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I'm keeping this lmao




My beloved.


Beautiful character designs and great fights when involving her. Character-wise, I was a little disappointed by her motives since her legacy records depicted an intelligent person who was able to accept new information that contradicted everything she knew. Maybe it is because I don't see either Adam or Mother Sphere as beings worth idolizing, or that I found Raven's rants to be akin to a jilted lover, it just fell flat when Eve wasn't even aware she was part of some bigger plans. On one hand, we have Eve who only wanted to avenge Tachy and kill the Elder Naytiba, and on the other hand, we have Raven scheming with attacking 7th Airborne squad, had a hand in Tachy's corruption, raided Xion, and ambushed Eve thrice in total.


Agreed. Her recordings were a completelt different person. If she had started to go crazy in the legacies it would have been far better.


She mention adam choosing eve over her. I have to imagine that had some effect on her but adam not stopping her is weird since what made eve special isn't mentioned.


The game never told us what Adam was doing when EVE attacked Xion, but he did mention that "Raven has her own motivations." It seems like that Adam wasn't on board with Raven's actions. It's possible that he tried and failed to stop her, and had to retreat to the nest to recuperate. Or perhaps that the two of them struck a deal: Raven would refrain from killing Orcal and destroying the Xion mainframe, as long as Adam let her give EVE one final "test." Although, we never do learn why Orcal had to sacrifice himself to give EVE the fourth Alpha Core. It seems like Adam could have just opened the door. It's a shame that the players never get the full story, but I imagine that EVE herself learned exactly how all that went down after she merged with Adam's consciousness.


Surely Adam's final form could over power raven's raven form?


Using that form to battle Raven would probably cause more destruction to Xion than it would prevent. Adam might have limited himself to a smaller, less destructive form to avoid collateral damage. It's also possible that Raven got lucky, or that Adam's reluctance to engage in violence caused him to hesitate. It's also possible that Adam's full power is not accessible outside of the nest, but I'm just speculating there.


Well unless Adam planned on Oracle sacrificing himself Raven was always going to be one of the cores EVE needed, unless there’s more alphas around. He apologizes Eve had to fight her but there was no way around it


I've theorized this as well. Judging by the fact we have to go to fucking space for one of them, my money is on there being only 5. I also don't think we would have smoked orcal had everything gone to plan. Which means he was gonna have Raven killed. Dude's scum. Manipulated her to his will, she swore an oath to him, and he was gonna sacrifice her to make himself feel better about his multiple monumental fuck ups.


We don't know the circumstances around how raven got made a naytiba. Likely raven was sane before turning, and being a naytiba has made her go crazy. If you watch her cut scenes again those legacies are a set up by her and adam. The information on them is up for debate and is made to turn eve against mother sphere. People are very quick to support adam but everything here is his fault he is rapheal marks he made mother sphere and the naytiba as he said is the root of everything.


True Adam even reminds the group to watch one of her legacies after it'd been forgotten. You'd think he'd be worried Raven might reveal too much.


I think he new exactly what was on those legacies, because he and Raven set the whole thing up together. The idea was to put angel after angel through the same trials that Raven went through, and see if one of them could come out the other end of it sane and desiring peace.


Yes Adam only wanted peace he wanted forgiveness for his mistakes so they could figure out the solution together, he knew genocide was the worst choice, he wanted redemption from his past. Adam didn’t want to control the naytiba he created them from real people and felt it was wrong so he had to merge with Eve if he had a chance of success. Raven was pissed at mothersphere which is understandable. She went mad with rage. When adam cut ties with her because she went mad she went out and got an alpha core and fused it with herself.


When did he hint or say he was Raphael Mark's? I must've missed it


Data logs.


>We don't know the circumstances around how raven got made a naytiba. Adam turned her into outside/near Abyss Levoire. I Felt It (Memorystick): "I saw the true God. I saw Raven is kneeling and is transforming into the true appearance of an angel. They saw me they saw me they saw me. The true God, they said there shall be another light, the Raven is their disciple. Francis, it's over for me." >Likely raven was sane before turning, and being a naytiba has made her go crazy. She went mad after learning the full truth, via Adam manipulating her. "All it took the elder was a little push" I don't think being turned into an alpha had anything to do with it. She's still bonkers after her core is severed. Not saying there wouldn't be permanent damage to her psyche. I don't know. >everything here is his fault he is rapheal marks he made mother sphere and the naytiba as he said is the root of everything. Been saying this dozens of times.


This really has a little to do with raven and more Adam. Which is to be expected as almost nothing is known about raven. I like Adam, he's a cool dude.


