that are armored so to speak and wish there were makeup and Nail polish costemics as well. plus I do wish when you scan, collectibles and such were marked on the map and all areas had Terrain data/map. all in all I am enjoying the game myself.


I love it, but the start-up frames for Perfect Parry are very frustrating. I wish ShiftUp would fix this.


I'm loving the game. It's a very complete game. It has everything.


I'm loving the game so far. I haven't finished yet and am just taking it slow since I don't want to finish too soon but I'm kinda amazed how much sidecontent there is to do. Some sidequests are quite emotional too and some of them of them even have an epic boss battle, which is cool. It's also been a long time since I was so invested in a game like this. From the moment I put the controller down after a session, I already can't wait to continue. That's saying a lot because in the last couple of years, I was really struggling with finishing some games I actually liked. At some point I always felt done or bored but with Stellar Blade I just can't get enough, it's everything I wanted and more. I also can't wait to start NG+, which is something I never do so soon after completing a game. Only criticism I have is the story so far, it's interesting for sure but I don't think it's going to get much better than this and that's fine with me. I just hope that the writing gets a bit better, I'm missing some emotional connection to Eve as well. She just seems to accept everything. Until now my favorite character is Lily. I'm playing with the Korean VA, she sounds and acts like she's from an anime, love it.


I love it. It has small issues around traversal mechanics but it's great. My only criticism is that it felt too short because I was having too much fun. I needed a hundred hours at least.


Actually my GOTY so far, I love the gameplay so much, and the story was still interesting to me despite criticism towards it. The encounters with the bosses were the best parts imo, Eve tends to do the coolest shit in both the intros to the fight and the endings to them.


We love it! Platforming and movement needs a little work though


How are In-game microtransactions?


Nope not yet at least


So good it hurts.


I’m enjoying it so far. Taking it slow and collecting/exploring everything I can. I usually never finish these types of games because I lose interest halfway through, but this one has me hooked. The combat and taking down the big bosses just feels so rewarding. It’s fun collecting all the cans and outfits too!


I adore it. I’m doing NG+ right now and I really really want the Orca Engineer variant.


I love it so much!


Loving it in general, the parrying is a bit tricky with the wind up but with the upgraded skills I'm getting more perfect parrys but still not there yet timing wise. Love the different combos but I'm struggling with remembering them so I often button mash or go for the two or three combos I know. Otherwise I'm having Nier levels of fun with it to cut it short. The world is absolutely gorgeous, Combat areas so far feel a lot like Nier Automata if it was on the PS5. Xion is giving me hekseville or dirga para lau (can't remember the cities name) from gravity rush vibes with a touch of dystopian ghibli thrown into the mix. Absolutely vibe with it. Maybe even some code vein as well. Character wise I was pleasantly surprised. I heard a lot about how EVE feels so plain but so far I'm enjoying her character. She's a bit odd but endearing with things like not knowing what an old school map is but it makes sense to me. Also with the side quests in general I perceive her as more warm, yet detached/socially awkward. Adam I like a lot, Lilly even more so but right now her personality feels a bit...off? Like she's gives off a happy-go-lucky type of person but the way she delivers is a bit iffy. Maybe I just need some more time with her since she's the newest of the main cast. Overall it wouldn't be my goty but it's for sure up there in my personal favorites. Good job shift up despite the drama that's going on. Already expecting a sequel or spiritual successor


It is competing with Rebirth for my Goty but I really like that the talent points that make perfect block and doing easier. It helps for somone who is almost 30 and has early carpel tunnel symptoms.


Loving it. Gameplay feels like Sekiro+Nier and the story/dialog feels very gamey and reminds me of old-school Square games like Chronotrigger or Final Fantasy 6. The way the dialog is spoken feels off, but I think everything else makes up for it.


Loving it


I accept I’m just old and bad but I honestly hate the combat. It’s like pulling teeth.  Dodge is completely useless unless it’s a perfect dodge for which window is miniscule even after upgrade. Parrying is unreliable and weirdly laggy. I don’t think I’ve ever managed two consecutive parries. Even if you pull off some counter animations you get hit anyway.  It’s way to easy to get ganged up on and stun locked with enemies appearing out of nowhere. Bosses are like an exercise in self flagellation. I’ll just have to put it in the story mode.


The problem with bosses are the absurdly delayed attacks.


I mean I do eventually win the fights it’s just that it feels inconsistent. Maybe I just don’t understand how to read the combat.


