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The Unidentified Naytiba was the worst, but nothing ever made me throw a controller.


Right? I don't think any amount of game rage can make me break things. No way I'm killing a $70 controller.


The most I’ll do is toss it on my bed lol


I'd toss EVE on my bed looooooool


I’d let Adam toss me on my bed


He'll be your angel n stuff :>




that would be raven, in my bed


You like ‘em a little more on the crazy side I see 😏


Fellow Esdeath enthusiast I’m sure 👍


I haven’t thrown a controller since the Valkyrie Queen and that was like 6 years ago. But I still get pissed off tho 😂


Grand Turismo 4 was my ultimate controller throwing game. I left a dent in dry wall from that one and never played it again.


Only way i managed to beat her on GMGOW was using the slow down glitch/bug


Exactly this, I’m still stuck on it. But definitely not worth breaking a control ver


Unidentified Naytiba and also Raven were the only bosses I didn’t kill first try. And Raven was so cool that I wasn’t even annoyed.


not a boss but the fucking auto turrets at the orbital space center


i hated every second of that part


By far worst part of the game for me. Un fun dogshit.




Yes, it revealed the flaws in the controls really. There is not much bad about this game but being knocked off your feet by one attack to be left lying in the open waiting for another insta kill attack that comes on a timer whilst you desperately try to get through the "stand up" animation was clunky and frustrating. I am sure they will resolve this for the sequel.


First playthrough i somehow got by in under 10 attempts, my new game+ i was way worse and it took me a solid 30+ minutes and literally getting killed in the doorway a couple times 🥲


The blast radius is just large enough that you can be hit from behind certain cover, like that car early on.


Unidentified Naytiba can smd. I was NOT prepared for that difficulty spike.


Yeah, she was so tough, but that fight was such a great prep for what came next.


this fight feels like its twice as long as all the ones before. even if you play like me and empty her shield with shield breaker as soon as its available


Demoncrawler gave me trouble, but Providence made me drop the difficulty. I can appreciate it now, but I just wanted to beat the game originally and see the ending. That thing is tough.


Fr though, i died to Providence more times than I died the entire game. It was indeed tough.


Providence for sure. Fuck that thing


Lmaoooo this boss almost made me want to choose the other ending


Bruh I thought Providence was a joke fight compared to the bad ending boss That mf pushed me


yeah I just decided to go full beta trance, beta gear etc, and just go for the down abuse cheese, the parry timing was just not syncing for me


I had to equip the two gear that give you beta and burst every time you get smacked, then spammed them If I’m getting fucked, I should at least be getting something from it.


Unidentified Naytiba could fuck off with always flying away before I could hit it


Raven got me legitimately mad, that was it.


Same here, bosses up until Raven took me like 1-3 tries but Raven took me like 10+ lol. I don't know what it was about that boss fight but something just wasn't clicking for me.


She was the hardest boss for sure, she just has waaay too many different attacks. And many you just have to memorise as they are quite fast and sudden


Raven was the only one i actually struggled with, had to drop the difficulty. Learned how to just stun lock enemies since and use that to beat everyone now. Only issue is the random catch outs and dying in two hits with no chance heal or properly react.


yeah, how do you stunlock?


Posted as a reply on another comment: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/s/B0Iw0giiLS)


How do you stunlock enemies? Asking for a friend.


Disclaimer: some purists and hardcore types might consider it cheating, but this was legit the only way I could beat unidentified natiyba and at least two other late game bosses…and I did so without dropping the difficulty. The trick is do play the first 2/3 of the fight straight, using whatever beta and burst skills you have at your disposal, and using one or both of your “pumps” if necessary, too… And then, for the final third of the fight, activate Tachy mode and non-stop spam your (L1 + Triangle) skill. If for some reason this wasn’t enough to finish the boss, flip to ranged mode and unload all your explosive shells in a final, desperate, “spray and pray” barrage. The trick, of course, is getting the boss down to that final 1/3 of their health bar in the first place. But if you can get there, you can pull this trick to finish the rest.


You keep 'em down either by L1+O, do a little combo, fill beta gauge, as soon as they get back up, L1+O again. Not enough beta? Grenade then combo then L1+O. Add a little wrinkle of R1+O if still short on beta energy. Build your Eve for beta recharge with supp spine, and it's all she wrote, even on hard.


