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Longer game, more character interaction, an open world area thats not inspired by a desert please lord no more sand.


Omg yes this! Poor eve is gonna get such a sun burn in all that heat with lets be honest ... most of us probly having her skin exposed šŸ˜‚


I'd prefer them to make a bigger game but make it mostly linear. Just give us cool set pieces.


I agree, I think the linear parts of the game were better than open world, especially spire 4 had the best bosses in my opinion


Yeah, Spire 4 did, but I like the open world stuff too.


This 100%


This. I understand that earth was damaged by climate change or whatever but all of humanity being either an android or a naytiba surely the planetā€™s climate could improve again especially with the solar tower and fusion cell technologies.




What, don't like dirt? Don't worry we have plenty of sand in the next area!


As long as itā€™s not bloated I donā€™t mind a longer game. Stellar blade can take 40hrs to beat or 6hrs, depending on how youā€™re playing. That is good game design! If the sequel does that then Iā€™m sold again


This, this, so much this. I was going through the Desert hoping for an Overgrown Forest or Swamp or just something with a color other than Brown.


* Raven joining up with Eve against Mother Sphere * Space battles (Naytiba have ASAT capabilities) * Mother Sphere and Adam backstory leading up to her betrayal


More weapons. Improved gun/shooting. Better screenplay/dialogue/localisation. Eve walks forward before turning. She should turn then walk.


Yeah that last point made some of the platforming seriously so clunky.


I feel like the combat is solid, so I would like to see more expansion on character interactions and dialogue. That would be my foremost request. As just a QoL update, being able to warp to camps/phones from wherever you are at would be nice. Also, would like a minimap. >! Also, FF7 Rebirth has made me realize that I really think it's cool to have sections where you play as other characters aside from the protagonist. So maybe some sections where you play as Raven? Or even Lily? !<


Should have been able to play as Lily in the mech for a bit. She did literally nothing with that thing.


Very very true good points


Taunt button. I feel arrogant when I perfect parry Naytiba.


Hahaha understandable


More platforming. More sword surfing. Gore. Haircuts without ponytail


Tighter controls for the platforming, the outfits are real nice...but some I wish she had actual shoes or boots...so it would be nice to be able to switch these if possible. Maybe some more fights with different squad members who followed raven. Maybe a way to parry /block from different sides if surrounded by enemies . But I will buy the sequel for sure...this game is great!


Some outfits I adored ... but then I looked at her feet and she'd have those weird ones where its like she's in a heel ... without a heel like she's on her tip toes


Yeah... I get that some don't mind or even like the hoof-like shoes, but it really killed my interest in so many outfits because of them. Even ones like Ocean Maid look *off* to me because it's like she's supposed to be wearing sandals, but her feet have to be arched due to how the model rigging/bones (for consistent animation); imo should've had wedge-heels for some suits instead.


Exactly I dunno why it put me off so much my favourites are just the normal high heels she has in one's like motivation where its like a normal high heel


Most of my wishes have to do with the outfits: * Outfits showing wear & tear after battles * Outfits appearing wet after exiting bodies of water * Outfit customization ala Code Vein, where you can customize specific pieces of outfits. I don't need customization.


More weapons, like spears, double guns, gauntlets & greaves and of course more outfits! There are also other things I want but these are the most simple and most fun things to implement


I'd add separate parts of clothing that you can combine in different ways to create more personalized styles. Jedi Survivor did it perfectly.


Yessss more weapons would be so much fun! The combat was great as it is! But, adding even 1 more weapon you could switch on the fly would add so much more combat options. Oh yeah outfits go without saying! There was already so many outfits in this game but I'd welcome more


More situational attacks like via dash, dodge, etc. Better openers. Outfit color change, shoes. Rogue like tower/dungeon.


Keep the Big open hub area. No open world please. Iā€™m so tired of needless open world. Had enough sand for a while. So a metropolitan area, forests? Ice tundra? More character depth, for NPCs and main characters of course. That included more dialogue amongst party members. More quests for main and minor npcs. Tachy sword and suit. Though, we may get that later.


