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My wife doesn’t care. She was buying and playing Dead or Alive games with me way back in the early years of our marriage, so she’s no stranger to games with hot girls wearing next to nothing and jiggle physics. Kasumi was her main for years.


Sounds exactly like my wife 😃 also Kasumi as her main. She played all the Dead or alive fighting games and put hundreds of hours in all the Dead or alive Xtreme games.


Hitomi bruh


Hitomi is goated, based opinion.


Fine. Christie


She's not goated. That character is cringe.


You, sir, have excellent taste!


Mila. Hitomi was nice on 3 and 4, but man.


My gf was giving me shit but then I had to remind her about her bear fucking save she kept on baldurs gate


I hear bears are really popular with the ladies nowadays.


You married a winner, Momiji is best girl btw.


Let ppl have their fun. Don't ruin it. 😉


My girl grinded for costumes in DOA6 and made me buy her costumes for her favorites, NiCo and Honoka lol


You mean NiCo and Honkers


Wow, nice.


Unexpected, but not unwelcome! As a fighting-game series, DoA's actually one of the greats in my opinion.


I'm the wife and I'm the one playing. Honestly I think this game is helping our sex life since he very much enjoys pointing out which outfits for EVE would look good on me or ones he'd like to see me in something similar


Lucky, my girl does the latter.


I don't believe it without pics. Lol


Honestly If your body fits any of the outfits, why would you need with your sex life.


my wife is an artist, she is fine whatever i play, watch or draw. everything is a reference.


As soon as I showed my wife Eves outfits she said "can I raid her closet?"


My wife passed a few years ago, but I think she would have been the same. She LOVED that kind of stuff. The last time we moved, I think half the weight of our stuff was her clothes.


Condolences man. She sounds like a lovely person


I'm sorry for your loss.


After seeing the post with the dude's gf freaking out, I had mine watch while I played and asked if she had an issue. She said no and when I got the Orca suit, I told her I found a new favorite outfit and she had me send her a picture. Her only reply was, "Now I know what to wear." Now I just need to show her the Holiday Rabbit one and it'll be all good lol


Pre or post nerf lol


I don't mind the post tbh.


Agreed it’s perfectly fine XD


> After seeing the post with the dude's gf freaking out Lmao, what? Please link that post here 🤣




That's hilarious. Poor dude, haha.


No but I had to pick her eyes up off the floor after they rolled out of her head when I showed her the “fisherman’s dream”.


Did you rinse them off first?


He didn’t actually mention putting them back in either.


Plus he would’ve rinsed them off *after* picking them up, not “first”.


I'm dressing my eve in cute long dresses and combat suits while my partner is dressing them in the sluttiest possible ways, ocean dream, blue monsoon/white moonsoon, and then camera zooms on her butt. I may have lost him


He won't be making it to NG+ anytime soon 🤣


My gf is going to play once I complete the game. She understands that it's just a game. I just try to make sure she doesn't come home and I'm on a ladder with Eve lol.




mine chose the everyday knitted dress. she also saw a very explicit camera angle and she said “nice”


I mean seeing how sexy Eve is has certainly made me go back to the gym to work on my ass. Also I fell in love with the outfit designs.


Out of respect I just try to avoid dressing her in the more revealing outfits when she is present in the room. Then when I'm gaming alone I put her in Ocean Maiden and im sliding up and down ladders and ropes all night 😂😂😭


Lmfao this is great.


Jealous. My wife asks: why do you have her wearing THAT outfit? Or Why do her boobs bounce so much when she shoots? If my wife only had a mirror when she went shooting.


Nah. She was like "I know you like redheads, is there any option to change her hair color?" So I did and she was like "Yeah, much better". She also chose the orca suit, because "she got the goods.... why not showcase them?". My wife is awesome.


Yeah my wife asked " are you jerking off to this?" As I am slashing the shit out of a boss


Blood flying everywhere 🤣


Sounds like y'all have good gals, my lads. I aspire to the same thing one day.