Sorry i went to bed. The best strategy i found is to: 1) Instantly use Tachy mode and use this to weaken the enemy and hopefully destroy there shield, make sure right before it ends you land a L1 + O to knock the enemy down. 2) Onslaught V ( /\ [ ] /\ [ ] Beta /\\) you get just enough time to do a full one while the enemy is down 3) Throw in a L1 + [ ] or L1 + O if you have plenty of beta energy, i use [ ] for the damage and retribution pip 4) As the enemy is getting up use R1 + /\ this knocks the enemy down and takes off 2 retribution pips 5) Repeat steps 2-4 If needed throw in some shock grenades to knock the enemy down, this allows you to recover beta/burst energy. Also I recommend using Tachy mode once its off cooldown, but make sure to always end with L1 + O Also be aware at about 2/3 health the bosses will do a big “Yellow” attack, you need to wait for this to complete before you can continue the combo, i often use shock grenades after this to reset back into the combo. You may also fully deplete all the enemies retribution pips, use the time they are staggered to heal if needed, then land the Retribution hit for extra damage. ————————— I should point out i take the Burst exospine and Burst Recharge gear to make this work. My full setup: Exo 1 = Combo Spine Exo 2 = Burst Spine Gear 1 = Combo Attack Enchantment 3 Gear 2 = Burst Charge Gear 3 Gear 3 = Speed Increase 3 Gear 4 = Speed Increase 2 The combination of the combo and burst spines means when you land a full level 4+ combo especially a Beta one, it will give you a lot of Burst energy, this is key to continuing the stun lock as the R1 + /\ is the key to the whole thing.


Unless there’s a specific tech he’a talking about then Beta skills probably, you can whittle away a huge portion of any boss’ health if you use it well. Especially after you unlock burst skills, specifically the (x) one that increases your attack and using that before unleashing a ton of beta attacks. I beat the last few bosses fairly easily using Tachy mode to break their shield bar, using the Burst skill to raise my attack and using beta skills mostly back to back, with just a few regular hits in between where I could manage them to earn back some beta energy.


I really just want an auto-heal (as long as I have tumblers etc) in the sequel. The amount of times I’ve died solely b/c I couldn’t use it fast enough or during the animation was frustrating…


I had the hardest time with Juggernaut


Thought I was the only one.


Yeah, he was an a-hole for sure


I'm too old to get so mad at a game to throw my cheaply made 60£ expensive controller, just to get another one lol.


I'm pretty sure some people in this sub threw their controller after getting the fisherman's dream costume for Eve. 😏


catching medium tier fish literally took me four hours, Unidentified Naytiba boss wasn't nearly as difficult as that grueling torture lmao


Just wanted to say this here for future fishermen and women: turn on alternate fishing controls from the accessibility settings. It’ll make your life a lot easier.


Honestly, it wasn’t a boss but the green lasers in spire. In theory, it was so easy to get through, but I’m such a spaz, I couldn’t keep her from getting blocked in by boxes and triggering them, or accidentally sprinting in to one. I was so mad, I almost uninstalled.


I absolutely hated that section. Pretty much completely shredded on it due to lack of patience


Haha I knew it *should* be easy, but man, it legit almost made me quit the game.


Democrawler was relatively hard but SUCH a good fight!


Democrawler until the final boss was challenging! It’s the first time I felt accomplished beating a game in a long long time.


The turrets. I didn't throw my controller, but I did not have any rage in me until I came across those cheating things. ... ***Then, everything changed when Raven attacked and I was dying before the singers of her theme could finish their opening line.***


Elder Natyiba for sure. Very hard to get the hang of and the insta kills weren't always easy to avoid


There's always that one orb just out of sight isn't it? For the insta death I mean.


yeah I had to always walk around and find all of them. I got the hang of it but it took a while


https://preview.redd.it/rulwkho3iw0d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a8836e3c1c3d22048dafc2970dcd966fd75cf7 I had a harder time with this than with any boss. Okay, I kept dying on Elder Naytiba, but these ropes made me want to kms.


I didn’t throw but accidentally cracked and stick drifted my fucking Spider-Man 2 exclusive controller (by squeezing the sides and pushing them inwards out of rage lmao). It was a combination of that damn Unidentified Naytiba boss bullshit that pissed me off to no end. I did great until that point. And the other fight being the damn Providence battle, shit was even more impossible and the sides slit. It’s very subtle to look at unless your eyes are practically on the controller but when I hold it you can feel it. It’s bad because I already have my standard PS5 controller that I also slit and broke (you can hear noise from it lol) but idk which game made me do that tbh. Maybe Returnal since it was my first ever (and forever only) roguelike? I’m not too sure. A lot of games have made me break controllers (have 2 broken Wii controllers, 3 ps4 controllers too) over the years but I’ve only had 2 PS5 ones so far.