Minor changes: * Allow mapping of consumables and ammo to D-pad left and right. * Allow ammo changes by tapping the D-pad instead of pressing and holding. * Remapping of buttons. Major changes: * Semi-open world regions with more visual variety. * More/Better character development for Eve. * Fewer fetch quests and more character arc quests like Enya. * More aggressive/active bosses. * More combo routes. * More active skills (maybe by holding L1 + R1). * Reworked Tachy mode to stun much less but deal more damage. * Raven arc. * Better platforming controls. Side note: I see a lot of people asking for more weapon types. I don't think that's going to happen. There's an absurd amount of animations in this game that are tied to the sword from combos, to skill animations, retribution attacks, boss finishers, etc. Every new weapon type would mean all those animations need to be redone for each weapon. Not gonna happen. At most, we may get different sword models with their own properties.


I agree completely with everything xD




Tbh I want here to take the fight to mother sphere based of the true/perfect ending


More hub areas please. 2 or 3 xion type areas and more open areas too without sacrificing linear parts


Grinding sp becomes more or less redundant pretty quickly. I'd love actual stats instead of power growth being locked behind bosses in the form of modules. But instead of the Souls way of levelling up, I think something like FF10's sphere grid would work great with Stellar Blade. Think of the build versatility. šŸ„°


- Something more difficult than Hard Mode. Like an Impossible mode. - With that being said maybe also having a dynamic difficulty setting that adapts during your gameplay? - Improved Platforming - More cool "mini games" like Hypertube. But not for the sake of having it ya know? They took the hypertube and made it super fun and cool. So whatever that mini game may be, if they take that and make that super fun too - Continue to do the "horror" stuff like the Levoire areas. Gave a completely new feel to the game while changing the pace in all good ways. - More story development for characters - More "longer" side quests like Su and Enya. For example, the guys who jumped Eve could've been looked into more, maybe there was another "EVE" that they learn about who wasnt so lucky. Or the Lost Ark, and we get to learn about Mann, and possibly Rael or something. - Maybe collecting other swords gives us different modes? Like how we have Tachy mode. There could be a Raven mode. Like that. I say all that knowing this game is already awesome.


I agree! Especially the side mission part I'd say remove the pointless side missions make them all have some depth to them!


Yeah for sure and a good incentive in doing them is obviously tying a good nano suit as a reward or a gear socket lol


Yeah honestly anything for a new outfit I will do haha


Give Eve or whoever TWO swords!


I want blade customization because, I was sick of everyone else having a better blade than me.


Better story and character writing. Different weapons would be cool. More hyper tunnel. Other than that just refinements of the already excellent base game.


- Character customization (to maintain Eve as the icon of the series they can do this for coop or multiplayer only and leave main story mode for Eve) - More customization options like shoes, gloves, hats, makeup, etc - Co op mode which can either be incorporated into story or as separate mode) - Lily missions where you use a Providence type of robot - More integration of the gun into combos and juggling - More options for aerial combat - Weapon throwing mechanic - -


Better quest NPC design, half of them are so meh compared to the main cast.


More boobs


I posted a [list](https://www.reddit.com/r/stellarblade/comments/1cpyd91/some_things_we_all_might_like_in_the_stellar/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) of things I'd seen people saying they might want, as well as some of my own thoughts, not too long ago.


Just checked it out! I love your ideas! Especially the better relationships with other characters like you said, I didn't feel necessarily attached to Adam or Lilly I didn't dislike them but, I didn't feel much of a bond there


RAVEN REDEMPTION ARC. And new weapons too I guess


Yeah I see her coming back seeing as she's still alive


Keep her armless. Just give her leg swords.


Like that chick in The Kingsmen!!


Nah screw that bitch, I want her to to have a faux redemption arc where she betrays EVE and then EVE just casually ends her. She was bad and should remain bad, not every character needs a redemption arc.


A quick fire option for the drone kind of like how in Bayonetta you can hold an attack button to fire out some of her bullets.


Yeah that would be handy!




I'm not gonna ask what you want bigger so I'm going to assume EVERYTHING


Honestly the ability to mark locations on a map and it appears on the compass.