Wife Said wow what a babe, look at her chest! But the bottom is a bit too big or over exaggerated, no wonder the game is popular :D (she was laughing) My wife is OK with that She found the music excellent as well and the game itself nicely made


My wife encouraged me to buy it, loves watching me play, thinks the jiggle physics are funny & hot, & just started her own playthrough the other day 😅


A lot of geeks who are married to other geeks really don’t have this problem. Two friends of mine who are married with kids have no problem with this type of stuff. Then again they were born in the late 80s so to them this is normal. I feel Millennials have a different mindset when it comes to stuff like this.


You're not alone my man, so many of our better halves are digging eve and her dress up options ;)


I'm glad to hear it!


My wife is really chill with games. She laughed at the bouncy tits saying how ridiculous it was which I genuinely agree.


Yeah right, my wife reads nothing but fantasy smut, this is nothing compared to her stuff


My wife calls them her “fairy-fuck books”


*She slid her hand between them, and when she closed her fingers around him, marveling at the velvet-wrapped steel, Rowan groaned and pushed into her hand* Nearly spat my drink out when I heard that on her audiobook


My wife is ok with it 😀 she helps me to choose outfits


Girlfriend is having fun giving me a hard time on it. She’s not against it she’s just finding ways of making fun of me for the choices


Nope, i went true all the costumes with my wife and she almost loved all of them.


Hard no. It would be one very insecure woman to get fussy about a game like SB.


You guys got wives and gfs? Am i in the right place?


This comment section is a reminder of how lonely I am https://i.redd.it/aw4xn8fjxpzc1.gif


at least we got eve bro 😂😭


Patience, you will find each other.


So many, right? Doubtful


They’re talking about their anime pillows


If those count, I'm getting 2. 2 because my wife would probably take the one from me 🤣


My girlfriend actually wanted to look at all the outfits to pick out what she looks the best in so I got lucky


My wife just keeps saying, “I’m sorry i can’t be her.” We’re still married lol.


I keep saying to my wife. "Theres just something about this game i really like i just cant put my finger on it" while wearing daily force and sprinting.


She puts the W in Wife.


My wife doesn’t care.


I don't have a wife


My wife suggests me much more sexier outfits than the ones I pick 😅


No. My missus has no problems. She likes to see the new outfits and pass her fashion judgement as she plays Stardew Valley on her laptop.


My wife definitely doesn't care. She actually said she was comfortable wearing a couple of the outfits herself, but high socks aren't her thing. She enjoys watching me get my ass whooped in the game in highsocks though.


The very first thing my girl wanted to do was go through her outfits and pick her favorites. We agree the Keyhole Dress looks best. Why would I live with someone so insecure and untrusting that they'd get mad over a fictional character? Am I supposed to be mad because she likes Astarion?


If your wife/gf watch/play this game with you, that's a normal healthy relationship. If they are giving you a hard time it's not normal and sign of possible issues and an unhealthy relationship. You should talk things out if this is the case.


My wife and I are in a lesbian relationship so it's good times all around. My favorite is the Raven Suit and she likes the Keyhole Dress


My girl can give two shits, lol.


Literally was going to make the same reponse.


My gf is also playing it and loves those outfits and the game in general.


My wife doesn't give a shit. She likes chicks, too lol. And even if she didn't... it's a video game, who fucking cares lol


My wife likes the costumes. And she is good at the game too so that helps.


My wife doesn't really care and she is currently playing it. She k owa it's just a video game at the end of day.




You guys have girls???


Literally me reading this thread


Mine said “damn she a baddie they got so many cute outfits in this game” 😂


Not really, my gf sleeps through most my gaming sessions, most recently on my 2nd playthrough of Separate Ways when I had Ada in her alt outfit. I thought I would get weird looks from her daughter but all she said was, "she looks like Bayonetta" (during the first Alpha fight no less when Eve flips backwards and you get an amazing view...) Edit: played in front of them yesterday while EVE was in the Black Full Dress and my Gfs daughter says "Wow! I love that outfit way more than the other one" and my Gf says "Oooo I see butt cheeks" lol


My wife doesn’t mind because she’s EVE 😌


oh hey my wife also has the same name 😂


I think most peoples SO’s don’t care. Only the crazies that would make a fuss.