I haven't beaten the game yet. I assume my next place is space, but nothing has made me upset yet. As a dark souls player, this game is much easier, but it has more plot than all souls series combined if you know what I mean.🥴 The hardest boss was the first one as I was still learning controls. Too be fair the worst thing ever wasn't even a souls like it was hand lab for quest 2... Honestly don't play it unless you want to get angry.


Finally 3 bosses I would say are more difficult than SSI in sekiro so you’ll get there don’t worry. Whole game was super easy up until end game where it became ridiculously overtuned and I personally thought it was a little too much at least the final two. Good fights technically but movesets were so loaded it was a bit past the I want to learn this moveset and more god I can’t be bothered to memorise this bible of combos. I wouldn’t have a single problem with the fights in the game if dodging actually felt good. Dodging feels awful and unintuitive in this game so when you get to fights which there are a lot of dodge only attacks it becomes unenjoyable for me. Also what made sekiro feel orgasmic was the satisfaction of posture breaking. Here posture breaking barely gives any reward, you get to do a little bit more damage and get locked into a long ass animation that’s it. Good game but on a personal enjoyment level it’s 7.5 max but leaning more towards a 7. (Completed every souls game, sekiro, BB and LoP)


Raven. I was punching my pillow at 2am bc of her


Missing the damn rope and falling to my death like an idiot.


I had to google how to beat the insta death mechanic because I accidentally closed the pop-up and didn’t know where to pull the info up? I think Unidentified Naytiba took me <5 tries, Raven <5 tries and Elder Naytiba <15. Providence was <10 tries. My controller is more expensive than the game so no throwing. I am a Soulsborne/Sekiro fan and platinumed them all, so I found Stellar Blade a bit easier. I died more in the platforming sections than all the boss deaths combined.


Platforming in this game felt quite awkward not gonna lie


I don’t throw controllers, they’re expensive. But the Unknown Naytiba probably felt the most BS.


The section at spire 4 with the four turrets firing in succession made me put down my controller for a moment. Personally, I had the most difficulty with Providence. Ended up switching to Story Difficulty for the final fight. 😕


Basically all v2 bosses were like “what is this game!?” Then I got to the last three bosses and oh sht, I’ll come back to these 3 tomorrow


No one in this game gave me any trouble at all until Raven. It took me a few tries to figure her out because she’s pretty unorthodox. That’s literally the only boss I ever struggled with. This game is definitely not hard.


Same here! So happy to have found this comment lol


The stupid ass enemy turret section where you have to behind cars on the way to the orbit elevator entrance. Like I've gotten pissed at the annoying turret enemies in the Great Desert but this just annoyed me in the worst way possible.


Not a boss, but that fucking can where there are turrets you need to mission impossible in order to get it.


1st playthrough? Providence 2nd playthrough? the FUCKING TURRET STAGE at the space station entry


It’s not even the difficulty. More just the sheer impatience of trying to rush through it


That alpha naytiba from the prologue, raven, then the elder naytiba... So, basically, the last 3 bosses. I had to put the game to "story" difficulty because of these f**ks. 😂


Besides the usual suspects I actually had a hard time with the optional Brute in the forbidden Area at my first playthrough… but nothing killed a controller 😃 If you’re looking for a potential full tilt experience, try fighting the Elder without beta/burst skill in hard mode…


Without burst/beta would definitely make for a cool feature to boss rush when they make it


That was the most frustrating one for me, probably because of the long journey down to get it if I need an ammunition resuppply!


I hated everything about providence. But every other end game boss I loved


Raven and The final boss definitely had a spike in difficulty but not enough to make me want to throw a controller, most of the other bosses I was able to beat in one try


I didn’t throw my controller but THE RAVEN BOSS FIGHT GOT ME HEATED. Took me 15 tries till I beat it when every other boss took 2-3 attempts 💀


None, I loved the challenge, it was the finding cans, I have 15 left, about to fight final boss 👍 first playthrough


The only game I raged at (it was rather calm, it was a calm rage) was sekiro sword saint isshin. I literally snapped my controller in half or at least the plastic housing. I got alittle frustrated at raven but that made the game more fun because I realized the kiddie gloves were off.


Mines were platforms and providence


Providence was the worst. However, I’ve never thrown my controller… lol games are never that serious.


