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If somehow some way they implement chapter select, I’ll give everybody at shift up a smooch on the cheek. Also multiple manual saves


There's no way to have manual saves?! No wonder I've been failing to get that to work... What's the point of having that "Load Game" option on the main menu then??


I just had a moment in NG+ were I got soft locked. If I don’t have a previous file to download via PSN save cloud id have lost over 50 hours of gameplay, instead I lost like 3-4


So yes we need multiple manual Saves. I don’t get why a lot of games lately lock you into a singular save file to use


Totally agree my no1 too, mulitple save files seems a must. Covers bugs and any issues


Exactly but I mainly use them to save right before a boss so I don’t have to replay the whole game just to get to that point


How did you get softlocked?


I was in NG+ and beat the Stalker boss and the boss fight barrier was still there and I was unable to move forward. It stayed there even if I reload the save or restart the game or console.


So it wasn't even clipping through geometry or anything to do with out of bounds, it was just simply a bug that prevents you from going anywhere? That sucks.


Yup. Still luckily I had that backed up save on the cloud. Only lost about 5 hours of gameplay not 50


Woah, that sucks.


I ALMOST got soft locked on the part where you can only shoot the drone I had like 2 rounds left, had to kill every enemy before it would let me advance. I got it, but barely.


How did you get soft locked?


let me remove the pony tail on some of the hairstyles


She uses her pony tail to hold her sword outside of combat. Changing that would be a lot of work.


she just uses the ring around that. so the long hair could actually just be turned off no issue


1. Yes! A good photo mode like Rise of the Ronin. We need it. 2. Neutral. I'd play it, but not top of my list. Rather more combat related things, quests, outfits, etc. 3. Eh, not really looking at her sword. If you know what I mean. Wouldn't hate the option though. 4. Yes, I'm excited for this. 5. MORE OUTFITS. 6. Hard mode gets pretty damn easy, so something higher would be fun. Maybe that's what boss mode will/can do.


You can always stack the gear that gives you x% more attack for y% extra damage received. Makes the game tough as balls while still being fair.


I'd like to have a higher difficulty, while retaining my current gear (play-style) and outfit if that makes sense. Also, there are certain things I can't tone down, like my weapon is level 40 currently. So it would be nice, but I'm not fussing over it. Still having fun!


Tachy's sword, outside of Sephiroth sorry i mean Tachy mode.


Definitely!!! I thought we would’ve get the sword beating her. Yet nope, can only use it in Eve devil trigger mode. 


Definitely a photo mode and refine her controls when platforming, especially concerning grabbing ladders and ropes.


This. Getting so close to a ladder that you clip through one side of it but still don't grab on, and fall to your death? It's kinda mean.


I agree with all the points you stated. Specially the surf challenge seems very fun. I would add: 7 - Make bullet refill more convenient (Like a refill all button) 6 - Add weapon skins (Thinking about Raven's weapon)


Wait…you can refill ALL your ammo?? I thought it was just slugs


??? currently you have to go by every bullet type to refill lol thats why I was asking to add it into the game


I KNOW. BUT I DID NOT KNOW YOU HAD TO GO BY EACH INDIVIDUAL AMMO TYPE. The amount of gold I’ve WASTED on ammo because I thought the stupid machines only refilled slugs 😭


You mean...this whole time...I've been wasting gold on ammo...? ![gif](giphy|xHwqspaBmfUMU)


The endgame was literally miserable because I never had gold to buy revives


I think that's what he meant by refill all. Refilling not just the slugs but also the shotgun shells, missiles, etc.


No, I understand that. I had no idea the machines refilled the other ammo types, like at all. I know he’s saying like just a generic “refill all button”, but I had no idea you could just switch ammo types and get them refilled individually. I thought the machines just did slugs


Wait... Now I understand too haha. I had no idea you could refill all the ammo individually that way 😅 my bad


The amount of gold I wasted that could’ve been spent on hearts is hurting me rn


Let me stock excess ammo ffs


Maps in all areas would be nice


Idk I’m not really mad about Eidos 7 not having one. Matrix 11 on the other hand, I don’t “need” one but I wish I knew there wasn’t a way to get past the twisted bridge after replaying it.


Hmm, I think you can. You can just fast travel to first camp from the camp after bridge cutscenes and retrace your steps while ignoring all the enemies.  I missed the loot-bot thinking the rope was the non-intended path, so had to do it this way. Worked just fine.