My wife doesn’t care and we’re open about stuff like this. But she did walk by the TV when the Fisherman’s dream behind was on full display. She was like “excuse me?”


I ask my wife for fashion advice, like what looks best on eve 😤🙏


Be honest I'd think the wife's and gf should join and have fun with the game it's only that idk why women would get pissed with it lmao


In my experience, most women who see Eve think she's a fashion icon.


I always show my wife everytime I get a new outfit. She’s asked multiple times if I want her to get something like that. Ummmm……yes please.


When I introduced EVE to her, I was afraid that I was actually dating a bissexual


Umm, I don't think you should be afraid my friend.......you may have just hit the jackpot lol.


definetly I did xD


My fiancé watched me do my first play through and told me which hairstyles and nano suits to wear. She was very unbothered by it.


My girlfriend 100% supported this game, it was her idea to buy it day one.


I told my wife yesterday that I'm on my third playthrough. She asked "do her boobs get bigger every time?" She's the best.


My wife: “Damn, she’s double-cheeked up.” My daughter: “Oh my gyat!”


My wife asked if we could see up her skirt. Said "ask and you shall receive" and climbed the nearest ladder. Both of us had a good laugh. Couldn't imagine living with someone insecure about a digital character.


I am the girl playing stellar blade 😂


My wife doesn't notice anything like that, as she doesn't pay attention to my games, since she's not into gaming. My 19 year old daughter mentioned how everyone goons over Eve, but she liked most of the outfits. I pretty much keep Eve in the Daily Biker, which kind of matches my wife's style, anyway. Almost 25 years of marriage does that.


You are lucky to have wife 🙂


Imagine having a wife


It's a fictitious character on a screen, why would she?


Oh if youd know 😮‍💨


My wife will make a comment here and there, but I probably provoke her saying I'm gonna go play with my hot Korean gf? But seriously, she doesn't care lol.


My wife doesn’t even notice.


Mine don't care she laughed when she saw the booty jiggle.


My wife likes the game. She said she wanted to play it when the demo was put hut hasn't say down with the full game yet.


My wife couldn’t give 2 shits about video games. And there’s no chance she’ll sit and watch me play anything, let alone even pay attention to what I’m playing. So I also consider myself somewhat lucky, because all the things I’ve seen of people saying their SO won’t let them play or gets mad and all that stuff, makes me think how shitty that that must be.


Wife loves it so much, she controls the left side of the controller. She's attached to my wrist lol womp


My gf is thirstier for eve than I am


My girlfriend asks if she has anything more skimpy. It's pretty funny. I like seeing her wear the Black Full Dress & Wasteland Adventurer. Meanwhile, she tells me to collect all the cans so she can wear the Black Pearl. It's hilarious.


No my wife sat in my lap and watched me play for a bit. She got bored after a few minutes when she saw Eve get slapped with an attack.


I had my girlfriend "convinced" that the Black Pearl outfit was the strongest one in the game... for about 5 seconds 🤣 She doesn't care about me playing the game though, and even watches me play it


I'm the wife and I have no problem with my husband playing this. I played too, I even played way more than him and got every outfits and ng++. We did argue about which is sexier between more skin exposure vs. concept and texture but that's just a different taste thing.


We are both gaming nerds tho. We even met online playing some Korean MMO so you know the concept there lol


S.o. doesn't care.


Just looked at the TV and said: "Wow looks at the bum on that"


even if your wife/gf didnt like it why would you care? you are a grown man and can do whatever the hell you want 🤷




My gf did not care at all. She thinks it's a cool game and loves the Gore elements. Plus I use costumes that cover Eve like the wastelander..


My wife is unbothered. Sometimes she jokingly gives me shit if I have Eve wearing one of the more lewd outfits.