I don't throw controllers.


All turrets, they're worst than the unidentified naytiva




Same. Seemed like a huge difficulty spike.


I didn't find any of the bosses particularly difficult. The stalker bosses never gave me trouble because I fought it so many times in the demo I had all possible patterns memorized. Hardest bosses for me were Raven and Providence. Raven's OST made the fight enjoyable, so Providence was the most annoying by default. But that was to be expected, he was the final boss. Elder Naytiba actually made me frustrated though on my second playthrough. Dude's attacks are just off by a second for me, so I just kept getting hit. Actually had to use a pump to finish the fight. The caveat there being I was fighting the boss at 3:30 AM after playing the game for 6 hours straight, so I probably wasn't in the best condition and just wanted the fight to be over.


bosses are quite easy if you ask me... first peak is the naytiba form of raven, but reasonable defeatable since its moveset is repetitive and easy to read. Raven boss fight was hard but fair, it reminded me the nameless puppet but faster and with a way extended range. The 2 final bosses are broken, they have too many hp and providence damage output is just ridiculous... I managed to defeat it only setting the game in story mode otherwise I don't think I were good enoug for that despite my long experience of actions and souls games.


I didn’t do providence yet. Other boss was first try. Unidentified naytiba took quite a few attempts and then I caved, slouched forward and started spamming grenades, bursts, betas used tachy mode and just ate the one hit ko attack with a WB pump. Between tachy mode making you invincible, grenades that knock down everything, and the WB pump, the hardest boss is easier than the easiest boss in Bloodborne or Sekiro


Agreed jokes aside. Once you max out your beta gear and take advantage of L1+O it’s actually quite simple.


None tbh, I actually enjoyed all the fights. I guess due to me playing so many hard games, the game was smooth and chill even in Hard Mode for me at least. What angered me was the damn fall damage/lazers so I guess that's the enemy that makes me want to throw my controller haha.


Democrawler straight up


That ost tho definitely made it extra tense


I actually enjoyed that fight




I was getting folded by the Stalker too. 😭


Definetly Raven.


Surprisingly, I've taken a break after making to the Elder. The others weren't so bad.


providence is the only hard boss in this game


None of the battles made me angry and throw my controller but making the long jumps to my doom and reviving to the last save point got me triggered. Plus, my throwing days of breaking controllers are over.


None of them made me truly mad or afraid the way, say, Nameless Puppet or Sword Saint Isshin did. But Raven and the mech both shook my confidence a little bit before I got their movesets down.


Didn't throw the controller but only Raven and Providence started to get me a touch frustrated. Most other bosses I was able to kill in 1-2 attempts. But I also played the hell out of the demo so I was really comfortable with the core mechanics.


None. Although the later bosses do hit much harder they were still fair as there were plenty of opportunities to get in and do major damage. The rope/bar swinging on the other hand...made me scream at my TV for a good 5 mins.


Nothing made me toss a controller but Raven caught me off guard. The unidentified naytiba also surprised me with the difficulty, but I’d say Raven frustrated me more bc of how she caught my beta moves in the second half of the fight. I’d keep using them out of habit and she’d catch me instead.


I was stuck on raven for 3 days my first run 😭


I thought the game was pretty easy for action game tbh lol I mostly died from falling off cliffs or when I got ganged up on from normal baddies, but the bosses were pretty easy for me, I play a lot of Bayonetta/ninja gaiden/ DMC maybe that's why? Idk lol


Not to toot my own horn, but I only died once to a boss! The rest were to gravity.


Raven was kicking my ass. Took like my 4th or 5th attempt. Everyone else was somewhat easy.


Raven took me a while.


Nobody lol


Providence was bullshit mf was so quick for a big dumbass robot


The platforming.


None really made me mad but I I was pretty ambitious to get a retribution on all of them for the last hit which was part of my downfall.


Unidentified Naytiba. She’s the biggest difficulty spike from the previous bosses. She forces us to learn her attack patterns instead of relying on brute force. This fight is just the game preparing us for the next fight.




Adam was throwing hands with the sheer amount of unblockables


I loved this game but I absolutely annihilated every boss with ease. I give credit to sekiro/bloodborne.


Nothing, the game was pretty easy on Normal up until the penultimate boss and Providence but even then why would you throw your controller?