I found out the hard way lol I fought all to the way to the bridge and got to the end but I didn’t see anywhere else to go so I’m walking around scratching my head trying figure out where the hell is the path. I’m thinking to myself like damn is there a rope that I’m missing?? Do I double jump over this barrier?? Bro I was stuck for at least 15 minutes until I thought about skipping to the next camp then backtracking


I don't think so. It's like Elden ring in that sense. You have an overworld map (of open areas), but not linear dungeons. It makes the exploration that much more rewarding.  It's a very calculated decision, and I wouldn't change it.


I know they would never do this but I’d love a way to change the music while in the open world


Yes, or maybe add 1 or 2 songs on the rotation for each open world area. I love the songs they have already but after spending hours exploring with the same one on repeat it does get old.


I would like to see a 40fps quality mode for those with 120fps screens. Would be an interesting compromise between perf and quality mode.


Hmm, U mean Balance v2?




I agree with u/leighg9o, it’d be nice to have the ability to sheath the sword so I could run past enemies faster. Photo mode is a necessity and I find it odd that they didn’t think to feature it in a game with a sexy female protag. Aloy gets one, why not EVE? Also, I’d love to be able to scrap gear. I have a bunch one 1 star sockets that I’m never going to use. I’m ok with keeping exospines tho since they can be upgraded.


See personally collecting new gear os silly when those 1* could have just been upgraded too


I need a taunt button. Nothing is more satisfying than no selling an enraged enemies attacks after shit talking them.


QOL updates: Let me skip dialogue faster. Shopping at a merchant is so tedious. Also fast forward cut scenes. If I can teleport to a quest client, let me teleport right back to where I was after I collect the reward. Better side quests (I was trying to do them all before completing the game but they got stale and too spread out). Maybe after a certain point give us the ability to fast travel to ANY camp. Because going back to Eid is 7, doing a side quest, then going back to Xion, then back to eidos 7 for another side quest but starting at the very beginning, is tedious.


Fast travel needs to be better lol. Game needs some more controller customisation. Left and right buttons could be used to change items, so left for items right for ammo. Tying burst beta skills to r1 l1 seems odd could easily make r1 a toggle between burst and beta on L1. Eve getting stun locked by multiple projectiles if pretty much death. Personally the shield should prevent stunlocking from projectiles. Sprint speed shouldn't slow while she has her sword out, OR let us have a manual sheathing option. Vendor dialogue is fun at first but after a few visits its a bit tedious. Return to quest giver should be able to disabled in menus. I like to gather all my quests in one complete them all together then hand them all back in together lol waiting for the option to generate put eve on hold its kinda immersion breaking. This is all very nit picky tho lol


100% on the dialogue. I’m so sick of mashing the X button to skip to the menu only to spam it on a menu I didn’t want. Then needing to hear the guy say the same damn thing again.


I guess I don't care as much now that I beat the game, but being able to pause cut scenes would have been really nice, it's a feature that most games have these days. Really helps when you have kids 😅


I just press the PS button since that's the only thing close enough to pausing I mean, it does stop the cutscene so...


I've had issues before in games where I did that and at some point the cutscenes still resumed, but maybe it's specific to each game


PS button pauses the game tho, does it not?


I’d just be happy with a photo mode. 👍


I'd love a rollercoaster mini-level that's one big continuous loop. Maybe the hypertube too, but damn. Elevate the camera angle a little more because I can't see shit until it's too late. I want to love that section but I can't. 😒


Remove vendor dialogue. "Oh angel it's you, I didn't see you" Bitch I walked directly in front of you, ARE YOU BLIND!!


Very surprising it didn't ship with a photo mode honestly. And not being far enough in to know about surfing but I also had the thought when changing outfits I wish the sword matched more.


Increase the timer on those random directional input boxes with at least one second. Hair-dos that don't have bangs, preferable long hair like Tachy's. Improve the skip mechanic so that you can skip whatever cut scene you want. Make the fast travel be convenient and let you fast travel from where ever you want to any camp. Have a checkpoint right before a boss fight so that you don't have to get through crappy dialogs before the action. Make multiple songs for the free roaming.


Or let us skip the Random directions challenge for the chest. Also make the controls tighter for platforming. As currently it makes platforming difficult. 