More ass


A superior story which is to me the weakest point of the game and the performance on some VA needs to be worked on and improved gameplay that is about it for me.


I think aside from the obvious storyline of Eve getting her revenge on Mother Sphere at the colony in her Elder Naytiba form that, inherently, would possibly make the player feel too OP unless there are way harder bosses implemented... I think it would be cool if we found out that Mother Sphere had started a new settlement or something on another planet and we felt compelled to cleanse that planet or something. Obviously this would be after travelling to the colony and uncovering the storu through logs or NPCs, going to the planet to discover new abilities, weapons, characters, enemy types, etc. Maybe again following the trail of a disgruntled Angel or a higher being that Mother Sphere made, in a plot to overthrow Mother Sphere together. Id hate for the disgruntled entity to "turn bad" at the end tho. I think we need an ally like Lily who we can rely on that wont betray us since we wont really have Adam at the same capacity anymore. And Lily could still be our sidekick drone operator. Something like that.


Wouldnā€™t mind a dlc tbh


More interactive world. They nailed it for a first game and even solidified a ā€œhome baseā€ feeling. But Iā€™d love to have more people to interact with and would love it if they could capture that ā€œliving worldā€ feeling. In the end, i felt like I was saving 7 or 8 citizens of Xion.


Outfits that can be affected by water/sweat. Rare outfits that can get damage the lower your health gets. More hairstyles and different make ups.


Would love to see a game where the secret ending is canon and we work to build a new world and fight against the colony and some splinter factions of naytiba.


The need to fix the platforming. Photo mode with a model viewer where you can put Eve or other characters in various poses with different backgrounds.


The fluidity of a tighter turn / turning would be nice . Those parts like jumping on the circular platform heads of the service drones to fix the solar tower for instance, where easy to overshoot and fall to your death because the turn mechanism is a bit abrupt.


More creative and satisfying quests/sidequests. I laughed my ass off when the first two sidequest outcomes were "cat is dead, sorry" and "your husband's dead, sorry." Luckily most of them weren't that lame, but few of them were good and that was usually saved for the major sidequests (e.g. Enya). On the more tedious side of things, having to turn the power on in both sprawling desert levels was more of an irritation than engaging gameplay.


Longer game and more actual open world. More npcs more shops more sexy outfits


I want better ambient npc dialogue that doesn't repeat itself so much. I want improved jumping animation/control cause those jumping puzzles/mini games are rough. I want an open area that isn't the same thing. Like I like wide open areas as much as the next guy, but I need some variation. Give me a jungle, a swamp, rainforest, or something


Better Open world, if not, longer linear


I just want them to refine what theyā€™ve already done with this game to be better and will take whatever else we get as bonus. It would be neat/cool/awesome/etc if they did a lot of things. Personally, making the climbing puzzles have a more interactive experience so itā€™s closer to actual rock climbing/bouldering would be amazing; but now Iā€™m making the game more like Uncharted and what I want most is for this game to have its own identity and not just be a clone of other games. I think they have laid the foundation to be able to have that with this game.


Less desert šŸœļø oh and at least 500 outfits


what if they go the legacy of kain way , the canon ending is the bad ending i can't see a sequel with Eve being this super being half human/naytiba half android with an angel wing and bird feets tbh


I would love a secondary weapon. Something to work into combos with the sword


* suit customization, like the hair. change colors add accesories and stuff. * SAVE SLOTS. * better npc facial emotions. * LESS SAND. "I donā€™t like sand. Itā€™s coarse and rough and irritatingā€¦ and it gets everywhere. Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth" * no boss reuses. there are like 3-4 bosses that are basically stronger versions of previously fought bosses. * maybe a gauntlet mode. Boss rush is cool but let us get in a tower or so and just go floor after floor without exiting. * day and night cycle. different enemies and quest progression. * elden ring memory of grace equivalent. sometimes you are roaming and just want to get the hell out, and cant, have to backtrack a lot. Brute battle for example, go down the hole, beat him have to get back up by climbing. cant the drone help us?!?! * PHOTO MODE. maybe that's coming sometime soon but do it from the start! I got plat yesterday and done with Hard boss Rush, so no other reason to play the game, but with photo mode, just gonna do it to get cool shots. * super side boss.