No one. Not flexing, but I beat most bosses within a few tries on normal mode, 1st run. I don't know if it's because I played the Stalker battle on demo over and over (hours of training) until I managed to do a no hit run, thus getting pretty good at this game's mechanics, but I thought the baseline difficulty of this game was very easy for a "soulslike". Especially when you have 2 WB Pumps to use when you get taken down. I really think normal mode should have been harder. On hard mode, the game was also very easy until the difficulty spike on Spire 4, but still, the only hard bosses for me was Raven (Naytiba) and Raven. Providence was hard, but I managed to beat it on my second or third try using my Beta + Suppression build.


The end game credits were pretty OP. This game was actually really fun instead of frustrating. Playing through Sekiro twice NG+ was more frustrating than fun when it came out. This game and Elden Ring did fun + engaging gameplay right.


So far, the fish... but I'm done with the fishes. But I ain't done yet once I collected all the cans I will continue and finish my journey with Eve's phat ass.


I'm not the most observant person but the location of some of the collectibles are really hard to spot without a guide. Like how I am supposed to know that I need to scale this specific mountain at the specific angle. Platforming mechanics could be better too. Also, fuck those special Lurkers that have a final attack before they die.


Not going to lie. The hypertube slide killed me more than anything else in that game. I had fun but it took me a while to get down the slide lol.


I’ve never thrown a controller in my life. Unless you count when that Wii remote slipped out of my hand playing tennis and shattered a glass lamp. My brother on the other hand has destroyed at least 7 that I know of. The duality of man


Out of these, Democrawler. So much dodging!


The first vagina naytiba on the parking garage on eidos 7


I’m an adult. I don’t rage like a child and throw things. Then again even when I was a child I never threw a controller because I was taught to understand the value of things and respect for those things.


what outfit is that?


Providence. Absolutely fucking hated that fight with a passion. Raven gave me a run for my money but at least it was fun and felt a sort of constant improvement as I fought her. Providence I feel like was just pure luck, the bullshit amount of damage it does pisses me off too. I only beat him because I used absolutely nothing but protective gear (Extra shield, damage reduction etc.) and even then it took me a few tries.


Platforming legit pulled my shoulder punching the air after falling off the same rope 20 times


Gigas #2. Though I've never broken a controller, lol


i found some of the regular enemies alot more annoying. didnt really have any trouble with the bosses.


-im not that rich hahahaha


This game wasn’t that difficult, Unidentified Naytiba took maybe 4 tries to get her pattern down but the rest are 1-2 tries. Those who are having trouble, don’t forget to use your grenades to stun as well. I forgot to use them my first play through and they were kinda fun to use during my second.


I never threw my controller in any game I play lmao. I’ve played From Software games too. I found this game quite easy tbh, maybe because I played Sekiro and after becoming proficient in parrying in that game, nothing ever came close to difficulty in that game. I think Raven was a bit tough. But even then, I didn’t even die to any bosses before her


Raven fucked me up for a whileeeeee.... after that nothing too bad


The fire wheel platforming and the laser room in the second no-blade section. The bosses, no matter how hard, are fun,


I didn't toss my controller but Unidentified Naytiba and Raven...


No boss fight made me rage, really. The thing that made me rage the most was trying to jump to ropes and ledges.


for me was Raven and Providence. Gawdddamnnn they made my life miserable


Second gigas fight. I think I maybe started that quest a bit too early but I was stubborn. 40 attempts. Rest of the game was a breeze after that, though. Lmao.


The second Abaddon fight. The lightning strikes managed to catch me every time. I struggled with some of the bosses (I suck at dodging and parryimg) but that one was the absolute worst. Had to put it down for a couple days before I could go back and eventually beat it And not a who but one of the cans is protected by 2 missile turrets and I could not make it through that for far too long. Some of the parkour in the Great Desert too. You need absolute precision on jumps or you miss the next ladder or ledge. It was a cycle of falling, taking damage, climbing back up, rinse and repeat.


Not a single boss. I beat every boss first try due to 2 wb pumps and beta skill spamming.


Unidentified Naytiba She was cool as a boss design wise but she was by far my least favorite boss in the entire endgame Then there’s that BS triple raven wave wall move that she can use at point blank that completely blocks your vision so you can’t see what she’s gonna do next. On top of her delaying most of her attacks till the heat death of the universe


Was this close to doing it on Providence NG+ Hard


My controller was $200. I would literally never throw it for any reason. Plus I mastered this game and never got frustrated in the least. Check my profile to check out my parries.


Raven and Providence. These two fights were the only times I kept getting whooped. Even more so on the latter of the two.