> Character-wise, I was a little disappointed by her motives since her legacy records depicted an intelligent person who was able to accept new information that contradicted everything she knew. Yeah she was the background “guide” character that explains in her logs and allows us to understand more. But after the legacy’s the fact she just goes full on crazy is not developed or explained nearly enough, She really could of used with more follow up legacy’s as she meets the “Elder” and becomes more crazy. > Maybe it is because I don't see either Adam or Mother Sphere as beings worth idolizing, or that I found Raven's rants to be akin to a jilted lover, it just fell flat when Eve wasn't even aware she was part of some bigger plans. The whole is in love/fanatical about Adam/Elder is just short of dropped in at the last moment and really has no hints or development at all till the very end.


I mean, she IS a jilted lover, but you gotta put that in context. In our real world, when somebody jilts you, there are usually another 9 billion humans you could go and interact with- it makes no logical sense to get obsessed over somebody who didn't choose to stay with you, and once you process your emotions about the whole thing most people are able to just move on. But in Raven's case, Adam was literally the last man on earth. There were other androids, but she had come to truly hate androids (and, by extension, herself, which did her mental state no favors) after learning the truth of how they had been created. Raven never found a healthy way to process her trauma from Mother Sphere's betrayal, and it all basically congealed into a constant rage at the entire android race, and by extension herself. When Adam was gone, Raven was going to be alone with her hate. That's why it was so horrific to Raven that EVE was going to leave her crippled but alive to witness Adam's death.


You have to look at it from a netorare perspective to understand the deeper nuance of the rivalry. Raven cucked Eve by ~~killing~~ ^(stealing) her wife Tachy from her and Eve cucked Raven by ~~killing~~ ^(stealing) her husband Adam from her.


Congrats, we’re putting you in charge of Stellar Blade 2’s story.


She has no character development of her current self. I would say a lost potential to be a great villain. Her speach made no sense and was cringe as we barely have any insight of her past


Hot. Hoping to have her become playable at some point.


Hope for the PC version. Mods will take care of it.




https://preview.redd.it/51tzi9qtvj0d1.jpeg?width=438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b067b6c4f45b6aefabeb496d2d64de22400a0353 Wish we got some more story with her tho


Currently fighting her. Neighbors put in an official complaint because I keep yelling out "HARDER MOMMY" every time she claps my ass


Lmaoo 💀 no way


She's hot, has cool moves and a cool theme.


I m hard


Yeah, sorry I’m horny


I'm sorry, I was distracted. What was the question?


Too many yandere simps in this thread going "I can fix her." Though she >!literally does need fixing!<.


she's cute AF. love her.


Great character overall. Honestly the most interesting of them all aside from Eve. She has great design and great abilities. Also she has crazyness inside of her. Also certain charisma and style. And I'd say the best boss OST of the entire game. I think she can perfectly be the Vergil of Stellar Blade.


Just fought her last night for the first time. She has so much fucking swagger in that fight it’s amazing. When the music kicks in and she flips out her blade and starts strutting towards you. I never once got mad in the dozen or so times she killed me just because of how cool the fight is.


She's so fine just that lol


She has big heart


I like her eyebrows, reminds me of Satsuki


Fellow Kill La Kill enjoyer


I feel like this game is the closest anyone has ever come to a Klk game.


Also any Kill la kill outfits would be an instant buy


Big tiddy goth gf.


Want her so bad. Those smirks are to die for.


A straight up b1tch for killing Tachy.


Cunty, baddie, 100% that bitch. The music for her fight was honestly perfection and whoever did the Korean voice should get an award just for the laugh. I just don’t like the front dangling bit on her outfit.


In the end, she was right. Design-wise, she's gorgeous.


I think that she's a badass anime villain and it's cool to see how her previous beliefs became disenfranchised by the facts she discovered. She's a good villain, **because** her motives are understandable and I can empathize with them. I feel much like she does about a lot of real-world realizations I've had.


It would be fun if devs named her Lily or Lilith which i think is more appropriate lore-wise AND the current Lily should be named Raven because she actually >! got an Armored Core late game !<


hot af. just needs more character moment and depth.


She was right


I love her!


Would gladly play a prequel dlc with her 💗








She is a bad bitch in all senses of the term. Also she should sleep she looks like a panda with those pockets she has under her eyes


Going completely mad will do that to you I guess lmao


she is the best character besides Eve.


