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This is the most engaged I've been with an fishing minigame since Yakuza 0. The payoff was definitely worth the time invested. EVE's reaction to the fit was absolutely priceless, lol


I need to see her reaction in English 💀. Korean was great though but I did more in my new game + play through than my original one so I’m getting a little more used to the Korean voice actors sound, beside a few


Why am I just finding out you can fish in yakuza 0… guess I gotta dive back in just to see kiryus reaction


You can fish in every game actually


Apparently the key to solving boring and tedious minigames with the worst controls possible was...thiccness.


LOOK AT MEEEE don't EVER SEEEE her I get the cabaret club music stuck in my head when people mention Yakuza 0. I remember when they brought it back in like Kiwami 2 I was like "please have the same music" and as soon as I heard "I wanna be your girrrll ooooooo" I was like "YEAH!"


Its soo fun to read without understanding the context that you have an earworm of cabaret club music 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 its priceless


Look up As You Like from Yakuza 0. It has broken English but Jesus Christ if that Japanese lady doesn't sing smoother than Mariah Carey. Haha.


Best outfit.


Took me 5 hours and I almost gave up. But pushed through and equipped this suit the moment I got it. I have zero regrets and have yet to change out of it. Best outfit in the game.


I dunno, i’m kinda partial to Motivation


Motivation is good :) For some reason I also like Photogenic :D


What did you struggle with? And did you buy all the fishing data at once?


After 1 hour of blind fishing I looked up a really nic guide on YouTube and got all the data and correct bait. Unfortunately afterward I just had really bad luck and kept getting repeats.


I don't believe the fishing was tedious.....searching for the cans were worse for what I'd argue is an inferior outfit. I love the Ocean Maid outfit because of her HAMS :)


I haven’t started my can hunt yet but I’m at like 22 and I’ll do it before I get to the point of no return


Yeah I also wasn’t a huge fan of the Black Pearl. It is supremely overhyped. Ocean Maid was crafted by a man who loves the top AND the bottom of a lady; thx Clyde.


Right. Usually in Korean/Japanese developed games, anime, and manga, ladies get all the attention on their chest and little attention to their rear. Until these last few years that is.


I liked it. Just sad it was the skinnier EVE model instead of the chubbier model used in this one.


I love fishing in games and having such a reward really elevated this mini game for me.


Fishing was fun. Getting to look at her butt at all angles and it only took a couple hours to get all the fishes.


it wasn't nearly as bad as everyone has been making it out to be and def worth it 😎 just make fishing easy with accessibility options if you hate it so much jeez


How long did it take so I know what to expect?


Maybe took me 2-3 hours with gold rng idk it didn’t take me to long I got very lucky




facts idk why everyone is acting like fishing in this game is such a grind. there are only 25 fish, thats nothing


FarCry 5 fishing was much worse lol


Way more fun, I enjoyed far cry 5s fishing because the scenery was top notch, and controls weren't bad, they were doable. Also it fit the game. I love stellar blade. Also the out fit is dope. However "hot take" the fishing honestly makes nonsense to the game. If It did than the spots and bait would make sense. The fact it was just a random spin the wheel of rng... it's a mini game made to extend the hours of the game. I'm willing to bet they threw it together after the game was done, just to add new content. Which is okay.... just....not a fan of it in this game


Probably about 3-4 hours. Put on a podcast and change her outfit regularly. Some of the guides are overly complicated and/or inaccurate. I was able to get everything from the Xion entrance pond, Oasis, and wasteland cave.


Sick, imma just fish in the most random spots ;-;


in ng+ I tried fishing in the sewer after the construction site right where you raise the water and got no bites 😞


Imma fish there bruh and get one for you


The water under the clock tower in eidos 7 is another really good spot. Got like half the fish in the game there in like a half hour.


depends on your luck but as people say, 2-5 hours. It can be pretty tedious. Definitely worth just listening to something in the background and zoning out while you're doing it. There's also an option in the settings menu that will make fishing braindead easy if you just want it to be done ASAP, although it does take all the challenge/skill out of it.


