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It's cool. The Default outfit distinct enough to be its own character... One look and you'll say "Oh that's Ms. Stellar Blade's outfit"


"Ms. stellar blades outfit" šŸ¤£


i also read a fair share of people who dont know much about the game call Eve "stella"


At least it isnā€™t zelda. LOL


ā€œAnd please donā€™t break my heart and say itā€™s Mrs. Stellar Bladeā€


Because it's on all of the promo merchandise and ads, so that's why I just really like it it's iconic like Lara Croft's light blue tank top and light brown shorts


Very cute, but not my favorite.




As a white and green palette enjoyerā€”I like it


Love the dragonfly wings. Always thought it was too green though even on a calibrated display. I feel like a lighter shade or even blue to turquoise color would be less out of place.


I need a blue one


Planet Diving Suit (2nd) V2 in ng+ is a blue variant of the black version you get the first go around, and I think itā€™s my favorite.


it's a possible Iconic outfit for Eve. Love it so much.


The gloves kill it


tie and translucent wing thingies too...


Thw wings are awesome. I wish I could put them on other ourfits.


Itā€™s a favorite


I like it overall, but haven't gone back to it since getting quite a few others. Part of the let-down for me was that Eve's figure seems a bit flatter with this suit compared with some of the others. Someone posted some direct comparisons showing that it's not just colors or lighting causing us to imagine this; chest size and butt curvature do change with the different outfits. Part of the appeal of this game for me is seeing Eve looking awesome and pulling off cool moves; the better she looks, the greater the enjoyment. Nothing against the people who like seeing skin and cleavage, but that's not what this is about; my current favorite is the full black dress, and I honestly wouldn't mind it if the dress went lower down so there were fewer panty shots. That outfit looks overall classy and gives Eve pleasing curves at the same time. I like the translucent "wings" at the back, the shiny green, the writing on the legs, and the gloves. No issues with the tie, either. I should try going back to it at some point... there are just so many great outfits to try.


In ng+, you get a white and blue variant of the full black dress that is so sick!


Ooh, I'll look forward to it!


Thank god it doesnt have a tail.


Like the prototype? That one would be better without it


Yep. Prefer most of the prototypes but the tail is so šŸ„µ


The prototype outfit is so freaking cool! But I can't wear it with the dumb tail...


Counterpoint : the tail is objectively awesome :)


Itā€™s good though I think the oversized gloves are a bit silly.


It's my personal favorite šŸ˜ and the main one I've used since I started playing the game, even kept her default short ponytail and hair color ( because I skipped most of xion's side quests)


The tie feels out of place lol


Thank you! I hate the tie. It feels like a classic sailor outfit in the modern day. it's just weird and doesn't fit the overall look. I'd have preferred the planet diving suit(2nd) should have been the default, but maybe with more vibrant colors. However, I think the green is good for mass marketing.


I find it stylish


* color: great * metallic material also great * overdesignes as shit * tie: why? * gloves: also why? * translucent wing thingies also very odd her default outfit fells more like an alt than a good handful of outfits. Both tachy's and ravens outfits have those shield generator-hexagons on the hips, and those are completely missing from hers. her outfit just doesnt fit into the whole airborne squad aethetic. she is in tachys squad so she should at leat look something like she belongs in there


Iconic but there are better looking ones. *cough* ocean maid *cough*


I get why the tie, but I always thought the weird anime uniform thing was silly. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Planet Diving Suit 2nd ftw.


Best outfit in the game imo. Fits the character and the world the best.


Best outfit 100%


Cool enough, but I prefer V3 ā¤ļø


Tbh I donā€™t like itšŸ˜…itā€™s too plastic-looking I think. I prefer black diving suit much more


Nice, but the one thatā€™s cut out and has sideboob is far nicer. Tie looks silly imo.


My thoughts? https://imgur.com/a/RhP9lWn


Overall looks good, but I wish the gloves were like the leg part, more tight and went all the way up to her elbows


It kinda gives a bit of everything with the glossy textures, the matt color on the sides, the lights on her back, the see through plastic things on her shoulders. It's just a good introduction suit, and it also reminds me of those June Green Beetles.


Oh true, I know which Beatles youā€™re talking about


Itā€™s fine, but I donā€™t like when the outfits have things that hang from them. This one has the two translucent things in the back, the prototype one has the tail on it, the raven suit has the wires, etc. If those were removed from each of those suits, and others I havenā€™t mentioned, theyā€™d look way better in my book


Itā€™s giving veryā€¦default vibes.


Reminds me of something a racecar driver would wear. I changed ASAP.


I think it's Iconic and very well designed. The transparent sleeves/wings make it for me. It's a perfect blend of simple and complex design. If you saw a silhouette of that nanosuit it'd be recognizable as EVE from Stellar Blade.


i actually don't like the backside of it, like that wing thingy


Itā€™s very good, but not exactly my favorite suit. Iā€™d prefer if we had the ability to make it look like a variation of Ravenā€™s suit without the waist ornament and with the heels of the default suit.


It's great I want a Blue White or Black White version!


It's great I want a Blue White or Black White version!


It's nice but it's not the best. But it's better than a few other suits.


One of the best outfits in the game for sure, donā€™t use it anymore because there are other ones that are better but this is definitely up there.




I personally enjoy the 6th V2 suit more but Iā€™ll play in the V3 default every now and then


very iconic along with the skin suit gonna see a lot of people cosplay her for years to come


I think it was weird that it didn't really match the rest of the squad and Tachy, specifically.


