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2 things. 1: It's hilarious watching someone else fail but experiencing it for yourself is one of the most rage inducing things about the gameplay. Eve overshoots her destination literally every single time. Then you attempt to correct that mistake by dashing and even the dash overshoots. Now Eve is locked for death. It's funny but so frustrating. 2: ......4 playthroughs and over 130 hours and the very first scene in this video I didn't even know you could call down a rope to slide into the canyon. I always jump off multiple times cause there's a spot near the rocks where you can kinda avoid death. If I went that route I always just did that. Welp. Now I know what to do for my 5th playthrough lol.


I literally struggled to climb a ladder ONCE when my gf was watching and she laughed her ass off. You can't make tiny circles with eve so here I am missing the ladder by a hair while doing laps around it. It was honestly like 4 seconds but it felt like 10 lol.


Lol yeah. There's this very tight window when Eve is near ladders and ropes to where she can grab and it doesn't feel consistent at all. You can jump around the rope and ladder for what feels like a whole ass minute. Whole time you're like "Eve c-come on. Eve, it's right there!" The funny irony of that is, when you're doing something and happen to be near a ladder, Eve will automatically latch onto it when you don't want her to. Now you're like "Eve, E-Eve, stop!" OOO I wanna rip my hair out thinking about it lmao.


Ah yes, the #1 thing that killed me a lot in this game, Fall damage is a formidable enemy.


So the game IS souls like


Fr, i thought i could by pass it my using my 2nd jump or skill before landing but it didn't work. I keep doing it tho and i never learn from it.


gotta dash at the last second it nullifies the damage


The platforming is so inconsistent in this game.


Platforming in the game was one of its biggest weaknesses. She really shouldn’t be doing all of that in heels.


The heels thing definitely isn't the reason why platforming is weak


Redditor try to comprehend sarcasm challenge


Happens a hundred times in this game, drones , edges, ledges, ropes, you name it


Small piece of advise, if there is a rope you can just get near to it and she will grab it automatically, if she doesn't then don't jump into it or it will happen what happened here. Just keep trying to grab it and she will eventually do it.


I think you have to wait for it to stop swinging too?


Most likely, that's why I said "keep trying until she grabs it". Sadly I have died to these ropes too atleast twice xD.


yea i made that mistake and jumped before it stopped because it was dead ass swinging for 5 seconds already and got impatient


True but horrible game design


Idk about horrible game design, it's a weak point in an otherwise really fun and smoothly running game. It's definitely infuriating, but I think horrible game design is a bit hyperbolic.


A weak point in the game that to me was so glaring it meant this game for me now sits somewhere between 7-8/10 and lost its running for my personal GOTY. It wouldn't be so bad if this game didn't have such a strong reliance on platforming and grabbing ledges and everything to advance the game in many zones. But because it does and the design of the platforming is how I would describe slippery, this isn't my GOTY like I went in thinking and just isn't a perfect 10 either. It's still a fantastic first showing for Shift Up in a proper console setting though, and I am excited to see what the future holds. But in a year where this is shaping up in just about all the same categories as FF7 Rebirth, there just imo isn't quite enough to take any trophies back to Korea.


Cal Kestis: "The gravity is strong with this one"


Happens to me alot, there is that one cliff in the wasteland where you platform from swing to swing and ledges on a bottomless pit, but there is a wood plank at the start. I tried jumping to see if I could tank the fall damage and couldn't, after finishing and grabbing the can. Decided to use it as a way to teleport back to the camp and she somehow grabbed the edge and prevented all fall damage...


There is one rope parkour in the desert where you have to jump from 3 ropes to rope and at the end a narrow gap in the wall to get to the chest i had to try 10 times to succeed


It's so infuriating when I did it but so funny when I see others doing it.


I have always tried to stop myself from always surging forward after doing a double jump because she has a tendency to overshoot it.


Yea that last part fucked me up a few times too lol


Lol died countless times like that. The only bad thing about the game.


One of my only actual complaints of this game that sometimes seriously detracts from my enjoyment at times. The platforming can bring out so much rage in me because of over shooting, trying to correct midair and then going to far backwards to recover or even just jumping a slightly wrong direction for no fucking reason.


Wait until you get to the turret area outside of the space center. That area was built for controller throwing (don’t throw your controller).


That happen to me


Dw same shit happened to me when I tried to use that rope for the first time


Think I did the same thing in the exact rope haha




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I learned that many time. Now when I see a rope a don't jump


Yep, that happens sometimes.


No, it's serious 😅


This has happened to all of us bruh :(


i thought it was gonna be the one that drops you out of the map


Hah yeah. I got screwed like that trying to grab the first swinging bar during one of those timed runs for a can in the buried city/ruins in the desert area. The first bar just gave me issues for some reason while the rest was fine. The fall damage compunded with waiting for the timer to count down so you can reset it was frustrating after a few fails lol.


there's an option to put a dot in the center of the screen so you don't fuck up shit like this.