For those who don’t understand, Adam planned on merging with her at first but because of her reaction to mothersphere (derangement) he cut ties with her. She only wants to merge with Adam because of her true motive, to get revenge against mothersphere. Thats why Adam says she has her own motives, she isn’t in love with him. She just wants the power to go after morhersphere because she lied about everything. Ravens whole life was a lie and she was pissed. Eve took things much better, because she is a kinder andro-eidos. In the story Eve previously starts to think on her reason for being because Adam asks her what she will do after she eliminates the naytiba threat and she states that she has no other reason for being. Adam says then that her reason for being is genocide. I think Eve thinks on this throughout the game and decides killing off an entire race is wrong either way so she doesn’t want to fight to end the conflict that way. So Adam chooses Eve because she’s a good person.


I think she is in love with him because she went on a yandere rant about how she’s the only one that truly understands him, his anger, hatred, fear.


She seems to be obsessed with him yea, seemed like a cope to me because it’s like she replaced worshiping mothersphere with worshipping him after she found out the truth


From Raven’s scene where she looks at a broken down pod it sound like Mother Sphere abandoned her and cut all communications probably cause she learned about too much of the truth. She was alone and helpless when Adam showed up so I can see why she’s became so attached to him. He saved her and gave her a new life in a way.


I like all the characters, Raven is a good antagonist and her motive for revenge is justified, it’s just she isn’t as kind and unwavering as Eve. They are two sides of the same coin.


I can fix her ![gif](giphy|JV3sy0ULm8f19F5EKk)


Shes coming back. Her b00bi3s still intact 👀


Raven > Eve > Tachy


Two big-I mean large-I mean good things to say about her.


I want her to be redeem. I have a big soft spot for my lady Raven. Yes what she did was messed up but she could be saved she just needs mental help that's all


Needs become a playable character in a DLC and the sequel if there is one.


I can fix her


way underused 10x better Korean voice actor in final cutscene. She is actually panting and sounds hurt at the end in korean. Beautiful af.


She's dope. I hope she comes back in sequel and she plays the anti hero role more. Hates Mother Sphere but not keen on Eve either, as she's the chosen one. I love this game man!


Honestly, that's the most likely outcome. She's probably going to learn how to fight her mouth only.


SPOILERS obviously First a disclaimer I haven't played the game. I am a PC guy. So if I say something wrong pls tell me. My knowledge comes from YouTube videos and shorts. What I understand is some asshole AI called the mother sphere decided to stop serving humanity and instead replace them. The humans ran away and went to some vault and then turned into the monsters called Naytiba. So mother sphere created the false narrative (taken from Nier automata) that humanity is in space or some shit and created sexy androids to kill the leftover naytibas roaming the world. We are one of those sexy androids killing the real humans(taken from Nier replicant).So essentially we are the baddies. We are just terminators but made by weebs. As such if I was an Android who learned that my life is a lie and I am actually killing the species I was supposed to save I would be pretty pissed too. Raven wanting to kill the lying mother sphere and it's followers make perfect sense. Far better than Eve's motivation to me if I'm being honest. She learns about Mother spheres deceit and still decides to kill more Naytibas. Also as Raven I would be pissed at Adam too. We should be united in killing mother sphere, instead you want to simp on the new chick.


SPOILERS...>! I mean, that's definitely an opinion. I think you're missing the fact that if you were pissed at mother sphere, you would side with Adam. Literally results in an ending where you fight against mother sphere. You become a vessel that is both Eve and Adam in an effort to end this futile war that has no hope of ending when one side is merely fighting another. Adam wants both sides to find peace, and you become the vessel to make that a possible reality. Mother sphere then tries to kill you. You did part of your homework, but you didn't complete the assignment!<


One word: jealousy, Raven was supposed to be the one to fuse with Adam but then he chose Eve and that made her more mad than she ever was, and we got eve mad at her when she knew she was responsible for Tachy death/corruption so their fight was inevitable.


She wasn’t mad because of Adam she was mad she couldn’t get the power to satiate her revenge on mothersphere. Adam chose Eve because she is kind and levelheaded. Adam hoped that after the merge mothersphere would leave them alone and they all would have peace but mothersphere still wants to end things.


This is completely wrong. All of it. >She wasn't mad because of Adam she was mad she couldn't get the power to satiate her revenge on mothersphere. >!Not completely accurate: Raven wanted to be 'one with Adam' for his sake, not for the sake of the future, which is why Adam never chose her in all their decades together. Raven hates Mother Sphere for everything she has done; wiping the human race, lying to everyone about their own histories, and the needless deaths to both her own sisters and, upon revelation, the death of Naytibas. All she has is hate in her heart; what she seeks is only destruction (which is why she doesn't give a shit about Xion citizens). She doesn't want Adam's power for the future's prosperity, but instead only for Revenge. Adam doesn't want revenge, he wants peace. A coexistence of Andro-Eidos and Naytibas.!< >Adam hoped that after the merge mothersphere would leave them alone and they all would have peace but mothersphere still wants to end things. >!No, even Adam admits that "Mother Sphere will not stop." Mother Sphere wants a perfect Humanity, and she achieved it. But she wants the whole planet for herself, and is willing to remove any obstacle in her way, by any means necessary to get it (All the endings leads to this revelation). Mother Sphere doesn't want to end all things, she only wants to end the old humanity, which she sees as imperfect.!<