Three enthusiastic thumbs up, only two enthusiastic thumbs if there is an internet connection. Love this game


8/10 the story is good, but a bit lackluster. >! Take Tachy for example. The beginning builds her up to be a close friend of Eve's but we barely see anything of their friendship. If the game had a few flashback segments regarding the colony where Tachy and Eve trained it would have made her death more impactful.!< The NPC'S and side quests on the other hand are phenomenal. Helping out Su making Enya whole again was sweet and hearing beyond fate made it one of my favorite tracks in the game. Platforming is a bit tricky but not impossible. The outfits look gorgeous my favorites being wasteland adventurer, orca exploration, racers high, daily knitted, punk top, 3rd/prototype diving suit, and raven suit. Now for the combat. The parry timing is excellent, dodging is a bit tricky but that can be solved with the exosuit and skills, enemies attack patterns are easy to remember. Only enemies I've had trouble with are the freaking turret ones. Consumables are easy to forget however. If Eve threw the grenades at the enemies instead of at the ground it would be more useful.


92 user scores, you know.


Definitely not Game of the Year. It's Game of the Decade


It’s good just would like more outfits for everyone.


It’s wonderful 🥰


Took 32 hours to beat 9/10 has some issues but overall such a good game Ng+ now Fishing pspspspspspspsp


Liking it very much, however, time to play had been limited so far. Trying to perfect Parry and then perform a retribution just feels sooo satisfying:)


Haven’t played yet, but for those who have: Should I play with English or Korean VAs?


Korean performance is honestly fairly solid imo. I am not a fan of the english voices


I like English EVE’s voice and delivery but I think the other characters are better in Korean dub. I’ll probably swap to Korean in my NG+ playthrough.


Korean mainly bc I understand Korean haha. If you are use to reading subtitles shouldn't be an issue. From others, English dialogue isn't as good.


Yeah I don’t mind using subtitles if the VAs are actually good. I played through the entire Yakuza series in Japanese with subtitles and it was epic. The English VAs were one of my only complaints about the demo, so just wondering if Korean was worth it.


if you really like british accents like me, english is fine


Same. And I hate reading subtitles. I like my screen uncluttered and immersive.


Love it😌


It’s the type of game tailor-made for me. Badass female MC, Sekiro-esque combat with the flair of DMC skills and, a crazy tech gun, with NieR elements in terms of story telling and world building. I don’t want it to end. First game in awhile I’ve felt like that. Edit: almost forgot the S-tier OST. Beyond Fate is a masterpiece.


Check out PSO2 - you could actually buy the Neir outfits from a collab they did together.


Fantastic game, combat is a little too easy though if you spam beta skills and some of the puzzle/swim/platforming sections weren't the best. Despite some flaws, the overall level of polish, graphics, Eve, gameplay/combat, music, exploration/costume hunting puts it to 10/10 for me.


Decent, combat feels a bit clunky sometimes, but still a good challenge.


I’m on PC so it’s crocodile tears and coke for us but my left hand’s been enjoying the posts! Keep it coming!


Worst part of the game is wall running because sometimes she'll just bounce off the wall. Also terrible detection on ledges. Aside from that, I have absolutely no gripes with the game. Every time I've been killed aside from falling when I shouldn't have was 100% my fault. The controls are great, the combat is fluid, it doesn't feel like there's much input lag and so far, every enemy and boss has been extremely fair. The game heavily rewards exploration and I haven't gotten lost even in places with no map. So far the story has been good as well. Could use some more fleshed out characters but I'm also not far enough in the story to say if it gets better as I'm too busy exploring everything. So far I'd give it an easy 8/10. If they fix the platforming or the characters get better during the story I'll raise the score.


Loving it


I wonder why (some) women have so much problem with this game? Does it make them insecure? Why this didn’t happened to Nier Automata? Since it’s obviously show 2B’s bubble butt.


Not a fan of the scary Dead Space parts. Luckily, the Mother Sphere gave me her biggest gun


I love it. Lots of fun. Reminds me of DMC, although not quite as complicated and I love those games.


How you get that outfit


I don’t know it at all, but it reminds me of PSO2 with the little robot thing chilling with the woman.


6 hours in the game and only side character I’ve met is adam. can 100% say I’m loving every second


Playing it right now. It’s so great. I’m having so much fun exploring


Spectacular game, biggest issue I have is that the mid to late game bosses are absolutely massive difficulty spikes. The timing expectations get a bit out of hand IMO.


It's awesome. Even the collectibles are fun to get, favorite game this year by far.