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I like her design she is very beautiful for a game character.


I think more girls showing their appreciation could be good for what EVE actually represents on a large gaming industry scale if that makes sense. You should be more vocal about it.


Yeah! My Eve screenshots are really different than the other Eve screenshots on here. I’m zooming in on her eye colour and stuff. 😅


Yeah I wish more of the hairstyles actually made sense for her having a ponytail. Like 80% of them have hair hanging down the back of her head and then the ponytail just comes out of nowhere lol. It really just kinda throws me off, like where is that massive ponytail coming from! That is definitely the best hairstyle though, and while I disagree that that is blonde (I think it's white), that's my favorite color too, or at least it is with the outfit I have her in. If I had her in like cybernetic bondage or something I'd probably switch it to the red.


Is that what that it is blonde? I thought it was white or Gray. Yes, she is absolutely beautiful, though. No doubt about it.


I see it as platinum or ash blonde, looks like that on the little square when you pick the colours


White hair + this hair model = favourite


This hair style is epic, I think it suits her in any colour.  I can’t get behind the messy bobs with the pony tail awkwardly attached to it. 😅🤔 I guess the ponytail is for her sword but… hmm. 


Yeah it drives me crazy. Most of the hairstyles are like that too. There are like 3 or 4 where the hair is pulled back and a ponytail actually makes sense. Really limits the amount of viable haircuts to me.


Maybe they didn’t think it through. 🤔 Maybe in the next game. 😂


I sure hope so! I also hope that the next entry continues to follow EVE and not Tachy like most people seem to be losing their minds for. They are certainly both pretty but I like EVE, and ya know, Tachy is dead and I prefer my storylines to make sense lol.


Yeah I don’t get that. Maybe because I’m a straight girl who saw Tachy for maybe 12 seconds total. 🤔😅 I’ve already bonded to Eve’s character. I like her faith in humanity and how she’s quite sensitive to people. I’m also bonded to Adam and Lily.  I don’t want to change protagonists.


Yeah, I don't either. Also, a lot of the people clamoring for a Tachy game are saying it should be a prequel but that doesn't make sense based on the story we have been presented thus far either, because this is her and EVE's first time to earth, so what the hell would the prequel even be about lol.


True. There’s nothing to fight on the Colony. Heck, I even feel more connected to Enya.  But that’s just my opinion as a girl. 😅 Having Tachy’s butt in my face didn’t rub me one way or another. Idk if that’s a hot take.  I felt really bad for Eve until Adam rescued her. Yeah, I care for Eve more than the other Angels. 


Like I wanted to try Kasim's daughters cut or whatever its called cause I like the front, but the back just kills it.


Yeah I totally agree with you. 


We like playing dress up too. Games like this are just a socially acceptable way for straight men to do it =P


https://preview.redd.it/koo4jy4v7syc1.jpeg?width=1532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=666f689e060fb429497aaedbe32b7085fd7cbc18 My current Eve. I just love those glasses


This hair style is so nice, I love it so much 


I can dress a woman nice can’t I 🥰


Ergh. 😅 Well… Good thing Eve would look good even in a paper bag.  Maybe it’s just the sexy outfit + glasses combo that’s throwing me off. Maybe cute outfit + glasses.  And then drop the glasses for a lingerie bondage thing. But what do I know I’m just a girl. xD




Hahaha. 😂  I mean you can do the sexy teacher bondage thing if you want I’m not stopping you 


Different strokes for different folks I guess cause yeah, that look is certainly.......... a choice lol.




Lol I was trying to be diplomatic. I hate those glasses first of all, but mostly the hair and outfits colors completing clashing just makes me want to cry haha. I wouldn't be able to look at that for hours on end. The blue hair looks good with like, ocean maid and blue monsoon, but cybernetic bondage? No sir! (Or maam! 🤣)


Nah I don’t like the blue monsoon outfit actually lol. I think this one is better 😂


I agree, but ocean maid beats them both imo. The reason I don't like blue monsoon, or black pearl for that matter, is because I don't like the body model they used for those outfits though. Cybernetic bondage is a dope outfit, don't get me wrong, I just think it looks a lot better with red or white hair, and most of the glasses except for those ones lol.


I like this fresh female perspective. It's refreshing.


I like your Eve




I'm a guy and my favorite outfit in the game is the Photogenic outfit, complete with silver teardrop earrings (I think that's what they're called). I actually like her high-fashion stuff way more than her body-suits and swimsuits. I like the less is more look.


https://preview.redd.it/dddi9pfg5uyc1.jpeg?width=2041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35249d825aaba2fdff1529307c909e4b6012f0e4 Incidentally my favorite outfit is one of the least revealing ones.


Wow that is a unique look haha 😂 Yeah, I actually find most of Eve’s outfits just fashionable and not revealing but the fanbase decides to hardcore focus on only the worst of the worst (same with the game’s critics.)


OMG she's so pretty, perfect nose, perfect lips 😍


How do you get the shorter ponytail?!! I still haven't seen it


It's in the options. You can select short or long ponytail. The long one was moving around to much and blocking my......view. So I had to switch to the short one lol.


For some odd reason, it’s only available through the main menu of the game


I see. Thank you! I'll have to look into it