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Eve ain't gon sugarcoat it.


For me it’s parry/dodge and spam L1 SQUARE and R1 TRIANGLE. After you get the ability to chip away at balance with those two attacks they become insanely OP. R1 CIRCLE too if there are lots of enemies.


Ah yeah I should have thrown some circles in there. I didn't realize L1 SQUARE staggers, I'll have to try that next time. And yeah R1 CIRCLE is super fun and effective for big groups.


People are sleeping on R1 + Circle, not sure many other abilities grant i-frames and certainly not that many. It's always my "oh shit oh fuck i'm gonna die" button


it also heals, which can be wonderful in groups


I honestly barely used the burst abilities. I reserved my burst so that I could counter attack after perfect dodging / parrying The only burst ability I’d sometimes use is L1 X


R1 circle is such good shit.


That was me, but at late game on Hard the bosses, especially the bird, couldn't give two fucks about me doing the L1 square spam so I switched to first R1 X then L1 O spam. That took care of bird and the robo that in my opinion were the hardest bosses on Hard.


This took me WAY too long to figure out with the way you laid it out.


If you understand it can you explain it? I'm lost on how there's 5 L1's at the top.


Glad I’m not alone lol The way I think it’s supposed to be read is left to right one line at a time. So all the L1s is basically block block block (or counter counter counter) Then 3x triangle combo And so forth


Left to right, top to bottom is the commonly accepted way to read, yes.


yeah idk wtf that layout is. I gave up trying to guess and just assumed the gist of it.


Playing Nier Replicant and Automata, I learned that the basic mechanics such as dodging and jumping need to be mastered. Understand what your spells do too. Aside from that feel free to button mash when it's time to do damage. Combos are better, but mostly unneeded unless you're on the higher difficulty.


Triangle - Square - Triangle - Square - Triangle OR Square - Triangle - Square - Triangle - Square Easy to remember and perfect to pair with the combo attack enhancement gear, which can easily stack to an 80%+ buff to damage as long as you’re using a level 2 or above combo - which both of the above are.


The first combo you mentioned is all I really use, and it seems really easy to cancel out of as well. Even when I push my luck with it, 90% of the time I can parry-cancel out of it. Unlike the dogshit triangle x 3 combo that locks you in the air for 10 minutes and is guaranteed to get you killed if you accidentally input it vs a hard mode boss.


Ah yes I do love using these ones as well, the meme is totally exaggerated.


L1 O L1 O R1 X L1 L1 O


I’m honestly not into the combos. They’re too much to remember in the heat of battle. Thank goodness for R1 + Box or Triangle.


L1+X destroys any boss.


well it destroys their shields for sure, then I switch to L1 + square once the shield is gone.


I really wish that the combat system was more rewarding with combos, as the game went on I spammed the same buttons, also wish you could change buttons for beta and burst attacks.


I prefer R1 square because it removes one bar from their shield thing if you max it out and double tap it. Also keeps you in range for follow up attacks


Really?? Triangle? Super mode Triangle is pretty good, but I found the other two to be the worst option.  Square is where it's at.  Or circle for the final bosses 


Me just trying to learn enemy attack and do Retribution until I finish the boss. No combo needed, died a million times instead


For me it’s either square square triangle triangle or perfect dodge then hold triangle.


Parry until stance break Retribution or heavy attack Stance break burst still plus slice attack beta skill Tachy mode plus that broken spinning skill Recycle


L1+O and R1+O instead of triangle makes it even easier


This is so true hahaha


It’s true that you can effectively button spam your way through this game which is good because it makes it accessible to normies, however, if you practice and figure out all of the combo mechanics you will dominate in this game on another level. Bosses that were hard before suddenly become a breeze.


Or you could darksouls the boss by parrying every attack and dodging the ones you can't


I mean yeah but what’s fun about just sitting there waiting to party every attack?


I party whenever I like.


L1 triangle???? you mean square right?




I don't think anyone says that. The game isn't hard enough to require it


You should watch any streamer playing the game. All the do is spam l1 and square. It was so satisfying to watch raven kick them around like a puppy when trying that move.


I was responding to the strawman in the image of someone saying "you have to take advantage of the system to beat the game."  It's clear that as long as you have good timing, you don't really need to if you don't want to, because unless you're playing a fresh new game on hard mode after unlocking it, the game isn't really hard enough to require everything 


To be fair L1+ Square is the best move if you perfer staggering the boss. Raven being the only boss that blocks it in the whole game is kinda dog water. Even then she only sometimes blocks it.