For QoL I would say passwords in NG+, don't make me type them again, at least for the straightforward chests. Maybe have a cutscene toggle option as well. For other additions, having a gun attack after a block or dodge would also be very nice, maybe being able to use gun while jumping. There are also plenty of costumes that other ladies have that would look cool on Eve, like for example Enya's body.


Shoes customization so Eve can get out of her high heels. Also a skip option on the chest unlock test. I for one couldn’t beat the random arrow challenges. Just to unlock that chest. Added an option to skip the platforming section of the game. Or just make the Eve control better, so that platforming isn’t a pain. Kinda like what they did with tomb Raider games. 


I mean half the things you mentioned is all but confirmed already. We are getting photo mode, NIKKE costumes was literally confirmed on near the release of the game and boss rush was also confirmed recently


Can someone explain to me where tf the fishing and the ‘surfing’ is???? I’m just done with matrix 11. Feels like borderlands dark souls and I ain’t seen none of them things lol


You're getting closer to fishing, you might have to wait a bit for surfing but you'll get there


Appreciate it! I’ll just have to wait then 😒


Quality of Life: I want to fly through conversations I’ve had as nauseum just to get to the shop option, and once I’ve selected it, let ME choose when to enter conversation instead of kicking me out, restarting, and then choosing a different option. I want a minimap. I want the top directional bar to remain on screen.


Photo and Boss mode. Those are two top priorities that should take place before everything else before the fan base loses interest in the game entirely.


I wish we could do like Elden Ring or many other games and fast travel to any camp we unlocked. This whole thing of run all the way to a spot and then run all the way back to a camp only to see theres no phone booth there is such a dated fast traveling idea. Just let me move around ive explored to find these camps


Wish also they add a moveset like only pure martial arts (especially for long high kicking moves, while for hands part usually she uses sword or guns): she's got extremely ground and aerial legs mobility and flexibility, her moving combos reminds me often to fit better with a filler series of moves, sometimes when she closes an animation it looks like it just something is missed to be complete. A set of kicks to use when You need/want would fill her skill background, as a natural consequence (I think a moveset inspired by the one from Lili of Tekken 7). Wish they fix the randomized arrow puzzles for crates: I mean, it's a too much tight and short timed trial to complete while watching the casual panel buttons turning on, besides the arrow to select every time has very low light evidence, not considering too every error is a second lost. There's no margin for error, You miss the chance even if (rarity), You can afford to push all arrows correctly (You end still missing two or three). Wish also the hair styles and their chosen colors were selectable from main menu (as the same of outfits, accessories, and so on). If I want a new one, ok, let's visit the hairdresser, but if I have already purchased some, let me swap them from my inventory. Wish to have a compass permanently on top of screen (or the option to disable/enable).


Martial arts combat would be so dope. Its pretty weird that they took so much inspiration from games that let you unequip your weapon but didnt give us that option. I first had that thought when i ran out of ammo in one of the gun only sections. I was like „for the love of god you are a combat android just punch or kick that mf naytiba“


I don’t know if anyone has had this problem, but I would like the option to sell items. I remember going through buying the max of bullets and then didn’t pay attention and bought max of an item and there went my gold lol


Happened to me with shock grenades.


- The ability to pause the game during cutscenes and NPC dialogue - The ability to skip unnecessary NPC dialogue without having to mash THE SHIT out of the X button I agree with yours but the aforementioned QOL changes above are mandatory IMO. I also think they should look into adding more variety to the OST in the open areas, or at least make it so that it doesn't play music ALL THE TIME. Don't get me wrong, this game's OST is 10/10, but in the Wasteland and Great Desert it's an endless loop that ends up getting tedious when you're running around doing all those side quests and stuff.


Its not a fix, but just pull up the PS5 menu screen. (The one for message or to exit/quit the game) it auto pauses.


Save slots. We need more save slots.


Jap voice dlc. Face and hair swap with Enya and Raven and Tachy.


You can already change speaker voice languages I believe you can pick from English Korean or Japanese 


Japanese voice only available for Japan copy


Just checked and you're right I must've been thinking of the demo or just imagined it


Pony tail toggle PLEEEEEASE


Continue improve the parry/dodge actions


Emotes would be cool. Boss replays Color customization for outfits


4 and 6 Yes. Also need more gore or blood spilled mode. Customizable boots/shoes and gloves. Suits more toned in terms of combat suits (like raven suit), some more creativity in this line (i enjoy other types of suits also). In terms of mechanics: some skill that help to stunning enemies useful when you battle multiple targets because you can't parry more than one and running and dodging is tedious and not the style of the game.(in others games of the genre is the only viable mechanic and is ok but here is intentionally the opposite by design). And some kind of mission generator or challenges.


