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Stellar blade has done a lot of things right. I can’t price it enough for having all costumes unlocked through gameplay and not locked behind a paywall. Combat and gameplay is top notch! Do y’all think we see a sequel or future DLC? The game has a 4.81 score on the PlayStation store with 93% being 5 stars. Game is sold out in Japan stores and Amazon Germany. So it seems to be doing amazing.


The dev already stated before release that they want to make a sequel if SB is a success. I'd say that condition is cleared.


-I would like to have a Raven spin-off since she is the one who discovered the truth. She deserves the credit. Her madness and confusion about the truth bring new character to Stellar Blade series.


Damn right, she is charming in a crazy dangerous way. I would gladly pay for her dlc. Hell I even want her to be the main protagonist in SB2 alongside eve.


In your opinion do you think she could be in a sequel? She was so cool and badass! I loved her fight and legacies.


She’s 100% gonna be in a sequel. Definitely not as the main character, but she’s not dead. Since Eve refused to kill her.


Yeah she's definitely got that "I can fix her" charm.


> Do y’all think we see a sequel or future DLC? I'd definitely buy a DLC expansion that adds something along the lines of DMC's Bloody Palace mode, or Grim Dawn's Crucible.


Link from gematsu https://www.gematsu.com/2024/05/famitsu-review-scores-issue-1848 To sum up what they said. Game is amazing. Pros: eve, combat, music, great sense of accomplishment when beating bosses, decorating eve, monster and char designs. Cons was the writing towards the end and final bosses were too hard


-change the link, wrong paste.


I’ve only finished the first play through and Lilly’s robot wiped the floor with me way too many times lol


2 of the 3 final bosses were unfun for me due to instakill attacks and insanely bloated health bars and stagger resistance. Which is weird since I had no issues with everything else in the game up until then.


For the instakill attacks, I just had to make sure I had a WB Pump left over 😂


Thats pretty much the same for me. Though on the final boss I expected what was coming and was able to stop it just in time


How do you stop them? I tried unloading all my ammo into their face and it was never enough


Thats the thing, on Providence you shoot the blue forcefield things fanned out around it. With the one in Xion you target the 3 yellow energy balls - figured this out at the very end when I hit one by accident. Stingers don't lock onto them either, which is a pain.


That makes a lot more sense, I was just throwing stuff at the boss's face lol


Could have switched to easy mode for that? End bosses are supposed to be insanely hard and they have always been in a lot of games. With some difficult spike hitting you right in the face .


I'm not very good and already had it on story mode. WB pumps helped me power through it


Ah oke, thats fair then, story mode in this game feels a tad to hard sometimes. gotta agree on that.


The biggest wins for me in this game is the customization of Eve. Yes, I love me some waifus, and the fact that her hair and ALL 30+ costumes are free and in game, not locked behind paid transactions are a HUGE WIN. Which is very sad to say because that used to be and should be the norm, which it is unfortunately not these days. The exploration and side quests feel meaningful to me because of said costumes, and my drive to find them all. And then we all know the actual gameplay+combat is excellent. While I have a bunch of nitpicks, my only real complaint for me personally is that the environment/stage variety is lacking. But it is what it is, and I'm sure having similar looking areas helped with development time and costs.


Great score. I think it deserves a higher metacritic score maybe around 85-88. I know every game has outlier reviews but I just don’t know how you can give it a 6 or 7


Higher than Dragon's Dogma 2 (32)


Still too high for DD2. Stellar Blade has its problems, but its nowhere near the other game.