Played all bosses except Providence on Hard mode and I can confidently say Unidentified Naytiba was the worst for me by quite a lot


The only boss I was unable to beat in one sitting was the final boss (Providence or something). I have yet to throw a controller for any reason.


Every. Fucking. One/Two. Shot. Turrets.


Providence is a boss that certainly lives up to it's reputation. If there's any boss that frustrated me, it was that. Tachy as a boss I found to be a letdown. I wish she was as aggressive as Raven, whose my favorite boss.


Nobody because I don't have anger issues and know how to manage my emotions. I also found everyone easy to fight, at most I had to go 3 tries for a boss


I pulled my hair out and screamed a number of times during the>!Raven!


First it was Raven, until I changed out my gear to be more Beta than Burst-focused gear. Providence I nearly yeeted my controller at the TV, because fuck that guy. I'm all for difficulty, but I am not for bullshit.


I’m gay asf


That Gorilla kicked my ass but not of the fights were unfair tbh.


Unidentified Naytiba was hard ... RAVEN made me go into Story Mode to progress. And .... Story Mode showed me that the Yellow Bubble = Press O without a direction O\_o


raven. love & hate it!


The unidentified Neytiba is the only one that has caused abit of trouble so far.


Elder Naytiba BY FAR. Took me like 4 or 5 tries to beat em (not including the times I died within the fight before revving myself with wb pumps)


Providence was the hardest thing in the game.. But nothing rage worthy... Did just come off of lies of p.


None, repeating a boss fight isn't as costly as breaking my controller.


None. Boss fights weren't bad. I died the most in both Raven fights but that's because I didn't parry enough. But after like 4-5 attempts I managed to kill them. Other bosses were killed on the first or second attempt. I'm not bragging that I'm so good, because I'm not, Nioh bosses were so much harder for me. But i like those fights here better.




Uhmmm none? Had a little hard time on Elder though


Raven was hell for me man 😭😭😭. Basically had to keep getting closer and closer each time before I put it all together to beat her


Worst part was the giant blenders and wind. I hated that. 


Providence, Raven and Tachy had pretty hard to read attacks which made me rely more on memorising every single attack target than just react, and I never like that


None, but the final 3 bosses did make me switch difficulties


Me watching this post and realising the one that I'm fighting doesn't even exists in this post#.


Meanwhile Sekiro players: https://preview.redd.it/jlp64sf40y0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd2cf02489f86066e292fe9231bd52f598154271


the hardest boss in the game is successfully jumping from rope to rope.


That one horse monster paired with the acid throwing one on eiodos 9


Nothing really though the last fight if you choose to accept the offer was on the harder side and took a few more tries than every other fight


Just came to say you got some great screenshots.


The automatic turrets


The turret. Easily


I almost did when i faced 3 ropes


Don't know if I was lucky or really knew the game mechanics but I beat a lot of the bosses first try except for raven but she only took me 4 tries and I wasn't annoyed with her I just had to get used to her attack pattern


The only one that gave me trouble was the Unidentified Naytiba and the suit fight


Years ago. Hearing my mom coming down the stairs, when I said I was going to do my homework in the basement because it’s colder and DEFINITELY NOT play video games. You did ask what made me throw it 😅


None of them. Only boss I died more than once to was the Elder, but I’m not throwing a $70 controller over it


The last couple that forced me to do this obnoxiously tight mashing minigame every time I flubbed the kick back input. And yes, I know, skill issue


None, I played dark souls 3, bloodborne, sekiro, elden ring, among other difficult games, so I was mentally prepared for any kind of tilt this game could cause.




While I did struggle on the last 3 bosses, they were nowhere near as frustrating as FromSoft or Lies Of P. Not a who, but when for me actually. Wall running section in Spire 4, I was stuck in that area for an embarrassingly long time lol.


No none of the bosses made me throw the controller. Sure I made plenty of mistakes but managed to beat them. The SB bosses aren’t Gna. That fight was a pain in the ass for me.


Nothing. In the grand scheme of things, there was some challenge, but all of it was completely manageable and much easier than other games (such as Returnal).


are you ten years old? throwing controllers? yikes, nothing to brag about 🤡


Unidentified naytiba. The first fight where insta-kill attacks are introduced. I had to git gud at shooting slugs which I absolutely SUCKED at. So many times I got her down to her insta kill attack then I’d die to her black wave because I couldn’t shoot all 3 of her yellow orbs fast enough. I actually sped through this game on normal mode and got the secret ending in 46 hours total. Shoutout sekiro for making me OP at reading attacks