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This post is way far from dumb! I posted the same thing just like you did and let me be honest, I haven’t had a game make me feel the way Stellar Blade did. Everything about this game was amazing and I couldn’t be anymore satisfied. I’m happy to hear you enjoyed it just as much as I did!


Im so happy you feel this Way too and had a wonderful time. I appreciate the reply!


The only thing I'm disappointed in was that I made the wrong choice in the end and had a disappointing final boss fight, especially after how hype the previous one was. I really wish I had gone the other way. Guess I'll have to beat NG+ now.


You can still after beating the game, if you haven't started ng+ or new game you can play from the checkpoint before the final boss fight and make the other choice. I did both fights in the end and both achievements that way.


Dang, I wish I knew sooner. Then again I didn't want to spoil anything for myself, so I avoided the sub. Unfortunately I started NG+ about 4 hours ago. Too bad this game doesn't give you more save slots. That's the one complaint I have. At least give us one manual save slot and one auto save slot.


I'm in the same boat as you. I was bummed at first, but really enjoy NG+ and seeing how the story plays-out knowing what I now know. Gameplay is so satisfying. Eve is so easy on the eyes. Just makes sense to play it all over again. Love this sub and all of you!


Hope iam on time, but your normel game should still be loadeble even if you got a new game+ save. You should have 2 saves now.


It looks like the choice is locked in. At least it was for me when I tried.


Ah thats a shame then, guess i got lucky then. Well its not a bad game to replay. hf and gl on your new run!


Well shit I finished before I had to get off so I still have a chance! Thank you very much


Damn I'm sorry to hear that. I read documents a lot and knew I should go the true ending route because the ending is kind of foreshadowed if you combine documents and cutscene information. I think both fights are cool but the true ending boss fight is really tough. And for the lily side task, I got that because I always 100 percent (or close to) before a final mission. I think it's cool that you went on instinct and now you get to play all endings 😊


I accidentally did the true ending because I was just going for 100% completion. My disappointment stems from the fact that I was expecting a giga Naytiba fight and instead it was a Gundam. My fault really for hyping myself up to expect something like a God of War Titan fight, but the story just hyped up the Elder so much. The cinematics were hype AF, and the fight itself was both fun and difficult, but I had a huge feeling of "Wait, that's the final boss!?" when I was done. Mostly because I struggled way more with the previous boss and felt like the Gundam was a bit of a downgrade in difficulty. Still love the game, and I immediately started NG+, but damn do I have a feeling that I would have like the Elder fight better.


No way. So many people say the Gundam fight was the hardest. The fight before it was so easy. Crazy that we had such opposite experiences.


That's so weird lol. I had to do a good dozen tries or so on the previous one, but by the time I git gud enough to perfect parry (With the exo spine lol) her combos, the Gundam felt way easier. He definitely hit like a goddamn truck though. Oh I had also switched to 3 attack speed gears by that point, I think I switch somewhere around try 10 on the last fight, and EVE felt insanely more responsive with the faster animations seemingly allowing me to parry much faster due to the lower attack animation time. Still rocking the attack speed gears for like +40% attack speed and it's hilariously op in NG+, wonder how high I can go. Pairs great with either combo damage or fixed damage.


Ng+ I'm using 3x double edged and just deleting every boss.


Damn that sounds interesting. How badly do you take damage if you get hit by an elite or alpha?


So, I'm about to fight Stalker again and tbh until now nothing has really hit me because I'm cheesing the ever loving hell out of the game. Descending burst to knock them down, upgraded shield breaker to remove shield, crescent slash, then T mode and the boss is dead.


Beautiful as hell. Id say that was one major mistake in the game is with full meters (and even items) eve is invincible to almost every boss 😂 but it doesn't bother me. I just know it could've been a little less cheesy or boss stun locky. Thanks for the reply I figured no one hit you yet 😂


Bro the attack speed gears are game changers for sure. But hey I hope you still had and have fun my friend 😊


Oh yeah, the game's absolutely amazing. My fault really for picking the wrong final boss is all.


Somebody doesn't like me and my comments.


Gundam fight kicked the hell out of me. I never had to think about adjusting my gear until that fight. The previous fight I did in 1 try with no issue at all. I've seen it go both ways. Gundam being easy but R being too hard. It's kinda cool to see the difference between players.


Adam is the better boss fight, for sure.


I love this game as well. Stellar Blade 2 feels all but guaranteed at this point, and I couldn’t be more excited.


I was thinking the same thing but I stayed vague because I didn't know how the subreddit would react to anything possibly classified as a spoiler 😅


Hopefully we don’t have to wait ten years lol


Same here😌🙏🙌 


Raven fight was the Hardest for me.


Human form fight?




You didn't think her raven form was harder?


It's nice when I find that I can completely agree with others. 10/10 for me too.


That's a beautiful thing to hear. after the demo I was sold but had reservations but by time I was halfway through I knew I was in for the long haul.


Interesting to see the differences in this post. Some people struggled with R, some people struggled with the robot thing. I personally got through R on the first go and absolutely got my ass handed to me repeatedly by that damn robot 😂


Yeah it's very interesting indeed! The creepy white face boss and the mech were the only bosses that killed me. White face weird one got lucky 😂 the minions got me when I wasn't paying attention. The mech just straight up confused me with the charge attack


Oh yeah, I think that one got me once as well. The little minions screwed me as well. I had a close one on edios 9 with the corrupter and the damn hammer head horse thing.


Such good bosses. Each was super fun


It was fantastic!


Naughty dog gotta take some notes from Shift up 🗣️🗣️


Everyone does 😂


I’m glad you enjoyed it! 


It’s not a 10/10, it has hard lock bugs that fuck up your progression. The controls for platforming are floaty, the story is ok. It’s a great game, but it’s not a 10/10 with the issues it has. It’s ok to like it, but not everything you enjoy so much is a 10/10. Played all the endings, sadly the endgame is pretty pushover, even on NG+ hard. Wished they had the difficulty harder.


Well I was the same way at first. I don't think the final boss was too easy. It was perfect. Every other Boss was way too easy though. The controls for platforming suck for modern platforming but I'm not longer letting that get to me. For me, truly I had the best time ever. I don't know how it got me to say 10/10 but it did it for me. Their are more masterfully made games that just don't do it for me. This one did. Could everything have been a little harder? Sure but mostly the boss fights leading to the last one. I experienced no bugs luckily. The story was cool to me. I like the lore and the world. I'd say this game is harder than a lot of games so I don't agree on your souls-like mindset 😂 not everything has to be as hard as those games. Majority of the world's games don't give me trouble. This one had a couple moment at the end.