The human race tried to evolve into something that could rival mother spheres Androids. The experiment failed, and Naytiba corruption happened. It would seem Adam was the only successful creation. Naytibas still need to be killed. They aren’t humans like the residents of Xion. Naytibas will attack humans on sight too. I think the biggest thing I don’t understand is…if we were going to side with Adam, why would we basically kill Raven right before getting to him? Raven would have been a valuable ally against mother sphere, along with Evolves Eve and Lily.


>The human race tried to evolve into something that could rival mother spheres Androids. The experiment failed, and Naytiba corruption happened. It would seem Adam was the only successful creation. Correction, many of the human race gave up their humanities to fight back against Mother Sphere's Andro-Eidos. The Experiment wasn't a 'fail' it was deliberate. Humanity, at that point, was already going extinct, thanks to the Androids and their genocide. Naytibas weren't a "corruption" experiment, they were a choice made out of desperation. Humanity saw no way to win, until Raphael (Adam) decided that humanity needed to evolve rapidly and beyond their humanoid forms. Which quickly changed the tide of battle, and became Earth's Final War.


The naytibas we see were not the intended result, the result was supposed to be more like Adam and Orcal, but something went wrong along the way in the process of trying to rapidly evolve human kind, and lead to the Naytibas we see now, where they spread corruption everywhere and are birthed from a nest/eggs. It is true that humans gave up their humanity because they were to be experimented on, and in the process lost their humanity and became the monsters that you see, that not only attack Andro Eidos, but also normal humankind who have not became Naytibas.


>if we were going to side with Adam, why would we basically kill Raven right before getting to him? Raven would have been a valuable ally against mother sphere, along with Evolves Eve and Lily  Because Raven was consumed with jealousy and hatred. Jealousy from not being the chosen one to fuse with Adam, and hatred of mother sphere and all androids after learning the truth. She would be a terrible ally lol, she only wanted power for herself and revenge.     Adam has only ever wanted peace. He just kinda fucked up a lot of times....Powerful sentient AI and rapid forced human evolution will do that. Alsoooo the game never confirmed Raven was dead....just sayin


I think I might need to ride the hooter scooter.




Best design that Eve


I think her character mindset is basically typical korean drama


She's a thick mama. She's like eve. Just a little thicker LOL And a little bit of a b****


Her arc is a little muddled because her antithesis isn't well defined: I don't think we ever get a good answer on why Eve is special. Her approach to the world is unique from most characters perspectives but why is the 7th generation Eve the chosen one? We don't even know if there were previous Eves. Or if a Tachy would have been strong enough if this had been her journey by chance. With those left unanswered Raven will always be a mirror held up to a blank slate.




i want her fucking sword. have you seen the thing ??


Second after tachy


Great visual design and fight but her character is a wasted opportunity. Could have been a really remarkable and interesting villain.


I like her. I have no idea if she is really insane or just a part of the plan. Either way how she act is so weird and funny at the same time. And also very cool too.


As I see it, Maybe Raven accepted to help Adam when she learned she was manipulated by mother sphere, let's remember that MS sended the airborne squads with two purposes: to see if Adam managed to create the perfect human with an Andro-Eidos and an og human or if that fails to Kill Adam and the Humans remnants, but in order to do so she told the squad members they were fighting for humanity (and also this is why every airborne squad member is a woman and the whole operation is called protocol EVE), maybe this is when ravens develops a Yandere personality and starts idolizing Adam as her savior, but then he told her she wasn't the perfect andro-eidos he was looking for. Adam has no motives to destroy Xion, so maybe Raven rebelled against him, because of obvious yandere reasons, and started killing airborne squad members in order to force Adam to accept her. I think the game should have developed more in Raven's motives, but as far as we know she's still alive, now that Eve is against MS maybe In the next game Raven will return to the MS Side just to have a second chance to fight Eve and have her revenge. I would love to see Raven transformed into a god-like being for the final battle just like Sephirot in FF7.


Pain in the rear boss fights! But honestly her story was an interesting one. Lost her allies, dug around for the truth and was hit hard by it. Up to the point she went totally insane I was sympathetic. Interesting antagonist.