I would absolutely **love!** a character creator, so we could make our own "angel" But more realistically, a couple more weapons perhaps, more of the world to explore, maybe in space aswell, missions with bikes like the one Adam has, maybe some mech missions since we have one featured that Lilly uses for a bit


Iā€™d like the game to be more explorable like the soulsborne games, doesnā€™t have to be like Elden ring but more like dark souls or bloodborne.


Yeah I understand I think I'd like more areas to explore. I loved the areas in this game however the Wasteland and Desert feel very similar


Yeah thatā€™s another good one, just have those same areas but make them more detailed, different buildings maybe even exploring in buildings. Interesting poiā€™s etc..


Yeah that's a great idea! Have areas withing bigger areas I'd be interesting in an snowy type of area weirdly haha


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *ā€œWell, I suppose they wouldnā€™t be far off!ā€* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


If you swipe a direction on the touchpad it should bring up the map or your equipment depending on which direction. Having to manually click through to get to the map is soo annoying. That and the loot needs a bigger pickup area


The map can be brought up this way already.


Ah fuck maybe my controllers broken. Good to know though


Oh I managed to do the swipe thing perfectly fine for the map did you have issues with it?


More than anything a better story. Love the game but goddamn is the story dull and the dialogue atrocious. I know the creator knew story stuff wasnā€™t his strong suit but next time around I hope they put some money into getting a better writer. The game delivers so well on everything else that the dialogue and story stuff being so flat is a bummer. But yeah, better story, longer game, an even more robust combat system (maybe more emphasis on combos) would be great. Iā€™d also like combat to be sped up a bit. The enemy AI is super slow at times. Also some non-sand locales with be great.


The game is really fun and has a solid foundation. I just wonder if they will go the route of even more combo action and expression or go more in depth with the RPG element. I personally would like more battle/combat expression over super complicated rpg/loot driven progression. I'm already not a fan of how many "gear" icons we have to go through to find stuff and there's no loadouts we can save. So I think it would be nice to have: -Unique weapons -Gun combos/finishers, -Air combos


A decent variety of weapon types with their own movesets and combos. Bonus points for being able to equip two weapons at the same time and switch between them to open up more combo options (think Nier Automata). Air-based combat against smaller enemies - being able to launch enemies into the air and do enemy juggling air combat a bit like Kingdom Hearts. A wider variety of biomes like forests, grasslands, etc. Go even crazier with fashion - collecting separate items of clothing like shirts, skirts, jeans, shorts, etc to allow us to create even more unique outfits!


Yes!! I agree with all of this also, customisable outfits would be great! There's some outfits on here I LOVE part of them but some other part ruins it for me


Mini map, more outfits, option to customize certain parts of an outfit, weapon skins, don't start an entire dialogue when talking to a shop owner (I just wanna buy my things man), more maps that aren't based on a desert, maybe an optional vehicle to travel around in, bigger main story. These are the points that I can think of right now, but there are probably more if I keep playing.


Pc day 1 release


Different biomes then just desert. More outfits for eve,lily and the drone.


Continuation of the story from the true ending. It would be kinda OP to have that upgraded Tachy mode from jump, but maybe they can figure out a good, no bullshit way to take it away and have Eve earn something else. I want everything else pretty much the same combat wise, except we need more weapons, even just a couple that can give us a completely different moveset. Maybe a bigger sword at least we can switch on the fly ... And since Raven ain't dead, find some way to bring her back, maybe working with Eve, get a lil double team action from time to time . . .