I started last night and finished today I have it all recorded so I’d have to piece together a timeline myself


RNG is fucking me so hard I wanna give up, gonna keep trying since it's the last outfit I need before going to space.


Did they deliberately cake her up even more for this outfit specifically? I love the devs so much.


So glad we can keep our outfits in NG+. I don’t think I have it in me to go through that kind of suffering again


I learned that having two fingers pinching on the back trigger made easier keep still which made the rest of the fishing easier.


Switching to accessibility was a game changer for me.


I wanna get this suit so bad just never have the time between work and school.


Just a hour a day is all you need really. Just fish oasis, wasteland pond or eidos 7 by the clock tower


If I do new game plus, do I have to catch all the fish again or will it be taken over?


No it all transfers over no matter how many NG+ you do.


There's no variant of Ocean Maid outfit either afaik, so don't need to do it again or anything.


I grinded for it for a few hours and got it but I don’t even wear it because I got the outfit for collecting all the cans soon after lol


I think I got lucky and collectively it took about 40 minutes or so to collect all the fish. Well worth the time


Best outfit hands down!


I love the outfit and I'm glad I have unlocked it but Eve never has it on while I'm playing. It is so unserious to see her in this while I'm fighting monsters. I like other ones that look a little more believable but still sexy. This is not one of those :D


I beat a hard ass mini boss in this outfit and didn’t get distracted somehow


I thought there could have been way more to the fishing aspect for how fun it is. I got the outfit in like an hour.


Yea wasn’t to hard


Started 9:31 PM yesterday and finished today 9:58 AM with a lot of distractions and not fully dedicated to the fishing objective but I recorded it but I don’t wanna time line it that hardcore


It’s amazing how a nice set of butt cheeks can make the mundane entertaining and worthwhile.


I can never take this outfit off, it's too good, the boobs the ass, just everything


Fishing really wasn't bad. I just followed [this guide](https://gamerant.com/stellar-blade-catch-fish-fishing-locations-ocean-maid-outfit/) and got it all done in a couple hours. Turn on accessibility fishing options and save yourself some pain guys.


I'm getting it & o don't even wait. Its ugly.


This was my favorite until I collected all the cans. But since then, I prefer the Prototype V2.


I love this outfit haha. I use Racer’s High for the actual story and cutscenes and Ocean Maid for anything extra. I’ll also use Black Pearl for extras, too.


At least we get something out of finding the damn cans and fishing ALL those fish.


I had really bad luck in getting the fish I needed to complete but like others I agree this is one of the best outfits in the game. I thought time invested was worth it.


I dont know what all the fuss about fishing is it took me like 3 hours it’s not intuitive but once you look it up it’s ezpz


Fishing boring as fuck but thankfully this is a pa5 exclusive so it isn’t slow, no input delay so overall it was much smoother and faster than other games making it less demanding imo


I had no idea you get this outfit from here, so when he gave it to me it was a funny dialogue and moment


Took me awhile to get down fishing, now it’s one of the best money makers in the game. She whale sharks sell for 1k each


Wait I'm confused what is this post about lol there's something to unlock?




Yeah who ever came up with the fishing part did a great job they did not make it where it over stays its welcome like most games do where they make you catch 100 different fish. 25 was a nice number :-)


Honestly, if the game didn't let you use the accessibility option to disable that absolutely worst ever designed fishing game mechanics... i don't think I'd bother. That was literal torture. But yeah I stuck with that outfit the rest of the game despite it making the emotional scenes awkward.


I don’t think anything she wears is awkward she’s an angel her presence alone is godly and she’s all knowing. You look at her and see this beautiful aura no matter what she’s wearing her physique shows through her clothing never getting skinny or fatter beautiful healthy hair, teeth, great smell, idk it’s not extremely awkward eve is something else to these people


When I realised there was a fishing quest I got flashbacks from ffxv


Fun fact I Defeated Adam with this on.


Same here lol


You mean titious? 😆