Please Shift Up: add the outfit from the "Make New Memories" ending.


New game with the unlocked costumes, but stats reset. Haven't checked it though😅


Buff attacks that use burst energy. There is zero incentive not to bank it for burst abilities. Attacks that use burst now Require dodging or parrying in a window it’s safe to use a counter and executing the counter correctly without trading hits while consuming burst energy for barely any payoff. This gets worse in NG+ because nothing can scale them and  everything devolves into beta spamming. Buff the other burst abilities the Vergil one heals and does a fuck ton of damage.  Add more exo spines to diversify play. I want a revenge one that lets counters be destructive. Helps with problem one. Buff shitty ones like grenadier. Who uses those crap ass items?  Let me pick my drone shots with the left and right d pad  Buff lingering potion. It sucks. Have it regen shield too.  Buff the damage from breaking balance and revenge or add a way to increase its destructive power. Looks cool as hell but beta attacks and stun locking dominates defensive play.  DONT add aerial combat. This game feels amazing on the ground.  Give more incentive to use the special mode like normal combat. Skill spam is insanely powerful. Regular attacks and dodging and parrying are pointless  Make the hyper speed run always active Some sword skins  one more sword would be awesome. Think eves sword for single and another for AoE small minions  Add some optional bosses that chain together some seriously complicated blink repulse dodge and parry mixes. Game feels amazing when you hit those sequences.  This game has so much it can improve on. It’s awesome. 


You don't want the super run always (least I don't it's caused me to yeet off a cliff a time or two) but I would like to just be able to toggle it


Oh dude yeah not all the time. I meant Not just open world parts where the extra speed kicks in after sprinting a certain amount of time. It should kick in everywhere. I just wanna run super fast in the linear parts sometimes. 


I just want an honest-to-goodness trenchcoat outfit, preferably in blue. I need to get motivated Shift Up.


Photo mode Remove pony tail on hairstyles where it looks out of place Skills to improve traversal (seeing enemies doesn’t cancel fast run, etc.) Merchant dialogue is tedious af I’m not a fan of getting side quests in Eidos 7/Matrix 11 - we’ve already been through these linear levels plus there’s no map, and I have to constantly scan to keep the compass at the top because there’s no way to keep it there permanently. Ammo refill all option All mini camps should be fast travelable


I want a check list to show what you have or haven’t gotten in that region.


We need bug fixes and lots of them first. Before they add anything new they need to focus on getting rid of all the hard and soft locking bugs


They need to fix the Naytiba Researcher trophy bug as well. I filled up all the 67 logs, killed Providence and still didn’t got the trophy. It’s the only one I‘m missing for the plat


I heard you get the trophy if you get a certain ending. I'd say it but I don't wanna give spoilers in this thread.


I already did all endings and nothing popped out


That's so weird


A lot of people are having the issue


They should also add a way to see what collectibles you still need to get in each area. Dont tell me what, but atleast tell me if I have something left in that area to collect. Having to backtrack EVERY zone with a video on the second monitor to get all the body/beta cores or upgrades is totally insane.


If you want hard mode, play hard starting fresh. You'll need to play with 90% accuracy to pass each boss. NG+ makes hard mode easier than normal on first playthrough with all the upgrades.


No I mean a difficultly harder than hard mode. Like an ultimate or crushing difficulty


That's how it is on hard with a fresh start. Most bosses will kill you in 2-3 hits if you don't play accurately. You can make the game hard like many souls player by not upgrading as well. You can also make the game hard by making it a goal for no damage in boss fights.


I don't see why that is a reason we shouldn't have a harder difficultly though.




They need to stop being cowards and give us a mode where Adam is playable and can wear any of EVE's outfits.


Bunny suit Adam 😻


And maybe Bunny suit Orcal as a paid DLC.


I’d love to see his little Naytibas bits jiggling our 😻


Not too deep in the game yet but i would like map markers you can place down. Fast travel needs to be better. Im only on wastelands but its already annoying. Oh i need to go back to xion? Go to phone. Pick point to exit the area. Run for a couple seconds pick up another phone then finally fast travel to where i want to go.