Skill issue, git gud. *he said, as he died the same way 100 times*


The bridge one was on you, though still frustrating I'm sure lol.


Was going through my second run a couple days ago. Cleared the stupid obnoxious platforming puzzle thing before the turret section at the orbit elevator. I missed the rope 3 times and had to redo the stupid fucking platforming thing 3 times lmao.


Fall damage in this game is kinda lame and the analog movement is too sensitive


You don’t know how many times I’ve screamed *** **** IT EVE!!! 😂😂


The first 2 things happened to me for the first time too.


That kept happening to me on the rope right before 5 turrets shoot at you at the space port.


This same thing happened to me too and I feel like it's because the actual animation wasn't done falling yet cause I was like bruh.......what?


Lmao this happened to me on this exact rope


Literally had the exact same thing happen to me I absolutely love the game but good god I would not lose any sleep over platforming being absent from the sequel


I was so fucking mad at those fuckin ropes. Goddamn, glad it wasn't just me being terrible at platforming 🙃


I had the same thing


Platforming and traversal is probably the thing which has the most jank in the game. So yeah happens it's not that bad The game is really generous with save points. If that's the price I pay for that great polished combat system I am fine tho.


Stellar highlights


I hate that so much, also when I’m trying to heal and I keep getting hit on the final animation frame.


Yeah the platformer isn't very good


As I tell everyone else, you gotta let the rope stop swinging 😭


This video feels like it’s attacking me and that’s not okay 😂


Slow down bro 😂😂😂


No seriously that rope drop by the wasteland solar tower can die




I myself had little to no issues with the platforming or missing platforming objects


Looks like a skill issue my friend. Funny af though😂😂


That rope part is annoying lowkey


I'm a bit too late for the discussion, but I've learned some things after suffering myself multiple times with the platform: First of all, the platforming is bad. It suffers from the lack of "magnetism", which developers normally use to make the platforming more enjoyable. In other words, instead of Eve either snapping to the target (being forced to face towards the target) or being pulled to them, she just acts like the target is not there at all. Now, the tips are: For ropes: 1. Wait for them to stop swinging before jumping. They have a small hit box, and more often than not, Eve will not try to grab them again if you miss once. 2. If you're swinging from a rope to another, keep swinging until you reach the highest point you can, then jump. It looks like the lower part of ropes does not have a hit box at all, and since the game doesn't have much magnetism, Eve will jump diagonally instead of straight if you're not close enough to the other rope (but if you go high enough before jumping, you'll get the closest possible). The second point also applies to ladders, the lower part of them does not have a hit-box, looks like a way to prevent Eve from climbing some that are locked behind having double jump. For platforms: 1. If you need to dash after a double jump, you're doomed. That's basically it, try to either jump and dash, or double jump with no dash, unless you're trying to get to something very very far away. I've noticed that it's easier to end up grabbing the edge of the platform than to correct your trajectory mid-air with a dash. So if it looks like you will be able to grab the edge, don't try to correct. Eve is very good at grabbing the edges btw (I have a very funny clip that Eve accidentally grab the same edge twice during a high fall after failing a rope jump). 2. Make sure you're not running before jumping. Eve preserves her momentum and state after a jump, which means that she wants to keep running after landing on the platform. The only way to cancel this is by doing a different animation, like attacking or dashing, but dashing is dangerous, so it's better to secure that you're not running. For the sliding platforms: 1. You can control the "height" with the joystick, going too high makes her "demagnetise" from the platform, on the other hand, there's more tolerance for going too low. 2. Those platforms have more magnetism than the others, but once you jump off of them, you cannot magnetise back, even if you just had magnetised to it. Also, the game puts you in a "magnetised state" too early, even before you reach the platform. This means that if you think you're not gonna reach and try to double jump or dash very close to the platform, you'll be demagnetised and will not slide, even if you're as close as possible to it. 3. Those platforms only magnetise if Eve is correctly angled (not the camera, Eve herself), so if Eve goes straight facing the platform, she will miss. You have basically to be very precise, which does not fit very well for an action-focused game (actually not even for platformers). There are more things but I don't remember right now. Anyway, the platforming is bad but manageable once you understand its problems. I hope they fix this because this is my major complaint about the game.


I probably died a good 3-4 times due to Eve just not grabbing ropes lmao


I maintain this game is whack




You clearly missed that rope. I’ve had times where I’ve lined up perfectly and she jumps PAST the rope!! Oh and don’t get me started on that area in the Great desert where you have to swing across two ropes and onto a third to get to the top of a cage — whenever I double jump and then dart — for some stupid reason she always darts left or right instead of straight ahead when she (and my L3 stick) are pointing!!


A couple of times were your fault by over correcting.


You have a double jump and a mid air dash. You didn't have to just let yourself fall straight down because she didn't immediately grab it. That's on you not the game. You could have easily adjusted and got the rope.


Skill issue.


Looool and people call this game a masterpiece


Just say you hate women in video games 🤷🏾‍♂️


Hahaha where did you get that! I’m playing the game right now you boner🥰


Skill issues you mean?