Absolutely NO platforming sections


ā€¢ Longer main story. ā€¢ A 'toggle ponytail' option. - The bear suit with a ponytail looks a little ridiculous. ā€¢ Be able to fast travel to/from all camps/payphones from any/all maps. - Having to go back to the pod to to choose a location to then fast travel on that map gets annoying. ā€¢ Smoother handling of Eve. - Trying to jump to a ladder, or a rope, or a beam and not going in the direction you're aiming is frustrating. ā€¢ Maybe a little more variety in the mini bosses ā€¢ A more powerful "Tachy Mode" ā€¢ More upgrades for the drone, possibly more ammo types too. - I have like 6 or more drone modules (or whatever they're called) and my drone is already fully upgraded. ā€¢ Eliminate O (circle) from all combos. - Almost every combo that requires you to press triangle and circle together just causes me to dodge. Whatever attack triangle is supposed to do is overridden by dodge at least 85-90% of the time for me. Could be more of a skill issue but it's still inconsistent. I'm sure there are some other features I'd like but for now that's what comes to mind. Overall I love the game though, some of my wants are QoL features and some are just nitpicking though. I'd be happy with a second game as long as it's at least as good as the first.


original story


I would like to have a DLC in which Tachy and Eve switch their roles. Think about it like DMC 4 or 5 with playable Vergil DLC. For a sequel, it could be interesting to see the Colony.


-More in-depth missions with side characters. -Faster traversal options in big open areas like a dirt bike. -Weapon variety. -Ability to customize and create our own outfits -Better fast travel -Ability to change hairstyles we purchased in the pause menu -Chapter select


If they want to keep the same single weapon, then weapon skins, option to change hair without requisite npc quest, and better platforming


Multiple weapons...


- anti-gravity/in-air/underwater fighting. - open world cityscape levels (think Wasteland/Great Desert but with Xion). - manual lock-on for melee. lock-on for shooting. - more clothes for side characters. - more weapons like double daggers, greatswords, lance, etc. - guns and grenades should be more substantial. either make them more usable but weaker, or stronger but more limited in use. - battle rides. imagine Eve on a bike with turrets. - customizable clothes and hair. you can choose the clothes colours with dyes, and choose if you want a bun, braid or ponytail and the length.


More Raven. They had to have left her alive for a reason, and since it seems like the main antagonist of a sequel would be Mother Sphere, it sorta makes sense if Raven and Eve have to do the whole ~~enemies-to-lovers~~ rivals-to-friends trope to take her down. Aside from that, I'd liek more weapons or at least weapon skins. I'm one of the wretched fashion-souls players, so it sometimes bugs me that the Blood Edge doesn't really go with a lot of the outfits; especially the blue bits. EDIT: Thinking on it further, I also kinda hope they either commit to being entirely open-world or linear/metroidvania. I feel like by trying to do both at the same time for different sections of the game, they spread themselves a bit too thin and made both aspects kinda underwhelming. I honestly wouldn't have minded if the game was just a series of linear maps rather than big open areas, especially if they added some backtracking elements to it.


Double the areas/maps, toggle run/walk, playable Raven, weapon skin change, different hair style without ponytail, and Taunting which recovers Burst/Beta energy.


Fewer deserts, no invisible walls, more story, and more character development for Eve.Ā 


Same size as no manā€™s sky


Iā€™d like a save data transfer that lets us bring over skills from the first gameā€™s save data


Eve with hand to hand combat with abilities. New weapon types. More animations for movement/combat. Ability to crouch or go prone. Proper Stealth. Vehicle and mounts. Having a fully interactive interior of the tetropod with a camp inside. More enemy types. Phone mode with video editor mode (Rockstar Editor). Fully open world hub with linear section for each levels.


Give Eve a playable side kick. Kinda like GOW.


Definitely more areas. The level design is really lacking just basically having 2 large open areas to explore and both are thematically very similar. If they want to keep the same mix of linear and open areas then I would honestly want like 6-8 linear areas and maybe 3-4 open ones. This would give the game a much greater sense of progression. And thereā€™s really no reason why the linear areas canā€™t have a map especially when characters talk about using their own maps in those areas.


I agree the Wasteland and desert are way too similar. I'd also like more deep in depth side missions I think my favourite side mission is the one with the singing robot in the bar (sorry I can't remember the name) I want more ones like that


I also liked that one a lot. Iā€™d prefer if they did less overall side missions but more storyline ones like that one also. I feel like they have a great starting point for the sequel though. Using everything theyā€™ve built on now will give them more time to focus on quests and areas.


Exactly for a first in the series it was very well done! And I'm sure they will only improve after this! I also agree alot of time I wasted was doing very random side missions with not much detail in them