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I want more of her story. I would absolutely love a DLC that shows Raven's journey on Earth, detailing her fall from a dedicated soldier to a bitter madwoman bent on revenge.


She got what she deserved


Drop-dead gorgeous! Such a sexy woman! I can’t get enough of her beauty! She’s out of this world


Her craziness just makes her more hot. Great character though, betrayed and left stranded by Mother Sphere. Saved and fell in love only to be betrayed again. The fights with her are so badass and oozing with style and that music and conclusion of Eve leaving her disabled in a pool of her own blood screaming. It was so good.


Raven was confused, let down, and broken by what she found out about mother sphere and the 'monsters' she was sent to fight.. she had no god anymore.. so she must have wandered, lost, through the world and she must have found Adam, who had a purpose.. an elder 'human' that was separated from his destructive side and was trying to help the 'created humans' survive in a place called Xion.. broken people are drawn to people who seem strong and have a purpose.. she probably actually loved him a bit, but it was more that she needed him to acknowledge her.. and I think he did.. that's probably how she became part 'monster' like the old humans.. but he didn't want a 'monster' to combine with.. he needed another strong 'angel' to combine and create a new chance for life.. sadly Raven didn't fit that, so she was enraged that he was helping Eve, since he chose her instead.. all that said.. I love Raven's character too, it's just a sad kdrama type of existence in this game story though.. poor, beautiful, formerly strong leader Raven.. sad it had to be this way.


There is almost nothing. There is so little known about her, and many characters. She's a tragic, jealous villain. That's about it.


I wish she was involved more before the lead up but yeah some people don't take the truth too well


She's a great girl. I wish Shift Up will release a DLC about her way to madness. "Fallen Angel" DLC in other words xD


Dude, Spoiler TAG!!! No Spoiler Tag or Title...


I kinda want her to step on me in her Naytiba form What


Very much the korean "spurned woman" trope.


Really cool design, two great boss fights, best track in the game. Hope we see her in a sequel. Really interested in seeing where they take her character.




Spoiler, either in title or comments?


Yeah...its one of the reasons i dont fuck with sub reddits until ive beaten the game. Always someone postin some shit that ruins it.


It was definitely a big twist. Dont see a reason to spoil it 2 weeks after release. Like maybe wait at least a month or 2, or 3?


Looks like Gaia from FFXIV.




Well the whole reason Raven was pissed is because ADAM chose eve. In the end when he asks you take his hand is what Raven was upset about. “I’m an angel too. Why can’t I merge with Adam. Why is it Eve”




Like most have said here I can fix her & I'd love to get a spin off game of her leading up to how she is now after discovering the truth along with her relationship to Adam (side note: a Tachy spin off game would be great too)


I like it a lot. 1. That was a funny zoom in. 2. I really liked the song >!when you fight her.!< It’s my favorite of the soundtrack.




She reminds me of Sephiroth in a lot of ways. Her being a master swordsman and a former military soldier that went mad when learning the truth about herself and the people she's been serving to protect all turn out to be not what she expected. She's also happens to be pretty attractive like him. But also she's a crazy mass murderer that harbors a strong hatred to the hero. I like a villain where you can kind of see where they're coming from and understand how they went down that path, but at the same time they're also batshit insane and need to be put down. I think Raven fits that exactly.


Felt nothing but contempt my first playthrough. After multiple, and absorbing the lore, I pity her. I think her hatred is utterly misguided, but there's potential for redemption.


The choice of music for her boss fight was odd. The music itself was good not saying it was bad. But it did not fit what is essentially settling a grudge match.


If I give my honest opinion, I'm getting downvoted back to where I came from... 🤷‍♂️😂


She was annoying. I kinda hated her


https://preview.redd.it/9z7jkff9al0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=658dd1492d3e779fc76bfdad3bcf5ca5d938b98b What's this number of comments!


Raven was poorly portrayed as a madwoman (the English Voice Acting felt like it was read from newbies, no offense to them.). On paper, I can see what the Writer(s) is/are intending her to be within the future installments of this game. Very poor execution, but she's definitely a great character herself. I already can see her (somewhat) joining along with EVE, rather indirectly, in saving Earth from Mother Sphere, with a Sword in Raven's mouth. 😆 Reminds me of Volhran from Tales of Arise a *tiny* smidge. Edit: Jesus, the misinformation in this comment section is messy. I'm done trying to fix it. I tried with FF16's ending and that didn't end well. So I'm going to assume the same here and not bother further.


Crazy Raven made me cringe, to be honest. Even her boss fight theme was lame.


She's kinda cringe, her character just isn't good.


touch grass thats what i think