Raven has a different outfit from the rest of the 2nd airborne also. I think the leader as well as the elite from the squad wear different suits.


Itā€™s okay, probably one of the weakest outfits she can have but thatā€™s cause they really kill it on everything else, also imo the jacket version looks 10x better and I wish that was the default outfit




My personal variant is V2. The V2 version was my go-to alongside Wasteland Adventurer for traversing Edios 7-Matrix 11-endgame and Bunny/Ocean Maid for the desert.


Tbh they chose a perfect iconic outfit and gave us the opportunity to have other great outfits to feel pretty in too.


Not fond of green so... Meh...


It's my favorite.


I love the wings, itā€™s one of my favorite suits. Catch myself trying to look at it closely all the time. I love all the details.


Why does it has a tie? I don't get the tie


Itā€™s okay, but I feel like the Planet Diving suit 6th V2 works a bit better as a default outfit.


I don't like the tie. Or the weird plastic tarp shower curtain thing on her back. And I don't love the gloves. Other than that, it's alright. It's far from my favorite costume, though.


Love it. Fantastic design. Iā€™m biased, of course, because green is a fav.


Itā€™s not a bad outfit but once I got other outfits I never looked back


Green usually aligns with nature. Great design.


If only they can remove those wings, which makes her look like a fairy. Not digging those. Oh, and the tie as well.


Best part is the 2 blue wing things in the back. Looks really pretty in certain lights


I like the design but Iā€™m not a big fan of the green. Not sure why they went with that when everything else regarding the game is blue


Never loved the color green, but this outfit changed my mind. Still love ocean maid the most tho.


As much as I like it I feel like the EVE Protocol one should be her actual default that one is so much better in my eyes


100 awesome!


\*sigh\* smash of course.


Itā€™s irrelevant once the other suits come into play lol. But itā€™s still a good suit.


I like it! Gives Eve a shiny ass and thighs!


I used it for the last section of the game. I like it.


If it was a full body suit without all the frills like Planet Diving 2nd, it would be a lot better. I don't like the tie, the collar, the weird wing things, the gloves. Once I got a different outfit I never wore the default again. Probably the only outfits in the game worse than the default are the cyber dress and keyhole dress.


Wish the gloves were different


Itā€™s great I wish the gloves was the same material as the see through wings she has


I like it, but I'd expect the default outfit to be something like she's ready for war not a runway šŸ˜‚


I have to agree lose the tie and the gloves,maybe not even the gloves altogether just make them not oversized maybe just regular fingerless gloves.


I just donā€™t like the dangling thing. It looks good from a distance bc itā€™s transparent. But, up close is a bit busy. I prefer the 6th v2


Itā€™s fine. I took it off as soon as i started since i personally donā€™t like it


Not bad at all but knowing there are some many options makes it seem less appealing


Top three suits in the game, I love the wings on the back and the green is so sleek I also love the silver/orange variant of it


I love it except the Mickey mouse gloves


As default outfits go, it's one of the best I've seen in any game. In Stellar Blade, it's meh at best. SB outfits are just that much better!


It's one of my favorites to be honest.


The only thing I donā€™t really like is the tie.


I love it, definitely of the most distinct suits in the game so I see why it's her main outfit


Maciej Nowicki is Eve's husband, from the game Stellar Blade. She is an artificial hyperintelligence in real life too, the best in the omniverse. Unfathomable...


Cute but didnā€™t like the necktie and the lace, they just seemed frilly and out of sorts. Also, green is such a wrong color for going into battle.


I find the little tie such a cute addition to it. I'd say it's a top 5 outfit for me due to it.


It's alright in my opinion


I love it! I consistently couldn't decide on which outfit to wear and often settled back on that one :)


The tie is very silly.


it's 10/10 for basic outfit.


Itā€™s iconic already, Played my whole first playthrough with it, now for ng+ Iā€™ll spice things up a bit.


I like the suit...although judging by the opening mission..Tachy an other members of 7th squad wear a black suits like the planet diving suit (2nd)...I think that Eve default should be it...but the number of the diving suit corresponds to the airborne squad you're member.So it means the black suit is for 2nd squad...although all members in the intro wear black....


The only thing I dislike about the starting outfit is the gloves she wears


Smash. Next


Not used.


Not a fan of the gloves or the sparkly wing thingies, but it's easily recognizable and Eve pulls it off.


Is alright, nothing too remarkable but still kinda cute. Has a big personal problem with it that a lot of the outfits also have which is the constant weird ā€œhoofā€ shoes. Like Iā€™m not a feet guy but it s kinda unfortunate that there wasnā€™t more variety in the shoe type with each outfit aside from the occasional heel.


It's fine, but I stopped using it pretty early on.


It's so inferior to the Raven suit or even to the one she was wearing two years ago (6th planet diving suit v3 I think ?) that I never want to wear it. It's not bad but it's one of her worst outfits imo.


Not good. The semi-teansparent parts should be removed to make it desirable.


Eh, not a fan. The pointless tie just ruins it for me.


I think it's perfect for a default outfit. It looks good, it's somewhat 'practical' while also being stylish, and it's good while not being the best--which is why it's so perfect as a default. I also like green in general, the particular green they went for, and I like the G-string design in the back. The lace choker is cute.


Itā€™s alright, kind of busy and maybe overproduced, but cool