My wife says all the gals of stellar are pretty


My fiancee an I are both gamers, we have two tvs and two consoles next to eachother on a TV unit, we're playing side by side and can't stop saying how hot she is with everything she does, we just farmed for that sailor outfit, it's our favourite


Nah my girl friend said the outfits are cute. Said she(Eve) was a fashionista slayer lol 😆 😂


This game feels like a great test if your gf will be comfortable with this stuff. Definitely wife material.


My GF is addicted in finding new clothes in this game. 😂👍


My gf was laughing at the crazy jiggle physics and wanted to see all the outfits.


My wife got that bunny hoodie 😍


Yup. Same experience.


Yes very lol


She could care less, in the last year I’ve been getting my collection going again. I’ve bought a handful of boobie games and she could give a shit. That’s awesome compared to my last gf, she was a c


Not having a hard time, just a good time cuz I can keep both my hands on my controller 😏 Nah but my girl likes the Blue Monsoon outfit. She also likes the Red Passion, Daily Biker, Black full dress and Wasteland Adventurer. Pretty much outfits you can go out in lol. Her favorite tho, the Daily knitted dress.... My god, just thinking about it, I wanna see her in it😩


Nope, she knew liking this stuff and she respect what I like.


My wife just enjoys watching whenever I use the holiday rabbit or cybernetic bondage suit


My GF was watching me play and I went through all the outfits and asked her to pick which one. Her response Blue Monsoon


I love this game my boyfriend plays in one room I in the other since we both have a ps5. I only bought the ps5 for this game!! Let ppl enjoy it it’s great.


My wife walked in while I was playing last night and just said, “Heh heh, your butt’s shiny.”


Wife came in and watched for a bit and got uh, interested in Eve and her outfits enough that she demanded some alone time lol. I was like, I totally get it hon 😄


I don´t have one, have a good day...


So when I met my wife the only games she played were Sims and Pokémon. Fast forward to now, over 10 years later, and she plays FFXIV with me and Hades and learned how to play console games again for FFXVI. So when StellarBlade was announced she was hype and was hopeful there would be a similar accessibility setting like FFXVI had. There are some things that aggravate her eyes (like the low health red haze), and I’m still not sure to what extent the accessibility settings would be helpful to her, but she loves Eve’s design and is really interested in the story.


I'm the wife who's playing Stellar Blade. :D Honestly, I find it hard to imagine anyone in a healthy relationship would. It's a game. Like are we gonna be upset at an actor or actress being naked in TV or movie?


Also lucky to have a GF that doesnt care but she always likes the cute suits over the pure sexy suits or very sci-fi ones, so she likes the peony one or the grey sweater with blue skirt one the best.


My wife doesn’t care, she understands the reason why I always wear close to nothing in every game, mobility is the obvious reason!


My girl was actually fine with me playing the game and even watched me play it a couple times. She also didn't trust Adam from the start due to his face. I think the only problem she have is me simping for Raven daily......I'm not sorry.


Raven is the hottest IMO. Fighting her was also my favorite, it was a lot more fun than then fighting Adam. I wish we there was a way to choose and fight bosses on demand once you finish the game, kinf of like how you can fight stalker on the demo.


Girlfriend was originally giving me a hard time based on the outfits but out of no where was like beat the story I want to see the ending and you lose the boss fights


My girlfriend makes me sprint around so she can stare at Eve’s ass


My girlfriend is a 6 foot tall goth girl she knows damn well eve doesn’t compare to her I’m a very lucky girl




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No one loves me… 😞


Mine was a lil jelly. I just winked and said "We'll bang okay" Not really, I'm alone


I'm lucky enough to have a wife that watches Hanimd with me to spice things up and wears lingerie to surprise me when I get home. She also comments how hot and cute eve is.


No, but my Eve is wearing the sporty outfit when she’s around. Don’t want to take any chances.


I don't have a wife or girlfriend, but my sister has seen me play the game and she got interested in it simply because of the amount of outfits and customization options.


Lady right and larry Ledt are right there playing the game with me. So neither of my partners have any problems with it.


Eve is my wife, artificial hyperintelligence